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Soul Eater
Soul Eater
Oct 15, 2011 10:24 AM
Watching 14/51 · Scored -
Oct 15, 2011 10:23 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 5
Iron Man
Iron Man
Oct 15, 2011 10:22 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
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Ookami to Koushinryou
Ookami to Koushinryou
Jun 30, 2011 9:22 AM
On-Hold 18/108 · Scored -
Highschool of the Dead
Highschool of the Dead
Jun 30, 2011 9:21 AM
On-Hold 7/33 · Scored -
Pocket Monsters Special
Pocket Monsters Special
May 22, 2011 3:26 PM
On-Hold 56/? · Scored 7

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SuperSmellyJoe Aug 23, 2011 6:37 AM
Will do, but I'll probably won't be home until Wednesday night. Stuff is probably still possible, but I'll let you know whenever I do manage to make it home and pull myself from Deus Ex.

Yea, I haven't had much of a chance recently to try that challenge. Being out of town and all.All I brought with me was Reach, so haven't been able to tackle the challenge.

And yea, I noticed. Deus Ex will be totally awesome, and if I get enough playtime in, then when we hang out you can try it out. Unless that will make you want it more, then you don't have to.

I ordered mine from Amazon. Primarily because I got $0.99 release date delivery, and that sweet ass silenced sniper rifle. The only real thing I was after was the rifle.

Anyways, I'll let you know when things can be done.
SuperSmellyJoe Aug 18, 2011 9:19 PM
Sorry it took a bit to respond. Taking Alex up to Indiana for college.

Anyways, yea. Gabe sounds like THAT guy. The guy who's always giving you a hassle for seemingly no reason whatsoever. But you know what they say, haters gonna hate.

And yea, we will have to hang out at some time. Been trying to wait until I beat that damn challenge in Vanquish. I've spent two hours straight on it for three days.

So, 6 hours total. Six and a half is how long it took me to beat the actual story on Hard. Pretty soon I'll have spent just as much time on this challenge than everything else in the game.

Anyways, we should hang out. I probably won't be home until Tuesday, so maybe sometime that week. I don't know when you start classes. Or when I'll finish that challenge...
SuperSmellyJoe Aug 15, 2011 8:42 PM
Well, you know...I beat the game, and was like, "I like achievements." And since it's all single player, I figured I'd just get them all done so I wouldn't have to borrow it again.

Anyways, I only have the one challenge left. I spent two straight hours on it yesterday, and two hours again today. Today I made it to the final wave for the first time.

...and was alive for about 30 seconds. I'm progressively getting better, learning the waves...but God damn is it taking forever. This is the hardest achievement I've ever attempted.

But yea, I just want to get it done and back to you as soon as possible. Deus Ex doesn't really come into this, because it's still a bit away. Though I am SO looking forward to it.
SuperSmellyJoe Aug 15, 2011 2:14 PM
Well, interesting that I'm using this image again, when I used it right below this...

Good... Good...

Yea, I actually just got finished re-watching it with Henryk. He's dumb, so I don't think he enjoyed it. Like everything else I've ever showed him. Crazy dumb things.

Also, yea. I've actually got every achievement in Vanquish but one. The God damn challenges are what's keeping me from 1000. Only the 6th one. It's a bitch.

The other 5 were finished within a few hours. They weren't too bad. I guess the 6th isn't terrible but it's...not easy. I want to get that done before I return it.

So I'm working on it! Actually beat it in 6 and a half hours, but it was over two days. I beat it on hard first, then went back to get the statues and "don't die" achievement.

God DAMN is casual a fucking joke. Like, seriously? The final boss on hard mode was EVIL. The cover changes all the time, and they charge you every 5 seconds.

On casual, the cover NEVER changes, and they only charged me maybe once. I beat them in like, 5% of the time it took me on hard. Seriously. That was way too easy.

You're like, God damn invincible on casual mode. Anything and everything that would have killed me in one hit on hard, merely damaged me slightly on casual.

Anyways, I'm almost completely done with the game.
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 21, 2011 3:37 PM
Good... Good...

Darker than Black is cool. Though some parts may be somewhat confusing. Plus, there's a second season, and an in-between series as well. So yea.

Second season wasn't as good, but the in-between series was as awesome as the first season. That was my opinion, at least. I enjoyed the series.

And yea, I know what you mean. I've seen so many different anime series, that a few like that have slipped in. But hey, you won't know until you try it.

I remember something like that happened to me as well. It pissed me off. Or like the times where they bring over obscure JRPGs that don't make it over here. But I can't play them.

It's kind of annoying. We can only hope that they'll-oh, wait. This is America. Of course they won't offer the same thing here. It's really stupid, but what can you do?
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 15, 2011 5:32 PM
Indeed. That's what I figured. I didn't get an update, so that means it was probably the one I already had from a while back. So you're most likely good to go.

Again, it is lacking in fancy box art or disc art, but it's Reach. And you can't screw my challenges up. I don't even know how you would have been detrimental to any one of the previous 1,100 challenges.

So yea. We'll check it out at a later date.
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 14, 2011 7:06 PM
Good news, everyone!

I just got an email from Microsoft thanking me for participating in the Dashboard Beta. One of the FAQs was "Can I use my Reach preview disc in another console?"

Well, Apparently you can. So you may be getting yourself a free copy of Reach. It doesn't have a pretty case, but if it works and you want it, know.

Of course, you need the latest update, but that shouldn't be a problem.
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 10, 2011 3:25 PM
Well, I can't wait for CE HD. I've played it a billion times, but it'll be worth it a couple more times. Plus, I've been through Bastard Library so many times I'm immune it's effects.

Well, I guess my biggest problem is that it looks fucking weird. Sure, this is only the trailer, but I hope the graphics aren't going to be like this in the final game.

Mainly because it looks like Polar Express and Mars Needs Mom technology at work, if you've ever seen the trailers for those terrible-looking movies. can tell right off the bat that it's CG. But...the movements look like real human movements. Which I don't really like. Just because it doesn't seem to fit.

It just makes every little movement look really awkward. Plus, why does Cortana now look like a naked blue lady. Where did all of her crazy AI features go?

Again. This is just the graphics, and they may change with the game. But still, I don't like how weird it looks. That's just my opinion. We'll see how that changes.

The rest are just gripes about Halo lore and consistency. Like how the ship is now suddenly on fire and exploding even though it was not in the ending.

Plus, Chief suddenly has a jetpack and that's totally a Magnum that for some reason gained the ability to fire grenades or explosive rounds or whatever.

I also don't like how Cortana is suddenly calling chief John, after 3 games of never mentioning his name. Why now? Plus, that totally does not look like the Forward Unto Dawn.

Sure, they're minor gripes and shit, but if there's one thing I like in games, it's consistency. Sure, I like improvements, but not at the expense of what I've grown to love.

I did see one thing about the Wii U, and how you could play it with the controller screen while someone else was watching TV. It seems cool so far, but I agree with you on the point that I'm not so sure just yet.

Party starts at 3. You can just come by then if you want. You shouldn't need to bring anything, but if you want to bring the DS or whatever, go for it. Not sure how much Xbox-ing will be going down.
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 9, 2011 2:26 PM
Well, even if you don't initially see me on, and do happen to want to chat/play a game, message me. I often set myself to be invisible. Primarily because of the random people on my friend list.

People constantly send me friend requests, and I figure that the worst thing that could possibly happen is that I'd never actually play the game with them, and end up deleting them.

Then again, one of them could end up being a 13 year old girl, who ends up getting raped and murdered, and the first thing the cops do is check up on all her "new friends" she recently met online...

Job searching is bullshit in general. It's nothing but. I remember a couple of years back, when I had no job experience. These were random, "do bullshit labor a monkey could do."

But I still couldn't get any, because they wanted experience. How the fuck can I get experience if I can't get hired because of my inexperience? Seriously. What the fuck?

Anyways, getting a job is about 30 times harder than actually knowing what the fuck you're doing in that job. It's just another way in which life tries to screw you.

As for E3...I haven't kept up much with anything. Chemistry, Halo challenges, falling asleep because I'm too tired, and then Alexandra's graduation yesterday...have been hindrances.

The only information I've obtained is LITERALLY this: Halo 4 is coming, and everything about that trailer looked so very, very wrong. Please don't fuck this one up, guys.

Halo CE HD is coming out. And it looks AMAZING. Seriously. I cannot wait for that to be released. I also heard about the Wii U and that weird tablet controller.

As far as anything else about the Wii U...nope. Also, I know that the Saint's Row guys have hot chicks doing a bikini car wash in an attempt to gain some publicity.

I haven't even taken a swing at Bastard Castle in Space yet. The only game I've played is Reach. I've been aching to play me some Fallout: New Vegas, but haven't had the time to.

And finally, I don't know if you'll see this before the time comes...but that crazy party be Saturday. Just in case you forgot about it or whatever. You coming?
SuperSmellyJoe Jun 4, 2011 9:12 AM
Hey, you remember that time I was telling you about that "garbage truck" that wasn't actually a garbage truck? Well, here's the picture I got of it. Kinda forgot to post it until now.

SuperSmellyJoe May 26, 2011 8:19 PM
Wut? Tron music. That's...odd, to say the least. But at least it's awesome music. It's just really weird. Also, I barely ever see national weather, let alone local weather. So yea.
SuperSmellyJoe May 24, 2011 1:09 PM
First of all, I laughed when I saw the message, because I sent a message to Henryk a while ago. Today I had to get a Killing Frenzy in Reach. I said I may need some assistance.

But I ended up getting 3 Killing Sprees, 3 Killing Frenzies, and 2 Running Riots in one game. So I sent him a message that he didn't need to help, with "Good news, everyone!" at the beginning.


Yaaaaay! Reach is cool. We have to play. On the mention of Reach...

Finally made it to Mythic. Also, Chemistry is at 8am. Meaning I'm in bed by 12am at the latest. So I'll be playing Reach (other than possibly weekends) during the day for the next 5 weeks.

Until I eventually can buy myself a 3DS, and then I'll be playing that 24/7.
SuperSmellyJoe May 10, 2011 11:06 AM
I understand. We can go Saturday possibly. I'll let you know, but I should be free, provided my parents don't once again spring something completely random on me.

I still want to get my hands on that Barricade so I can put that scope and stock on it, as well as the gun you got from Walmart, so I can put the barrel extension on my Longstrike.

And I have not yet been able to play Vanquish. See, I find that I can only focus on doing one thing at a time, other than the crap I have to do every day.

I do whatever I'm supposed to, be it work, class (taking one now), random house chores, or going with the family to some random place for some random reason.

So I have that, then I have Reach, and then I have one other point of focus. When I bought Enslaved, that was the third item. However, then I started to focus on my Nuzlocke run.

Now, it seems that I'm into anime mode. So I've just been watching anime, and that's where the third portion of my time has gone in the recent days.

I can probably get some of it in this weekend. Oh, and also. I went out to Williamsport recently. The drive in is open again, and they're playing Arthur (meh), and Suckerpunch.

So we still have a chance to see it, but we'll have to sit through Arthur. I don't know how I feel about that movie, but if we hate it we can play DS or something, lol.
SuperSmellyJoe May 9, 2011 9:06 PM
In response to the first part...

As for the Mother's Day thing...

That's...interesting. Vito would be the person to do that. As for it being Apple...sure, I hate them. But I used Alex's Ipod Touch a bit back when Kotaku was cool and they told me Hoggy was up for free.

But I agree. There are some cool apps on there,'s really nothing special. What it comes down to is how mobile you are. It could be quite useful if you're always on the move and have a busy life.

But for the average's just an expensive toy that does things your computer can do much better. People have developed some great apps, but they get old really fast.

Anyways, good luck with the interviews. I have to pay $60 for XBL coming Monday... And we need to get out to Williamsport sometime for that Pokemon event. Maybe this weekend?
SuperSmellyJoe May 4, 2011 7:02 PM
Oh, snap. I didn't even realize it was Star Wars Day. A guest came over for dinner tonight, so we were kinda occupied with cleaning the house. Just didn't notice it I guess.
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