Given name: 由里子
Family name: 貝田Birthday: Nov 1 Website: Favorites: 11 More: Trained at Kunitachi College of Music, after graduation, she became a studio/live musician, providing vocals and backing chorus to numerous artists in record studios and on tours.
Yuriko Kaida is a long-time Kajiura vocalist, they first met on NOIR project in 2001. Indeed, she is the singer of the songs which made Yuki break into the anime world: Canta per Me, Lullaby and Salva Nos. Whether it be on the chorus or as a main vocal, it is not rare to hear Yuriko Kaida's voice in Yuki’s works.
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Most Recent
Start Date
TV, Spring 2002 188180200204040000016.94 |
6.94 188,180 Members |
add Theme Song Performance ((backing)) TV, Fall 2003 231468200311250000027.60 |
7.60 231,468 Members |
OVA, 2004 75540200404110000036.78 |
6.78 75,540 Members |
add Music (Vocals in BGM) TV, Spring 2007 57148200704030000047.20 |
7.20 57,148 Members |
add Music ((Vocals in BGM)) TV, Spring 2005 98132200504050000057.23 |
7.23 98,132 Members |
add Music (Vocals in BGM), Inserted Song Performance TV, Fall 2005 52875200510070000067.27 |
7.27 52,875 Members |
add Theme Song Composition TV, Summer 1999 61535199907020000077.09 |
7.09 61,535 Members |
add Theme Song Performance TV, Summer 2000 21851200007070000086.67 |
6.67 21,851 Members |
add Music (Vocals in BGM), Inserted Song Performance TV, Spring 2001 117981200104060000097.28 |
7.28 117,981 Members |
add Theme Song Composition TV, Winter 1999 59413199902070000107.32 |
7.32 59,413 Members |
add Inserted Song Performance TV, Spring 2005 18672200504030000117.33 |
7.33 18,672 Members |
add Music (vocals), Theme Song Performance (FictionJunction) TV, Spring 2009 440999200904030000127.64 |
7.64 440,999 Members |
add Inserted Song Performance (vocals) TV, Spring 2005 234080200504090000137.51 |
7.51 234,080 Members |
add Theme Song Performance (OP) OVA, 1997 3465199705210000145.73 |
5.73 3,465 Members |
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