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Sep 29, 2023
Minor Spoilers

The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again was quite the surprise of the season. The obvious pull is big cat takes care of owner and what a fantastic use of the concept it is. Anime can burn you with a good hook but mediocre execution but this one thankfully delivers a stellar slice of life experience.

Saku Fukuzawa experiences the cat distribution system finding a black cat she names Yukichi under a snowy bench. After Yukichi is saved he grows way bigger than any cat and does things like cook and clean for Saku. Though the premise is simple, the exploration of Saku and Yukichi's relationship ...
Sep 27, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Kengen Ashura has returned with the first part of its second season and is exactly what you'd expect. Some good fights with way too many characters to actually follow what's going on.

I must admit, going into this season I did not remember what had happened in the slightest from the first season and needed to watch a recap. I say this because this likely influences my opinion of the overall plot so take it with a relative grain of salt. That being said, Kengen Ashura is definitely a show that benefits from the binge watching model of Netflix. The large number or characters from fighters ...
Sep 21, 2023
Just looking at the name of the anime you should know what you're getting into. I thought, "Murder Princess is one of the most on the nose and cheesiest names for any anime I've ever seen and it's only six episodes, so it can't be THAT bad. There should at least some entertainment value here." This has to be some of the most boring and soulless 2 hours of my life. This anime was so boring that I couldn't even watch it all in one sitting which is really saying something for the minimal content present.

The anime starts with a bounty hunter searching for her ...
Sep 19, 2023
Major Spoilers

Historical dramas have never been so interesting. Rose of Versailles is the first shoujo anime I have ever watched and was quite impressed but also disappointed by it. It follows Oscar François de Jarjeyes, a noble woman raised as a man, through her trials as Marie Antoinette's head guard as well as embracing her own femininity.

The main plot is the buildup to the revolution with the pretense of one big love web. Marie and Oscar have romantic tension but both are also in love with Hans Axel von Fersen. Andre, the De Jarjeyes stableboy and Oscar's childhood best friend, is deeply in love ...
Sep 11, 2023
Hungry? How about some pasta.

This is an OVA where Tanya is shipped way too many boxes of pasta in the desert and needs to find a way to make it edible for her men. It's entertaining enough and fans of Tanya the Evil will likely find enjoyment in it. I personally found it a little boring but not bad by any means. Everyone is back and has at least a single line. Serebryakov has a moment to shine though I've never particularly cared for her character. The performance for Tanya isn't as good as usual, likely because this is just a 15 minute OVA. I ...
Sep 10, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Spoilers for Season One and the Movie itself

I actually enjoyed this movie a little more than the series despite giving them the same rating. The main reason why is because it's making me consider whether or not Saga of Tanya the Evil is supposed to be a satire or not.

This movie is canon and starts to improve the overall plot of Tanya the Evil. Tanya is beginning to be challenged in a meaningful way though its unfortunately done through Mary Sue (literally). Mary Sue is the daughter of the main antagonist of season one and seeking revenge for her father's death. Being X is now ...
Sep 10, 2023
Youjo Senki (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Minor spoilers

A bloodthirsty 10 year old girl during an alternate dimensions WW1. But surprise!- she's not just a 10 year old, but was actually a middle aged Japanese salaryman who manages to piss off God by saying he doesn't believe in him to God's face. Yep, the isekai tag doesn't lie but if you were like me and didn't know anything about the series going in it was quite the shock to say the least (and not in a good way). The series itself only manages to disappoint. While not terrible, Saga of Tanya the Evil manages to be incredibly mediocre and plays into just ...
Sep 7, 2023
Spoilers for the main series

TL:DR/comments about the OVA- This is just a recap episode of the first half of season 1. You don't need to watch it unless you want to. 5/10

So this "review" is mostly going to be me talking about the things I don't like about the main series so far.

Saga of Tanya the Evil feels pointless. The isekai twist in episode 2 does nothing for the series as a whole besides provide it with an actual plot to follow. It feels almost as if the author didn't have any real plan for a narrative after having the idea of a little ...
Sep 6, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Drifting Dragons had the potential to be amazing but blows it thanks to the problems with 3D animation and a lackluster (arguable nonexistant) plot.

The plot is mostly slice of life as it follows the Quin Zaza in their daily duties as Drakers (Dragon hunters). From hunting to selling the parts in port, Drifting Dragons covers it all. However, the concept of the show is what does the majority of the heavy lifting. Action and cooking sequences supplement the narrative, they alone aren't enough to make up for an unexplored plot that was set up from episode 1. Within the first few minutes it's mentioned that ...
Sep 4, 2023
Minor Spoilers

While rather generic in concept, Psychic Studies has heartfelt themes it successfully portrays to the audience through well written characters.

For the first half of the series there is no real overarching plot but rather individual story arcs. It's not until the halfway point that a longer story is explored with the dragon's powers. The first arc is great and gets you hooked with Chankyu (the main character) attempting to go back in time and fix a deadly mistake. It does well to introduce the different kinds of powers and how they're going to work. Chankyu's hypnosis is good at subverting expectations and adding a ...

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