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Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
Jan 20, 7:53 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Ao Haru Ride
Ao Haru Ride
Jan 28, 2012 12:43 PM
Reading 13/53 · Scored -
Koko ni Iru yo!
Koko ni Iru yo!
Dec 27, 2011 6:03 PM
Plan to Read · Scored 7

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Evonn Jun 25, 2011 10:37 PM
LOL I'm late replying again -_-
I was waiting for a message alert, but I forgot it wasn't liike facebook so I never read your message until a couple minutes ago XD

Evonn Jun 23, 2011 7:18 PM
haha =D It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels like kicking stuff.

Ahh i see...are you going to get silver and gold after you're done bronze?

Wow...the people at your school are so ambitious. I barely know anybody here that's going to summer school...except for that one asian guy...maybe it's an asian thing?

That's nice! Tell me if you buy anything tomorrow XD
Evonn Jun 23, 2011 4:40 PM
Ya!! No more tests until next year! It's all dark and dreary here today. It even rained in the morning. What courses are you taking over the summer? I didn't take any.

You guys have to make your own food right? No giant building in the middle of the forest to serve you? Btw what day is the camp and how long are you staying?

I haven't done much either. I just ran on the treadmill for 17 minutes cause I felt like kicking something and I wanted to get rid of all that energy.
Evonn Jun 23, 2011 2:32 PM
Aww that's so sweet of you and your friend to plan a goodbye party for your other friend =D

The Duke of Edinburgh sounds fun! So much helping out and outdoors stuff. I would love to join but it sounds like all the activities are very far away from where i live. And nobody at my school has ever heard about it....i wish we had a leadership club....

LOL "TROLOLOLOL" That's epic. You should do that and when your friends ask you what that was for you can tell them about this XD

Oh and I just did my provincial a couple hours ago!! I was so nervous during the writing part but i think I did okay ^_^ I can't wait to see my results! I just hope it turns out alright.

Evonn Jun 22, 2011 7:24 PM
I actually don't get any emails when you leave a comment...maybe I turned that function off? I don't even know if that's possible... either that or it got sent to junk....

Lol I would be a bad actress. I'm too nervous on stage and it would just turn out bad.

You're going camping in a TENT!!! That sounds pretty epic. =D
I can't imagine sleeping in a tent in the great outdoors... are any of your friends going to be there? If they are then it'll be really fun. you could stay up and talk about stuff....
how long is the trip?
and what is the Duke of Edinburgh award? did you decide to sign up yourself, or is it a group thing?

No, I don't have any plans for the summer. My friend is planning on throwing me a birthday party though. She's been planning stuff for the last two weeks or so. But I don't really want to go, but I feel bad since she's already planning it... I'm fine wth going to other people's parties, just not my own. I don't really like being the center of attention. hehe...that's another reason why I would never be a good actress. -_-
Evonn Jun 22, 2011 11:00 AM
OMG!! SORRY!!! I just realized I got a new a month after it was posted...i never look down -_-

lol It sounds like you enjoyed the fashion show =D Only our grads do a fashion show at my school, but we get to help if we want XD

My friends were part of a musical and I had to help this guy, who happened to be in all my classes, rehearse his part. It was so awesome when I went to watch it, cause I was like " SHWAM!!! I REMEMBER SAYING THAT LINE!"

And I have my English provincial tomorow! I think I should probably be looking over pass exams and studying, but I really don't know how. I'm so worried about the essay writing part where they give you a prompt and you just write about it. There's no way I can study for that and that's the only part I'm stressed about.
Evonn May 8, 2011 7:33 PM
OMG this is my first free-ish day since the last time I've been on. T_T
sorry for the long wait. everything was due the same day last week and i had my french oral exam on friday and my written exam is tomorrow and theres this huge assignment due on tuesday....i'm gonna die...

lol i bet you'll past me in Fairy Tail at this rate XD
Evonn Apr 6, 2011 7:53 PM
ya i mean it's PE...PHYSICAL EDUCATION...writing isn't very physical...well i guess it's to test if we know the rules to the sports. and i think it's so the teachers have somethign to mark us on. we haven't really done that much PE this year...

Anime guys ARE perfect. i never really see any flaws in them. if there were flaws, they were put there on purpose =D
Evonn Apr 6, 2011 7:40 PM
it's ok =D
i'm doing homework too. i have to study for a French test and PE test tomorrow LOL. and in case you were wondering, yes the PE test is a written test XD
Evonn Apr 5, 2011 8:40 PM
lol ya i guess just listening would make you feel unsure since we're so used to reading the subs. what would we be now without subbers???

omg i can see that guy ranting now...we're all sitting in a circle and this one guy is ranting while everybody else looks like they want to throw him out the window or something...hmm...they would probably cut him off part way through his recommendation...

ya i'm not much of a slow song person either, but i guess it would fit your mood if you were sad. lol listening to sad music when you're sad. that would be terrible XD
i think it's funny how we listen to music we don't even understand over and over again just because we find it catchy or think it's good. how do we even decide what's good anyway?

i don't remember crying for dramas but i've cried for animes before. i still remember this one scene in One Piece and I cried a second time when i watched it again. I showed it to Uni and she cried to even though she wasn't anywhere there yet. it was so emotional...

I AGREE WITH YOU!!!! THERE'S NOTHING BETTER ABOUT DRAMA THAN ANIME!!! i actually feel more emotion coming from animes than dramas since the characters will be able to fully express themselves since they're drawings. some REAL people don't do a good enough job. that's why they have critics at every corner, but you don't see people criticizing an anime character's acting XD
Evonn Apr 5, 2011 5:37 PM
Oh that episode! Ul's death was depressing for me 'cause she sacrificed herself. all animes get to me like that. whenever someone sacrifices themself or dies to give someone else more power i get so depressed T_T

i usually only download openings because they're so upbeat and doesn't show anything sad.

lol i would waste so much time making the map pretty and proportional XD i guess it does save you time.

i want to know what anime clubs are like too. i think it's like sharing manga or anime you've read and making recommendations. or talking about favorite characters and best fights or something...

oh wow!!! i wish we could do a spring festival here. i want to make something really awesome with origami XD
it's going to be so awesome once you've learned enough Japanese to just listen or read. then you'll become immune to RAW episodes and manga scans =D
Evonn Apr 4, 2011 9:15 PM i really want to go to Hamber just for the people XD
i can't believe you get to choose Japanese as your language =(
i would die to take that course...

lol my French class was pretty out of it today too. must be because of the break XD

WAHHH!!! you get to watch anime in class!!! we have an anime club but nobody really joins. it's kinda sad...

i hate doing maps 'cause it feels like a waste of time. we don't even get to draw it, just color and label...i mean cmon...what kind of mapping is that? I'd rather read a couple more chapters of manga instead.

hehe i have a feeling you're going to have every opening and ending downloaded one day very very soon XD

what happened in episode 15? it's ok. at least you finished 2/3 of your watching goal. beelzebub can wait =D

Evonn Apr 4, 2011 7:17 PM
Aww!!! i wish i was in your Japanese class! that sounds so cool =D

oh lucky XD i get homework every day in at least one class...
we got this map of Japan with some other countries around it and it's blank except for the outlines of the countries. there's a separate sheet of instructions for labeling and colouring -_- it was one of those current events things. did you ever do something like that?

wow your friend is awesome. we were talking about Japan in general and I was like "I hope the manga writers are okay" and my friends were like "What??" even after i said it again they didn't know T_T... so sad...almost nobody watches anime or reads manga here. if they do they're not hardcore and discussions end too quickly....
Evonn Apr 4, 2011 5:51 PM
all i have for homework today is a map of Japan =D
we were discussing the earthquake and rading articles about it.

Nope! I want powers too!!!
Bleach "I want a Zanpaktou!"
One Piece "I want Devil Fruit powers!"
Fairy Tail " I want to know magic!"
Reborn " I want Dying Will Flames!"

Count me in. =D I would definetely join Fairy Tail with you XD

I'll try the strawberries+Nutella the next time I have both XD
Evonn Apr 3, 2011 9:37 PM
LOL sweet dreams!

i just noticed you sleep pretty early. i guess i should too, but Uni isn't done her stuff yet and she'll just wake me up when she barges into the room and turns on the lights to go brush her teeth...... (sigh)

Well goodnight !!! hope we both get some good dreams to start our school life again XD
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