smirked as he threw a strong right hook but it was a fake as he hit with a low hard jab to her gut, with enough force to hurt immensely but not kill or cause internal damage,
She bent into the punch and head butted him in the face breaking his nose. As she backed up it was obvious she was hurting but she was not stranger to pain.
ignored his nose pain and his blood oddly enough didn't start to flow out of his nose though you could see it, then he took a boxing like stands with his fists raised,
smirks and with his speed catches her leg then punches it hard and injures her knee as much as possible to make it hurt and sensitive but not break it, knowing this was a fight for fun and not to kill,
She wraps her legs around his waist "all's fair in love and war. There is no such thing as a fair fight." He started to clobber his face with powerful punches not letting him get away.
smirked and enjoyed seeing her wrapped around his waist knowing it fit her better then caught her hands before she let off to many punches then slammed her legs into the ground on her week knee,
"I wonder how you taste he licked his lips staring at her?"
damn you really play rough don't you * grinned and smiled then started to crush her fists in his hands causing more pain almost breaking her fingers and blocks her head with her own hands, keeping her pinned back on the ground,*
kept getting hit then looked annoyed and pinned your arms in a way that he could hold them both down with one hand then hit you with a powerful jab to the thigh of your good leg making it hurt extremely to move,
She smiles and throws I'm off and roles onto him so she's on top. "you mean mine." She kissed him again and a racket could be heard from the guys in the bar.
looked angry and annoyed giving of an aura to all of them that said one more word and your next, but looked at her surprised, then his fangs bit softly into her lip and her slowly sucked her blood,
smirks and bites into your neck and starts slowly sucking your blood giving you a euphoric sensation as he does, as his wounds already show signs of healing
She looks at him and says "well now shall we get started." She lead him to the tank hatch."
Parked the jeep next to the panzer 4 and hopped out "so what do you guys think. Not bad eh."
"mess tent is close to the armory, the bunks are in the large row of tents." He points to each one. "well now ladies" he turns to them "way do you think?" He walks over to the tank and the engineers salute him. He does so back.