If you liked
Ayu Mayu
...then you might like
Ane Doki
Both are light reads regarding a male character meeting at least 1 female stranger and getting along with them to the point of love. Lots of comedy and touching scenes in both.
Both of these series are funny and ecchi, where the protagonist ends up living with a cute girl and her little sister. Moreover, a large portion of the manga is set at either school or home. There is a love triangle element present as well. Furthermore, they have above-average artwork in addition to an impeccable storyline - two ingerdients that make any manga an A-list. Finally, both Ane Doki! and Ayu Mayu (I like to call it "Ayu Mayu Nayu;" if you read it, you will understand why) have a relatively small number of chapters (twenty-six and twenty-nine, respectively), which are filled with joy. You
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Both are light ecchi + comedy series...
Both have male MC, who's living with several girls in the same house (harem hahaha, not really)..
Both have your usual/cliché'd school/romcom/sol setting...
Male MC is perverted af....and this series has tsundere ( ffs, enough of tsuntsun's already ) to deal with him....(beating the shit out of him)...
Main girls in both are stupid af....
Both have endings worth of your time, such drama lol....
Overall - just read them....