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As It Falls to Pieces (a medieval-ish/fantasy RP) -full-

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Apr 23, 2008 1:47 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow laughed at Noel's thoughts and shrugged. "I dunno...I've never really been a boring person, I don't think...I'm too young for that." He smiled at Grace and Noel. "Okay. I'll catch up with you guys in a few minutes. You guys can go on ahead, you don't need to wait on me. I'll find you." He smiled again and turned on his heel, quickly dissapearing behind a shop alley way. Making sure no one was watching, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, picking up speed as he did so. As he opened his eyes, he jumped from a passing cart to the roof of a shop and began to run across the neighboring roofs.
Apr 23, 2008 8:13 PM

Jan 2008
"Alright then," says Grace, giving a small wave as Shadow leaves. She turns around to face the others. "So let's go on, then...?" She begins walking down the alley.

Apr 24, 2008 10:51 AM

Jul 2007
Noel nodded in response, following Grace. How strange it was that a group like this could form so easily after just a few random encounters. She smiled: it seemed things wouldn't be boring, at least not for a little while.
Apr 24, 2008 1:52 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow began to slow as he neared the inn he was staying at. Peering over the roof of the shop next door, he looked around to see if any "suprises" would be waiting for him upon entering the inn. Deciding that it was safe for now, he lightly jumped from the roof and onto the street below. He adjusted his cloak and bag, and then walked inside the inn, and up to his room. The inn hosts were used to his comings and goings by now, and didn't bother offering a greeting as he came in. Shadow didn't mind. He was used to them too. Taking a key out of one of his pockets, he unlocked the door to his room and set his stuff down on the small bed inside. The room was sparse, with little decorations, and no furniture except for the bed and a small chest of drawers. But, there was a huge balcony window that opened out into the city, and he had his own bathroom. That's the way Shadow liked it. He took a minute to make sure everything was right with his room, and then turned on his heel and left again, locking the door behind him. Shadow whistled softly to himself as he left, deciding to walk this time.
Apr 25, 2008 2:53 PM

Jan 2008
Grace turns around the corner out the alley, and walks up to a house. I think this is it... She knocks at the door.

"Yes?" A woman says, answering the door.

"Um, this is the medicine you ordered?" Grace says, holding out the package.

"Ah, yes! Thank you very much!" The woman says, taking the package and handing Grace some money.

"No problem," Grace says, giving a small bow. "Have a nice day!"

The woman nods and shuts the door. Grace returns to the group. "Well I'm ready now I guess."

Apr 26, 2008 8:56 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow had walked a little faster then he had meant to, catching up to the group right as Grace was returning. "Ahh...Good timing." He said to no one in particular. He looked around at the houses surrounding them. "So, this is where you delivered you medicine? Isn't this a long walk from the other village?" He said, looking at Grace.
Apr 26, 2008 1:22 PM

Jan 2008
"Well, sort of, but that's because I tend to stop a lot along the way to pet an anime or something," Grace says, shuffling her feet on the ground. "If I didn't dilly-dally or anything, it's not all that far."

Apr 26, 2008 4:28 PM

Jul 2007
Noel watched in silence as Grace delivered the package to the woman. She looked up at the sky, wondering about various, mostly-nonsensical, things. Delivering packages to people was nothing new to her: she had been a delivery girl before. Not that it really mattered.

She looked at Shadow after he had caught up, barely wasting the brain power to wonder where he had run off to. It was none of her business after all. Okay, I guess she had to admit a slight curiosity, but all that mattered was getting to the medicine shop owned by Grace's brother and getting a job.

ooc: sorry, I was out of town...
Apr 26, 2008 7:33 PM

Jan 2008
David tilts his head at Noel when she looks up in the sky. He wonders what she's thinking but decides not to be nosy about it so he looks back down at the ground at a small frog while Grace talks to the woman. After she's done, David looks back up at Grace. "Well, do you like making these deliveries or do you prefer being back at the shop? I was wondering because I'd be willing to help out with this, I don't mind walking along and just looking at things along the way..."

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 26, 2008 8:30 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow shrugs, looking around at the other companions. "Hmm..But it must get pretty boring. Walking along by yourself, I mean. I wouldn't blame you for dilly-dallying.." He smiled, showing that he did that kind of thing all the time. "Well...Should we be going, then?" He said, with a sweep of his arm towards the open road.
Apr 27, 2008 7:11 AM

Jan 2008
Grace looks at David. "I really don't have a preference. I like hanging out at the shop with my brother, but I don't mind walking around. Of course, either of them gets boring sometimes." She nods at Shadow and smiles. "Yeah!" She begins walking down the road with her newfound companions.

Apr 28, 2008 1:37 PM

Jan 2008
"Oh, Okay." David nods. "I'd be willing to help out with anything really...seeing as how you're giving me the job and all. I just want to be as helpful as possible and do my part." He smiles.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 28, 2008 2:09 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow followed behind the others at a slower pace. He tucked his arms behind his head, and began looking at all the things they passed along the way. This was his favorite past time. It was also a good way to look for danger, without it seeming too obvious. "How far out into the city is your shop?" He asked, absently.
Apr 29, 2008 8:10 AM

Jul 2007
Noel tilted her head to the side slightly, paying attention to what her companions were saying, but not really wanting to join the conversation. She didn't know exactly why... it wasn't like her to be so quiet and morose. She had a strange feeling though that she couldn't seem to shake off.

In fact, as the group exited the city of trade and headed toward the quiet country-side, her nervous feeling just increased.

"Argh!" she exclaimed suddenly, shaking her head around and trying to clear away any silly worries. What was there to worry about, anyway? The country was at peace... right? Yeah, that's the way it seemed. Peaceful...
Apr 29, 2008 9:37 AM

Jan 2008
Grace opens her mouth to answer Shadow's question, then turns around to look at Noel. "Are you okay?"

Apr 29, 2008 9:50 AM

Jul 2007
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt sorta anxious, dunno why. Probably nothing. What were we talking about again?" Noel replied with a grin, though as she spoke she noticed a large group of people coming toward them from the opposite direction. They were still far off and she couldn't really make out any details, but something about this group caused her feelings of worry to return tenfold.

"Who do you suppose they are?" she asked, pointing her index finger down the road and toward the approaching people.

ooc: why does everyone have an L avatar except me? XD
Apr 29, 2008 12:21 PM

Jan 2008
David looks down the road at the approaching people and blinks. "I dunno, can't tell from here, you think it's that strange though? I mean, I doubt we have anything to worry about, you know?" He shrugs a bit.

((Because they're L fangirls and I just had to have this one for a little while when I saw it xP))

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 29, 2008 5:49 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow had seen the group of people coming, and quietly slipped his hand into the pocket where his daggers were. He tried to keep the mood light, to distract from the fact they were likely about to be attacked. If he had to fight, his secret might get out, and he definately didn't want that to happen. "I don't suppose they're wandering rubber-duck sales-men, do you?" He said, looking around at the group. As he did so, he took the oppurtunity to size them all up for a fight. They might be able to handle themselves, he concluded, but with the size of this group, his help might be needed.

((Hey!! Joo gots a problem with that? I'll kill you until you die from it!! xDDD))
Apr 29, 2008 6:28 PM

Jan 2008
"I don't know... I've never seen them before," Grace says, a slight nervousness arousing in her stomach. She looks around at her companions. If they're malicious... can they defend themselves...? If they can't, can they run? If they're malicious, have they been to the village...?

Apr 29, 2008 6:41 PM

Jan 2008
David looks at Grace. That's not a good sign, I would have thought she'd have known them... I guess we may be in for a fight soon after all. He puts a hand on his sword concealed within his traveling cloak.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 30, 2008 7:15 AM

Jul 2007
Noel could feel the tension rising, making the air around the group thick. Everyone was thinking the same thing, that was obvious, but no one really wanted to say it out loud. She noticed Shadow and David casually reaching into their clothing, probably to reassure themselves with concealed weapons. She wished she carried a weapon...

On the other hand, maybe this approaching group was harmless... Haha! Yeah right... At this point there was no use even trying to convince herself that everything was fine and dandy.
Apr 30, 2008 3:10 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow shrugged, looking around at the group when no one answered him.
"Well...I guess no one's in a good mood..." Shadow thought to himself. He began to whistle, pausing every so often to humm along to the sweet little tune in his head.
Apr 30, 2008 10:15 PM

Jul 2007
((In order to remove my absolute 3 page lag I'll just restart, hope that's no problem))

Aria wiped some sweat off her brow, giving a sigh of relief as she finally caught sight of the walls of the city and tugging on the reigns of her horses just a bit to pick up the pace so that she could get there faster. Four parties of bandits and 2 bandit owned toll roads was definately a pain on her patience and her endurance.

Either way, it seemed to her that the best of it was over. That is until she saw a certain large group she happened to be closing in behind, these folks wore similar attire, nothing entirely suspicious individually but as a whole was enough to make someone think. There wasn't a single member there that didn't seem to have a weapon, neither was there a single trade cart or any form of merchandise on them. For now though, Aria only ignored them and silently trailed the group, her horses were quiet with their footsteps despite their hard hooves and her cart wheels well oiled and lubricated so they rolled and moved silently. She wasn't auspicious whatsoever, but what had worried her more than the group in front of her was the group in front of that group. Youngsters, people she would rather not see get trapped in a fight..

May 7, 2008 5:45 PM

Jul 2007
ooc: *takes out a paper fan and thwacks the rp* that fixes everything.

Noel was sick and tired of all this stressful waiting. She found herself picking up her pace, which probably was far from intelligent. But if the group ahead was harmless then it was better to just pass by and be done with it. If they were hostile, it was better just to hurry up and be done with that, too.

The people in the other group watched her approaching, muttering among each other. The one who appeared to be their leader shushed them and gave some quiet commands. Oh great... they were taking out weapons... Not a good sign...

Noel raised her hands as a show of peace, but it barely caused them to hesitate before they continued to unsheathe swords and raise up spears. Noel paused, beginning to step backward before turning and running back to Grace's group.

"Those are the most well-armed rubber-duck salesmen I've ever seen," she panted, breathless from running and from growing fear.
May 7, 2008 6:19 PM

Jan 2008
"Even if we were all armed, there's too many of them. " Grace glances around. "We can try and cut to the left off the road, and through the trees. It'll be rough, but it would get us to the village faster and we can probably lose them, if they decide to chase us and we're fast."

May 8, 2008 6:30 PM

Jan 2008
David nods in agreement. "I don't think we have much of a choice. I hate to say it but we should probably split-up as well, otherwise it'll be easier for them to follow us." He takes his hand off of his sword, getting ready to run at the signal. "Hope everyone knows where the village is..." he mutters, half to himself.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 10, 2008 11:00 AM

Mar 2008
Shadow sighed. He really hated getting into these kind of messes. His head snapped in David's direction when he spoke. "No! Haven't you seen any plays? The bad guys always win when the good guys decide to split up!!" He exclaimed. He looked around the group for conformation, before sighing again. He flicked the ring in his lip with his thumb before reaching onto his back and pulling out his short sword. "What say we go any introduce ourselves?" He says, a grin on his face.
May 11, 2008 4:17 PM

Jan 2008
David shakes his head slightly at Shadow. "That's in plays though...In my experience staying together just makes it easier for you to be followed, but I've changed my mind. Some of us may be caught if we're split up, even though some of us may escape. I'd rather be together if it comes down to a fight. They may be after one person anyway. Either way, we don't have time to argue this. We already decided that there were too many of them. We need to get moving." He turns to look at Grace, figuring that she should decide since she best knew the way.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 13, 2008 9:26 AM

Jan 2008
"This way," Grace says, running off the path and into the trees. "I've taken this shortcut a lot, but if anyone knows a faster way, please say so..." She glances back, hoping that they're not being followed.

May 14, 2008 9:14 AM

Jul 2007
Noel listened to Shadow and David's argument in silence. She usually had something to say during times like this, but at the moment she couldn't think of anything even close to resembling a plan. She was glad when Grace took the initiative and she quickly followed her away from the path.
May 14, 2008 5:25 PM

Nov 2007
Within a matter of minutes, Casper had found himself totally lost and utterly confused. He had remembered the city, but helping that girl find her house had got him in a puzzle. Casper grabbed his head, wishing that he could remember things at a time like this. What was wrong with him? Sure it had been about three years since he had been in the city, but that normally didn't make him forget the streets of this area. Maybe if he hit his head against the wall, that would make him remember. Casper walked over to the wall, then turned back towards the middle of the street. No, that wouldn't help him at all. Suddenly he became aware of the stares he was receiving from the bystanders. Maybe I should just cancel the visit and get out of here... He thought to himself. Finally having come to a conclusion, Casper started heading down the street towards where he thought the entrance was. Hopefully he wouldn't get lost again, after all, there were rumors of an attack that would fall upon the village.
May 14, 2008 5:55 PM

Jan 2008
David shakes his head as he follows Grace down the path, then realizes that she can't see him so he speaks out softly. "No, I don't, lead on, I'm glad you know the way..."

Thanks Medli for the sig!
May 14, 2008 8:50 PM

Jul 2007
((Ahhh never mind waiting since everyone is running now and the group seems dead, I'll control them if you don't mind.))

Seeing the group of kids run, a mounted man had barked an order to his subordinates, a small group dispatching themselves and running into the forest in pursuit. The rest had continued walking down the road in the direction of the city. Aria decided for now she would leave her horse there, slowing the noble beast to a stop and ordering it to wait with the cart, Aria then ran into the treeline, dodging through trees and following the sounds of the nearest footsteps she could hear.

May 23, 2008 12:11 PM

Mar 2008
((Sorry, guys. My end of the year exams KILLED me...^^;))

Shadow waited until the rest of the group was a ways ahead of him, and then snuck off quietly on his own. He wanted to see who these people were, and what they were up against. Being an assasin, he wasn't used to fighting in groups, and prefered to scout the enemy on his own. As he ran through the surrounding trees with out so much as a whisper of a sound, he began to drift back to some of his old memeories, before he became a killer......
May 25, 2008 1:49 PM

Nov 2007
Casper looked at the path that stretched out ahead of him. He would have to go back into the town eventually, after all he did get that room, but he really didn't feel like going back into the town right away. After all, he did walk around crazily for a few moments on that street. A slight noise got his attention as he noticed the speck far ahead on the path. What was that? A column of soldiers? Casper shook his head, looking through his mind for the answer to this. They were already coming for the attack? The rumors were seeming to come out true.
May 25, 2008 3:10 PM

Mar 2008
((*glares at Cherry's avvie...))

"Stand up straight! Tuck your elbows in! Keep your gun level!...Number 5316!! What do you think you are doing??"

Shadow plopped down on the ground, stretching his arms and legs out around him. He used his gun as a pillow propping his arms up on it. He smiled at his bewildered squad-mates, as the Drill-sergeant stomped towards him.

"Number 5163, what in blue-blazes do you think you are doing?? This is not nap-time!!" "Oh, I know, sir. But I was bored, and a little tired, so I decided to take a break." He yawned, for emphasis. "Bored??? Tired?? What do you think this is?? Pre-school? NO!! This is the army!! And if you can't handle it, then we can ship your arse right back to the rat-infested hole you crawled out of." Shadow rolled his eyes, sitting up. "Please. If that really happened, do you think I'd still be here? My 'rat-infested hole' is way better than being in an idiot infested pit. Besides, I can do this crap in my sleep." He stood up, chambered his gun, fired three times at the target, and turned back around. "See? Child's play." He said, waving at the demolished target with his gun. He got not repsonse. Every man there was dead silent. "So, when do I get your job?" Shadow said, looking at the Drill-sergeant and plopping back down.
Jun 7, 2008 7:21 PM

Jan 2008
((requesting posts ;D))

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Jun 8, 2008 4:30 PM

Mar 2008
((is doing the same as Link...))
Jun 8, 2008 9:34 PM

Feb 2008
<<Is it too late to join?>>
Jun 9, 2008 12:02 PM

Jul 2007
ooc: well, sorta... but the rp is so dead that you may join to liven things up, cookie
Jun 10, 2008 12:19 PM

Mar 2008
((I tried...But there was no response..T^T..We must preform CPR!!! CLEAAAR!! ))
Jun 10, 2008 1:23 PM

Jul 2007
((I gots nothing to work on XD...))

Jun 14, 2008 12:59 PM

Jan 2008
((I got nothin', we need Airy Dx))

Grace keeps running into the forest, looking back to make sure the rest are following her and to see if they're being pursued.

Jun 14, 2008 1:15 PM

Mar 2008
(( I's fix it....))

As Shadow continued to run, he continued to sift through the memories of his past life. He slowed as he neared the group of bandits, and set his mind on reality. Sliding his hand into his jacket, he pulled out two of his daggers, sliding them into his fingers. He pulled up his hood and snuck into the group, keeping his head down.
Jun 21, 2008 4:40 PM

Nov 2007
Five soldiers surrounded him, jabbing him with their guns. "Could you stop doing that? If you don't I would enjoy tearing you limb from limb." Shocked at the insane demand, they spat on the road. One of them gave Casper a glare before speaking. "So you think you could tear us limb by limb? Well, sir, I have different ideas. Who are you, ya stupid kid?" Casper rolled his eyes. "Well, sir, I don't see why I would have to give my name to some stupid soldier who doesn't even seem to know his rank." Seething, the man, who apparently held a fairly high rank, took some swings at Casper. "You don't know who you are dealing with!!!"
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