All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 163.8
Mean Score:
- Watching5
- Completed338
- On-Hold33
- Dropped37
- Plan to Watch250
- Total Entries663
- Rewatched13
- Episodes9,877
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 35.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries110
- Reread0
- Chapters6,363
- Volumes232
All Comments (5) Comments
I used to defend myself by saying I use the entire rating scale from 1-10, but now my mean score has become so low that I don't even know if I'm human anymore. Joking aside, it's been ages since I watched Kara no Kyoukai, but I feel like it was mostly pretentious blabber hidden behind great animation. The 5th movie is probably the best of them, but is it worth watching all the others to get to that one? I don't know. Try the first one and if you find yourself enjoying it, then move on to the others.
When it comes to the scores, people tend to hate on me because they're all so low, saying things like "If you don't like it, why are you watching them" but if I didn't watch it, I wouldn't know if I would like it or not. It's not just fans of a show or movie or book or whatever, that should be allowed to have opinions. Rather', let's have a discussion and maybe we can learn something from it.
People like what they like, you know? I just want people to get along and be friends.
Ah, I see. That was kind of the same thing that happened to me. I started rewatching Dragon Ball Z when I was 14 years old. And then I started talking about it with a friend of mine who at the time was much more experienced with the medium than me. He showed me a whole bunch of shounen and ecchi series and after watching those I gradually began exploring the depths of the medium myself.
I see that you like HXH 2011 and FMA:B. Those are my two favorite shounens. Maybe you should try Cowbow Bebop... It's not a shounen, but from looking at your list, it might be something you'll enjoy.
How did you get into anime?