Utsu Musume Sayuri, Onara Gorou Recommendations

Utsu Musume Sayuri
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Utsu Musume Sayuri
Onara Gorou
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Onara Gorou
Morbidly fascinating shorts that challenge your current way of thinking, current way of life, and everything that is holy and good in this forsaken world. Grotesque but perceptive commentaries on animation as an art form... Like a breeze of fresh air in the fart laden basement room of modern anime. Both shorts evoke feelings of discomfort, arousal, and euphoria. Please watch.
report Recommended by Lemon
There's something about these two that has a way with the bottoms of individuals being very important for about half the events that go down here. I suppose with both being generally hated is something else to speak of. Though I say, for the niche audience who loves abnormalities, these two anime are the way to go for something like no other.
report Recommended by NextUniverse
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