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Jan 22, 2011 3:14 PM
Nov 2010
Did somebody noticed that a text appears on Ergo Proxy's op? I'm talking about the small letters, not the bigger ones.
If yes, did you wrote it down? It can't be read fully.
From what I could read, it's obout the origin of Cogit virus and details about how the humans fled from Earth.

Here is what I could read from the text that appears with the image of someone putting the needle on a autoreiv to see if it have the Cogito virus:

" a futuristic stories from now. People who lived there
... mankind as follows
... environment of the earth, the large discharge of
... burning ice happened in old times in century of ...
...suddenly, a lot of ..."

I hope I was clear enought =x

3 days and no reply --'

Anyway, here is other part.
"...the artificial intelligence of Ortorab. Violated Ortorab.
...of people thus. Nobody..."

The quality of my videos isn't the best and I'm really interested on the info that is there. =/
YurickJan 25, 2011 5:30 AM
Jan 25, 2011 7:28 AM
Nov 2010
I managed to discover it alone --'
Thank you all.

Here is the full text:

"The century of how many is a futuristic stories from now. People who lived there were given the history of mankind as follows, saying that "As for the environment of the earth, the large discharge of Metanhaidorad that was called burning iced happened in old times in century how many now, and it changed suddenly, a lot of living things died out and thus, the ancestor we of human races who had survived came to live only in the bubble dome

Bubble dome "Romud". It is an ideal city that is called utopia that repeats production and consumption. An advanced making to the network advanced, and people seemed to be satisfied with going by a multipurpose robot from which Ortorab was called by the system of maintenance, the life-support of the reached infrastructure, and the complete social security in this society where everything had been managed in an orderly manner if it gave neither crime nor an antisocial molecule. ... and it peeped at the problem on falling birthrate ...

However the event that causes the accident to the order happens several years ago. Another bubble dome "Mosque" collapses, and a lot of shelter immigrants have flowed in "Romud". The event brought different sense of values to "Romud" and gave birth to rich and poor and the class difference, and the dissatisfaction that came there smoked in the underground formed dangerous culture, and was becoming a breeding ground for crime.

Another big social issues had been generated in in such and Romud. It is existence of the virus program of the mystery of awaking the clinging ego in the artificial intelligence of Ortorab. Violated Ortorab did not follow man and caused a serious trouble frequently to the virus that was called alias "Cogito".

It begins to appear though people who have dissatisfaction in the dome are small number of people thus. Nobody said putting to practice and the person who gave up, "You should finish one's life in a peaceful dome though it was tedious" was most though they were all driven by the desire that it wanted to go out of here. Because it was taught that the external world was the world of the death to which the monster strolled and the infectious disease was furious for the Romud citizens."

I still don't understan the original purpose to the cogito virus. I know it was created under the Boomerang Project, but... for what?
Maybe to help with the recolonization? But how?
YurickJan 25, 2011 7:46 AM
Jun 26, 2011 7:40 PM

Jun 2011
I'm kind of bummed your thread isn't getting more attention...

Although I may be way off, my theory (as of now) is that the Cogito virus was created to leave some "human life" behind after the Boomerang Project was completed. Maybe the people felt that the world may one day be inhabitable again, or simply felt a type of guilt that kept them from leaving the only world they knew behind alone. I guess in that way they could help with recolonization since they've left behind something that would genuinely care for the world.

Another thing that may make a little more sense is that since AutoReivs were the creations of humans, they simply wanted to perfect their creation. This might link to how The Creator (God) made the humans and sent the Proxies to watch over them and "perfect" them in a way. Maybe the Cogito virus existed as proof to the Proxies that man was in no need of guardians as they had acquired a "godly" status by creating artificial, yet real emotions in a being. As Proxy One explained, humans began to see Proxies as monsters instead of higher beings sent by god for their own good.

Again, this is just me theorizing. Maybe a day or two from now I'll change my mind :P
Sep 24, 2013 12:24 PM

Jun 2012
Eurius said:
I'm kind of bummed your thread isn't getting more attention...

Although I may be way off, my theory (as of now) is that the Cogito virus was created to leave some "human life" behind after the Boomerang Project was completed. Maybe the people felt that the world may one day be inhabitable again, or simply felt a type of guilt that kept them from leaving the only world they knew behind alone. I guess in that way they could help with recolonization since they've left behind something that would genuinely care for the world.

Another thing that may make a little more sense is that since AutoReivs were the creations of humans, they simply wanted to perfect their creation. This might link to how The Creator (God) made the humans and sent the Proxies to watch over them and "perfect" them in a way. Maybe the Cogito virus existed as proof to the Proxies that man was in no need of guardians as they had acquired a "godly" status by creating artificial, yet real emotions in a being. As Proxy One explained, humans began to see Proxies as monsters instead of higher beings sent by god for their own good.

Again, this is just me theorizing. Maybe a day or two from now I'll change my mind :P

I thought cogito was just a peice of the puzzle to cause conflict in romdeau and bring it down.
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Nov 9, 2013 12:53 AM

Oct 2013
do you guys think the radiohead song fits this world?
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Jul 22, 2016 1:02 PM
Aug 2014
hey im a bit after you all now but i watch the anime now
first thing: how have you figuered out the whol text? xD it was a mess for me even get a piece of it all.

and second: the cogito virus is for me is as a part of the proxy plan. that means maybe that the virus should "cleanse" the world from the "fake human" at the arrival of the "real humans" at the time when the earth is recovered. that would make sense casue proxys also wanted to use the ai´s to kill the humans. just 3 ai´s in the whole series didnt ran on rampage after the infection and i think its because they really loved their humans.
Chillmal93Jul 22, 2016 1:59 PM
May 23, 2020 2:22 AM

Oct 2017
What's with the cyrillic gibberish in the OP?
Looks as if someone messed up the character encoding...

After checking a few parts with an online converter, it seems they just took random italian/latin/spanish quotes, heh.
RainyShadowMay 24, 2020 8:21 AM

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