Who am i? None of your business. That's all you need to know. Please do not call the police, they will not come anyway.
Don't know what you're doing here, but thanks for stopping. Bye! You can leave now.
Why are you still here? Just to suffer? Why are you reading this? Is your life really so empty and simple, that you prefer to read someone's profiles on anime sites? You can create a family, get a cat, write a book, build a communism. But instead, you read this nonsense... Then you know that everything I listed before is a complete garbage and not worth it (except for communism part, comrade). And this could be the beginning of a very strange friendship.
I hate impersonal scores (for example, can you understand the difference between a show with a rating of 7.7 from the show with a score of 7.8?) so i divided them all into funds, where all participants are on the same level (almost).
- 10/10 - PLATINUM, BABY! They are real masterpieces that communicate with the viewer on so many levels that it is impossible to describe. They make you think and change you, not only as viewer but also as a person, to better or worse. To these creations you can come back, again and again, every year and every time, you will find for yourself, something new in them and with each time they become only better. Immortal classic.
/7-9\ Gold for the king. This amazing works, which you can (and should) advise everyone to see, are the best that anime has to offer. Each of them, whether it be visuals, story, characters or only a couple of scenes will leave you truly impressed. One of my (and hopefully your) favorite works of art.
[5-6] Silver. These works have serious problems that can not be ignored.But this does not mean that they are bad. Perhaps they reveal interesting or close to you topics. Or have situations that you like to see. Sure, in these pictures, you can find a theme or mood that you appreciate most, which will be somewhat overshadowed by the problems of the work. But it definitely will not be a waste of time.
x2-4x Who needs bronze? Yes, this is the question that I ask myself when I put something in here. And the answer is ... no idea. These "pictures" have a lot of problems, perhaps in animation (but usually script), directing (although this is a script), a vague implementation (but this is a 100% script problem). But most likely the screenwriter died of cancer while writing it, and his death messages to Cthulhu (which was a desperate attempt to save his own life) was taken for an unfinished masterpiece. And producers barfed it that we could see. It's an abomination.
- 1 - THE ONE! THE Chosen! Section D - One thought that "it" exists gives me a boost of autism. Watching "it" I've hurt myself physically and mentally. I received irreversible brain damage from watching this garbage. And memories of what I saw, make me a step closer to suicide. The true evil. This is a quarantined area, for God's sake, stay away!
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