Uhh im now 16 years old. And i watch and read allot of Anime and Manga. I guess i was like 14 years old when i got deep with Anime slash Manga before that i only watch like Dragon Ball z, Sailor Moon, Samurai pizza cat, Yu-gi-oh and allot of others Manga slash Anime. But i was a little kid so i didn't know it was under the category Anime i was always thinking it was just cartoon. Most of my friends are busy with Anime or manga, like my older brother but he is really addicted he is also learning Japanese with my Cousin and friend. My favorite Anime slash manga is Naruto, One Piece and Soul Eater. I got 2 favorite characters Rock Lee from Naruto and Black star from Soul eater, I think my Personality is just like them i mean i always playing dumb but i can be very smart and serious on the right moment. Got more questions? sure you do.
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