ANIME I LIKE: Horror, Romance, Mystery, Fantasy, Comedy, Artistic....
MANGA I LIKE: Pretty much just like Anime...
How do you recognize that you've watched a anime worth every minute you watch it?...... Do you wake up the next morning and think about it the whole day.....? Do you talk to people full enthusiasm and passion about it......? Or did you just get that feeling that makes your heart ache and feel all good and warm inside...... think and wounder "What if this happened to me what would I do"? This is pretty much every anime I have given a 10 to oh and a 9... even if it's a horror a master piece is an anime that you will never forget..... I can also say that about Manga... with a Manga I can't help but read and read until I fall asleep.... finding any free time in the day to pick up a manga and read it jsu like an anime you.....
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