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Xapper Aug 28, 2019 4:13 AM
I just came back from London a few days ago. It was probably one of the worst trips I've had (not including the one from two Christmases ago). When boarding, I was told to pay £50 for extra baggage because I had two pieces of luggage: a suitcase and a backpack. Usually, they would let you in because the backpack would fit under the seat in front and the suitcase in the overhead lockers, but this guy would not agree with me... I was tired, so I just let it go.

Then my flight got delayed by almost an hour which meant that my dad couldn't pick me up because he had to go to work. So I took a taxi when I landed and the fare was £118... I lost quite a bit of money that day... Although, I did still go through with the purchases I had planned to do when I got back... I even bought a Nintendo Switch for my sister.


Yeah, the whole different returns thing confused me when I started off programming. To be honest, it still baffles me that there's no standard...

I wish I didn't have to experience the feeling of picking a bad project to work on so soon...

I wanted to live my life without debt, but that was before I really thought about a mortgage...

Oh, the non-cuckoo bird has a light sensor? That makes sense to include one...

Ooof... Sorry for your loss. I can imagine how strange it would have been to find out the reason you lost contact with her.
I understand the cold way of thinking as well, so don't worry about that. It's a coping mechanism that I can imagine myself using as well.
It's quite a weird mix of issues that could have caused her death... I assume the autopsy has gotten back at this point?

It must have been nice to have your cousin to talk with as well.

I wonder at what point creating a false identity is just one way to maintain your privacy...

Now I hope our delivery drivers don't start snacking on our food... Their cars tend to smell of food as well, since they usually turn up the temperature for some reason. (I doubt it is to keep the food warm)

My family want to Hong Kong about a month ago (I had the excuse of having work to not go). They were fine, actually, since they weren't living near the protest areas. Although, my uncle, who lives in Hong Kong, is considering moving to the UK earlier than he planned because of this. He originally planned to move to the UK because he thinks the Hong Kong education system would be too much pressure for his children.


The book recommendation really shows how the world just keeps moving around you...

Using a bioluminescent shark as a lure is quite an amusing idea.
Actually, why are the Jellyfish bioluminescent? I don't really know much about them honestly... I guess it's to find mates, but do they just swim to lights? I don't know how much of a brain they have, if any....

I've never heard of the term climax forest before...
As a side note, I find the American spelling of 'axe' weird...

On another note, since you are already writing these messages in an email, should we just move this discussion over to emails? You can send me your email through a pm or I could do it if you want. I've heard that there are scrapers that take emails from public discussions.
Xapper Aug 11, 2019 10:15 AM
It's been a while, hasn't it? I've just been a little tired lately... I can't wait to go back to uni...

Where do the extra blank lines come from?

Yeah, the punching robot was weird... I understand the idea, but it just had no power...
The forward (reverse) flipper P1 reminds me of Firestorm in the old Robot Wars. Except Firestorm was actually effective...
Deep Six is getting quite the unfair matches...

I meant compared to previous episodes, the interviewer stuttered more.

Now that I think of it, I have never watched a Western... I guess it's quite an American genre.

I thought all flights had similar strict liquid rules...

Nah, I meant throwing away the oil once it solidifies. (or putting it in a container and throwing that away)
The place is a serviced appartment, so they'll probably throw it away to make the place seem more professional.

Funnily enough, I've been assigned to a project that I don't like (partially my fault). I was rotating through different teams and would be placed in a more programming focused team for 5 weeks. I was discussing different projects with my manager and found out that there was a kind of graph database project that was ongoing, which I expressed interest in.

However, once I was assigned, I quickly realised that there was little to no programming involved and instead used a piece of software to model 'knowledge' in a graph-like way. I wouldn't mind using the for the task, but the main problem is that it is extremely unintuitive and was quite limited in what it could do... Every time I work with it, I keep thinking of how simple it would be to just program it.

The amount of support was quite limited as well. No one is using it, from what I could tell from Googling problems. The user interface is also quite bad... It did make me wonder if I want to stay in the company after me uni course. Although, my friends who were in the same rotation as me had much more interesting projects.

Due to the course I've taken, I won't have any debts to pay. It was one of the main incentives for us to join.

I sometimes meditate myself, but that's just for a few minutes of quiet thinking rather than emptying my mind.

Okay... I wouldn't eat a maggot in that case... I'd need to be prepared first.

Do the bird noises from the clocks not annoy you?

You have a point with Pocket Sky... Although, you could just stare at the sky...

I always thought the moon was swiss cheese...

You better convince your sister to give you a holiday once she comes back :p

Huh... I never thought about the dust as a problem, either... I'm not quite convinced on the space archaeology argument, though.


Is 'get a gem in the eye' an idiom of some sort?

Is it illegal to create a fake internet history?
Xapper Jul 21, 2019 4:29 AM
At least clicking the discard button is harder :p I think they will give you a warning as well?

Hammer bots were pretty powerful like 10+ years ago :V
I have hope... It's always more interesting to see different types of bots.
The other AI positioning bot was terrible to begin with, so we didn't get to see its possibilities.

Yeah, it was quite sad to see Minotaur have problems...

Darn the double belts on Death Roll... Quantum could have won :V
The Quantum guy sounded so defeated in the interview....

As an aside, the interviewer has been stuttering a lot more than I remember...

Now that I think of it, I've never seen a wild horse, so I've always assumed that they were docile, whether they be wild or not.

I meant what to do with the leftover oil and salt after my time in London, since I'll need to go home.
My sis mentioned to me to just leave leftover oil in the pan and let it become solid and throw that away. Although, I have so little oil with how I'm cooking and eating that I don't really bother with it. I've been pouring rice from my rice cooker into the pan of whatever I'm cooking so that I wouldn't need to wash a plate as well... It feels good to be lazy.

Speaking of signing up to newsletters, I signed up to The Download (by the MIT Technology Review) as recommended to me by coworkers. It's mostly news about technology and the emails are easy to digest. Also quite nice to read when on the London Underground. Apparently Amazon is planning to launch more than 3000 satellites...

Hmm... I think I'm quite similar to you in regards to work. Although, I do feel some more pressure to perform well but not enough to feel that I'm important in any way. I also feel that retiring early would be nice but at the same time that it would be a waste of my knowledge. It sounds like your views were formed mostly by people you worked for so I wonder how things would have changed if you worked in a different environment.

Now that I'm living alone and cooking for myself, I'm starting to realise how cheap everything is (even in London), so I'm questioning what I really need money for... Although, I don't need to pay for shelter right now.

I don't even know what spiritual growth is about...
The discussion of death is always interesting... If we cured senescence, would you take it?


I'm curious about eating insects, but I haven't had any yet. Deep fried crickets sound nice. Something about maggots sound both revolting but nice since they seem juicy.

I have no clue what an earthquake would feel like...

I never imagined you would own a cuckoo clock XD

Pocket Sky sounds like a terrible idea XD

It would be amusing to have a moldy moon...

Huh... I didn't know about how the Chernobyl show was received in Russia... I haven't watched it either, but I've heard it's good.

Wait... did you just answer my cuckoo clock question before I asked it? XD

I'll be honest... I've never seen the Wizard of Oz..
Xapper Jul 7, 2019 9:18 AM
Haha... Depending on the browser, the problem could be that you are pressing backspace when you click out of the message box.

The Chinese robots were kinda meh, though. I was hoping for the ablative armour / omnidirectional wheel robot to work (Shatter)... (I was watching episode 5 and it's amusing how the two sentences clashed XD) Though it was just bad driving... I was surprised to hear about the marriage thing with the Witch Doctor team... The woman looks like someone's daughter...

I think Shatter would actually benefit from AI to make it automatically turn to face the enemy bot since it has the wheels to keep it locked on.

Mammoth was quite amusing, though. Frog was just bad...

It was nice to see Duck getting a win, though.

I always thought Gigabyte was bad, but the episode 5 fight made me think otherwise... The new shell is really strong.

Wait... What do you mean by "break"?

Hmm... I might need one of those masks, then... I've seen cyclists wear almost full gas masks...

I'm also worried about what to do when I don't use up all the salt/oil...

It took me a while to get the base joke XD
Although, the greatest joke is putting a maths pun behind a pay wall...

Whoah... I would have never thought of anything being able to fly from birth...

I didn't read all of the professional decline article, but the part on the reverse bucket list was quite interesting.
I wonder who the guy on the plane was, though....
I would also like to hear your comments.

The Ashkenazi paper had too many words that I didn't understand, honestly...

I wonder if you can use the salt gun to season food...


Did you have an atlas by your side to write the amore feghoot? XD

Pichu is also a Pokemon :p

I read one line as "Snoring, he went back to snorting", which kinda works...

Xapper Jun 22, 2019 12:03 PM
Darn... Maybe you should get into a habbit of copying everything while you write XD I kinda do that...

Yeah, I'm aware of such sites, but I never really went out of my way to look for satellites.

Oooh... I really need to see the new Battlebots then. I completely forgot about it honestly...

Rodeo sounds weird... Are the animals 'trained' in any way? It doesn't sound like it would be the most ethical thing.

I always thought castration to keep your voice high was a joke... I didn't realise it was a thing people did...

Yeah, I think it's important to realise that people with six fingers would have their whole life to learn how to use them (most importantly during the baby phase), so I doubt we would be able to use an extra digit as well as them... Although, I would like an extra arm :V

Gotta love the classic 'urine trouble'

I enjoyed quite a few of those jokes. Admittedly, I didn't get the Uncertainty Principle one...

Sorry for the late reply again; the last two weeks have been much busier than I expected... The first week was training and fancy dinners that take 3 bloody hours to finish... The training week included a lot of teambuilding activities, which I don't think was really warranted, but whatever... I also realised how popular the TV show "Love Island" is (a reality TV show that is just full of jerks)...

The first week of actual work was really tiring... The worst part is travel in London, though... It's so crowded and hot... Plus "black snot" is a thing, where iron gets into your nose from being in the London Underground... But work itself was quite nice. I'm not doing jobs I expected to do, but it's an experience at least and the team I am in has friendly people.

On another note, I started cooking for the first time since the small lessons I had in school. It's kinda enjoyable, honestly, but I don't know how long that'll last... Although, I am slowly realising the importance of salt and oil in food, since I haven't bought any to be more healthy and save a meaningless amount of money...
Xapper Jun 8, 2019 10:47 AM
Oh... when you meant 'we', you weren't including your sister...
She's more troublesome than I thought XD

I am curious as to what a large number of satellites would look like... Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen one. Although, staying indoors for a majority of my life doesn't help.

I find Hong Kong's humidity to be horrible... I can barely breath in that air. Unless that's just pollution...

Yeah... Nausea isn't fun... Every now and then, when I stand up (from sitting), I get nauseous as well...

Oh, wow, 2 hours? I wonder if it's so that they can add more battles in an episode...

How long can a rodeo last for? And how does it even start?

There's something silly about the idea that "space energy caused humans to walk upright", but, hey... I'm not a researcher.

A surefire way to protect against nuclear war is to not do it :V

I had to look up what a eunuch was and boy were people weird in the past...

Don't worry, we have Cheerios over here. I quite enjoyed them as a kid. I don't know how healthy they are, though...

I thought 'funk' was something like 'punk' or something energetic...

Yeah, I remember learning about the birds before, but I can't remember if it was you who mentioned them or it was something I saw in a documentary when I was young... Or fake memories...

I think gaming addiction was something officially recognised by WHO as well... Owls have quite the list of problems...

Xapper Jun 1, 2019 1:00 AM
I don't know why you bothered to mention that you had to pay for movers. I assumed that was a given?
What I forgot about was that you need to buy perscriptions...

Grades are a form of evaluation anyway...

I wonder how much paperwork is involved in sending a new satellite to space.

Middle-ish as in 50%?
Actually, what is humidity a measure of? I assumed it was something like proportion of water in air, but 100% humidity would mean you are under water...

Huh... It never quite clicked with me that normal people would want to know this information, since they would be the patient...

Every now and then, teachers would want to just show the class something they found. How they manage to tie it into a lession is not important...

I wonder if I shiver as a way to force my blood to pump around my body/wake me up...
Vertigo is where your sense of height is messed up, right? It gets mixed up with the fear of heights from what I've heard.

So, wait, will there be genetic programmers at some point? Or is that basically what is happening right now and I just never figured it out?

Oh, man, the first gravitational wave was detected 4 years ago? I guess a lot of science also involves getting people to believe in you...

I hope someone will upload Battlebots on Youtube again...

I wonder if we could say that there are more oceans than planets...

Huh... I didn't realise that lasers could be used to raise pressure...
I kinda wish we had a picture of the ice, but I guess the simulation is about as close as we get...

I thought chitin was more of a material than cell component... Huh.

Not to ruin the joke, but I thought dogs were carnivores?

I don't remember the Christmas tree stand feghoot, but that was quite a silly punchline XD
You might be able to find the original if you use the waybackmachine for AU

I had to double check was rodeo was... I didn't know it was a sport... I think seeking help from a retired person in a field is quite a common trope for any sort of media, rather than anime, though.
Xapper May 26, 2019 9:14 AM
Why did your sister go back home?

I wonder when I'll be able to stop worrying about grades...

I'd be more inclined to trust engineers than my random thoughts.

Ah... Women... Did you prefer having less sleep, though?

I wonder how often this extinction and resurrection happens...

My transitive inference ability is pretty bad...
I also got a weird reminder of how specific biology research could be. "I study the cognitive abilities of paper wasps". I wonder which field has the most unknowns...

Elon Musk does so much... (Well, he's the CEO of so much. I don't really know what his job or role is...)

Funnily enough, my parents bought a dehumidifier... I honestly don't know why it is a product... Even less so after the article.

So, wait, if I understand the phases of clinical testing correctly, phase 1 is the safety of use, phase 2 is the effectiveness and phase 3 is both of them? How can you test them individually without essentially changing the drug? Or is that the point?

It's a very smart comedic sketch and quite amusing. (I don't know about 'best', but, hey). I think these kinds of jokes are much better when performed than read.


Sorry for the late reply: I just finished my exams and went back home. I had to leave my halls at 2am, since my flight was at 6am and there were no other better travel arrangements. That was more tiring than I expected and also made me realise how bad I was at packing bags... (I also needed to buy more luggage space at the airport :/) On another aside, if I get very little sleep and wake up early, I tend to get really cold and shiver like mad. I don't really know if that is normal.
Xapper May 14, 2019 3:38 AM
Ah... I've been told that the tournament mini arc is filler only in the improved art version of OPM.

As scary and sad as that is, I can't help but get amused at that story...

It took me a moment to undersand the expression...

If nukes happened, everything would be pointless in the end...

For some reason, I thought you said you were older than that... But, hey... Happy degrading day :p

Won't the asteroid burst from the pressure rather than balloon?

It is scary to think that the house of cards could topple... But is there a point where it doesn't even matter? Would good enough suffice when it comes to application? Although, good enough is not what researchers want, is it?

It's quite amusing to hear something so specific as twisting two sheets of one atom thick carbon would interest physicists...

It was surprisingly difficult to read He's name without thinking of the pronoun and that the article was badly written XD
Although, for some reason, I thought pun generation would be easy, but I guess I forgot that it still needed to form sentences...

I guess you head a weak week...

To distract you from that pun, I found a cute Japanese Robot Wrestling channel/performance on Youtube
It seems to be mostly scripted (like the first fight), but some seem to be genuine like the suplex robot. Although, the suplex robot is probably designed to win when you compare its design with its opponents...
Xapper May 6, 2019 3:50 AM
I didn't expect you to have read the manga, honestly.

Oof... Living with your mother sounds tougher by the minute... (well, week)

I'm glad that I don't touch large mammals in my life, then XD

It's quite likely I'll see a space war in my lifetime, isn't there? :/
It has been a weird thing I thought about, where normal people could communicate with the other side through the internet during a war.

Oh, yeah, I find owls pretty cute and amusing as well, so I understand their popularity.

I just kinda assumed that aging naturally made you think slower, like physical fitness, but now that I think of it, that was baseless. Especially how I have you as an example against that XD

I guess ignorance is bliss is quite useful in the animal kingdom...

What was the ad supposed to convey? The camera quality of their phones?
Japanese ads are starting to make more sense these days...

Is a restraining order enough for the Tesla hater? It sounds like he needs jail time, considering he actually injured someone and has a record of deliberately trying to cause harm on the road.

Now the question is how much metal we can get from the asteroid...

For a moment, I misread the quote about the Celestial Police and thought that police from some place called Celetsia had been tasked to find te planet XD

The crab is very strange... So strange that I am considering the possibility that they examined the fossil incorrectly..

I just saw the word quantum in the Cherenkov radiation and though "of course"...

I find it quite strange that we are still so dependant on Einstein. At least enough to take one of his discarded theories. Although, I might think that because his name is famous.

Xapper Apr 28, 2019 10:14 AM
For some reason, I never thought about just going to the source of mosquitoes and preventing diseases that way... And that's someone's job!

It's not anal sex, though? It's anal, all right, but not actual sex. Apparently the anus is really closely linked to kappa mythology.

Yeah, it was quite fun to see Blizzard's reactions. Although, the action was a little boring. Episode 3 was much more exciting, though. Something slightly worrying is that episode 3 was the last episode they finished on time. At least we still have the comedy to pull the anime back up.

I hope your mother remembers your sister enough to not freak out around her...

That might explain why my friend's favourite colour is purple...

I don't know enough mandarin to confirm anything :v

Not many animals sweat, right? I wonder how those bees came to bee... (that has to be one of the worst puns I've done...)

I didn't know about the backlash of the woman developing the algorithm, nor about India... Why would you blow up satellites, though?

I didn't spend as much time as I should have reading his code, honestly. I mostly had him give me an overview of what his code was supposed to do, rather than actually reading it. That might have been one of my biggest mistakes that made me less useful. I probably wanted to make noticeable progress.

You'd thinking chickens would rank first, considering how they are the most commonly eaten bird...

Oh no... I can imagine all the sci-fi scenarios where the brain-cloud interface can go wrong... I can honestly imagine myself refusing to use it when it comes out, even if it were to be proven to be safe...

Could it just not mean that age leads to being more gullable, rather than gullability being a predictor for dementia?

Now that I think of it, do ants not use their eyes to notice that the beetle is not an ant? Or is recognising your own using your eyes a rather advanced brain thing?

I didn't think there would be many toe-related puns...
Xapper Apr 21, 2019 7:22 PM
How common are mosquito diseases anyway? I remember being bitten quite often in China, but not getting ill at all. Or they were just general bug bites instead of mosquitoes...

To be honest, I don't know if you'll like Sarazanmai, but I just want to see your thoughts since the first episode was so weird XD
One Punch Man should be fun as well. My friend said that it gets interesting developments as well. King was quite a surprise, so that's a good start. Although, the first episode was missing a big wham from Saitama.

Oh, it's nice to hear that you'll be getting help with taking care of your mum now. What changed your sis' mind?

I wonder how often police get called for restraining order related problems...

I was in the mood for reading something, anyway, so the lack of puns didn't really matter.

I have a friend that really enjoys describing things, but I think most of his style came from HP Lovecraft :s

Okay, I didn't need to know that about the bees... The image was enough to creep me out and made me not read about it :V
Although, I wonder how the heck they weren't already discovered.

Haha, speaking of HP Lovecraft, you link an animal related to it.

Huh... I never quite realised how much stuff is done in space in the current age. It's always either NASA or SpaceX in the news (at least in my limited network).
Speaking of space, they released the photo of a black hole this week. I've had a few videos queued up to teach me what I'm looking at for a while now :v


I got the fib part but not the prince part...

Wait... You made it seem obvious that I would know Pomp and Circumstances... I did not.

I barely remember Vermillion... I only recognise his name. It's weird to think back on how long ago the old AU was...


As a side note, my first year of uni is coming to an end... I've pretty much done nothing spectacular, but I managed to make some good friends and learn quite a bit.

Although, if you recall, I did mention that I took a paired computing project module this semester and that didn't turn out as well as I hoped. My partner ended up being too good (which is of course not a bad thing) and he worked rather consistently and quickly. It made it more and more difficult to help out. I lost quite a bit of motivation because of that, leading to most of my work revolving around documenting the project and testing the code. I kept thinking that I would do better once a new project started, but the cycle just resumed. It's okay, though, since we've been getting consistently high marks in the end, but I feel like I could have learned much more if I worked alone or with another partner who was as lazy as me...

I also felt bad for my partner because I didn't really do much in the end... (he said that it wasn't that big of a deal, but he's quite a polite guy)

It's kinda funny how my friend that knew both of us (me and my partner) before we met said that we would be a dream team, but it turned out to just be a dream... I at least made pretty good reports, which was something my partner couldn't do because he's dyslexic...

It was an experience, at least...
Xapper Apr 14, 2019 7:41 AM
That is a lot of messages...

Man... Getting here would just be a pain, then... Travelling is a pain enough...

I'm glad we don't really have mosquitoes here...

Oh wow, I thought anime was weird, but I guess old TV shows can compete... Speaking of weird anime, I would like to see your reaction to Sarazanmai this season.

I probably don't want to know the joke then XD

I'd like to think ignorance is bliss in the end, though :v

I still think glasses are better than trying these ideas...

Huh... It's quite smart to bring mathematical proofs to cryptography.... Upon doing the group projects, I've realised that I'm not very good at applying maths to computer science... Or applying maths in general.

I guess it shows that we aren't united enough to make AI ethics...


Would you really want to be called twinkle toes? XD

How do restraining orders work anyway?

For some reason, the title In Flew Enza reminded me of a news story of a woman who tweeted something racist before flying...

The interrogation format is always quite fun. I remember writing some story in second person using an interrogation-ish format before.
Xapper Apr 6, 2019 3:32 PM
Isn't that just a visa then?

I keep forgetting how big America is... And the list of places you have been reminded me of it.

Having a flying or water version of Battlebots would probably not be that interesting, since it would just be two out of control robots trying to hit each other. Some people driving land bots are bad enough already...

I like to believe that I don't get affected by those kinds of ads... Probably because I am too busy getting bombarded by ads for betting sites for some strange reason...

I would say not to worry too much about forgetting stuff about books, since like you said, you were tired and we all get instances where we forget things. However, considering your age and situation, consulting a doctor would probably be a good idea. Maybe bring it up when your mother gets a check-up?

Whoah, TV shows had rather abstract names back then... Or very literal... I can't tell.

Nothing actually comes to mind when you mention a rude word involving shoes...

Maybe I've just stared too much at screens lately that I'm getting nostalgic for paper...

Isn't it also quite alarming that someone you don't know would be a serial killer stalking you?

I've been having this nagging feeling that I'm not actually remembering anything they teach me in stats (probably since it is quite boring), but I guess I remembered enough to understand the article. The ATOM model isn't that useful if you want to conclude something, though...

For a moment, I thought a rat kick was a type of kick, rather a kangaroo rat being a type of rat... But, yeah, the video is quite amusing.

To be honest, I always thought that dinosaurs were there right up to the impact. Probably because of pop culture.

That last article was published in 2014, so I wonder how the research is turning out...
It is quite an interesting way to explain life, though.

I wonder how long it took them to come up with that acronym XD

Xapper Mar 30, 2019 9:24 AM
I didn't think you would hate anything enough to ignore information about it XD

'Warning' is quite a strong word...
It's funny how many people here want or have been to America over here. Did you travel much in high school?

Classifying animals sounds like an annoying puzzle to solve... Actually, classifying things in general sounds like a pain...

I just looked up an image of the Chimaera and damn does it look creepy... Deep sea creatures are always weird and interesting to look at....

I'm glad that I'm not a naked mole rat, then...

Reading a dictionary for puns sounds like something a really devoted person would do xD

I've only been to London just as a place to stop before flying to somewhere else... Well, and the Christmas two years ago... And boy, how time has flown...

Funnily enough, I was just thinking about Battlebots the other day :D

The Alzheimer's treatment sounds one step away from mind control... On another note, it would be amusing to have actual healing videos in the future if this turns out true for humans. If not, then some whack people would say it works anyway...

I didn't expect your vacabulary to stretch to car engine parts...

I think I've been reading antinomy and antimony as the same word my whole life...

The Flying Nun sounds so wonderfully absurd XD

Funnily enough, my nickname for some time was Pakey... I didn't know it was a racial slur for someone from Pakistan and a teacher once overheard my friend calling me that and got in trouble...

I just watched a video about E-ink. I didn't even realise such a technology existed...
He does mention an interesting idea of using the same technology for computer monitors, and honestly sounds like it would be quite nice if I want to work on a document.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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