If you liked
Azumanga Daiou The Animation
...then you might like
Hidamari Sketch
Both are slice-of-life comedies featuring a group of female high school students (and occasionally their teachers). The humor comes primarily from the quirky personalities of the cast in both series, and they share the same laid back atmosphere. The art style of Hidamari is a little more unusual, though.
Recommended by Dorcas_Aurelia
Both are funny nonsensical slice of life shows.
Recommended by zeroryoko1974
Both are funny, slower paced slice-of-life comedies that rely heavily on comedic timing.
Recommended by gloomheart
Both feature similar cast tho Hidamaris cast is more laid back then the cast of Azumanga, they both feature teachers and staff in a supporting comedic role and they both share the same cozy artstyle and general atmosphere tho hidamiaris can be a bit more over the top. Both of these shows also have the same episodic structure were the majoritiy of the episodes are freestanding and can be watched in whatever order you would like.
Both are wholesome stories of schoolgirls having a good time together and forming a strong bond of friendship, with the ocassional intervention of a quirky teacher. Hidamari goes more the SOL way and Azumanga has a heavier focus on comedy, but I am sure that fans of any of the anime will surely enjoy the other series.