ZeroxYuuki FTW! :D
I don't want her to end up with Kaname >.< Unfortunately though, If things keep going the way they are now, she will. But I like to think Zero still has a chance ^^
andra said: I root for Zero,but the way things are going now it seems that Kaname will end up with her...Well,Kaname loves her so I don't see any problem in that,but Zero doesn't have anyone by his side besides Yuuki.That's so sad! :(
Indeed. Not many people like cold, manipulative Kaname it would seem.
Even if Zero is a bit (ok a lot) emo, he has a much more real relationship with Yuuki, compared to the slightly perverted brother and sister, Kaname x Yuuki pairing, arranged when Yuuki was a tiny child.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
YUME!!! Sorry fangirls, but I think that Yuuki should be with Kaname because he has always loved and protected her. Zero has too many issues to properly care for anyone else. I'm not a Zeki hater, but Yume all the way!
Because he's been through enough and he just loves her.
And really Kaname shouldn't be alive in the first place.
Plus I just really love Zero much much MUCH better.
Well I really hope Yuuki would end up with Zero but...did you read the latest chapter??? She seemed to be with Kaname. Arggg I can't stand it anymore!!! Poor my love Zero =.=
...I wanna change the world only for you,
All the impossible I wanna do...
zero n yuuki need each oder for emotional support while kaname can just settle off wid ruka (who's obviously head over heels in luv wid him)
incest is so not cool even if they are vampires, its still disgusting as it stands n this siblng affair must come to end. imo kaname shud get mature enuf 2 cum 2 terms with that n keep ruka happy while understanding yuuki's feelings for zero!
Elisa_A said: i think neither, no offense to yuki fans but she deserves neither of them two. she has hurt the both of them too much.
i also think that..
but still i dont know with who she'll end.. i was sooo for zero and yuuki at the beginning but after i found out that kaname was waiting for her and been alone for soo long i want them to be together.. but poor zero is also alone and loves yuuki very much.. so now im confuse and i don't know.. >_<
Hino Matsuri-senpai please make a good ending!!!
well idk .. zero feels now how kaname did when he wasn't with yuuki ^_^ so for me to say idk ... the story can be end in a different way :S i hope a good way ...
I think that there should be "A dagger" possible answer,since she's the worst thing in VK (after KanaLe-sempai)...If I was Matsuri I'd make Shiki presiden't xD ^^
“There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say, ‘watch me’.” – Layne Beachley
It's weird, when I was watching Vampire Knight (first season) I really liked Kaname a lot and wanted him to end up with Yuki. However, as I watched Guilty and began to follow the manga, I changed my mind and wanted her to be with Zero. I still don't mind if she ends up w/ Kaname, but I always tend to root for the underdog ^_^
&&& Chapter 44/46 = proof of why they should be together <3