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Feb 28, 2010 11:05 PM

Dec 2009
Like the title says this thread is for you to post your character and his/her abilities in. Remember everyone starts off as a regular hollow and has to work their way up through the forms until the eventually become an arranacar upon which they can start to gain the ranks of the espada.

Below is the set-out for your character creation to be used.

Type: (hollow, gillian, adjuchas, vasto lorde, arrancar. This will change as you progress.)
Rank:(This will change as well, remember to edit regularly)
Reitsu colour:
Abilities: (appropriate to your current level)
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: (Your special Hollow powers and any level of basics you have learned or mastered.)
CrogLatteMar 2, 2010 1:21 AM
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
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Mar 1, 2010 3:38 AM

Dec 2009
Name: Haissem
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Type: Arrancar (Vasto Lorde)
Rank: Espada #2
Reitsu colour: Dark purple with black swirling through it.
Appearance: My left eye is my mask with a purple swirl flowing into the center of the white hollow material eye. My hole is through the palm of my right hand. Wears standed espada uniform with the number 2 curled around the hole in my palm. Long black hair down to my waist with violet eyes.
Abilities: All basic hollow powers with the exclusion of Negacion, Gtan Rey Cero, Bala, Sonido, Hierro, Pesquisa, Gonzu. Own modification of the cero, Guijo Cero (A purple cero the size of a pebble is launched off the finger, it is as strong as a cero but faster although it is still slower than a bala)
Release command: Soar, Tenshi (angel)
Ressurccion appearance: Arms and legs covered in white hollow armour with large spike coming off the thighs up past the waist and upper arms up past the shoulders. Two white bone wings on the back that are filled in by dark purple spirit particle feathers. A longsowrd made of frozen swirling white hollow material is the primary weapon.
Powers: Sealed - When using direct contact purple energy can be added to the attact to make it stronger or expelled on contact to add extra force to the attack.
Released - By swinging the long sword thin purple waves of energy fly out and cut anything in there path. Feathers can be expelled from the wings and they cause explosions on impact. Speed and power is increased dramatically.

Final Form/Ressurccion:
Release command: Turn these wings to dust, Tenshi (angel)
Description: The purple energy feathers from the wings disintegrate into purple spirit particles that cover my body and turn into pure white medieval knight armour made out of hollow material, bright violet eyes shine out of the helm with long black hair falling out from under the helm down his back. Two white skeletal wings are left on his back. The white hollow longsword is replaced by a purple energy longsword, the blade seems to fizz and crackle with power, the energy in the longsword itself seems to be constantly moving.
Powers: The longsword can change shape at will and can use the same powers as in the first ressureccion but they come from the sword. A protective dome of purple spirit particles floats around him at all times (much like gaara's sand).

(this next character will only be used to help low level characters and will not progress pass adjuchas)

Name: Screecher
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (recently turned hollow)
Type: Gillian
Rank: Unranked
Reistu Color: Clear and white that seems to vibrate in the air.
Appearance: The size of a short teenager but scurries around on all fours spider like, mask has two horns that curl back over it's head. It's limbs are pure white but has a dark blood red fur covering it's body except for it's hands and and bird like feet.
Abilities: Soul-Body Seperation, Acidic Touch, Cero, Garganta, High-speed regeneration, Negacion.
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: When screeching his voice can turn enemies deaf and cause impact damage.
HaissemMar 7, 2010 10:30 PM
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Mar 2, 2010 1:21 AM

Feb 2010
JyenhMar 5, 2010 9:40 PM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Mar 2, 2010 3:11 AM

Feb 2010
(I will not use this character too often at first as to be fair to those who need to keep up, he will mostly be used for making announcements or training others)
Name: Charles de Gutierrez (The Lone General)
Gender: Male
Age: Appears 32 is 523
Type: Arrancar (Vasto Lorde)
Rank: Espada #1
Reitsu Color: Grey
Appearance: I'm afraid I dont have one currently
Abilities: Obvilion Cero. Anyone who looks into the forming orb will feel as if looking into an endless vortex and can't look away, then the black cero will consume and tear up it's victim, easily killing Adjuchas level and doing high damage to even Vasto Lorde. Gran Rey Cero, cero, sonido, and all arrancar only abilties.
Release command: Unknown
Resurrección description: Unknown
Powers: Unknown

Name: Kanaku Oihan
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Type: Currently but a weak hollow
Rank: Unranked
Reistu Color: Purple
Appearance: A hollow with a robe-like black coat and tiny birdlike feet that come out the back. His mask has a single red line going down until that line divides into two lines heading down diagnaolly away from each other. He has a joker-like black smile and his hands are usually crossed over his chest.
Abilities: Soul-Body Seperation, Acidic Touch
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: He can fly around in the sky gracefully and with ease.
CrogLatteMar 2, 2010 4:06 AM
Mar 2, 2010 3:44 AM

Aug 2009
name: el rey de la luna (the king of the moon in spanish)
type : adjuchas (ranked up)
rank: none yet,when i become vasto lorde,i can get a espada rank
reitsu color: purple

adjuchas appearance:a white wolf-like mask with black holes,the thing on the head is the same as the pic above (if he becomes a arrancar/espada pic is the one above) other than that,he is about 50 ft tall (tall as ichigo about 50 times and wide as 13 times)his skin is green and has a muscular build
moon cero:a giant,purple glowing cero
weapon:fists/kicks (not the katana,the katana is only for looks)
release command: aplastar a la muerte, cervellio (crush them to death,cervellio in spanish)
resurrecion description: his left arm totally disappears as from the whole in the opening where the arm is supposed to be,bursts out six tiny balls connected to tiny tentacles,as they burst out they grow in size about 10000 times about 50 x's larger and wider then the opponent each ball resembles the moon but not as big as it
powers:fighting weapon turns to giant blunt balls


(Just remember release command and ressureccion are arranacar powers)
HaissemMar 3, 2010 2:41 PM
Mar 4, 2010 9:30 PM

Jan 2009
Name: Zaltanna
Age: Over 200
Type: Arrancar: Vasto lorde
Rank: Espada 6
Reitsu colour: Violet mixed with dark grey almost black.
Appearance: Is 5"5' with brown eye's and dark brown/black hair braided to one side to her waist. Wears a one piece white deerskin dress. She walks barefoot. Her Hollow hole is on her collar bone on her right side. Her dress in the back is torn like she was attacked by something with claws. Her zanpakuto rests in a sheath within these rips. Her hollow mask is like a Native American headdress but only half and going from the middle of her head all the way to the floor on the left side of her body.
Abilities: All Hollow and Arrancar. (except for abilities not available to espada)
Release command: Demand Justice
Resurrección description: Her headdress is filled out she grows feathered wings that have a grey tint and she gets a tomahawk.
Powers: Her tomahawk disintegrates and becomes black feathers that either surround or impale her opponent, making them admit whatever guilt they have. Once hearing their guilt she delivers her justice by her tomahawk reforming and she attacks them. Her special Hollow ability is empathy through touch on anyone she touches. This includes other Arrancar, Gillians, Hollows, Humans and Shinigami. In knowing their emotions she can correctly determine how to attack and when to attack.
JyenhMar 5, 2010 1:08 AM
Mar 5, 2010 4:27 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Seil
Gender: Female
Type: arrancar
Rank: espada 4
Reitsu colour: very dark green with a little bit of blue and purple
Abilities: (appropriate to your current level)
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: (Your special Hollow powers and any level of basics you have learned or mastered.)

(i am not finished but i will finish it when i get back)


Even though not finished yet you cannot start at arrancar level, you must start at hollow as per rule 2.
HaissemMar 5, 2010 7:15 PM
The rebel claim their braver new world is upon us.
Do not be fooled by the chicanery in which they lay their claim.
It is FALSE, and their uprising will not succeed.
Your will place your trust in F.E.A.R., you must.

Get the best things first, get Niall.
Mar 17, 2010 8:59 AM

Feb 2009
Name: Bill
Gender: Male
Age: Unspecified
Type: Adjuchas
Rank: Unranked
Reiatsu colour: Yellow
Appearance: Somewhat humanoid-looking about 1.5x the size of an ordinary human, with a retractable dagger-like and razorsharp claw just above the wrist of both hands, 60 cm in lenght. Quite slim figure which is good for high-speed movement, each hand only has 3 fingers. The mask somewhat resembles an eagle head.
Abilities: Acidic Touch, Garganta, Hollow Shot, Soul-Body Separation, Cero (fired from either hand), High-Speed regeneration.
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: Has extremely keen senses which allows him to "feel" the surrounding area, approx 60 m in each direction, based on smell, touch, sight and hearing. This makes him almost impossible to sneak up on.

BillzorMar 24, 2010 4:31 PM
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Mar 17, 2010 11:34 PM

Feb 2010
Name: Maxinet
Gender: Female
Type: adjuchas
Rank: No Rank yet
Reitsu colour: Green
Appearance: [will come later]
Abilities:Soul-Body Separation, Acidic Touch, and Fighting abilities
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: Has a very strong heat senses that can sense humans and shinigamis easily. I can make spears come out from my body to attack. (The spears comes straight from my skin and hardens as they forms. I direct them in the direction that I want to aim at or it can just stay on my skin used like claws. I can only form 4 spears at a time)


Might be good to add how the spears are made and what they are made of.
SyraiMar 23, 2010 8:22 AM
Mar 18, 2010 3:44 AM

Mar 2009
Name: bax
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Type: adjuchas
Rank: Unranked
Reistu Color: blackish red and white that seems to disturn its surroundings.
Appearance: The size of a short teenager walks around on two feet has a black red mask with white in it. has to spikes on his shoulders and arms that can be used to attack with
Abilities: Soul-Body Seperation, Acidic Touch, Cero, Garganta, High-speed regeneration, Negacion.
Release command: (only after you are an arrancar)
Resurrección description: (Arrancar only)
Powers: the dark aura that he uses can devour people when it fully covers and consumes them increasing his power as it abosrns them and gaining thier abilities can mainuplate the darkness into black feathers that i can use to attack

baxter09Mar 24, 2010 4:31 PM
Mar 31, 2010 9:32 PM

Jan 2010
Name: Lunatic
Gender: male
Age: he has absolutely no clue how much time has past
Type: Adjuchas
Rank: n/a
Reitsu colour: bloody red
Appearance: 7 3 foot tall (on all fours) wolves
Abilities: acidic touch, hollow shot, cero (takes 2 to use), garganta, regeneration (ok-speed), takes 5 minutes to revive a dead body unless its not around him then it takes 30 minutes.
Release command: n/a
Resurrección description: n/a
Powers: able to swallow the opponents rage to become stronger (until rage wears out). able to be in sync and communicate with all bodies without speaking or any extra effort.

wolfman2299Apr 6, 2010 12:35 PM
Apr 10, 2010 4:07 PM

Apr 2010
Name: Aiko Hombre
Gender: male
Age: basically ahve no age but looks like a 5 year old
Type: arrancar: hollow
Rank: n/a
Reisu colour: blue like his hair
Appearance: pretty small and his dragon-looking-mask looks like to big for his little head
Abilities: cero, high speed regeneration
Release command: dragón de fuego (dragonfire in spain)
Resurreccion: the whole body start to transform and he becomes an giant hollow-dragon with the ability to fly and spit fire
Powers: n/a
im sry is it now ok?


Must start out as a hollow. Fix it up, and your abilities accordingly, and it will be approved.
theBastiApr 12, 2010 8:09 AM
Apr 11, 2010 1:24 PM

Jan 2010
theBasti said:
Name: Aiko Hombre
Gender: male
Age: basically ahve no age but looks like a 5 year old
Type: arrancar: Vasto Lorde

you wont be accepted you have to start out as a hollow just like everyone else
Dec 7, 2010 7:17 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Yoko Kana
Sex: F
Age: Unknown
Type: Arrancar
Reitsu color: White and silver)

Abilities: Cero
Relase command: Brilla Muñeca de plata (Shin Shirubādōru, Shine Silver Doll)
Ressurecion: Look at the appearence
Power: It can create an ice sword and attacked her. It can also attack with shards of ice.

Please approved.

My club [Arrancar Female] {New Generatoion} can make the relation club. The both clubs has got refer to arrancar.
Jun 4, 2012 9:29 PM

Jun 2012
Name: Astoatari Leonimaius
Gender: Male
Age: 20 (recently turned.)
Type: Demi-hollow
Rank: None
Reitsu colour: My reiatsu is colored: Dark red, like the color of dried blood.
Appearance: im a 12 ft. tall wolf with a hollow mask but my fur is armor instead of fur, the mask is covering my face and some of my neck, there sticks fur out beneath the armor it is the color of black, and my tail resemble a normal wolf tail with white bone color my tail is in layers of armor untill resembling a normal tail, and a red stripe starting at the tip of my tail to the center of my eyes, which then spreads to my face and leaving 2 lines going dont to the sides of my mouth, (when i lvl i will update this aswell.)
Abilities: High-Speed Regeneration, Cero, Acidic Touch(saliva).
Release command: not there yet
Resurrección description: not there yet
Powers: as im in a body of a wolf im very fast for a hollow, i have fangs and claws and my howl can burst your eardrums, and cause some pain in your head. Can result in deafness in the worst cases (updating when i lvl), my claws and fangs are sharper than a zanpakuto, i can use my own form of "sonido" but its not as fast but fast.
Fallen_SaintJun 4, 2012 11:31 PM
"Dont wait for the knight in shining armour to come and save you, be the knight in shining armour, and save yourself."
- American newscaster responding to the Anonymous group.
Mar 9, 2013 4:54 AM
Mar 2013
Name: Shinrei Aajan
Gender: Male
Age: 348 yrs(but looks 19)
Type: Naturally turned Arrancar(Adjucha)
Rank: #8 Octava
Reiatsu Colour: Purple with white swirling around
Appearance: Has black hair,his Hollow piece is like a Chocker around his neck.His hair is shoulder length(Think of Szayel).Wears the standard Espada uniform but closed till the top neck.The #8 is on his right hip.
Personality: He is cheerful and friendly but very tactical and serious in Battle.He can pick out Flaws in one's Battle tactics and use it against him.
Abilities: Can do Cero,Gran Rey Cero,Has Hierro,Pesquisa,Sonido,Bala and Cero Oscuras
Release Command: Shinme(Sprout)!! Huwaido Kusabana(White Flower)!!
Ressurrecion appearance: His face is covered with his hollow mask and he is fixed into a Position as while releasing his lower body is attached to a White Lotus with numerous tentacles behind him which has poison.
Power: 1.Amber Sleep-He releases a type of scent which when inhaled can make the opponent to sleep.
2.Reina Cero(Queen Cero)-He gathers reiatsu in front of him and then Releases it which goes in spiral motion towards the opponent,destroying everything in it's path.
3.Deep Slumber.His tentacles spread out and pierces the enemy while injecting a Venom that has no Anti-Dote.Not even Mayuri can cut this Poison.
This is my arrancar,Hope you like it. :D
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