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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
Jan 16, 2016 8:16 AM
On-Hold -/10 · Scored -
Jan 15, 2016 5:35 AM
Watching 35/51 · Scored -
Sep 26, 2015 4:55 PM
Completed 201/201 · Scored 10
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Days: 5.5
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Liar Game
Liar Game
Sep 3, 2015 3:20 PM
Completed 203/203 · Scored 9
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Hirunaka no Ryuusei
Sep 1, 2015 11:40 AM
Completed 86/86 · Scored 8
Black Bird
Black Bird
Jul 10, 2015 9:32 AM
Completed 84/84 · Scored 8

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sorrowfulSecret Apr 2, 2016 6:04 AM
Me too ;-;
I'm starting to gain weight from the junk i eat. I really need to fix my diet.
Anyways how have you been? I've been really busy with schoolwork so I haven't been on mal much.
Haven't watched anime in months smh, but I'm planning on getting back into it again. Wish i had more time.
sorrowfulSecret Mar 17, 2016 5:51 AM
Nothing much at all... have just been bored doing schoolwork. I'm really boring so my conversations will be dull. forgive me ;^;
Muan142 Mar 4, 2016 4:01 AM
Thank you. I'll tall a little more.

Good girl. I think I learned to cook collets when I was about your age. but most of mine were burnt... Good luck ><

I know how you feel, it's fine, I've been feeling pretty much the same lately. Must be the moon. I only have energy for gibbering on about my story. I think I'm not getting enough sleep.

I want to ride horses. Will you be riding these horses one day?

I miss you sometimes you know. Are you still playing Osu?

Did you ever read any Lovecraft? I've been getting into that recently.

Speaking of "love craft" I'll be like you and make up a question saying "What's you're favorite anime couple or romance?"
Muan142 Mar 1, 2016 10:33 AM
I won't lie, I was rather offended at you trying to disappear without even saying goodbye :/

What did I tell you? a girl like you can grab any dude she wants off the streets any time she wants ;) I hope this one knows to pamper you properly.

Things with her are going pretty well. We had a date yesterday and watched anime together and lately she's been calling me every night to watch over her as she sleeps. Apparently she doesn't sleep well without me on the phone >///<. But I got all depressed Saturday and was mean to her. I stopped being a dope and fixed it pretty quick but really, I should be nicer to her since she's giving me lots of attention. She found out that she has a severe vitamin D deficiency and she needs to start spending more time outside or she'll die but we can still be together after sunset.

I was just writing an essay on freedom, death, and sacrifice where I compare Aztec mythology, Sword Art Online, and The Lord of the Rings. I blew my own mind with how deep that went :o

Anyway, This is a story about sacrifice and self-narrative. A company of humans are trying to establish a colony in a continent full of elves. You see all the humans are fairly technologically advanced bt the energy source for their technology has poisoned their homeland and killed off most of their population. Only a few cities remain and four of them are trying to establish colonies and migrate to the Elven lands. We follow a knight in the service of the new governor of the colony of Lagoa.Ashe tries to help the governor secure peace with the local Elven tribes.

Originally the colonists came to Logres and the Yahtendi nation of elves greeted them as friends and offered to help supply them with food and teach them to grow crops. But about ten years ago the colonists realized that the elves were using magic to slowly enslave thier minds. You see the Yahtendi really like having human slaves, but there aren't many humans in the Elven lands so the colonists represented a very valuable resource. Besides which the elves are interested in acquiring the human technologies. This resulted in the colonist declaring war on the elves and for ten years they've been raiding the Elven lands for food to send back home and taking evlen families as hostages and forcing them to work the land for the colonists. The elves have sorcerers and skilled warriors, but they are very slow to wage war, only attacking about twice in the past ten years. They won both the battles they fought, but they had heavy losses and they dont like facing the human rifles, since magic can't touch the iron bullets and many Elven sorcerers have fallen in that way.

Anyway, The new governor, Admiral Francisco has arrived with three gigantic airships and 1500 riflemen. One of the smaller scout ships is under the command of Sir Lloyce our main character. The new governor wants to win a great victory against the elves in batter in order to get leverage before offering a peace treaty, but the elven sorcerers could probably destroy his airships.

In the very beginning of the story though, Lloyce captures the blind elven sorceress Arianna and her guard slave, Saiun, while he is out scouting with his men. Apparently though Arianna is rather estranged from her family. To understand, let me explain how elven magic works. The elves worship the Great God Ithli, who is in fact the moon that orbits this world. Ithli is kinda dead, but it is still dreaming, and there are many powerful beings in its dream. Elves can see th eMoon Dream in their sleep and some of the more sensitive among them are given powers by one of the creatures in the Moon Dream called The Lady of Sleep. But the powers slowly transform them into hideous, mindless monsters.But a dragon came to Arianna and offered to save her from her fate. It would place its own curse on her which would give her even greater power and which would fight with the Lady of Sleep's curse for control of her body. The two curses would kill her in the competition one day and though they would consume her much faster, this would prevent her from becoming a monster. She took the dragon's curse but for making this deal she is treated as a pariah and not allowed in most elven cities or villages because they consider The Lady of Sleep's curse to be a sacred act of god. She is allowed to visit her family in the capital, but they rarely call for her.

After shes captured Arianna comes to sympathize with the humans' plight so she's willing to defend thier airships while they bomb the Yahtendi capital, though she wants them to give the elves a chance to evacuate the city. Long story short this works and the elves agree to a truce and want to discuss terms of peace. It becomes clear during the peace talks though that the Elves are very interested in the airships. They aren't very interested in trading for most human products, but they want to trade with the Coromoore elves who live on the other side of the continent and they are willing to help the humans establish more colonies if they can establish a trade route to the Coromoore Coast

Ugh, I'd go on but I kinda lost my train of thought here... there's some more stuff about Lloyd's fiance and the dragon worshipers trying to sabotage the peace talks. I'm a mess but you already know that.
Muan142 Feb 26, 2016 4:53 PM
Hey, Kat, how's disappearing going for you? Grades doing better? How are the horses?

I've got a new story if you want to hear it :D
sorrowfulSecret Feb 15, 2016 4:11 PM
Muan142 Jan 28, 2016 11:40 AM
//takes your hand and draws you close

Why stalk me from afar when you could do it from so much closer?

//wraps his arms around your slender frame

See? Isnt this much better? >:D
Rayaxe Jan 24, 2016 2:55 AM
I had a really busy week =w='
Sorry for the late reply ;w;

Ok you shall be Kat then! but in my mind I will hear a cute russain girl saying "Hana-chan" ;w;
I only rode a horse once ;w;
I went to a farm in the far end of London, and they let me ride it, which was surprising considering I was (and to some extent still am) pretty fat. I prayed the horse wouldn't feel strain of get hurt by me, but she seemed fine. I got of her in about 1 minute, It feel weird because she had no saddle and kept moving.
Livreya and ladiya, they sound like awesome names >W<
Their father lives on! *strikes a fist in the air*

Skype classes o0o
THAT SOUND KEWL. I wish I didn't have to go out when it's 5 degrees to walk to school for an hour or risk being squashed on the bus. The amount of times I've had to awkwardly push my elbows onto a woman's breast ;w;
I must be an accidental molesters! But then again there are always these little girls who are shorter than me, who pole dance on the frickin' poles you use to keep you balance, and they always push my hand of and make me fall ;w;

I've been looking for a job for soo long ;w;
Right now I'm tutoring so I can build a computers with parts I want, but I have to give most my earning to my mum since we have a few financial issues =w='
I say financial, but my mum's the issue. She thinks a low earning working class family like mine can afford new leather sofas, silk curtains and branded clothes. For a while I've been managing her money, but she buy expensive things behind my back and I have to deal with alot of he mistakes. She just bought a new smart phone (which she doesn't know how to use) and just because she wanted to send pictures to her friend. She could have taken my old phone, I never use it, but she thought it would give her free calls for life, a dream her friends sold her, forgetting to tell her about the contract's and their terms and conditions.

I got to school for 6hrs 30 mins (the default time) But I also Do about 4 hours extra for my art classes and History classes.
C programming o0o That's used a lot for robotics and basic CPU programming, I'd love to learn it >w<
But I get tired when I come home and fall asleep reading books on programming since I got to school for like 12 (which includes my journey)

Music... Well I have weird tastes, I just bookmark what ever sounds good! Your taste seems similar to most my friends. I like instrumental music like you (vocals tend to ruin the music), but my favourite band is an old one what is vocal based =L
Here's one I was listening to just know:

Here's my favourite song:
Rayaxe Jan 18, 2016 10:57 AM
Kat eh? Did you used to call your self hana? I like drinking ale and riding horse with a red army uniform on >w<
We have so much in common!
AND WE BOTH LIKE SLEEPING?! wait... wut's this "anime" you speak of, you mean those Chinese cartoons with poke balls that big eyed kids throw at yellow mice?
I wish I could cook properly. At school cooking classes I do fine, but at home I make food beyond human consumption. Sometimes I find police tape around my food saying "keep out" and "danger" ;w;

Hmmm... conversations... well I guess we should start one by talking about stuff that's happened to us ^w^ or we could just talk about our selves more ^w^

I'm 17 and a collage student, and I love learning about computers and puzzles too >w<
hmmm A story.... WELL!! YESTERDAY! I.... um... play fallout for the whole day ;w;
THE DAY BEFORE! um.... I tutored some kids for money and slept for the rest of the day =w='
THE DAY BEFORE! I was doing a business project where I create and fund a real life business by selling shares then buying and selling stock. My group decided on buying a flexible stick that holds your cell phone, which was a good idea IMO, but just today my teachers told me one of my group members told him it was "for talking picture of your self in bed" so none of my teachers wanted to buy it and someone else "lost 10 sticks" but later on I saw 10 people using it and him with a wallet full of cash =w=' So I took the money and kick him of the team. Then I had to send a few apology email since some of the people in my group were using the sticks in class. They told everyone it was a "selfie stick" so non of the guys want to buy it. And since my collage is in a boys' school, and there are only a few girls there I have no one to sell to until I got to the market! AND THAT'S IN 3 MONTHS >W<

I'd carry on but this message seems to becoming a wikipedia page XD

Oh wait, you used "//" for your first message, AS IF YOU WERE COMMENTING ON C# O0O
Don't tell me.... YOU KNOW CODING 0-0 Teach me >W< I'm more of a hardware guy than software, I know how all coding languages work but I get stuck sometimes I need help from a friend and I'm currently learning C# and Python >w<
If you don't know what the fujj I'm talking about, ignore this =w='
Muan142 Jan 18, 2016 2:07 AM
Well your names are always 100% cute though I personally loved xRinRin. If you want help with your profile I might do something for you. I'm pretty good with graphic design. I designed my ex's profile and my first lovers profile, not to mention mine which is awesome.

I'm worried right now. My girlfriend is so sick she doesn't remember coming home last night. She texted me after she got home but she doesn't remember any of it. . And her fever is still over 100. //whimpers// she's been sick since two weeks ago. I hope she doesn't die. I need to make a rule against dying.

Hacking I'm afraid is often a very simple process and the people who do it seldom have any serious purpose. I had a friend who used to hack random people and government websites just because he was curious or because it was fun. I don't know about it being powerful but in the tv show it certainly is. They just brought down the largest corporation on the planet by erasing all data on all thier computers and destroying thier record facilities so all financial data for the company is lost. Since they ran thier own banks and credit cards most people no longer have any money or debt. People are marching in the streets for the overthrow of the government. This fictional corporation owned 70% of the worlds consumer debt. Unfortunately the main character who did all this is really insane and I think he actually is the bad guy, I mean the bad guy is one of his split personalities. He went looking for the guy and tally to the bad guys wife, but the wife talked to him very strangely. And he felt like she could hear his thoughts. Ah well the next season comes out in the summer. I'm getting all anxious just waiting.

Speaking of Aldnoah Zero, do you like Inaho? I love him. Robot Inaho belongs with his big sister. Those two were so CUTE together. I hate the princess. Seriously she barely says two words to Inaho for a month and she thinks she has the right to say she loves him. Stupid bitch. He's got his oneechan. He doesn't need a princess.

Let me see overpowered enemies... Yes those are always cool. I remember in FAFNER there was an enemy who could detonate something like a nuclear explosion and it wouldn't affect him. He basically had a self destruct that didn't actually hurt him in any way.

I almost want to opine on the appeal of helplessness brought on by facing overwhelming odds. It actually reminds me I was just listening to Noah Antweiler explain that the appeal of the Call of Cthulhu game is in this backpedaling hopeless battle against an incomprehensible power, where the most we could hope for is simply never to be noticed by them. If you haven't heard of H.P. Love craft you should read his stories. Even to look upon the Old Ones would drive a man mad. And usually everyone in his stories does go mad or die or get transformed into a monster. Only the ones who don't get noticed can be safe. Ugh I'm tired and I'm worried about my little one. Talk to you later
Rayaxe Jan 17, 2016 7:01 AM
I'm only 17 ;w;

I remember now, I sent you a message and you never replied... I don't like bothering people with spam so I waited for you to respond, when you didn't I assumed like most the other peoples in the inter webz you'd moved on or CBA to talk to me no more. ;w;
It happens a lot you see =w='
And I am guilty of it my self, but I never leave for long, and as long as the other person replies to me than I reply black 100% of the time.

Well let's just refresh each other of who we are (I can't Marry a strange ;D mom said so ;w;)
I'm Ray, I come from England, london. I like drawing, reading about computers, coding and ofcourse I love anime. I'm a trollsome person online at times, but I love having a good Ol' chat. I'm mae, and I'm telling you this because alot of people mistake me for a girl because I roleplay a lot and act a lil dipsy online a as joke. I act pretentious at times (I'm working on that) but I have respect for everyone and I'm happy to learn new things from others. My favourite colour is green (though I love to draw in black and white and detest colouring) and my favourite food is ... IDK, I've been on a diet so long I forgot XD. My measurements are... >///< YOU SHOULDN'T ASK A GUY FOR HIS MEASUREMENTS! BAKA. Hmph! *looks back woundering if Forchii would ask for his man boob bra size*

I'll leave the rest to you, progress the convo as much as you like! I can go from anime to quantum physics, so don't hesitate to be random and sway the convo <3
Rayaxe Jan 17, 2016 2:28 AM
y'ellow who might you be?
I have alot of friends who have blocked their comments and inbox or made it private, so I end up losing touch with them. And it looks like you've changed ur name, so IDK which one of the traitors you are ;w;

Ah well, talk to me any time, I love talking to people about almost anything! ^0^
Muan142 Jan 16, 2016 11:00 AM
Sweet dreams, Kat
Muan142 Jan 16, 2016 10:24 AM
Btw why do you keep changing your name?

Sorry if I'm slow today, I'm watching a new series called Mr. Robot about a team of hackers trying to overthrow society and the capitalist market structure. The twist is, the main character might be insane. There's something weird going on. He just found out this girl he's been hanging out with was his sister, only they grew up together and were never separated. For the whole series she's known he was her brother but somehow he didn't know. He has no idea how he forgot. He just went around his room and there are pictures of her and him as kids and he didn't even remember he had a sister. And he keeps talking to the screen saying "You're with me right?" And "was I wrong to create you?"

Very intriguing series, it should help with my story. I feel inspiration coming on >_<

Btw do you like any superhero movies?
Muan142 Jan 16, 2016 10:11 AM
But the same actor and company made a GREAT adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac. You should watch that. ;)
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