Hello!! And welcome to ma MAL profile!
My rating system:
Whatever i feel like giving.
I don't give a score to anime that I've dropped, since I can't give a fair assessment because of it.
Haven't completed an anime that i really hate, so no scores under 5 yet.
Oh, about me? Male '96, from B... You don't care? Alrighty. Me neither.
Anime that surprised me?
[positive]Yuri!!! on ice:
Helped me get comfortable with being bisexual.
What i like:
- Nice action/fighting scenes
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Beautiful art styles
- Thought out strategies, and politics
- Romance
What i don't like:
- Meaningless fights
- Plot holes
- Bad writing
- Bad animation
- Over-explaining
- Boobzillas, c'mon, who seriously likes that?
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