I was never into animations of any kind, but I've been watching quite a few animes lately.
### This is what my scores mean: ###
10 - "Masterpiece"! In my humble opinion, this is as good as it gets.
9 - "Really good". I place it well above average in one or more of the following categories: concept; story; characters; enjoyment; art. Thus, I highly recommend it.
7 - "Good". Something raises it above the average. Maybe it's a single very interesting character; maybe it's a redeeming, unexpected plot twist; maybe it's a collection of funny moments...
5 - "Ok". Not bad, but not something I recommend either. Maybe it has a good concept, but a nonsensical story, or a good story in an otherwise horrible concept; either way, there is definitely some major flaw (or a bunch of minor flaws) dragging it down. A decent time killer, if nothing else.
3 - "Really bad". This is what an anime needs to get this score from me: disturbing characters (they are badly messed up in their heads, but not in a justifiable/entertaining way); annoying characters (they're supposed to have IQ 250+ but they behave like complete retards); the story is bad (either it doesn't have enough verisimilitude, or the plot makes no sense, or it feels like it is being made up on the fly just to keep the show going); too much pretentious artsie/philosophical bullshit ("look at me I'm so smart and I maed this story and its so cool and deep"); excessive fanservice (gratuitous_boobies:justifiable_boobies ratio is too low - as strange as it may sound, too much is too much); etc. I recommend you to skip it.
1- "WTF am I watching?" My brain is melting! Make the voices go away! GAAAH! (Satisfying your curiosity is not a valid reason to watch this. Remember: what has been seen cannot be unseen.)
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Dale!! : )
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