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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Aug 14, 2016 7:33 PM
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"His "Jokes" were like invisible whips made of cringe that flied at me from the screen."
I love those quotes so much! :D
As for your own, while I believe there's a level of objective bad I'm doubtful it can be traced to technical aspects. Sure writing 101 can help explain a lot of why the piece doesn't work but at the same time I've seen a bunch of show and games alike that take huge piss on the basic rules but still are lot more memorable than any "properly" done title. And no I don't mean "production values" like the wannabe objective attention whores would accuse, there's something on a deeper level at work here. This isn't like a book, it's a coordinated effort of visuals, sound, pacing, form of presentation with narrative dripping from every corner, and the effects on our brains can't be summarized with something so simplistic like chopping into story/art/sound section. Can you tell if you like driving a car by looking at the dismantled engine? Ridiculous approach. My speculation the central issue has something to do with passion and similar strong feelings. With how little we really know about human biology the only way to tackle an impossible task is on a subconscious level. Much like inspiration and single strokes of genius allowed technological advancements, it takes a right mindset to even begin crafting something worthy. That's why I always criticize machine production anime, I believe it's not really the issue of cliches or tired plot devices, but the lack of love for your work is the true reason for the decline.