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What are your favorite dynamic in a couple/ship?

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Mar 29, 2020 1:27 PM
Jul 2018
Childhood friends.. isn't it the most sweetest and blessed thing?

Deep/complex feelings.. very much ofcourse :) but it ultimately depends on the story-telling and direction.. deep feelings, depth in interpersonal dynamics on unspoken level, diving into each other's dark sides I guess.. the scope here is so vast..

Unconditional love.. sadly, yessss. one-sided love, my heart aches lol.

And, weirdly, I love those love stories where the girl is hopelessly in love with a guy who is lost in some way, lost in his hobby/passion/work/concern/dream/goal, too much of a workaholic, is going through some crisis (existential), is just emotionally not there even when the girl is madly in love with him.. even if he's emotionally there, he just doesn't want a relationship.. even if he finds her attractive, doesn't act ._.

Those love stories where the guy and the girl take ages to even say hi to each other.. there's very few stories/movies/anime on this, where the guy and girl feel shy and awkward and let months, years slip by not saying anything to each other even if they are madly in love with each other, longing for one another.. it is rarely captured realistically or with maturity.

Those couples where both know they like each other, they both can very much be together, but just won't.. (and not because of misunderstandings or tensions or etc), they both like each other, but go about with life, years passing by, still in love, but won't get together.. I'm really thinking of a movie right now.

And I love those dynamics where the couple are so basic, simple and almost storybook-ish lol. And also, those couples that feel more like friendly colleagues than a romantic couple lol...:|

And those love stories where, they won't be in a relationship but they choose to be together or one of them 'follows' the other, something like that lol.. I guess it's unconditional love and some sort of resignation of self.. as much as it hurts me, I like such stories lol

Opposites attract thing also is good.. opposites, coming from very different places but heading in one direction types or common core values..

Shared trauma or people on the opposite ends here.. shared trauma but opposite personalities, temperament..

I like many other types of dynamics but it's hard to explain all of them.. I've never been a fan of bickering or rivalry.. the whole enemies turning into lovers - unless again, there's some maturity.. and there's very few such stories with that, where the adults have some tension or an initial misunderstanding rather than full-on rivalry or extended periods of misunderstandings... somehow I'm turned off by this lol. So, I guess it ultimately depends on the direction and story-telling.
removed-userMar 29, 2020 1:41 PM
Mar 29, 2020 4:11 PM
Nov 2015
_oak said:
Childhood friends.. isn't it the most sweetest and blessed thing?

Deep/complex feelings.. very much ofcourse :) but it ultimately depends on the story-telling and direction.. deep feelings, depth in interpersonal dynamics on unspoken level, diving into each other's dark sides I guess.. the scope here is so vast..

Unconditional love.. sadly, yessss. one-sided love, my heart aches lol.

And, weirdly, I love those love stories where the girl is hopelessly in love with a guy who is lost in some way, lost in his hobby/passion/work/concern/dream/goal, too much of a workaholic, is going through some crisis (existential), is just emotionally not there even when the girl is madly in love with him.. even if he's emotionally there, he just doesn't want a relationship.. even if he finds her attractive, doesn't act ._.

Those love stories where the guy and the girl take ages to even say hi to each other.. there's very few stories/movies/anime on this, where the guy and girl feel shy and awkward and let months, years slip by not saying anything to each other even if they are madly in love with each other, longing for one another.. it is rarely captured realistically or with maturity.

Those couples where both know they like each other, they both can very much be together, but just won't.. (and not because of misunderstandings or tensions or etc), they both like each other, but go about with life, years passing by, still in love, but won't get together.. I'm really thinking of a movie right now.

And I love those dynamics where the couple are so basic, simple and almost storybook-ish lol. And also, those couples that feel more like friendly colleagues than a romantic couple lol...:|

And those love stories where, they won't be in a relationship but they choose to be together or one of them 'follows' the other, something like that lol.. I guess it's unconditional love and some sort of resignation of self.. as much as it hurts me, I like such stories lol

Opposites attract thing also is good.. opposites, coming from very different places but heading in one direction types or common core values..

Shared trauma or people on the opposite ends here.. shared trauma but opposite personalities, temperament..

I like many other types of dynamics but it's hard to explain all of them.. I've never been a fan of bickering or rivalry.. the whole enemies turning into lovers - unless again, there's some maturity.. and there's very few such stories with that, where the adults have some tension or an initial misunderstanding rather than full-on rivalry or extended periods of misunderstandings... somehow I'm turned off by this lol. So, I guess it ultimately depends on the direction and story-telling.

You know what? Most of the things you wrote above sound more like personal experiences than couple dynamics from anime to me.

I don't really have a favorite but if really have to choose then young love, if that counts as a dynamic, especially first love.

Young love has innocence & lust mixed together. It also has cuteness/sweetness mixed with angst/egoism.

First love means it most likely won't last.

Young love & first love always remind me of my own love. You could never go back to that kind of love, no matter how hard you try.
Mar 29, 2020 4:29 PM

Sep 2017
Most of the choices here are pretty generic or even cheesy and they're often overused in anime

However I like the idea of "Absolute loyalty born from a special bond and earned trust.", that has to be the most accurate depiction of real life love imo

Anime in general struggle a lot to depict a real and strong love relationship between characters, and rare are the shows that do it correctly
The only anime that comes directly in my mind is Spice and Wolf, where you can also find these trust/loyalty relationship, alongside with plenty of other feelings between Lawrence and Holo
Mar 29, 2020 11:30 PM
Jul 2018
finestseeker17 said:
_oak said:
Childhood friends.. isn't it the most sweetest and blessed thing?

Deep/complex feelings.. very much ofcourse :) but it ultimately depends on the story-telling and direction.. deep feelings, depth in interpersonal dynamics on unspoken level, diving into each other's dark sides I guess.. the scope here is so vast..

Unconditional love.. sadly, yessss. one-sided love, my heart aches lol.

And, weirdly, I love those love stories where the girl is hopelessly in love with a guy who is lost in some way, lost in his hobby/passion/work/concern/dream/goal, too much of a workaholic, is going through some crisis (existential), is just emotionally not there even when the girl is madly in love with him.. even if he's emotionally there, he just doesn't want a relationship.. even if he finds her attractive, doesn't act ._.

Those love stories where the guy and the girl take ages to even say hi to each other.. there's very few stories/movies/anime on this, where the guy and girl feel shy and awkward and let months, years slip by not saying anything to each other even if they are madly in love with each other, longing for one another.. it is rarely captured realistically or with maturity.

Those couples where both know they like each other, they both can very much be together, but just won't.. (and not because of misunderstandings or tensions or etc), they both like each other, but go about with life, years passing by, still in love, but won't get together.. I'm really thinking of a movie right now.

And I love those dynamics where the couple are so basic, simple and almost storybook-ish lol. And also, those couples that feel more like friendly colleagues than a romantic couple lol...:|

And those love stories where, they won't be in a relationship but they choose to be together or one of them 'follows' the other, something like that lol.. I guess it's unconditional love and some sort of resignation of self.. as much as it hurts me, I like such stories lol

Opposites attract thing also is good.. opposites, coming from very different places but heading in one direction types or common core values..

Shared trauma or people on the opposite ends here.. shared trauma but opposite personalities, temperament..

I like many other types of dynamics but it's hard to explain all of them.. I've never been a fan of bickering or rivalry.. the whole enemies turning into lovers - unless again, there's some maturity.. and there's very few such stories with that, where the adults have some tension or an initial misunderstanding rather than full-on rivalry or extended periods of misunderstandings... somehow I'm turned off by this lol. So, I guess it ultimately depends on the direction and story-telling.

You know what? Most of the things you wrote above sound more like personal experiences than couple dynamics from anime to me.

I don't really have a favorite but if really have to choose then young love, if that counts as a dynamic, especially first love.

Young love has innocence & lust mixed together. It also has cuteness/sweetness mixed with angst/egoism.

First love means it most likely won't last.

Young love & first love always remind me of my own love. You could never go back to that kind of love, no matter how hard you try.

Lol, well.. these things are often somehow even if remotely, come from a very subjective place :p ..the things I wrote are an amalgamation of what I saw in anime, movies, heard in songs though's lightly dealt with in anime I saw, and more in-depth in a couple of movies that left a huge impression, and a song..
removed-userMar 29, 2020 11:48 PM
Mar 30, 2020 1:12 AM
Nov 2015
Haha! Please tell me, were you drunk when you wrote those things? ;)

_oak said:

Lol, well.. these things are often somehow even if remotely, come from a very subjective place :p ..the things I wrote are an amalgamation of what I saw in anime, movies, heard in songs though's lightly dealt with in anime I saw, and more in-depth in a couple of movies that left a huge impression, and a song..

Are you sure? Cause those things you wrote above are awfully similar to your post on that Online Dating thread.. I'd love to meet this guy that you kept mentioning. I'm kinda jealous of him.

Please do tell me about these anime, movies & songs. I want to check them out. Especially the in-depth ones.
Mar 30, 2020 2:14 AM

Jan 2010
finestseeker17 said:
Haha! Please tell me, were you drunk when you wrote those things? ;)

I always take my ships and shipping seriously ;D
Mar 30, 2020 3:08 AM
Nov 2015
CrimsonMidnight said:
I always take my ships and shipping seriously ;D

Your profile certainly reflects that :)

Dealing with sinking ships is not my forte so you can count me out.
Mar 30, 2020 3:49 AM

Jan 2010
finestseeker17 said:
CrimsonMidnight said:
I always take my ships and shipping seriously ;D

Your profile certainly reflects that :)

Dealing with sinking ships is not my forte so you can count me out.

Oh I can't too. That's why I always spoil myself in romance anime with multiple love interest.
Or just ship gay ship lol. It won't sink because it doesn't sail in the first place lolol.
I tried not to get TOO invested in my more serious ship ; w ;
Sinking ship suck real bad.
Mar 30, 2020 7:25 AM
Jul 2018
> Deep/complicated relationship. Long and complex history, often complex feelings for each other.
That describes it the best. I love slow burn ships that come from a slowly developing and deep friendship and turns into more.
That could include the other options as well, but mostly this is the basic of the best relationships. I can't stand it, when they are just kitschy around each other, but I don't feel substance behind it and the reason why they fell for each other. I mean, there is always a reason, why you would love someone else, if you aren't going for your hormones alone. And since I'm really not a hormone-driven person, I well... I do kinda "get" why people act like that, but those aren't my favorite ships. I dislike it, when they barely know each other and pretend like they couldn't live without another after a very short time.

What I also don't like is when their relationships feels too teenlike. Not that I don't ship characters with like 16, 17+ years, but I'm more annoyed than in aww, when make every wrong word a catastrophe etc... typical teen-drama without more profounds feelings for each other, problems and all.

I also dislike rival-stories, if there isn't a healthy rivalry, but if they dislike each other and maybe even have no respect for each other. Mutual respect and trust is the basic of every positive relationship and friendship and they come to another for advice and support, trust in each other's abilities etc... like it should be. There could come great ships from two characters treating each other like that. It's great, when you could work as a team and partners in a partnership.

CrimsonMidnight said:
this_shit_again said:


What a nasty thing to do..


I mean, I don't think it's forbidden at all lmao I ship gay ships all the time duh. I didn't want to lump it with the others too. But just trying to be normies for once and see how most of our society think of lgbt. Authors still addressed that issue and make the couple deal with their taboo relationship in society as one of the obstacle they had to face throughout their relationship. Considering that kind of obstacle only happen in forbidden love kind of relationship, so I lumped it in that category...

It really depends on how your environment looks like. In my environment it was often like that there are just a few idiots left whose opinion doesn't bother anyway. I personally have seen a lot, LOT more homophobes over the internet than I could have ever met in real life. Even rarer from my peer group, it was mostly "let other people live their life and step back, old man / woman." And some from my peer group ofc. and I know the feeling of some people staring like idiots at you like you are a zoo animal... or they are just horny fucks.
Mar 30, 2020 8:16 AM

Jan 2010
Maneki-Mew said:
I dislike it, when they barely know each other and pretend like they couldn't live without another after a very short time.

THIS. I mean like come on...
This is why I hate Guren x Mahiru sigh...

I mean, I can buy romance that developed in short time, but it got to be something that is very deep rooted in their life, like some life changing event, life and death situation, etc, basically, a situation that forced them to be extremely vulnerable and get to know each other, down to the core, trying to cope together, and then somehow managed to get through that situation together.

Maneki-Mew said:
CrimsonMidnight said:

I mean, I don't think it's forbidden at all lmao I ship gay ships all the time duh. I didn't want to lump it with the others too. But just trying to be normies for once and see how most of our society think of lgbt. Authors still addressed that issue and make the couple deal with their taboo relationship in society as one of the obstacle they had to face throughout their relationship. Considering that kind of obstacle only happen in forbidden love kind of relationship, so I lumped it in that category...

It really depends on how your environment looks like. In my environment it was often like that there are just a few idiots left whose opinion doesn't bother anyway. I personally have seen a lot, LOT more homophobes over the internet than I could have ever met in real life. Even rarer from my peer group, it was mostly "let other people live their life and step back, old man / woman." And some from my peer group ofc. and I know the feeling of some people staring like idiots at you like you are a zoo animal... or they are just horny fucks.

Well, I guess in some places, it's not that taboo. In my place, it's pretty much a taboo. I'm so scared of just my family seeing my gay doujinshi, it's not even porn, just two boys holding hands, not even kissing. That bad. Pretty sure not only my family.

My supervisor was a lesbian. She came out to me one day, after she deemed I'm an open minded enough of a person. She pretty much kept it a secret from other coworkers. She hadn't came out to her parents too, even though it seemed like her parents wasn't even the religious type at all. She's in her 30's btw. I witness homophobes almost on daily basis. Not only from family, but coworkers too. Sadly.

I guess my own experience made me considered it as still a forbidden love irl.
Mar 30, 2020 3:25 PM
Jul 2018
CrimsonMidnight said:
Maneki-Mew said:
I dislike it, when they barely know each other and pretend like they couldn't live without another after a very short time.

THIS. I mean like come on...
This is why I hate Guren x Mahiru sigh...

I mean, I can buy romance that developed in short time, but it got to be something that is very deep rooted in their life, like some life changing event, life and death situation, etc, basically, a situation that forced them to be extremely vulnerable and get to know each other, down to the core, trying to cope together, and then somehow managed to get through that situation together.

To me, it feels like she liked him as kids and then just convinced herself that she had feelings for him. Like she wanted him, just because she wasn't allowed to. 😅 if I remember right she really wasn't allowed to.
I mean that was even her goal. They killed her mother and she rebelled against them by meeting Guren from his clan. There, at least I believe that she liked him, because kids are quick to grow a bond.

Yes, that's what I could get and like, but I dunno... slow burns are just the best thing in shipping. xD

CrimsonMidnight said:

Well, I guess in some places, it's not that taboo. In my place, it's pretty much a taboo. I'm so scared of just my family seeing my gay doujinshi, it's not even porn, just two boys holding hands, not even kissing. That bad. Pretty sure not only my family.

My supervisor was a lesbian. She came out to me one day, after she deemed I'm an open minded enough of a person. She pretty much kept it a secret from other coworkers. She hadn't came out to her parents too, even though it seemed like her parents wasn't even the religious type at all. She's in her 30's btw. I witness homophobes almost on daily basis. Not only from family, but coworkers too. Sadly.

I guess my own experience made me considered it as still a forbidden love irl.

Unfortunately for many, but I think it's great that she believed she could trust you. That's a quite huge sign of trust there.
Mar 31, 2020 12:15 AM

Jan 2010
Maneki-Mew said:
CrimsonMidnight said:

THIS. I mean like come on...
This is why I hate Guren x Mahiru sigh...

I mean, I can buy romance that developed in short time, but it got to be something that is very deep rooted in their life, like some life changing event, life and death situation, etc, basically, a situation that forced them to be extremely vulnerable and get to know each other, down to the core, trying to cope together, and then somehow managed to get through that situation together.

To me, it feels like she liked him as kids and then just convinced herself that she had feelings for him. Like she wanted him, just because she wasn't allowed to. 😅 if I remember right she really wasn't allowed to.
I mean that was even her goal. They killed her mother and she rebelled against them by meeting Guren from his clan. There, at least I believe that she liked him, because kids are quick to grow a bond.

Yes, that's what I could get and like, but I dunno... slow burns are just the best thing in shipping. xD

I mean, considering how she had grown up in Hiiragi, which basically devoid of any kind of love, I believe that she did develop feelings for him in that moment. But they are only kids, that haven't fully grasp what love truly is. I can understand a bit better from Mahiru's POV. At this point it's probably just an obsession, she clings to her feelings for Guren because it's probably the only thing that she did and felt that is on her own choice, instead of just Hiiragi pawn. And it's the only time she ever felt genuine love. She is the luckiest Hiiragi children to have experienced such genuine love in her childhood, imo. Guren gave her the light, hope and love she needed desperately.

Anyways, I can't buy Guren's because, how could he even think twice between choosing his father or Mahiru?! A girl that he only met quite briefly when he's like 6???? Compared to his own father that he grew up with and showered him with love and he respect his father deeply??? Anyways, they spent more time separated than together and Mahiru had hurt him too much -even though it's to save Shinoa according to her-, I'd flip if Guren ended up forgiving her. I mean, I don't mind, it's in his veins, forgiving people. But if he still loves her somehow, Idk, I'd be baffled.

Slow burn is definitely the best uwu
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