Anime Stats
Days: 68.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries347
- Rewatched16
- Episodes4,230
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Manga Stats
Days: 27.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries106
- Reread0
- Chapters4,767
- Volumes210
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All Comments (1498) Comments
weird as in every time I speak to you you become more serious and blunt
Chill a little you’re gonna do great 😌
U wanna do engineering right? also it feels sooooooooo good talking to u man no matter how weird you’ve gotten 🤣🤣
how’s life going?? What’ve you been upto? no Insta still huh?
I beat hollow knight a couple years ago, it was really good. the only gripe i could find was that there was no teleporter and since the map was kinda big u were always moving from one point of the map to the other constantly and it gets tyring, or at least thats my opinion. I also beat it in like two days, almost non stop and got kinda burnt, but it was really good. If u want another metroidvania play blasphemous, really good game too.
Well three days a week is still good, its bttr than nothing. u can still do a bunch of things at home so u dont need to get depressed xd
i just watched oshi no ko like a month ago, i really liked it
just caught up with solo levelling too
ima read it again
i forgot how good it was