Feb 2, 2019 12:34 PM
This is the least popular anime on this website that has more than 0 users attached to it. This anime is so undergound, so unpopular, so underrepresented, absolutely no one has heard of it, and no one has ever seen it! There is no way for anyone to stumble upon this anime, unless you, like me, were bored and curious and dug way deep into the most popular list. The greater issue here is that this is anime. Just as we feel about all other anime, this is an art work that the animators, writers, directors and actors slaved to work over. Think of all the late nights, the brain storming, the hard work these creators had to go through, but to no avail. What is the point of making something if no one sees it? In fairness to the hard working creators, I have created the “Shaolin Chuangi awareness club.” A group of people scrambling the internet and the world, trying to find a method of watching this anime, giving respect to its creators and hopefully, boosting its viewership |
Feb 2, 2019 12:44 PM
This is everything I’ve gathered so far: “Shaolin Chuanqi” is chinese for “Legend of Shaolin” Given the context, “Shaolin” is refering to either a chinese monestary or a martial art If it is the former, then this might be the anime adaptation of a 1982 chinese kung fu movie, “ Shaolin temple” If it is the latter, then this might be chronicling the buddhist monk, Bodhidharma creating the brand of kung fu and introducing it to the other monks in the temple |
FrickinNormieFeb 2, 2019 12:49 PM