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uchikina-kinoko Jan 10, 2017 5:52 AM
I'm not understanding, I'm only trying :)

Okay, I get it. If I remember it correct, we don't have 25th and 26th December as free days even in grade school.
No, I don't think that having another calendar would change my life. I'm ok with calendar that I have now. But if I was using “the calendar that the rest of Europe uses” from birth, I'll be ok with it as well.

"the more chaos the better" - when you were smaller and your mother tried to make you clean up your room you told her the same every time? :)
I think world would be way better in the eternal harmony between all the creatures. But it doesn't mean that everything have to conform to the logic, of course.

I can't say for sure: one friend listen almost the same music as me, another somehow gothic, another two into indie, and one (and the only one out of all the people that I ever know) likes K-pop (and out all of these genres, it's the only thing that I don't understand)...
I guess all of them had a 'part' of me and my taste, or, I have all of them as friends and they somehow make my taste... Expect the last one. When we met in one chat for the first time, she liked r'n'b and rap. Both of these genres never were one of my favorite too, only some tracks. But we share some love for the some retro tracks.

I actually never thought about this 'if you change one thing, you have to change many other things as well (theoretically)", but you're right here! Next time if I had an unpleasant conversation, I can say it.

When you'll finish Monogatari second season, tell who's your favorite girl, ok?
I was surprised to see that my precious Nadeko often calls 'trash', 'the worst' etc., but it has its benefits: not that many people will say that she's their waifu, for example. Another one (#3), Hachikuji, often calls annoying, loli fanservice, 'there's no need in character like her, we already have Shinobu as both: a milf and a loli'. But at least Shinobu (#2) loved by community. As she has the biggest amount of screen time, she probably can even be my #1 in the future, but as for now, I still like Nadeko the most. Both her good and bad character traits are relatable for me, maybe that's why.

I actually never had a thing for the British English. Our first English teacher paid very much attention to the phonetics and we learn to speak British, maybe that's why. As she retired and I get more into media, my English became more American, I guess. But maybe it's just for me, and the truth is my English is typical Russian English, haha. I like German and French accents btw. But it's about tastes.
To be more objective, language sounds the most correct, when it's mother language of the person that talking... And you're somehow right over there. British was first, it's the most correct form and it's real English like it should sounds like... It just like it was created and that’s why it sounds so right.
But American for me sounds more, idk, maty? American persons often sounds more 'dude-like': positive, open-minded. I’m ok with “I’m not a = I’m na re” or “You = Ya”, “Don’t you = Don’t cha”, etc. It even sounds more natural to me. The tongue feels freer and moves like it want to move. So if it's only about tastes, then I like American more.
By the way, I like this girl's "rawr-like" sounds in both languages. Maybe just because I used to hear "harsh" sounds all the time, I'm ok with it?

Yeah, now there's a lot of snow everywhere. Why do you want me to go to the forest -- you want me to get lost and die there? ;_:

Do you have a blog?
Difficult question. I had many 'dream jobs', but now I'm coming to understanding, that I'm not really interested in any of them (maybe I can have a success at something from this list, but I'm sure that I'll be bored sooner or later). I’m surface and interested in anything, but just a little bit.
But maybe something still waits that I discover it for myself.

As usual :D
Yes, it's stupid.
But at the same time it makes me think that they can really have problems. Not those ones that they'd like to have, maybe attention deficit...
Also psychologists and psychiatrists often tells that there's no "normal" people at all: everyone has something. We all heard, at least, once, stories when absolutely normal people, be them quiet or active and talkative, did something like a murder without a big reason. Some of them were just probably keeping so many bad feelings and then it explodes them... Some did it just for lulz, just because felt bored. While home and in the school everything was okay, person robably just felt lonely...

I also think that many people are hiding their depression and bad mood in general, which can cause suicide in the end...

So I guess sometimes it's better to assign yourself a mental illness, go to the doctor, listen his diagnosis and then come to understanding if you are really sick or not by your own mind. For example, if you often feel sad and has a lot of depression symptoms, it's better to assign yourself a depression than just hiding your honest mood and being afraid to go to the hospital out of fear that they'll close you in the loony bin forever...

Well, there's a risk: antibiotics get yourself addicted and some incompetent doctors really can destroy your life just because IT SEEMS for him that you're socially dangerous, or because they have something against you... But sometimes the risk is justified, right?
uchikina-kinoko Jan 8, 2017 8:28 AM
as I told earlier, people have rights to answer when they have both time and mood for it... when they would like to do this :)

Actually, I never thought about this calendar and how different it is. I thought if we won't count those religious holidays, there's no difference at all... But maybe I was wrong here.
And what about you? How many days do you spend winter holidays? How many days did you have when you were in the school?

But as I told earlier, I'm not sure that having partner like me in cases like this is a bliss: what if me and my theories will confuse both policy and partner? What if I will help to the criminal against my own will?

Oh, this is sad. I like their music, especially 2001-2008 albums (though oldfags often tells that the first ones are the best ones and other are girlish, commercial and pop). I can even say that this is totally ‘my’ type of music.
By the way, what music is the most popular in your friends’ playlists?

You're right there. And one of the most annoying things for me is when someone tells: "See, what can happen to the person? And yet he/she is still positive. And you're whine out of simple things/without a big reason". It always feels like: "Ok, we get it, well done, but can you stop saying it please?".
Or when older say that in THEIR time things were more difficult but they were more ambitious and industrious. They had REAL games and communicate in a REAL way and those stupid computers ruined everything... Maybe they're right about some things but we'll never know how much they would whine out of the "smallest things" if they were born in this time or how capricious they would be about those new technologies etc.
I think if dogs can talk, we'll hear something like "I want to eat" and about other their wishes... So I don't think we would be able to build a dialog with them. And same about other species. Maybe monkeys will win over there. But if we add some intellect, who knows. Oh, Rick and Morty's second episode relates to this topic.

It was her if I remember it correctly. I only remember she has ginger hair (maybe) and said something French (not her mother language) and this girl say only Russian words... Well, maybe it's not her.
I can't say for sure if that girl really was an American but I don't have a big reason to doubt about it as well :)
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think she was faking it on purpose, I think it's her natural accent (or dialect to be more correct?).

I don't think that's a good idea to go there in the middle of the winter... Well, I remember some things and that's enough for me. Not like I hate to be here, maybe in the summer... To catch some ticks on my body, to feed those poor little babies...

What are you writing about by now? You have your own column? Is it humor or news? Or what else?
What do you want to write about in the future (when you have more power on this area or something)?

Ha-ha, what a clever answer :)
Ok, I'll let you know.
But I'm not agree here -- some people have a trend for romanticizing mental illness and deviations, so non-maniac can say that he’s a maniac just for lulz or out of other reasons...
uchikina-kinoko Jan 3, 2017 8:49 AM
Thank you! And Happy New Year too.
Should I apologize for not congratulating you first? I was just wondering if I'm too intrusive or you're too buzy.

We have all first week of January as holidays. Not all workers have, but many of them, maybe even most of them. When I was in school, I had two first weeks of Jan and sometimes our holidays were starting from last week of December or even earlier.
We also have Christmas on 7th Jan, not 25 Dec, because one slowpoke turned the clock too late. But as I'm not religious I don't care about this. We even have 7th Jan red in the calendar, but for me it would be working day, cause they give us 30th Dec. By the way if you ever see some Russian old famous writer or other celebrity has two birth dates it was because of those slowpokes.

Ha-ha, this would be so much easier without theorizing at all, just saying some random stuff or other things on the Insane Troll Logic language :)
I thought my 'talent' will help to go deeper into people's hearts and being a little bit psychologist or something like this. But if you say so :)

Not really famous... Just as I can see many people know about them. At least those ones who are interested in German language and culture. Or NDH. Or, at the very least, who listen alternative rock or rock in general.
Many people who are 5~ years older than me also saw their videos on the TV. I can't say if I ever saw their videos on the TV as well or I not, cause when I was younger I didn't like music videos at all, most of them were just boring for me. I didn't understand the thing - like, whoever would like to see someone just dancing and nothing else? Then, when I was about 10-15 I liked pop music more. Especially end of '90s and begging of the '00s.

Maybe all the things come out of our minds?
You meet new people, you know new things, your mind change with you and your music taste changes? As well as other preferences.
I also think that harmony with yourself is the most important thing cause when you're ok with yourself everything ok with you as well. But if it's not, and you have, for example, a small amount of money, or your parents are sick, it's getting easier to live if you're not loading yourself with a big reason or without any reason... It's not about eternal positive when people are just so insane that even blind to the real problems, it's more neutral positive, I guess.

To be honest I rarely see any difference between native speakers and not. For example, my friend hears it when Ukrainian person say something in Russian, and for me this person speaks just the same as I do. Well, there're some tones in voice that even I can describe but most of the people that I heard was just the same (for me). Ha-ha, and I recalled once I was watching the video on youtube where girl was speaking English exactly like stereotyped Russian, but she was American. I know they have many stats and many accents, but I thought she's at least not native English speaker.

I don't remember if I liked it or not to be honest. But it's full of ticks, first of all (in summer), so I guess it's not really hard to find a better place.

So, are you working/studying? Ever thought who you want to be in the future?

Why should I tell you? What if you're a maniac or something like?
uchikina-kinoko Dec 27, 2016 5:42 AM
About assistants... Maybe you're right, I didn't read detective books and didn't watch detective shows that much to know all the tropes and how much clever each character should be... But how it can happen? The student that surpassed his own teacher? Or the detective, for real, not really clever but too blind to notice it, and his assistant is a dark horse? Or you talk about real people, not the characters? Then the question is closed. Of course 'main' one and his helper both had to be good enough for their business... Just each one in their own way.
I’m good (or at least not the worst) at surface discourse about almost everything and I have a surface opinion about almost everything as well. But most of all at everyday topics, probably, and sometimes at moral and ethical point of view… Not really useful? But I think it can helps to at least add some theories why killer did those and these things. For example, why the knife is over there and not there. It can only add confusion and be absolutely useless trait but can be useful too. And my intuition sometimes work well.

Well, if I'd be more objective and forget for a second about things that I don't like (in music), there are people who don't even enjoy any music. So 'no music taste' not about a bad one, it's just about those who like other things better (playing games, for example) and don't listen songs often. I mean, like once in a week. So 'like everyone else" is not correct thing to say, I guess. Maybe I'm just carping over here, sorry for this.

Actually, Oomph! is pretty famous here. Not that much as Rammstein, but still.
Thanks! But our first-ever music tastes forming, first of all, from those things that we ever heard on the radio or our friends show us, right? Even if you hate almost everything on the radio and TV, someday you'll like at least chorus from song and then try to find more similar bands... And that's how your taste will form. Well, it's natural.

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding, I probably chose wrong words! I actually wanted to say that I see NO difference between her german and German's bands german. So you have a high esteem about my ears. But as I told earlier, I'm not a native, and, to be honest, never even tried to notice if this sounds softer or not.
Thanks for saying about this rule. I probably forgot or maybe never hear.

I didn't go there for a while, maybe 5 years or so. And if I have a choice I'll definitely change my location to be near to the sea, for example.

I'm working. Let me not to tell what I'm doing there. Not like I feel ashamed of this or this is illegal, it's just hard to explain even to my nationals. It's just a work on the factory and I'm ordinary worker.

Oh, excuse me for misunderstanding again! I was asking about Berlin.
But I like the fact that you like your city this much :) And the way you describing it makes me wanna visit it.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 26, 2016 9:56 AM
Sorry about that, guess this one wouldn't be that big (not because I want to make it smaller on purpose, but because I have not that much to say).

Of course you can try to learn by yourself if you're already have responsibility or love for the subject. I was talking about first-graders and those ones who not that much older. They have to be inspired by something or someone for their future interest.

Yeah, despite we are all somehow herd of sheep, w are all unique at the same time... At some point :)

Never thought I would be someone's not-that-clever-helper Watson but ok :)
(though I'm not really good at logic, deduction, induction... Who needs assistant like this?)

I only can say that I like indie pop/indie rock as it's the main genre in my list. Yeah, I’m ‘mainstream’ girl :)
Then, I can't say if I have a 'type' or not. My favourite bands are Oomph! & Spiritual Front. And many of my favourite songs are pretty quiet and some with sad lyrics. But to be honest, if I don't know the language I can have enjoy only by melody as well. Maybe my opinion will change after I'll read the translation and will know what is it about, but maybe not. Depends on how much I loved it firstly and other factors.
Oh, there'are some trash tracks in my list too! Not a hated by everyone popular stuff (though some of this I can have as well), but amateur songs about different things and yuotube mixes... Like this or this. Well, I'm more into catchy melodies that deep sense... So I probably have a terrible taste in music. If it can be called taste :)

By the way, I heard some Christina Stürmer's songs two years ago or so. She's an Austrian and I can't hear her german is softer (not like it's harder) than in Oomph!'s songs, for example. If we compare her to Rammstein, for example, then, of course, she sounds softer, but it's just about genres... But I can be wrong, of course, maybe this difference can't be heard by not native german speakers.

I mean, you told that your describing of Austrians (by the way, is it necessarily to write nationalities with a capital? Or it's just to show respect or what?) was bad, but as for me it was nice.
So why do you think that you 'fail miserably in describing Austrians'?

Oh, French. And you still remember it? You switch languages with different people for the practice?
Can't even guess why Austrian school can have a need to teach their children Russian. It doesn't seem frequently used for me. So what words do you remember?
By the way, how do you think is it possible to forgot your mother language if you didn't talk for years and live in another country? I mean when you can't (like in old times) or just don't want to watch tv with it and it's hard to find someone who will talk to you.
I guess it's possible to forget some words and feel difficulty to talk the same way you always did, but main understanding will never leave you. But maybe if you lost all your memories... Then it depends. Some forget all the languages that they learn but not 1st and some forget 1st... And there is probably form of amnesia when you forget all your memories and 1st but for the unknown reasons you wake up with knowing language you never even tried to learn.

My friends were in some places and have photo, and I, to be honest, were in similar places but not in my town, in the near. And I live near the forest, so I can see that beauty not that far as it seems. When I was younger I often go to this forest with my father.

Actually, we tried to have, and maybe still have one cinema but I'm not interested.
As you can see, I'm a lazy person and really love being at home. So, as for now I have only ~5 hours in a day for myself only which is really little for me. So I don't really mind about if my pastime is boring or not. Maybe if I had a little bit more ours, I'd be bored but for now I'm not. I'm pretty fine with just watching something or communicate.
(I'm not really interesting in this and have not that much to say.)

Yeah, maybe you're right. What stressing you in this city? Is it noisy or all the people are going too fast? Or anything like this?
uchikina-kinoko Dec 21, 2016 8:51 AM
No problem! I understand people can have their own problems and causes for not answering, so I wouldn’t mind even if you didn’t answer for a month or more. Or maybe not, maybe I would? Well, at least here I wouldn’t. Chatting in real time – other thing.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, of course you didn’t mean to say this, it’s just what I was thinking about, only in theory. Of course it needs to have more examples of what people think about themselves, or what they want to be, to have at least surface understanding who’s one is more egotistical. And even so… people can say on the tests / to psychologist not the things they really think. And it’s not always about lying, we can have a wrong impression about ourselves. Or we can just doing things that contradict with things we always say, our views…

I’m not sure if it’s good example, or it’s just a story that I want to talk, but when I was younger, I was very quite girl. My mother told me once, that my educators even thought I was voiceless, cause in the kindergarten I was silent for 2 years. But at home I already was talking, like most of the children in this (~ 3-4) years. So, it continued till I’ve got 14 or so. I always was pretty talkative with my own company but not in the school. I guess in that years (14-15) I had stress when my parents broke up and my “friends” also broke up with me. I get more talkative for no reason and maybe even rebellious but not in a good way. I was ok with even talking with myself on the lessons and teachers were annoyed by me, haha. Please, don’t’ think I’m crazy :D
By now, as the years passed, I also think that maybe friends and parents were not a big deal about this, maybe it was just the teen years. When I turned 17, I get calm and quiet again. Not because I get back to my “original” trait, but mostly because I often felt sad about my life generally and what I did – how I killed potential to be a painter, singer or someone else… I can’t say that I’m really talented at anything, but I’m sure about potentials. Everyone of us has, but in the different things, and I also saw what I could chose already then, in my 17, and I was thinking about it almost all the time. If I was more responsible, I’d finish my education by myself and make an effort to be better, and if I was more strong-willed, I could just drop out and then there were no reason to feel unhappy, but I’m neither and I finished it scarcely.
I didn’t have a feeling that this profession would be good for me since 2nd class of the college, the classmates were both annoy me and annoyed by me, the teachers were like: “if you wanna study, study home by yourself” and rude…
Maybe I’m the only one that stupid but I’m way better if my teacher not only hard for me, but also good at explaining even the littlelist things, and I don’t like the thing that hear almost all my life – “you should ask if you didn’t understand”. No, really good teacher should explain things the way no one would ever ask something, cause there were nothing to ask about. That’s my point. There are some exceptions, of course, but MAIN things should be explained the most correct and understandable language you know, even if you had to resort to games or treat those punks like you were friends all life long, while you’re already the Dr… Maybe I’m way too categorical here but I guess the main message is understandable. I also don’t like when (mostly adults) someone said that kids are not interested about education, -- if you don’t know how to interest someone, it’s not their fault your lessons are boring. Of course all of this don’t work on students and teens, cause in this age you almost certainly will not be interested even in the best games and science experiments, but adults have to make everything for their children to love education and be interested about this since they starting to learn something and encourage this interest...

I almost forgot what I wanted to tell about again!
I honestly tried to make this message not that whiny-about-my-“unhappy”-life and not that personal, but apparently, if I always delete one sentence and write another, almost the same, maybe it is the way it should be?
I only wanted to tell, that for now I can’t say if I’m a silent person or talker, cause I’m both, depends on my mood and company. And it’s pretty normal cause most of people are like that (I think so), but the fact that I was not in-between but, figuratively, black and white, and still change one mode to another, sometimes without a reason, makes me think that I don’t know myself. Maybe people that surround me are like that too but I don’t notice? Yeah, they have modes too, but it seems for me that there are dark grey and light grey and most of them are more balanced that I am… But maybe it’s just my blind believing in my exclusivity.

So, by the way, what do you think about those ones (not only human) who think about their children first? Well, we can’t say exactly if they for real thought about their children firstly, or about themselves cause we can’t get into their brain, but the fact that some of them was ready to sacrifice themselves to save their children, what it can say about them? And not only their ones, even unknown. And not only children – the beloved one, the friend, the stranger…

So what your friend said about this?
You think? Haha, I actually can see that I write almost nothing about the actual show, but all the pluses that I wanted to call – probably almost all Adult Swim shows have it, like I said. I’m not really good at advertising or doing review (never tried to write). But many adult swim shows that I watched only for episode were more boring for me, than this one. Though, maybe I underrated them as well.

Totally agreed! I like cynical humor too!
But, don’t know if it contradicts, or not, I don’t like cynical people. Like those ones who bully disabled people just to show to the others how 'f-the-morality' they are. I think it’s not only cruelly but stupid too. Well, maybe it’s a trait of stupid show-off “cynical” people, while clever ones won’t let other people know what they really think about them and life in general.

I think it’s nothing really weird in this – today and tomorrow you’re already not the same person :)

Well, despite I’m talking about myself too much, I don’t like to do it, it’s just… what happens?
Maybe if you have something you want to talk about and have no one around to tell it (or they are all already know this and heard this many times and tired of you), you just unconsciously write it off topic? Like when you can’t sleep for days and then drop dead?
I understand people have their own problems, so it will be rude if I add my to this pile… Even if they don’t have any and their life is like a dream, I don’t have any rights to add them and make their mood any worse… Though I won’t delete things I wrote earlier, so I already sorry for this. :)

Exactly! You should be a detective's assistant… or the detective.
Oh, in the pictures it’s always better than in the reality :D
I don’t think there’s a big difference between they and us. But, to be honest, I think many people all over the earth are not really different, maybe some countries treating others nicer (or, at least, it seems so) and other ruddier to the foreign, but summary, I’m more into believing of the conflict of sons and fathers. Older people will better understand someone the same age but from another country than his fellow citizens but younger… At least the things I see there are like this. I can be wrong and there’re can be exceptions…

Why are you not into classical? And what type(s) of music do you like (or maybe name of the bands)?
And you’re not funny at ski thing? :D I mean, can you do it as well or not?
I actually heard Germans are pretty nice (or at least seem), but maybe it was just compared to Russians :D
Why do you think so? That sounds amazing.
And what about English accent? Native english speakers ever told you anything about this?
So I understand correctly that English is your 2nd?

None of those things are nice (for me, some find it funny), to be honest.
First of all, when I name my town, other think about the beer cause it’s named after our town, though release in Tolyatti.
Other thing – hick-like lookings (and maybe not only lookings). Like this:
So there’s nothing to be proud about, really. But I’m not ashamed about this though, I just don’t care.
But as you already said, it has a beautiful nature… Well, at least if you know the right places (I don’t).

What mostly annoys me is a small amount of entertainment, like cinema or bowling (but I don’t even like bowling, why I wrote this). Things like this are not that far, actually. Many people go to Tolyatti, especially if it’s weekend, but traffic jams are horrible so if you don’t want it really much, it’s not worth it.
And it’s not the same thing if you have things like this in your own town or near and have to go and pay for the bus…

But I also think that when I come to a bigger city, it will bother me after month of my living there. So I’m not really sad about this, it’s just what I was always noticing when I was younger and still notice.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 16, 2016 5:52 AM
Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Still, though I didn’t think about this question really much and wrote first words that come to my mind, I think it says something, at least a little bit, about you and me as persons. I guess that even if my mother talked to me while I was thinking about this, I won’t recall about family etc. Not like I’m more egotistical (it can be, but it can be not), maybe it just about a phase… Like “when you fall out with friends/family/partner” vs. “when you’re ok with any of them”.
Well, whatever.

It’s about parallel dimensions! Nuff said.
Well, maybe not enough. It has an interesting way of narrate something – childish-like drawing style with bright colors makes it look more childish that it really is and has a pretty good combination with cynical jokes and way of narration (I actually don’t like cynical people but if it’s played for jokes, why not. I can laugh at everything, even it offends me). Actually, almost all adult swim shows are like this but I like when song with sad text has a cheerful melody and contrariwise, so I wanted to notice this combination. Mixed things that don’t have to be mixed or those ones who opposites and contradict to each other are often my favourites. Well, maybe not really often. Other examples -- Princess Chelsea, "angelic vocals and acerbic wit". “Bomba”, music video by Kontrust. Maybe it’s not atmosphere at all, but somewhat funny at least.

I can not really say why I like this show to be honest. Especially by now, cause last time when I watched the series was in 2015… And I remembered why I didn’t like this so much at first! I was easily get annoyed by Rick’s belching sounds. Then I get used to and didn’t pay much attention for such a thing.

Once I fainted out of a thermoplegia and the other times… I don’t know to be honest. Well, it doesn’t matter.
Yeah, things you say is just what I asked for. I guess it is. So good you have your mind back :)

When good things happen, I usually feel joy, but not for very long. For a moment before something bad will happen or so. And I also often “care before something really bad happens” and make mountains out of molehills… I also heard that most of people remember negative moments of their lives way better than positive ones, so that’s why I think most of people are like me. Well, it’s not really interesting subject for the conversation.

You think it’s daring? No, it's fine.
Well, I'm actually not really good at geography but if I understand correctly, my town is somewhere in the South-West. It isn't really big or famous though (50.000+ population according to the Wikipedia). It's in Samara Oblast (Samara’s region), so you can look up in the maps and correct me if I said cardinal points wrong.

Why are you interested about this? Is there’s any difference between western and east people, in their personality traits? I actually never heard of this, but who knows…

Well, so you have your current city in your profile, and I guess it would be not really clever for me to ask the same. Do you have something interesting to tell about your city or country in general? I really like to know something new about other nations culture, so I guess if someone who lives there will tell me something firsthand, that would be way better than reading wiki, and I probably would believe it even if it’s something ridiculous like you have an UFO as pets :)

Actually I didn’t heard much about Austria (well, maybe in school, but it was sooo long ago) and never was interested to google it, to be honest, but still I absolutely would like if you tell me something.

Some questions: what's the most important or famous place in your city/country in general? any national character traits/stereotypes, which ones are true/almost true and which are total lie? Specialty of pronounce/accents? How much it matches to you/your friends?
(I hope you won’t ask me the same back cuz I’m too lazy to write about my country and have nothing to say about my town)
uchikina-kinoko Dec 14, 2016 6:11 AM
Oh, thank you so much! I hope you don't tell it anyone you meet? :D
Not like I'm jealous or have something against if you do, - well, we meet many interesting people in our lives and many of them have something interesting. But in that case I think different people deserve different compliments (you probably would say it's not any compliment, but anyway, it feels for me like this). So it would be a little disappointment for me if you say this to someone who... Not have the opposite point of view (cause it's absolutely normal and can be right as well), but, for example, too lazy to write? I don't know. Yeah, I guess so. Like "I like 1st version more" - "what an awesome answer". But this sounds ridiculous, so I guess you won't :D

Wow, you seem pretty nice person. While answering, I never ever remembered about those who closer and in both cases thought only by myself: in first about my ego and self-expression and in second about my own stomach and comfort. Though I don't feel really ashamed about it.

Well, I couldn't agree here, cause I admit the possibility of EVERYTHING has at least 0000000000(many zeros)0000,1% chance to ever happen and the same chance that even the most ridiculous things that come from someone's mind can really exist somewhere.
I also think that there's a possibility of whatever we create already was created by someone else and when we have an unique idea that comes from nowhere, that's probably because "the universe" (or "the nature", if you'd like) shares with us someone's experience. That's, for example, how Mendeleev has a dream about periodic table of elements (even if this is just a rumor or a joke) and that's how da Vinci created things that were so ahead of his years.
Well, of course I can be wrong here. And there. And everywhere. I can be wrong even if I say '2+2=4" :)

By the way, did you watched Rick and Morty? For the unknown reason, I found first two episodes were awful and almost hated this, but something make me to watch others and now it's one of my favourite shows.

Do you ever thought where consciousness is while people are in coma and can’t hear whatever others say and can’t feel whatever others do? I heard people usually hear and understand everything that happens to them, but there surely should be people that don’t. And from where mind is coming, when it’s coming back? And what about simple fainting? I had it 2 or more times but can not say for sure…

That’s a very good position, I’d like to be like you. I’m usually getting sad about even the smallest bad things, but not happy about good ones… Well, like many of us, I guess :)
uchikina-kinoko Dec 11, 2016 8:28 AM
You mean being poor but famous in the future or rich in "my time" but then noone would ever remember me?
If we talk only in theory, probably first.
I'm a vainglorious person, and at some point I think this would be perfect for me - many people love me and would die to meet me while have no possibility to do this, and I'm just gone and was eaten by warms long time ago (or burned) so noone can touch me or annoy me. This is kind of privilege compare to "living" famous persons - singers and actors that are stalked by paparazzi and can die out of crazy fan's hands.
But I don't want to die of starvation, I can't even imagine how painful is this and it would be offensively for me to work at art or devices for humanity and being unable to get some food (though I think if I was a genius then my ego just NEEDS to do this, so it's not for other people only, it's for self-expression too. It's even more for self-expression than for something else). I'd prefer to die by black death or something else. As we know, in those times people could die even out of simple cold. Being unable to get medicaments not that offensively for me, like being unable to get food.

But other version is ok too - should I really care that noone remembers me and noone knows me if I died long ago and had everything I wanted when I was alive?
Well, for me it's more the queston of my vainglory, so yes, I’d worry at some point. At least if I had a real talent or was really clever.
But I also think if I was an absolutely useless and untalented but for the unknown reasons my art look like a masterpieces for my contemporaries and I get money for this, second version would be perfect. By now, people who remember at least something about me probably would say that I'm a darling of fortune and did nothing by myself but:
1) I would be dead. Even if I would be an immortal ghost, or something like this and will hear anything people ever say about me, it's ok cause I'm not that popular which means I'm not on the topic on discussions, so I can get all of this hate. Well, at least before someone decide to make my 'character' more popular;
2) people always say something like this, even about talented ones, haters gonna hate.
So what about you?

It’s an interesting. But unfortunately I have nothing to say about this. Maybe the thing you call nature would be better called energy?

I actually do believe in similar planets (to our) too and I guess universe is used to gain its own experience, so that’s why, for example, we can see similar people that lived while and long ago from each other and not really related. It’s just way too lazy to create new faces :) Just a joke. But every joke has at least a lil bit truth as we know.

And about your chicken. Do you ever take conception of parallel universes seriously? I mean, I think it really is happen in at least one of it, if we believe in this theory for a second.

I actually can’t say that I really believe in many universes really are exist, but at least it’s exciting to think somewhere there’s a better version of you, and worse, there’s a world where you really are a genius and where you’re a president. There’s a world where you already dead and there’s a world where you kill someone, maybe even many times.

In many films parallel universe is almost always place where all people that were good in your world are bad and bad are good. But if it really is, I don’t think it’s such a “black and white”. There’re shades of gray and color palette. And not the only one parallel universe, of course, it even easier to believe that there’re many of them.
Some universes have minor differences compare to other, some have differences that looks minor only at first, and some are absolutely different, in a good or a bad way.

About your consciousness.
Do you ever thought where it have been before you were born?
Can it be famous genious’s or terrible murder’s or we all have only our own, that never was someone’s else? Or it even animal’s or rock’s or plant’s?
Is there’s a limit of consciousnesses and that’s why people die or “nature” did us that weak to avoid earth’s overcrowding?

It’s nice to make someone happy by such a small thing :)

As you can see, I don’t have that much to say about your thoughts, hope it doesn’t upset you.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 10, 2016 8:21 AM
Just noticed I wrote "pure family" and many "realized". I mean "poor family" and "released", of course (⌒_⌒;)
I hope my message was understandable though :)
uchikina-kinoko Dec 10, 2016 5:00 AM
It's not like I have to thank you back just because you said something nice, it's like I really feel this way and want to tell it :)

It's an interesting and right point, but I also feel sorry for those artists who died being poor (especially they died of starvation), but as for now their paintings (for example) worth millions dollars or more. What an irony.

Fate? Idk. I actually don't have any opinion about this. Or it would be better said that I have many opinions about this and some of them may even conflict to others…

For example, I think that my decisions are all mine. I’m actually from those ones who more into thinking about something, not into doing something (even though I don’t like it in myself and want/try to correct this trait and be unhesitating).

But at the same time I can’t deny the fact that all of us (or almost all of us) know that irrational feeling when absolutely ridiculous idea comes to our mind and we do impulsive decision being caught by the moment, by the atmosphere.
Sometimes you just feel this decision will be the most correct think you ever did and end up being wrong.
Sometimes you doing it through hesitation and end up being right.
And even through you’re the luckiest or the unluckiest person ever, you can never be sure about what will happen next time.

So why this happens? Maybe it is what some call a God or another Almight-Power?

When people made good choices out of impulse, they say thanks to God, or whoever they believe in.
When people made good choices with friend’s help, they can thank friend. And blame that friend if choice was not that good…
But when the wrong choice is made by yourself, there’s nothing and nobody to blame.
So, it was you who made this decision, and it’s you who control your life, right?

But what about accidents and natural disasters?
In first case we can blame drunk driver, for example, but when we talk about nature, who should be guilty?
Well, deforestation, for example, people’s fault and it can have some effects.
But I don’t think all natural disasters are people’s fault. Many of them are probably were even in Dinosauria (at least that time they died).

So, yes, after all, fate/destiny is not a just an empty word for weak people. It is.
But still, even through our life’s stories already written somewhere in the next century, at least some small changes we can do.

If you’ll ask me about religion/philosophy, I’d probably answer ‘my’ views are compose from Agnosticism (I don’t know and probably will never know if there’s a God or not), Ietsism (but I do believe that must be something above us… or below us… whatever), and Fatalism, of course.
And as it was said by Rika-chan from Higurashi, our memory can’t have flashbacks about events that never ever happened… I don’t think this way and don’t think about this like an axiom, but I find this point quite interesting. I mean, in that case déjà vu, for example, can be a fragment from our previous lifes. But it can be just a fragment from our dream too, so there’s no reason to be serious about it. At least if you don’t have prophetic dreams :) I should add Reincarnation to this list, cause I kinda believe in this too.

Well I have a superficial understanding about this and didn’t read that much so I can use the terminology wrong, feel free to correct me.

It’s hard to say about what should be happen, or something happens just because it happens without any reason… Maybe we are all just a part of someone’s (or something’s) plan, who knows.

So what is your point?
uchikina-kinoko Dec 9, 2016 8:02 AM
Oh, you're being too kind :^) I don't think I'm THAT good at this. But thanks anyway :)
I probably should say something nice too cause it feels really good to talk to you but it... makes me feel embarrassed.

Oh, yeah, sure, I understand you.
Just because first author was really careful about his story and did it under pure emotions and it's still not likeable, while the other was almost careless about his story, and did his job great, there's no reason to hate the second one or to love first work more. It would be somewhat hype out of pity, I guess, and it's not objective too.

Not many people care (and know, and think) about someone else's efforts.

It kinda hurts me to be honest; all of us remember the time in the school, where some people were trying harder than the others. Teacher judge us only by our knowledge, the ability to think quickly etc. We aren't created equal from the start so it's not really fair to judge (almost) all the children by the same marks, the same system of scoring...

But this is a life, after all.

And another example, this time not about those who try harder/less, just vagaries of fate (or time and space, if you'd like).
One author has very-very unique idea in his mind all life long, since school or kindergarten. But has no money to show it to the world. For example, old times, where not that many people had internet. Or he is from pure family. And the second has money (not like he's rich or anything) to show it, but this idea comes to his mind when he’s more mature... I mean, he didn’t live for this story, didn’t breath for it, for the day when he can finally show it… He didn’t it stole it though, so there's no reason to judge him like a bad guy… It's not a plagiarism, but if I was the first one and would see the story that follows me all life has finally written by someone else only because of those stupid circumstances, I'd feel bad...
And what if first author scratched up some money and finally realized his work after 2th author's work was seen by the world? Probably everyone would say it's secondarily, plagiarism, etc.

Life is unfair...

And about judging. I think we don't have to hype something out of pity for the poor author BUT it's important to let other's potential to grow more and more. I mean, we don't have to "I don't like it, but out of pity I'll tell everyone that I like it and will recommend this to everyone cause I’m a good person and appreciate everyone’s effort no mutter the result", no, it's more like "he tried so hard and even though I don't like it, I'll wish him good luck and give another chance if he realized something new".

Honestly, I don’t follow even my own advices usually. If I didn’t like author’s first work, there’s a less chance that I would watch another. Don’t even know for what the hell I wrote all of this. Maybe that’s the model of behavior that I’d like to be in the future and the way I want to think like.

But, on the other hand, there’s not that many time to watch all the things that you didn’t like and give chances to everything and everyone, especially not justified.

Well, that’s hard question, after all, we all know some cases (exception or not) when favorite-ever-band realized disappointed album, but not-that-favorite-and-maybe-even-annoying realized something that we fall in love for the first time. Or when first *something* was not really impressive, but second season (or sequel) was 10/10.

Oh, I almost forgotten what I wanted to say about 'deep' and 'not deep' shows. Probably it doesn't matter after all, but if it is, I think I'll remember sooner or later.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 6, 2016 6:33 AM
You mean size of the message? :) My friends often tell me it's hard to read my big long texts, and I already get tired of saying sorry for that. It's just hard for me to divide what is more important and what not really is and to make my messages not that big (⌒_⌒;)
Sorry for spelling mistakes, by the way. I wanted to write "like I used to do", not "like I used too". -_//
And for the other mistakes, that I didn't notice / won't ever notice. I'm actually not really good with english times and grammar, so...

Oh, you seem a way more active person than me. Yeah, it's probably average, but it's good. Seems like you're enjoying your 'slice of life' almost as much as those japanese girls in their clubs :)

Mm, I think people's misunderstandings often grows up from what they put up into word’s meaning.
I mean, what is really 'deep' after all, if we talk about art (and anime, even worst examples, are still works of art too)? Isn't all art deep?

Sometimes it's said 'deep' s about 'having soul'. We can hear something like "artist puts his soul into this" or "this picture/movie has no soul", but how do exactly they can know about this?
What if that weak plot cliche drama was writing by author after he lost someone and he tried way too hard for it to be original and show all his feelings, and people (like me) will said it’s forced drama or author added deaths just to get at least some emotions from his readers cause this story has really nothing but drama for a drama?
And what if that famous twisted story was writing on the toilet paper like it’s nothing, and someone just found it and try to do manga just for fun?
We’ll never know.

So what is 'deep' for you? How do you describe it for yourself?
What is the most important – not 'one dimensional' characters, realistic emotions that characters show and strong emotions that you get, realistic decisions that you'd probably did too if you were in their universe?
Lots of hidden sense, after all?
(for many people it is, but I personally think that this is more like a nice addition, but not the main thing.
Show has to be good by itself, even if you are too lazy to find all Easter eggs. Like Gravity Falls, for example. If show has nothing but Easter eggs… Maybe it’s not bad, but I find it kind of… non-independent? Idk if this right word to say)

Yeah, when you said it like this I understood (or remember) that I like real talking too, even if I’m not that good at this.
The reasons are people’s expressions, hand-play, hearty laugh, those emotions you share with your friends. Other thing is it’s easier to understand people’s real feelings if you’re watching them. On the internet you show only what you want.
But I guess it depends on people too. Trying to speak with some old people/snobs is just like knocking head against a brick wall… So sometimes I think it would be an interesting experiment if they become my age for a week or so, and we have a discuss on the internet, haha.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 2, 2016 8:15 AM
What I like? I guess, like everyone else - listening to music, watching different internet stuff... And you?

As one of the most famous examples - NGE.
It's not really horrible tbh. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood and will rewatch it oneday.
As I remember, just because many people said this show is a rare masterpiece, one of the kind, I hoped to see something really special, and maybe that's the reason why I was so dissapointed in the end.
I actually like this fandom btw. And manga was really entertaining for me. But TV was boring... I even like pilots, their personalities and problems, but I don't like parts of the show where it focused on the adults, don't know why.

Another one - Serial Experiments Lain. I can say something good to say about eva, but not about this. Only good art and music, interesting atmosphere. And if this show would end at the half of the last episode, aftertaste would be much nicer.

Honestly, I even feel sorry for myself that I watched those ones and regret about time that I lost... Maybe, as some people say, it's really way too deep and not-for-everyone, and I should enjoy slices and comedies, like I used too.

Another one - probably, Madoka, but it's ok.

"trying to make them look deeper than they really are" - when creator has a simple story, average archetype characters, and then add symbolism, depression, deaths, scary atmosphere and anything like this to make show look deeper, darker and more adult. It probably not really bad in some cases and really makes some stories more interesting to watch but still, simple story is just a simple story after all.
(But Ikuhara's works are trying too, Yuri Kuma Arashi, for example, if we don't go deeper and deeper into searching of the hidden sense, just about discrimination. I even was almost sleep when I watched first eps, but another part made it 8/10 for me and the ending made it 9/10.)

Well, as I can see through this conversation, I don't feel hate for '2deep4me' shows, it's more like I hate when cliche and good shows often disliked by people, while almost everything that decostruct the genre and has hints for 'deeper than it looks' almost always loved.

Yeah, and I like writing more cause you can think as long as you'd like to and it's easier for me to find right words to say.
uchikina-kinoko Dec 1, 2016 5:18 AM
After I'll finish some anime, I probably will follow your advice :)

I used to love them at first too. But as for now, even if I'm not really busy, sometimes it's just HARD for me to watch shows. Idk. Probably hard to concentrate?

His works... poethic? Depends on my tastes and hate for tryings of the creators to make their shows look deeper than they really are, I probably should hate his works too, but I can't. But I have to notice, if you wanna watch it, than they're more girlish. Seems like he likes yuri and his one of the most famous creatures, Utena, also known as 'Evangelion for girls' x)

I like it when someone thinks/says I'm talkative, though irl I'm not. Well, at least at first :)
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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