"That... isn't something I can do. I can't not try." Yugana stated, pulling her knees up to her chest. "I don't blame you for thinking it's foolish though... But I won't give up." She told her sister with a confident smile, then noticed her expression. "Reira, what's wrong?"
She stared down at the water
"Please....sis.......don't do it...."
She looks at her, the expression she had in her eyes were like something had happened before
Yugana was surprised by this and her expression quickly became worrisome. "Reira, what happened?" She questioned. She was far from giving up her goals, but she wasn't going to argue seeing her sister like this. Family came before anything else to her, after all.
Yugana took one of her hands and held it comfortingly within her own. "Reira. You know I'll always help you right? Whatever it may be no matter how dark nor intimidating. You can always tell me anything." She assured her with a smile. "You can trust me, you know."
Yugana then embraced her in a hug. "He scares me too... But I'm not going to let him do as he pleases. I want to help the people he hurts." She told her. "I'm especially not going to let him hurt my family... What specifically did he do...?" She questioned her.
"I don't know how.....but I somehow made him angry.........and....he beat me......it went for a while....but I try my hardest to avoid him now......he hasn't in a couple of days"
She hugs her tight, she then sits up and lifts her top to show bruises
"Why didn't you tell anyone? If you told mother or brother... They could have helped!" Yugana scolded her before frowning. "And if you told me... I could have supported you... He won't do it again. I won't let him." She said seriously. She was indeed much weaker than the king, but that didn't matter in her mind. She could easily be described as being very determined or being very stubborn when it came to some things.
"You're her daughter! And with how he behaves who wouldn't believe you?!" Yugana argued before sighing and embracing her again. "I won't let him do it again... I may be weak, but I will not allow him." She assured her seriously. "You should tell mother... But if you don't, at least promise to come to me when something happens. I'll always help you. Even if I am unable to at first... I'll find a way."
Yugana smiled and rubbed the top of her head comfortingly. "I'll even go with you when you tell her... If you are going to tell her that is." She offered. She kind of felt like an older sister like this, despite Reira's more mature appearance compared to her's.
"you will?" she looks up at her
"oh thank you thank you thank you sis!"she hugs her tight, she was so happy to hear that and how much her sister cared for her
"Of course." Yugana assured her. "We're family. I'll do anything to help my family." She added. Truthfully Yugana would do much to help anyone if they truly needed it. She's perhaps a bit too caring and she has been told that by several people, though it their words didn't even make her determination waver in the slightest.
Yugana rubbed the top of her head again. "Don't worry. It's alright now. It's not going to happen again, okay?" She assured her with a kind smile that could most often lift anyone's spirits. "Try to focus on more... enjoyable things until we tell mother." She suggested, pausing for a moment before changing the subject slightly. "You know... I'm somewhat glad... That you shared this with me, I mean. You've mostly been so reserved and kept your thoughts to yourself up until now."
"Well, somewhat. You never really shared anything like this with me. It shows that you're relying on me, at least a little." Yugana explained with a smile. "It makes me happy to know that you trust me enough to do that."
"Well... Just keep in mind that you can tell me anything, okay? Actually... Now I'm a bit hungry..." She stated with a laugh, changing the subject once more. "I spent all day training and haven't eaten. Did you already eat with brother? If not let's go get a snack." She suggested happily.
Yugana took her hand happily and began leading them back towards the kitchen. Once arrived, she saw Rorik. "Ah, hello brother!" She greeted him with a smile before going to get herself a salad. "Has mother returned yet? Also, how fare the rebel forces?" She inquired of her brother.
"i dont know" he says drinking some ale that was in his mug. his snake slithered up to him and wound its way to his shoulders. "Last i've heard was the rebels are going at it like usual " he added
"I see, no important feats accomplished on their side then?" Yugana inquired rhetorically. "What about... the, erm... King? Do you know if he's on some campaign?" she questioned him, sitting down and beginning to eat her salad. If he wasn't, it was likely that he was in one of his "private" rooms indulging himself in actions that made Yugana both blush and cringe at the thought of.
Yugana looked over to Reira and grasped her hand gently, giving her a comforting smile. She expected her to have some type of reaction to it, but wanted to make sure the King was busy when their mother returned so they could tell her. Yugana avoided telling Rorik outright as she wasn't sure if Reira felt comfortable sharing it with him. She managed to get her to agree to go tell the Queen, she didn't want to blabber to anyone else that Reira didn't want her to. Unless she felt it was necessary of course.
"I think he maybe on a campaign, but I'm not to sure" he says finishing his drink. putting down the cup, he continues on "The king dislikes any offspring of our mother, he only masks it when he needs to". Grimacing, at a thought, before adding "Mmm, i know his hate first hand, he sent me on a suicide mission, with men who would defect to him and try to kill me"
Jasmine returns after her long harsh years training in the mountains. she had almost forgot what the castle looked like, heck the only reason she remember her parents was because they would visit her every so often. she was glad however that she was now a very powerful witch almost unstoppable.
she had her pet "luna" in her shoulder as she walked into the dinning room. there was a dinner prepaired especially for her return
Italus enters into the area around the castle with his eyes darting from place to place in order to see all of the people that were in the vicinity, he walks inside of the dining room. It had been some months since the last time he found himself in such a place, the allure of the food is what made him come to this place. He could just find a quick snack and go back out to eat it. This place reeked of spoiled and obnoxious people. As long as he just picks and chooses the right people to associate with then things will go as planned for him.
Seeing a Girl he didn't recognize, walk in, and sit down at the spot that was prepared for a sibling of his, speaking up he says "It seems that your long training must've been a success". his snake slithering down and it turns its head to the attention of the male newcomer. Catching Rorik's attention he looked over to see an unknown person to him, he states "Who are you?" his hand resting on the pommel of his sword
"Wait...What?! When was this?!" Yugana questioned him worriedly before sighing. Pushing away the slight feeling of uselessness from hearing only now the extent of her siblings' abuse, she spoke again. "Why did you not tell me of this?" She questioned, though she pretty much already knew the answer. She was weak. Too weak to have done anything even if they both came to her right when it happened. "I'm sorry..." She apologized sadly to both with her head hung slightly. Though she was far from giving up, if anything it gave her more determination to get stronger.
Shaking her head, she returned to her normal, gentle smile and expression. "Perhaps we shouldn't speak of this right now... Mother isn't even home yet and... Isn't our sister returning today? Let's try to stay optimistic and focus on the positives of today." Yugana stated, more specifically to Reira. "Once Mother gets back, then we'll put our attention back on this issue." She finished, returning to start eating her salad before Rorik took his attention to the girl that just entered as well as the man. She immediately perked up. "Ah sister! You've returned! Welcome back." She got up to greet her sibling happily. She was as well curious about the man, but if he was wandering in the castle, she doubted that he wasn't allowed here.
she smiles at everyone that was there "It was long and hard the years i spent training but it was fun and it was a great adventure. I guess now you can say that i have alot of story to say about my adventures" she pets luna as she looks at her sisters "i could barely remember your faces" she then looks at the guy there he looked pretty hot but a bit two scarey for her taste in guys "it was a big sucess, i could turn you all into stone if i so choose" she giggles as she says this
Italus tilted his head over in the direction of the voice that he just heard, he then slowly turned the rest of his body in that direction as well to see who was talking to him. He raises his hands and spins around to show the person that he currently had no weapons on him. "I'm just someone that is passing by and looking for a nice place to catch a meal. It would seem that I have found just such a place." His attention now moves to the girl that was talking about turning people into stone and after hearing that he just grinned an thought about breaking stones.
"Fine by me, as long as you don't try anything funny" he coldy remarks to the man, turning to his sisters he then says "We Should probably eat and get caught up on events that have happened,". He sits down in a chair that was specifically made for him, the only black chair in the room and it had a perch for his snake. he motions to the man "Even if i don't know you, sit, so that i may get to know you, a bit better"
Even though he had many preconceived notions about the people that he was going to meet, it was a pleasant surprise that the first person he spoke to didn't appear to be too bad. The part about doing anything wasn't worth replying to at this time because it was too soon to do anything. "I'll take you up on that offer and have a seat." He looks to his side and grabs one of the vacant seats and sits down it close to the people that were already there.
"Let's see i just got back from wiping out a group of rebels, we've been warring on the rebels, and i had some misfortune with a group of men on a mission, about 6 months ago" he says, before taking a bite of the meat laid in front of him. he continued to eat listening to what the others had to say, a blank expression on his face.
Reira goes and sits down. She decided to just stay quiet and eat with her siblings. Following what her other sister said, to keep everything about what happened to her quiet until it was okay to do so. So she quietly listened while eating. Hoping she didn't ask her if anything happened
Italus leaned back into his seat and folded his arms as he looked on and listened to all of the people talking near him. All of this normal chit chat was a welcomed change compared to what he had to listen to normally, which consisted of bickering and stupid ideas about power and the thirst for it. Even a demon can get tired of hearing about power and blood when the fools are the ones having the talks.
Yugana had as well sat down and began to eat. "It's so nice to see you again. Dig in, please. The dinner is mainly for you after all." She told her sister happily, then glancing slightly at the man who had entered the room after her sister. "Have we met, Sir...?" She inquired curiously as to the man's name. "Ah... I should've probably introduced myself fist. I am Yugana." She greeted him with a smile.
He takes his thoughts away from his inner monologue for a couple of seconds once another person in the room had spoke to him. He was first going to answer her with something simple like one word or two, but he wasn't in the mood to be rude or condescending at the moment. "My name is Italus. It is nice to make your acquaintance Yugana." He greets her back with a smile as he looked at the clothing she was wearing. Must be royalty...
she starts to eat her food as she watches all of them talking. right now she was two hungry to keep a convo going she was way more interested in the food right infront of her. she took a fork in one hand and the knife on the other hand and started to gracefully eat her food
Reira leaned over and whispered to yugana
"You can tell big brother if you want to" since she made that decision while being quiet, only listening. She looked at the new man and bowed her head as if saying hello. Her sisters and brother knew how she was around new people and knew she needed a little nudge to actually speak.
He was now apparently totally surrounded by nothing but friendly people. He wasn't sure how he truly felt about it since it was so uncommon for him to deal with all at once, he'll just try to blend in with what they were doing and not cause a stir, only speaking and acknowledging the people if they do so first. He quietly waved and smiled at the girl that was speaking to Yugana.
"A pleasure to meet you as well, Italus." Yugana said with a slight bow of her head. He seemed nice at the moment, which lifted her spirits a little. "What brings you to the castle, if I might ask." She questioned curiously, simply making small-talk. Jasmine seemed to be more focused on eating anyone, not that she could blame her. Her attention then turned to Reira and she gave a comforting smile and pat on her hand. "We'll tell him after dinner, alright? Warn Jasmine too. I don't think telling him right now would be a good idea, especially since Jasmine just got back. 'Kay?" She suggested back in a whisper. Though she was glad that her sister was willing to tell Rorik. She thought it best that she not keep these things to herself.