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List Title Toggle: Main Title, English, and more

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Jan 13, 2023 4:27 AM

Feb 2021
English list updated, check it out. Wish I can apply the settings in whole site, that's not possible... I know
Feb 27, 2023 12:02 AM
Mar 2016
excuse me, do anyone know how to show english titles instead of japanese under PROFILE page.
Last anime update:
my favorite anime list:
those are still under japanese titles despite I already change the default settings as mention on top of this forum.
May 5, 2023 3:21 PM
May 2023
Was this feature ever updated to work with the app? Just tried switching it over to english and it doesn't seem to be taking effect.
Jun 30, 2023 5:19 AM
Mar 2023
krow1994 said:
Was this feature ever updated to work with the app? Just tried switching it over to english and it doesn't seem to be taking effect.

Yeah doesnt work for me in app either
Aug 25, 2023 5:02 PM
Aug 2023
This is so helpfull
Sep 17, 2023 3:25 AM
Sep 2022
Here from a year later and I still don't see the toggle in the app. Is it just me?
Sep 17, 2023 7:03 AM

Jul 2011

Now I dont have to double check by clicking on the link of the anime in my list to make sure its not the wrong one I add a episode count to lol.
Mar 6, 9:02 AM
Jun 2022
Is there a timeframe when this feature (List Title Toggle: Main Title, English) will be released to the mobile app? @Kineta
K_DemonMar 6, 9:10 AM
May 15, 7:13 AM

Sep 2019
Nyron: When can we change how the whole site displays?
Tsarko: So far it's only for the lists I see. Will the option be extended to the whole site?
subo5: English list updated, check it out. Wish I can apply the settings in whole site
Painfoot: Would be nice if this was also introduced for searches and general show pages
deg: I hope it will apply to favorites and other parts of the site, like on the user's profile favorites section
KinjiKido: Does anyone know how to show English titles instead of Japanese under PROFILE page?
El-Melloi: I'm guessing that they plan to have the setting eventually apply to the whole website
Me, the previous commenters above, all of the new users from this suggestion, and many more silent users, would love to know when/if the list title setting will be extended globally to the whole website. For example I find it would be particularly neat if it applied to shared.php too (the user profile affinity comparison page). Thank you!
Did you know that Notes are public? How do you personally use them?
Cast your vote and add a reply to this suggestion to let the devs know:
Add list setting to make notes private (on public lists)
May 17, 5:06 PM
Jan 2020
Nice update
Pages (3) « 1 2 [3]

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