s.CRY.ed, Needless Recommendations

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Alter Users or Needless . . . The Lost Ground or the Black Spot . . . Hardly much difference between the two.
report Recommended by RodG
Both anime are about people with supernatural powers living in isolated "district", which unlike the rest of the world is barren, devasteted and lawless.
report Recommended by hajil
Needless is s-CRY-ed with moe fanservice, a less mysterious story, less drama, and less intelligent characters
report Recommended by JustRad
If the spirit of Gurren Lagann met the story of Scryed.....
report Recommended by sawcesome
HOLY in Scryed is like Simeon in Needless, Needless Hunting or Native Alter Hunting, Kazuma or Blade, Ryuho or Eve, Mujo or Arclight.
report Recommended by Shadowanime
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