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Aug 20, 2017 1:40 AM
Jul 2018
CorruptedPurity said:
AbuHumaid said:
the fact that she thinks you have a higher chance of being scum without a good or apparent reason and the fact that she got defensive when i called her out.

The part where I have a higher chance of being scum stumped me too, but I respect it! It's only natural to get defensive when called out, its NAI i think. But I see your point, I respect that. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being, "she's maybe scummy with that one phrase in that one post", and 10 being, "her existence is scum, any cop that checks her will get scum results or I'll cut my balls off", how scummy do you think she is?
I meant that she got defensive way too quick, we were just debating CP's case I didn't even try pressure her personally, but you right it's NAI maybe that's just how she is
Aug 20, 2017 1:45 AM

Jan 2014
I will be gone in 3 hours and most likely not be there for the phase change. So if you've got anything to ask me about, or if you want to pressure me in any way, do it now.
Aug 20, 2017 1:52 AM

Aug 2012
@Suzune-chan You were somewhat caught up when you placed the vote on Coelestin. But Coel didn't post anything besides fluff in 1st page. So why was your vote there?

Aug 20, 2017 2:04 AM

Aug 2012
Coelestin said:
I will be gone in 3 hours and most likely not be there for the phase change. So if you've got anything to ask me about, or if you want to pressure me in any way, do it now.
I'm am more surprised with the fact that you didn't question Suzu and willing to put her in neutral pile. Not that I expect you to vote her, just odd that you shrug it off.

Aug 20, 2017 2:09 AM

Jan 2014
aa-dono said:
Coelestin said:
I will be gone in 3 hours and most likely not be there for the phase change. So if you've got anything to ask me about, or if you want to pressure me in any way, do it now.
I'm am more surprised with the fact that you didn't question Suzu and willing to put her in neutral pile. Not that I expect you to vote her, just odd that you shrug it off.

Yeah, dunno. She is someone who will talk a lot if she has time so I'm not particularly concerned about her atm. I could see different reasons why she'd vote for me, but who knows what her actual one is.
Aug 20, 2017 2:16 AM

Jan 2014
On another note, I'm searching for someone who has the same passive ability as me. It has something to do with trains and love. Whether you let me know who you are or not is up to you, but yeah, just know that I'm here.

Everyone else, you can ignore this.
Aug 20, 2017 2:33 AM
Jul 2018
Coelestin said:
On another note, I'm searching for someone who has the same passive ability as me. It has something to do with trains and love. Whether you let me know who you are or not is up to you, but yeah, just know that I'm here.

Everyone else, you can ignore this.
this feels like role fishing
Aug 20, 2017 3:54 AM

Apr 2015
logic340 said:
_Claire_ said:

The reason why we are calling it unreasonable is because they can all be town, they can all be scum, they can all a mixed of town/scum. So the fact that just saying I am scum raises alarm in you is weird because you know its almost always fluff.

Also what I am having trouble is atm why did you not just vote me, but instead say something and then vote? Where is this impulsive decisive vote that I used to see Logic town but instead youre unsure of where youre stepping and all.
things change welcome back to mafia society. Get used to seeing a newer logic doesn't make me scum and my reasoning has veg better than he stated reasons before voting be instead of just jumping. I'm sharing my thoughts would you prefer keep them to myself?

I didn't vote you because I have stronger conviction with last. I voted you because that seemed like what you wanted at the time. I can always put it back if that makes you more comfortable?

I can tell that you have not changed, sadly Logic. :)) Not by much.

You voted someone because she wants to be voted? Is that supposed to be town-mind? It sounds more like an opportunistic for me. Also the fact that you are saying something like analyzing someone based on whether they are saying they are scum looks opportunistic as well. What does it make a difference if one says he is scum/not? Its bound to be bluff.

And I dont see why Kyle is scummy. Not white-knighting him, but I just dont see it.
Aug 20, 2017 3:54 AM

Apr 2015
logic340 said:
_Claire_ said:

The reason why we are calling it unreasonable is because they can all be town, they can all be scum, they can all a mixed of town/scum. So the fact that just saying I am scum raises alarm in you is weird because you know its almost always fluff.

Also what I am having trouble is atm why did you not just vote me, but instead say something and then vote? Where is this impulsive decisive vote that I used to see Logic town but instead youre unsure of where youre stepping and all.
things change welcome back to mafia society. Get used to seeing a newer logic doesn't make me scum and my reasoning has veg better than he stated reasons before voting be instead of just jumping. I'm sharing my thoughts would you prefer keep them to myself?

I didn't vote you because I have stronger conviction with last. I voted you because that seemed like what you wanted at the time. I can always put it back if that makes you more comfortable?

I can tell that you have not changed, sadly Logic. :)) Not by much.

You voted someone because she wants to be voted? Is that supposed to be town-mind? It sounds more like an opportunistic for me. Also the fact that you are saying something like analyzing someone based on whether they are saying they are scum looks opportunistic as well. What does it make a difference if one says he is scum/not? Its bound to be bluff.

And I dont see why Kyle is scummy. Not white-knighting him, but I just dont see it.
Aug 20, 2017 3:56 AM

Apr 2015
CorruptedPurity said:
_Claire_ said:

I might sound like a broken radio but can you outline precisely why youre voting Last atm?
I honestly dont see why.

Towards logic

_Claire_ said:

You did not outline why youre voting Last instead youre jumping on opportunity. Is that what im seeing atm?

Someone is being awfully defensive. Or protective?

I see both of thier reasons as somewhat legit, I don't completely agree with them but I can see where they are coming from and I respect that. Claire, where are you coming from with this overprotectivenss of Last? Setting up a whiteknight? Defending a scumbuddy?

Everything Claire says is defensive. Or protective. Or emotional.
Fyuh. Lmao.

I am just asking why, because she says Coelestin is suspicious as well. So Im asking for a confirmation.
Aug 20, 2017 3:57 AM

Apr 2015
lastwhisper31 said:
logic340 said:
I literally want to scream right now. Three people have asked me on this page for something that is on the previous page. Post #423 people.
Leave logic alone for a little while please.
Nah, I'm not gunna allow you to play this emotional game, you poke everyone, so we will poke back.
Edit: Though ur emotional game is pretty nai, but its also not the most fair way to play this game.

Someone should take notice of this advice. I swear Logic is so good in being emotional.
Aug 20, 2017 4:18 AM

Jan 2014
Meh... tbh... I wanted to try and hunt mafia, but this role kills my creativity.

Hardclaim neutral.
I got no killing power.
I got only one active ability - using bulletproof vest on me or person from specific group.
I got only one passive ability, wich tells me that I'm neutral.
My wincon requiers me or person from the same specific group to be alive when game ends.
Aug 20, 2017 4:21 AM

Jan 2014
^ This was specialy writen in easy to check sentences in case there is lie detector who wants to clear me.

If not, just track/ rb/ whatever me.
That is not a role wich I can use to do anything interesting anyway.
Aug 20, 2017 4:35 AM

Jan 2010
Done catching up
roz1roz said:
Meh... tbh... I wanted to try and hunt mafia, but this role kills my creativity.

Hardclaim neutral.
I got no killing power.
I got only one active ability - using bulletproof vest on me or person from specific group.
I got only one passive ability, wich tells me that I'm neutral.
My wincon requiers me or person from the same specific group to be alive when game ends.
LucianRoy taught me to be a greedy townie and with your current contribution you can have my vote since your not town and your win con doesn't specify winning with town.
Sorry pal.
Vote: roz1roz
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 4:38 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
Done catching up
roz1roz said:
Meh... tbh... I wanted to try and hunt mafia, but this role kills my creativity.

Hardclaim neutral.
I got no killing power.
I got only one active ability - using bulletproof vest on me or person from specific group.
I got only one passive ability, wich tells me that I'm neutral.
My wincon requiers me or person from the same specific group to be alive when game ends.
LucianRoy taught me to be a greedy townie and with your current contribution you can have my vote since your not town and your win con doesn't specify winning with town.
Sorry pal.
Vote: roz1roz

Tho my ability can stop maf kills if you think like that.
And that does make town closer to win.

Edit: Changed a typo.
Aug 20, 2017 4:38 AM

Jan 2010
_Claire_ said:
lastwhisper31 said:
Nah, I'm not gunna allow you to play this emotional game, you poke everyone, so we will poke back.
Edit: Though ur emotional game is pretty nai, but its also not the most fair way to play this game.

Someone should take notice of this advice. I swear Logic is so good in being emotional.
whisper can take his own advice and if you'd like I can go grab a couple posts from this game for you to prove my point here? Also put yourself in the list as well. CP toi for that matter. Now into actual important shit. What's your meta read on me say right now?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 4:41 AM

Jan 2010
I'm neutral on Phraze I've always found her hard to read and her first few posts here confuse me. I do like gee push on whisper but not sure I saw weigh out of her to think she'd be not moving off due to their interactions. I'll have to look at her posts in isolation to get a better read.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 4:44 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:
Done catching up
LucianRoy taught me to be a greedy townie and with your current contribution you can have my vote since your not town and your win con doesn't specify winning with town.
Sorry pal.
Vote: roz1roz

Tho my ability can stop maf kills if you think like that.
And that does make town closer to win.

Edit: Changed a typo.
your bulletproof vest could also be used to protect a mafia from a town kill if I think about it like that.
That makes mafia closer to their's no?
Also do you have any kind of reads so far. How do you feel about my good friend Abu this game?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 4:52 AM

Jan 2010
AbuHumaid said:
Coelestin said:
On another note, I'm searching for someone who has the same passive ability as me. It has something to do with trains and love. Whether you let me know who you are or not is up to you, but yeah, just know that I'm here.

Everyone else, you can ignore this.
this feels like role fishing
how and why does this post make you feel that way? What does this post tell you about Coelestin?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 4:58 AM

Jan 2010
lastwhisper said:
logic340 said:
please go back to the OP post and look at it carefully. If this was not a bastard game what would you think? Now just because this is a bastard game doesn't mean we automatically doubt what we're told. Yes there is possibility that we have been lied to or are being lied to but as of right now with the way he came in acting like his role was an innocent child, the context is pretty clear here. FYI I was the one to even brought up the fact that the role your sipping wine over has been used in one of Chris's previous games. No I'm not taking it at face value if you go look at my read list and see where I placed CP and why. What is reevaluating him in D2 going to hurt us assuming he makes it thought N1?

Also this isn't #427?
Wasnt #427 literally all about CP and peopel claiming ur role fishing? and I dont recall saying anything about anything we or I should do D2 about his slot
this is a prime example of what I'm talking about in regards to whisper. 2 questions unanswered in this post alone. If I went back and found all the ignored quotes and questions similar to this we're in the double digits this game. @lastwhisper31 I'm going to ask you to go back find the questions that you haven't answered and please answer them for me. I'd life you too to do it before I do it which will be a list of everything that you've Dodged me on this game.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 5:00 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:

Tho my ability can stop maf kills if you think like that.
And that does make town closer to win.

Edit: Changed a typo.
your bulletproof vest could also be used to protect a mafia from a town kill if I think about it like that.
That makes mafia closer to their's no?
Also do you have any kind of reads so far. How do you feel about my good friend Abu this game?

Can't normal doctor protect mafia if he targets them?
Thats actualy a reason for early claim. I wanted to be employed by town and work for them. I mean... I can work with mafia, right. But if I wanted to, I wouldn't claim d1, but wait for LyLo/MyLo.

You can always vote me out later if town seems to lose mayoroity, to eliminate this risk. But as of now - I don't see a reason for doing so.
Aug 20, 2017 5:02 AM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
Ruu said:

Claire: Arrisu, Abu
logic340: lastwhisper, Claire
Mishukax: Labs
Phraze: Mishukax
Arrisu: aa-dono
Coelestin: Suzune-chan
lastwhisper: logic340, Phraze, Coelestin

Not voting: Tingle, CorruptivePurity, Maitai, roz1roz
@logic340 what made Last scummier than Claire?

Edit: The center tag.
check two posts up. I'll also refer you to post #423 my page 9 and 10 has a lot of answers to these questions I've been repeatedly asked.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 5:05 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:
your bulletproof vest could also be used to protect a mafia from a town kill if I think about it like that.
That makes mafia closer to their's no?
Also do you have any kind of reads so far. How do you feel about my good friend Abu this game?

Can't normal doctor protect mafia if he targets them?
Thats actualy a reason for early claim. I wanted to be employed by town and work for them. I mean... I can work with mafia, right. But if I wanted to, I wouldn't claim d1, but wait for LyLo/MyLo.

You can always vote me out later if town seems to lose mayoroity, to eliminate this risk. But as of now - I don't see a reason for doing so.
you make a fair point and it sounds like a good offer but I'll wait to see how the rest of my town feels. What about my other questions that you neglected to answer? As you can see from the post above about whisper it kind of bothers me when people answer how they want to and leave out the questions that are asked of them. It feels dodgy.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 5:20 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:

Can't normal doctor protect mafia if he targets them?
Thats actualy a reason for early claim. I wanted to be employed by town and work for them. I mean... I can work with mafia, right. But if I wanted to, I wouldn't claim d1, but wait for LyLo/MyLo.

You can always vote me out later if town seems to lose mayoroity, to eliminate this risk. But as of now - I don't see a reason for doing so.
you make a fair point and it sounds like a good offer but I'll wait to see how the rest of my town feels. What about my other questions that you neglected to answer? As you can see from the post above about whisper it kind of bothers me when people answer how they want to and leave out the questions that are asked of them. It feels dodgy.

Was ISOing him and... I don't see anything suspicious in his iso.
Did you have any specific post/situation in your mind when you asked it?
Aug 20, 2017 5:34 AM

Apr 2015
logic340 said:
_Claire_ said:

Someone should take notice of this advice. I swear Logic is so good in being emotional.
whisper can take his own advice and if you'd like I can go grab a couple posts from this game for you to prove my point here? Also put yourself in the list as well. CP toi for that matter. Now into actual important shit. What's your meta read on me say right now?

I cant meta-read you as it involves current on-going game.
But I am willing to unvote you, I wont be here for much longer and wont be around until middle of Night 2. It was more pressuring than scum-reading you.

Just being honest here, but I have no obvious scum-read with very detailed reasoning. Some of us are dominating over the rest, and it is very hard to read ( + I have not much time to spare to analyze the game). I have negative opinion on Phraze at the moment, and CP for calling me defensive again when all I am doing is asking for reasoning. Am I supposed to sit down so I dont get this kind of comment towards me? duh. Now, Im going on low for CP and Phraze.

I have this gut that Aa-dono is trying so hard to sound helping -- but I am gonna leave this point here until I am sure.

I have positive opinion of Arri, and a bit of Coelestin (though honestly, is it just me or she is very docile and not aggresive and she has changed her meta??). They seem like trying to read as well. I have positive opinion of Tingle as well, due to her pulling out reads for me/Logic/someone else.

vote: Phraze
Aug 20, 2017 5:36 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:
you make a fair point and it sounds like a good offer but I'll wait to see how the rest of my town feels. What about my other questions that you neglected to answer? As you can see from the post above about whisper it kind of bothers me when people answer how they want to and leave out the questions that are asked of them. It feels dodgy.

Was ISOing him and... I don't see anything suspicious in his iso.
Did you have any specific post/situation in your mind when you asked it?
You were ISOing who? Abu? There's not that many posts do them all.
Also you stated I have no reason to vote you but I also have no reason to not vote you. Lastly how do you feel about the OP post, Purity claiming innocent child, and the early game confusion surrounding it?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 5:41 AM

Jan 2010
_Claire_ said:
logic340 said:
whisper can take his own advice and if you'd like I can go grab a couple posts from this game for you to prove my point here? Also put yourself in the list as well. CP toi for that matter. Now into actual important shit. What's your meta read on me say right now?

I cant meta-read you as it involves current on-going game.
But I am willing to unvote you, I wont be here for much longer and wont be around until middle of Night 2. It was more pressuring than scum-reading you.

Just being honest here, but I have no obvious scum-read with very detailed reasoning. Some of us are dominating over the rest, and it is very hard to read ( + I have not much time to spare to analyze the game). I have negative opinion on Phraze at the moment, and CP for calling me defensive again when all I am doing is asking for reasoning. Am I supposed to sit down so I dont get this kind of comment towards me? duh. Now, Im going on low for CP and Phraze.

I have this gut that Aa-dono is trying so hard to sound helping -- but I am gonna leave this point here until I am sure.

I have positive opinion of Arri, and a bit of Coelestin (though honestly, is it just me or she is very docile and not aggresive and she has changed her meta??). They seem like trying to read as well. I have positive opinion of Tingle as well, due to her pulling out reads for me/Logic/someone else.

vote: Phraze
Phraze confuses me to no end and I will be looking over her posts in isolation later to see what I can make of them.

Pressure....hmm...I'll take you at your word but I got my eye on you kid.

Arri I need to look closer at and Coelestin I also have a positive opinion of but need to look at the progression in her vote on me and switch to whisper, I like her explanation for it but I need to see if that gels with what actually happened.

Tingle I am still neutral on. There post don't leave a huge impression but they are well written and easy to understand (I might could use some lessons).

How do you feel about what you have seen of Suzune? I don't really remember anything outside of the vote on Coelestin which appeared to be a blank vote.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 5:47 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:

Was ISOing him and... I don't see anything suspicious in his iso.
Did you have any specific post/situation in your mind when you asked it?
You were ISOing who? Abu? There's not that many posts do them all.
Also you stated I have no reason to vote you but I also have no reason to not vote you. Lastly how do you feel about the OP post, Purity claiming innocent child, and the early game confusion surrounding it?

ISOing as to read all of Abu's posts. They sounded mostly natural, tho there were not many of them as you noticed. That's why I asked if I should focus on any specific post or are you asking in general?

You have no reason to NOT vote doctor variation role? Interesting.

I imagine that even if innocent child was mafia (wich is unlikely and straight basterd, but that game is bastard), it would have some godfather-type modifier, making it also undetectable for cops.
Main conclusion? This slot should be read from game and probably left alone till late-game as well. I imagine scum will want to eliminate confirmed townies, so I will be surprised if they won't try to kill PC earlier.
Aug 20, 2017 5:58 AM

Apr 2015
logic340 said:
_Claire_ said:

I cant meta-read you as it involves current on-going game.
But I am willing to unvote you, I wont be here for much longer and wont be around until middle of Night 2. It was more pressuring than scum-reading you.

Just being honest here, but I have no obvious scum-read with very detailed reasoning. Some of us are dominating over the rest, and it is very hard to read ( + I have not much time to spare to analyze the game). I have negative opinion on Phraze at the moment, and CP for calling me defensive again when all I am doing is asking for reasoning. Am I supposed to sit down so I dont get this kind of comment towards me? duh. Now, Im going on low for CP and Phraze.

I have this gut that Aa-dono is trying so hard to sound helping -- but I am gonna leave this point here until I am sure.

I have positive opinion of Arri, and a bit of Coelestin (though honestly, is it just me or she is very docile and not aggresive and she has changed her meta??). They seem like trying to read as well. I have positive opinion of Tingle as well, due to her pulling out reads for me/Logic/someone else.

vote: Phraze
Phraze confuses me to no end and I will be looking over her posts in isolation later to see what I can make of them.

Pressure....hmm...I'll take you at your word but I got my eye on you kid.

Arri I need to look closer at and Coelestin I also have a positive opinion of but need to look at the progression in her vote on me and switch to whisper, I like her explanation for it but I need to see if that gels with what actually happened.

Tingle I am still neutral on. There post don't leave a huge impression but they are well written and easy to understand (I might could use some lessons).

How do you feel about what you have seen of Suzune? I don't really remember anything outside of the vote on Coelestin which appeared to be a blank vote.

Suzune hasn't left an impression on me. But I am not gonna even consider her as a lynch potential atm (her bday was yesterday I guess she was busy) so Im gonna let her go now. She is a valuable town. I know the qtn of "how if she is scum" but I will decide that later because the benefit of her being in this game >> my paranoia.
Though I can tell you usually Arri/Coelestin are pretty spot on with their read, but I remember back then as scum they can lead trains but not scum-read on it (why would scum want attention to themselves?! argument.)

I feel like I wont be able to read them properly in day 1 (or anyone at this matter)
Aug 20, 2017 6:00 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:
You were ISOing who? Abu? There's not that many posts do them all.
Also you stated I have no reason to vote you but I also have no reason to not vote you. Lastly how do you feel about the OP post, Purity claiming innocent child, and the early game confusion surrounding it?

ISOing as to read all of Abu's posts. They sounded mostly natural, tho there were not many of them as you noticed. That's why I asked if I should focus on any specific post or are you asking in general?

You have no reason to NOT vote doctor variation role? Interesting.

I imagine that even if innocent child was mafia (wich is unlikely and straight basterd, but that game is bastard), it would have some godfather-type modifier, making it also undetectable for cops.
Main conclusion? This slot should be read from game and probably left alone till late-game as well. I imagine scum will want to eliminate confirmed townies, so I will be surprised if they won't try to kill PC earlier.

1. I was just trying to be sure you weren't talking about whisper there. There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand. I will say that I am kind of tired of being the errand boy as people are being to lazy to even go back 2 pages in this game and it's quite frustrating. How about this you find a specific post from Abu and discuss how you feel about it instead of having me find it for you? Sounds like a plan.
2. What part of not town aligned are you not understanding? You are not town aligned and my win con is to eliminate threats to the town which you may or may not be. Also why do you expect me to take your claim at face value?
3. What do you make of the people who voted or found CP suspicious early due to PC OP and claim? There were at least three but maybe more?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 6:16 AM

Oct 2011
logic340 said:

@MaiTai have you posted yet?

Dude. I'm so agitated. I tried to log in via mobile 10 times yesterday and it kept giving me a 404 error. Thank goodness this was a 48 hr period. e.e
(Same answer for all of my pings)

Mind you, all of my notes are weak AF. I never know how to go about Day1, but I think I am more or less caught up so...yeah. If I got your nickname/gender/etc. wrong, please let me know. I'm still getting acquainted here. ;o;

Now. I have to go look for some odd ass post. If something looks extra weird to you, let me know.

Aug 20, 2017 6:24 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:

ISOing as to read all of Abu's posts. They sounded mostly natural, tho there were not many of them as you noticed. That's why I asked if I should focus on any specific post or are you asking in general?

You have no reason to NOT vote doctor variation role? Interesting.

I imagine that even if innocent child was mafia (wich is unlikely and straight basterd, but that game is bastard), it would have some godfather-type modifier, making it also undetectable for cops.
Main conclusion? This slot should be read from game and probably left alone till late-game as well. I imagine scum will want to eliminate confirmed townies, so I will be surprised if they won't try to kill PC earlier.

1. I was just trying to be sure you weren't talking about whisper there. There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand. I will say that I am kind of tired of being the errand boy as people are being to lazy to even go back 2 pages in this game and it's quite frustrating. How about this you find a specific post from Abu and discuss how you feel about it instead of having me find it for you? Sounds like a plan.
2. What part of not town aligned are you not understanding? You are not town aligned and my win con is to eliminate threats to the town which you may or may not be. Also why do you expect me to take your claim at face value?
3. What do you make of the people who voted or found CP suspicious early due to PC OP and claim? There were at least three but maybe more?

1. Wait, you want me to find posts wich seem unnatural to you? Wtf?
2. That's why I asked for lie detector/ tracker.
3. I see no reason for voting innocent child, like... really. I relatively can imagine that if this wagon gained traction, there would be mafia on them for sure.
Aug 20, 2017 6:45 AM

Aug 2012
_Claire_ said:
And I dont see why Kyle is scummy. Not white-knighting him, but I just dont see it.
You don't see at all why he's scummy? Or you concluded (after reading all his posts) that he's not scummy?

Aug 20, 2017 7:00 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:

1. I was just trying to be sure you weren't talking about whisper there. There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand. I will say that I am kind of tired of being the errand boy as people are being to lazy to even go back 2 pages in this game and it's quite frustrating. How about this you find a specific post from Abu and discuss how you feel about it instead of having me find it for you? Sounds like a plan.
2. What part of not town aligned are you not understanding? You are not town aligned and my win con is to eliminate threats to the town which you may or may not be. Also why do you expect me to take your claim at face value?
3. What do you make of the people who voted or found CP suspicious early due to PC OP and claim? There were at least three but maybe more?

1. Wait, you want me to find posts wich seem unnatural to you? Wtf?
2. That's why I asked for lie detector/ tracker.
3. I see no reason for voting innocent child, like... really. I relatively can imagine that if this wagon gained traction, there would be mafia on them for sure.
1. I don't think this conversation was that hard to follow. You asked if I have a specific post that stands out. I said nothing that I can find of the top of my head and that you should find some Abu posts and share your thoughts on them. The specific Abu posts you find. WTF was that so hard to understand?
2. You asked what for the lie-detector? You are not being clear here.
3. Well people did vote and you should have read past that part by now I would think. So I want your thoughts on the people who did and who feel like CP needs to be the focus of D1 not the general townie response.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 7:02 AM

Jan 2010
@roz1roz if you cannot tell we have 0 read on you and these questions are an attempt at getting one. Please don't act like you are confirmed town and I have no right to vote you when you are claiming anti-town and have provided little to nothing to this point.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 7:05 AM

Jan 2014
"There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand."

"I said nothing that I can find of the top of my head and that you should find some Abu posts and share your thoughts on them."

@logic340 - so there were or there weren't any unnatural posts? You are literaly telling 2 different things in 2 posts wich are one after another.
Aug 20, 2017 7:12 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
"There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand."

"I said nothing that I can find of the top of my head and that you should find some Abu posts and share your thoughts on them."

@logic340 - so there were or there weren't any unnatural posts? You are literaly telling 2 different things in 2 posts wich are one after another.
You are not understanding go back and try again please sir.
This shit is so frustrating when people misunderstand or misconstrue shit.
I never said anything about natural or unnatural that was you so you tell us if they are natural or unnatural WTF?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 7:20 AM

Jan 2010
So I am going to walk away again because I feel another Gakkougurashi coming on. For those who know what I mean you know why I am walking away for those who care to understand ask about what I am talking about.

Tired of the double standard around here.
-I am fed up with people not trying to understand where I am coming from expecting me to do try and see their perspective.
-I am fed up with people getting upset with my posts but not thinking about the guy on this side of the computer monitor when making posts in response to me.
-I am fed up with everyone getting emotional then blaming me for the way they act.

If you cannot tell my frustration level is over 9000 right now. Lets get our shit together town. We may not know who one another are but we are a team and we win or lose together.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 7:20 AM

Dec 2014
roz1roz said:
Meh... tbh... I wanted to try and hunt mafia, but this role kills my creativity.

Hardclaim neutral.
I got no killing power.
I got only one active ability - using bulletproof vest on me or person from specific group.
I got only one passive ability, wich tells me that I'm neutral.
My wincon requiers me or person from the same specific group to be alive when game ends.

Does your win con allow you to win with town? That's my only concern.
Aug 20, 2017 7:22 AM

Aug 2012
logic340 said:
aa-dono said:
@logic340 what made Last scummier than Claire?

Edit: The center tag.
check two posts up. I'll also refer you to post #423 my page 9 and 10 has a lot of answers to these questions I've been repeatedly asked.

Btw, did you miss Coel's question: your current read on Claire

or did I miss your answer to it? I tried to find it but I couldn't.

logic340 said:
... and Coelestin I also have a positive opinion of but need to look at the progression in her vote on me and switch to whisper, I like her explanation for it but I need to see if that gels with what actually happened.
Weren't you caught up? How can you like her vote not knowing if it gels~?

Aug 20, 2017 7:26 AM

Jan 2014
CorruptedPurity said:
roz1roz said:
Meh... tbh... I wanted to try and hunt mafia, but this role kills my creativity.

Hardclaim neutral.
I got no killing power.
I got only one active ability - using bulletproof vest on me or person from specific group.
I got only one passive ability, wich tells me that I'm neutral.
My wincon requiers me or person from the same specific group to be alive when game ends.

Does your win con allow you to win with town? That's my only concern.

Yeah, I can win with every single town memeber.
Aug 20, 2017 7:27 AM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
So I am going to walk away again because I feel another Gakkougurashi coming on. For those who know what I mean you know why I am walking away for those who care to understand ask about what I am talking about.

Tired of the double standard around here.
-I am fed up with people not trying to understand where I am coming from expecting me to do the same.
-I am fed up with people getting upset with my posts but not thinking about the guy on this side of the computer monitor when making posts in response to me.
-I am fed up with everyone getting emotional then blaming me for the way they act.

If you cannot tell my frustration level is over 9000 right now. Lets get our shit together town. We may not know who one another are but we are a team and we win or lose together.

Logic, as the main offender in Gakkou Gurashi, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down.

1) you're doing fine. No one is heavily scumreading you.
2) people may be misreading or they are just plain lazy to look back. It's normal, it happens.
3) I see no reason for your anger, you're not being painted as the villain here.
4) really, calm down. I know maybe you think people are purposely trying to frustrate you, but from what I am reading, they are genuinely misunderstanding. There is no malicious intent here.
5) sometimes, the way you phrase things hurt people even if you dont mean to. I havent seen it here so I dunno if people got hurt here, and if they did, most probably they're just more sensitive. I know I am, so be patient with them.

Edit: Added commas cos they are very important when I reread my post

If you feel you're being unjustly persecuted, talk to me. Tell me who's purposely painting you as the villain, I'll play the devil's advocate and see if you have a poiny or not.
CorruptedPurityAug 20, 2017 7:41 AM
Aug 20, 2017 7:29 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:
"There are a few posts that stand out to me but I don't know exactly where they are off hand."

"I said nothing that I can find of the top of my head and that you should find some Abu posts and share your thoughts on them."

@logic340 - so there were or there weren't any unnatural posts? You are literaly telling 2 different things in 2 posts wich are one after another.
You are not understanding go back and try again please sir.
This shit is so frustrating when people misunderstand or misconstrue shit.
I never said anything about natural or unnatural that was you so you tell us if they are natural or unnatural WTF?

You said he wrote posts wich stand out to you.
You asked me to find them.

That is the whole wtf I'm going about. If they stand out for you, but everything sounded natural for me, then how tf am I supposed to know what stood out for you?
Aug 20, 2017 7:49 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
lastwhisper said:
Wasnt #427 literally all about CP and peopel claiming ur role fishing? and I dont recall saying anything about anything we or I should do D2 about his slot
this is a prime example of what I'm talking about in regards to whisper. 2 questions unanswered in this post alone. If I went back and found all the ignored quotes and questions similar to this we're in the double digits this game. @lastwhisper31 I'm going to ask you to go back find the questions that you haven't answered and please answer them for me. I'd life you too to do it before I do it which will be a list of everything that you've Dodged me on this game.
Not gunna lie I don't try to do this on purpose. And I thought the last sentence was a statement. If this was not bastard then yes 100% town, but this is bastard, and I just don't like how it says "Best Town", so I'm at more of a 50/50. We can always reevaluate him day 2, like you said if he survives, I didn't really want to push him at all today. The only reason I was confused was because he kept saying the Host told him so. But ya I'd rather leave cp for another time.
Edit: Spelling
she was never awake
even with her eyes wide open
never where she longed to be
and if you’d meet her
just know
you were on a
blind date with a dreamer
Aug 20, 2017 7:49 AM

Jan 2010
aa-dono said:
logic340 said:
check two posts up. I'll also refer you to post #423 my page 9 and 10 has a lot of answers to these questions I've been repeatedly asked.

Btw, did you miss Coel's question: your current read on Claire

or did I miss your answer to it? I tried to find it but I couldn't.

logic340 said:
... and Coelestin I also have a positive opinion of but need to look at the progression in her vote on me and switch to whisper, I like her explanation for it but I need to see if that gels with what actually happened.
Weren't you caught up? How can you like her vote not knowing if it gels~?
....another misunderstanding. I said nothing about liking her vote. Please let me know where you got that from?

I said that I have a positive feeling on her, meaning overall.
One thing I need to look closer at is the progression in terms of her vote on me and move off me to whisper.
I like the reason she gave for doing it but I need to verify that her actions match her words.

I am caught up does that mean I remember every little detail of every interaction? Should I not go back and check shit to verify my feelings are legitimate? I don't understand how you people want me to play?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2014
The post saying the main offender is refering to me, not you logic. Don't misinterpret.

Im extending an olive branch here as I can see you're changing and being more cooperative and nicer to others and I also can see your frustration. I just don't want it to get the better of you and cloud your judgement. Of all the people there who is frustrating you, do you think any one of them are doing it purposely as scum? Or do you read them as misguided town?
Aug 20, 2017 8:08 AM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
logic340 said:
So I am going to walk away again because I feel another Gakkougurashi coming on. For those who know what I mean you know why I am walking away for those who care to understand ask about what I am talking about.

Tired of the double standard around here.
-I am fed up with people not trying to understand where I am coming from expecting me to do the same.
-I am fed up with people getting upset with my posts but not thinking about the guy on this side of the computer monitor when making posts in response to me.
-I am fed up with everyone getting emotional then blaming me for the way they act.

If you cannot tell my frustration level is over 9000 right now. Lets get our shit together town. We may not know who one another are but we are a team and we win or lose together.

Logic, as the main offender in Gakkou Gurashi, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down.

1) you're doing fine. No one is heavily scumreading you.
2) people may be misreading or they are just plain lazy to look back. It's normal, it happens.
3) I see no reason for your anger, you're not being painted as the villain here.
4) really, calm down. I know maybe you think people are purposely trying to frustrate you, but from what I am reading, they are genuinely misunderstanding. There is no malicious intent here.
5) sometimes, the way you phrase things hurt people even if you dont mean to. I havent seen it here so I dunno if people got hurt here, and if they did, most probably they're just more sensitive. I know I am, so be patient with them.

Edit: Added commas cos they are very important when I reread my post

If you feel you're being unjustly persecuted, talk to me. Tell me who's purposely painting you as the villain, I'll play the devil's advocate and see if you have a poiny or not.

At least you know where I am coming from. I walked away because this is becoming quite asinine.
1. I don't care about that. I am not complaining about an unjust scum read right now.
2. It's happening way too much here and in regard to my posts in general. I will not be the errand boy any longer. If people wont give themselves the necessary information to have an reasonable discussion then they need not discuss. I mean seriously I was asked by 4 people on page 10 or after to answer a question that was answered on Page 9. I referenced #423 how many time on page 10. I hope you can see where I am coming from as I don't know how to explain it any better than that.
3. You are misunderstanding. I am not angry, I am frustrated. These types of misrepresentation only add to that frustration. Like I feel people are either purposely misusing English words or lack the understanding of how some of them are actually used.
-Anger: "a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility"
-Frustration: "the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something."
Similar but very different in actuality they are very different and using the proper terminology can go along way to actually having progressive discussions. I never said I was being painted as a villain. Being misrepresented, misconstrued, and misunderstood are not synonymous with only coming from scum why are you and others assuming so much this game instead of actually trying to understand where someone is actually coming from? So easy to label something when you are ignorant of it.
4. I really was not that charged but you repeatedly saying calm down isn't helping anything. Maybe talk to the people who aren't reading what is being said and ask the same question that has been answered repeatedly? Thanks. If they are genuinely misunderstanding then they should be asking question that help get an understanding not ask the same damn question that has been answered IDK how many times?
5. Sometime the way people phrase things to me is out of pocket. Sometimes the way you all talk to one another is out of pocket but I don't let every little thing offend me. This goes back to understanding. Maybe people should get a better understanding of where I am coming from./ I have been trying to not be so direct as that seems to hurt people the most but now it's like I am talking in code or something? Which just isn't the case as I am one of the most transparent players here.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 8:13 AM

Jan 2010
roz1roz said:
logic340 said:
You are not understanding go back and try again please sir.
This shit is so frustrating when people misunderstand or misconstrue shit.
I never said anything about natural or unnatural that was you so you tell us if they are natural or unnatural WTF?

You said he wrote posts wich stand out to you.
You asked me to find them.

That is the whole wtf I'm going about. If they stand out for you, but everything sounded natural for me, then how tf am I supposed to know what stood out for you?
roz roz roz....
-you said you saw some posts that felt natural and asked me if there was some specific post.
-I replied that I saw some posts that stand out but didn't know where they were of hand. I said that you should find the posts that stood out to you and tell us how you feel about them and why. The natural posts.
-I have 1. already talked about Abu's posts you're more than welcome to read them and 2. Will find others for you later since it seems that is what you want from me.
-How does me trying to get your read on Abu and your reasoning for feeling his posts were natural amount to me finding Abu's posts for you?
-Stop the shenanigans please.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Aug 20, 2017 8:18 AM

Jan 2014
@logic340 I remember some where you asked for my opinion on Labs. Tbh He has a lot of fluff posts including the 3 posts where he clarified he was scum, I mean beating a dead horse dont you think, but I dont feel like pushing him on just that, and because its a weekend I dont believe we will get anything more from him as of right now. But if anything I'd give him a slight neutral-scum lean.
she was never awake
even with her eyes wide open
never where she longed to be
and if you’d meet her
just know
you were on a
blind date with a dreamer
Aug 20, 2017 8:21 AM

Jan 2014
logic340 said:
roz1roz said:

You said he wrote posts wich stand out to you.
You asked me to find them.

That is the whole wtf I'm going about. If they stand out for you, but everything sounded natural for me, then how tf am I supposed to know what stood out for you?
roz roz roz....
-you said you saw some posts that felt natural and asked me if there was some specific post.
-I replied that I saw some posts that stand out but didn't know where they were of hand. I said that you should find the posts that stood out to you and tell us how you feel about them and why. The natural posts.
-I have 1. already talked about Abu's posts you're more than welcome to read them and 2. Will find others for you later since it seems that is what you want from me.
-How does me trying to get your read on Abu and your reasoning for feeling his posts were natural amount to me finding Abu's posts for you?
-Stop the shenanigans please.

Okay, found misunderstanding.

I asked you if there are any specific posts, wich are the reason why you ask me to look specifi on Abu. Not specific nautral posts.
Hence I understood your "saw some posts that stand out" as the "saw some posts wich stand out and hence you asked me to look at Abu". I thought you mean the negative, not positive Abu's posts.
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