389 finished anime (stories) & 262 manga
( watched all seasons / episodes - not counting OVAs, movies etc. )
( counted manga/manhua/manhwa etc. )
30 finished japanese / semi japanese movie stories
( only movie adaptations stories without parental anime prequel )
( "semi" meaning looks like japanese but isn't on Mal - Le Sommet des dieux )
Started watching since +- October 2017 - 3rd year of high school, lot of spare time, started on Naruto series :)
Hobbies (past) - Cs 1.6., books, battlefield franchise, WoW questing
Hobbies (current) - Manga, anime, volleyball, sfgame
Rating - based on enjoyment /& impact
10 - Really enjoyed watching(reading) & they also had some kind of " impact " on me
9 - Really enjoyed watching(reading), but they didn't give me any " impact "
8 - Enjoyed watching(reading) & they are better than 7 but not as good as 9 in my preferations
7 - My standard rating, not great or bad
6 - Slightly worse than 7 in my preferations
Less than 6 mostly means dropped stuff that I wasn't able to stand to watch(read) to the end. For example due to mc's character, story, morality.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/14un8pRiKQl7ojheM6ZW34nTX-5_KBRLNtabH2heZ-Ss/edit?usp=sharing ( Anime / Cartoon / etc. )
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vku0kYTtPI6RZvRGyyD1Ve_9ljXnr4vHwLW89JoKoEE/edit?usp=sharing ( Manga / Manhwa / Manhua ...)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z7X5TA-7OozZYbZAkQNVPh_p3VSxPYseQ8U213W_BMU/edit?usp=sharing ( Battlefield stats )
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gOkffH16F4p6-TrpNEIErghtpy253pzGDWTkMLtKi4s/edit?usp=sharing ( Series )
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