Five minutes ago, Michael called, and left this message on the machine, while I was writing this blog. And now, after writing this (h)uge blog, I must go return a few phone calls, but before signing off for tonight, I want to do a shout-out to my friend, Lori, over at the famous Cowboy Steak House. When he started to tell me about the two black Labs, I stopped him and told him that I had just gotten off of the phone with his mother-in-law, Janet, and yes we would take them. Janet just called to tell me, that when she called the owner of the marina-the owner told her, that the dogs were already gone. I just got off of the phone with Janet, and she told me she was going to follow up, and call the pound, but she did tell me that she knew that there was a young couple, who had just bought a small mini-ranch, and they had inquired about the two Labs, and were thinking about adopting them. The next message I received was from Janet, a woman in Austin, who said there were two, two year old, black Labs at a marina-that needed our help, and to please call her as soon as possible. Penny had called the ranch, and left a message about two, beautiful, three year old, black Labs needing a home by the end of today, because their owner had died suddenly from a heart attack! The last message I received was from Michael, a man, who lived out at Lake Travis, wanting to know if he could bring us two, well behaved, black Labs, today, and to please call him back! I told her I would call her back in ten minutes, after talking to Tony, because we were at capacity. I am now going to call Janet, to suggest that she call the pound immediately, about the dogs! So, now we have two, fabulous black Labs, coming to the rescue ranch tomorrow, or so I thought. I am glad to know that you have a wooden desk and you can now see it-congrats! You can also choose the close adding comments on your articles older than a particular number of days. The articles has lot of interesting responses from the readers. And yes, I love pink wine (Strawberry Hill-with a twisted orange slice.) Ben, who works out here part time, took some wine classes, a few years back, and one time when he and I were talking about wine, he corrected me when I mispronounced Merlot as: Merr- Lot (as in thanks a lot!) and that is why-I nearly flunked French in high school! And museums have really good content--content related to the core interests of niche groups who aggregate online. But we were all very pleased to have had no fewer than 5 junk-rigged boats at the regatta: the wonderful Christine Hall even let us have a class of our own for first across the line - won by La Chica. Watching the success of The Ruined Tower of Zenopus, my first commercial project, on DMs Guild over the year, as it earned a Platinum badge. My teacher, Mrs. French (no kidding, that was her real name) told me that she would pass me, and give me a D (for dumb instead of an F for fool) because she knew, I had studied hard and truly tried, but because of my thick Texas accent- she made me promise to never go to France, and I promised not to, and Ive never gone over there! I got so many emails over the past year from political and cause-based groups that are super-smart about how they build movements and inspire participation. P.S. I tried to buy some of those boots for myself, but I couldnt get them up past my knees-because I am weight-loss challenged! So, Ive posted a gallery on Facebook of all the past Fan Art that has been shar...
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