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Days: 181.2
Mean Score:
- Watching41
- Completed846
- On-Hold59
- Dropped23
- Plan to Watch536
- Total Entries1,505
- Rewatched2
- Episodes10,780
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All Comments (20) Comments
sore wakaru wakaru ofc.
ooooh so u started from kizumonogatari, i assumed that u watched the whole monogatari series when i saw kizumonogatari in ur list. i actually recommend the watching order of the monogatari series just by the release order but since you started with kizumonogatari watching it by the chronological order seems to be the right way but its too much homework in my opinion lmaoo. i think watching it by release order is also good but u can watch it whatever u like. and yeah monogatari series is also easily in my top 5 anime of all time. hope u enjoy it as much as I do.