I enjoy watching anime. Here are some more stats you cannot find below: MAL Graph.
If you want any recommendations from my list you are most welcome to ask me, but if you're more interested in a random recommendation based on my ratings, check out my Anime-Planet list .
Usually I start grading with a 7, which equals enjoyable, but not outstanding.
If the anime has serious flaws in plot, characters (I usually do not grade lower because of art and sound), but still enjoyable enough to finish, I grade the anime a 6.
The moment I start wondering why I finished the anime I rank it a 5, or lower if I think it's worst compared to previous 5's.
If you are interested in any anime I ranked a 7 or below, ask me why I ranked it this low, although I do not remember all the stuff I watched. My reasons for disliking an anime might not be a valid reason for you to dislike it. And maybe you can even persuade me to change my earlier ranking and make me re-watch an anime which is actually a lot better than how I remember.
Now let's talk about the good stuff! :)
I rank an anime with an 8 if it makes me want to keep on watching because of any of these points:
1) an outstanding good story,
2) character development,
3) complex characters,
4) sometimes simply outstanding good art / sound.
An anime needs to have 2 or more of the points above and makes me want to keep on watching even though I have to get some sleep or go to school/work in order to get a 9. A 9-rated anime also needs to be memorable. I do tend to forget some of the stuff I've seen more than 3 years ago, so not being able to remember an anime is a good reason to downgrade an anime after a while.
I recommend every anime I rated a 9, but you can still check out my 8's as I do count these anime as "good stuff".
Did I mention I do not rate 10's? A 10 equals complete perfection in my (slightly Dutch school influenced) rating system. Say;
- a comedy which makes you laugh so hard your tummy starts hurting,
- a drama which makes you start crying like a little b*tch,
- a shounen epic/action/adventure which keeps you up at night for several hours because you want to know what is going to happen or
- a romance which makes you feel in love even though you're pretty sure there is no rational reason to feel that way.
Ok, I have to admit, these anime's do exist; so I rated a few 10's. If you haven't checked these anime out; try them! These anime touched me on an emotional personal level and I hope these (or other) anime will do the same for you :)
*By the way: don't send me random friend requests, but instead talk to me first. I'm the kind of person who would rather talk to people than have a lot of "friends" online.
Thanks, but that took a really long time to do XD As I watch more it will continue to grow and grow, notice that blank space on the bottom? In due time it will be all filled up, and I'll have to extend it again ^_^
Hello, I was browsing around and came across your profile. I noticed you have a little area that contains all your favorite characters in them, because MAL can't support enough of them. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's like that, because I have something similar on my profile, that is constantly growing as I watch more shows and my favorites list grows XD
Hahahahaa, I've just fount out there's another Death note, this is amazing. :P.
And I support Kira, he should not kill me! Gee, do you not support him? ;O
And the fact that it's so high ranked surprised me as well, a manga girl in my class even brought it up to met two days ago, when I started watching it. She knew I watched anime and was wondering if I'd seen it, I replied ''How freacky, started last night....o.o''
All Comments (35) Comments
I'm struggling for members at the moment so I thought I'd try to get people interested lol.
It's called BIRTHDAY CLUB <3 and it's an increasing list of anime characters birthdays :)
heres a link:
thank you <3
but randomness is goooood ^^ :L yay!! ;)
gd gd
im brill reali hyper nd brill XD
how is u???
like random comment
but im random 2 is its all gd's XD
Do you have msn ^^?
And I support Kira, he should not kill me! Gee, do you not support him? ;O