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MAL Summer Olympics 2024 PART 1: ROUND 2

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Jul 1, 11:08 PM

Feb 2020
^^^ I'm going to try it later some time cus my freezer is full of chicken breast rn 😞
Jul 2, 12:32 AM

Jun 2024

Pika Pika
Jul 2, 12:36 AM

Jul 2022
GermanBobaTea said:
Similiar like plain?, like the american tiktok people?

are you implying that we are all plain and simple? nothing wrong with that, but I´d suggest getting to know people more. no one is really boring. also not everyone is American here, not that there is anything wrong with Americans unless you are generalizing.

now, when you mention is, Wendoka also called us basic and unoriginal. such a shame she left, you´d get along :D
so many broken children living in grown bodies mimicking adult lives

Jul 2, 1:17 AM

Feb 2018

oh shit i got busy and then forgot and slept
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jul 2, 1:18 AM

Jul 2022
tsukareru said:
oh shit i got busy and then forgot and slept

a man lived his best life, the audacity !

Animeistaken said:
They taste like they look for me, just decent :D

yeah, agreed. definitely as bad as people would imagine. but nothing beats salmon, I am sorry fish I swear I will give you up one day.
effyJul 2, 2:25 AM
so many broken children living in grown bodies mimicking adult lives

Jul 2, 2:11 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
but they're highly nutritious right + I'm really getting bored with chicken breast so imma try those... I just hope they don't taste like they look lmao

They taste like they look for me, just decent :D

Jul 2, 2:52 AM

Feb 2020
aftter I'm done with the chicken boobies stored in my freezer I'm goona chomp some livers... but something tells me I'm never going to try liver again after eating it once 😕
Jul 2, 2:52 AM

Feb 2018
So i am gonna answer with multiple users for same question. I like all of them, these are all users on my fr list.

1. Please nominate the friendliest user. (Someone who always makes people feel welcomed, offer a helping hand, is inclusive.)
effy, princess_lina, pinnofin, bit chilly, danzfcc, viraat_pirate. If i have to pick the most then it's effy.

2. Please nominate the most aesthetical user. (Signatures, profile, avatar on point. Creative wizards that most of us aspire to be.)
Well i wouldn't aspire to to be, i like my known style. The most aesthetical i like are many. To name a few, Shizuna, fukamin, Jeritorias, Frebby, princess_lina, effy, Ooowoahvictoria, Beta, Ford-chan, Kangaroooo. If i have to pick the best then it's a tie between Jeritorias and Princess_lina

3. Please nominate the user who creates the most creative threads. (Fun, insightful, chatty, they are trying their best to keep this place running!)
Ioqi for making the first hunger games, they aren't active on forums anymore and the only one not in my fr list too. The most creative threads, it's probably wendoka.

4. Please nominate the most active user of 2024. (We all wonder whether they are secret vampires and just never sleep. No one can imagine this place without you!)
Dosto. He was active when i joined, when i left and even now that i have returned. Consistently for years. He's also other one not in my fr list, I'd like to take back the fr i had sent him long back. I have changed my mind. Just deny it.

5. Please nominate the kindest user. (Gentle souls, therapists by nature, they are probably helping snails cross the road. You´d trust them with your baby.)
effy, MitsukiHimeka, Meusnier, traed, playfulcloud88, princess_lina. The kindest out of them, I'd say effy.

6. Please nominate the funniest user. (They might not be even trying but they are just cracking jokes left and right, making your abs work more than you have ever thought would be possible.)
Onimage & Thinkpad. Make a coin toss for my answer between them lol.

7. Please nominate user with the best profile. (Design on point, captivating "about me".)

8. Please nominate the most original user. (They are themselves, unapologetically, loudly and proudly, charisma dripping.)
Meusneir, Zettaiken. Zet isn't on my mal fr list but on mydramalist. God it's been a long time i have seen any k-drama now

9. Please nominate the best newcomer of the first half of 2024. (Please, try not to nominate the returning users, let´s celebrate the new blood.)

10. Please nominate the user with the best music taste.
Princess_lina, effy, viraat, Beta. I can't pick the best, it's all different genre. I listen to multiple genre too

11. Please nominate the most well-read user. (When you are discussing books with them, you feel like there is nothing they don´t know. The brains of the brains!)
I don't have a habit of reading books so i can't answer.

12. Please nominate the most dedicated anime fan. (They love their waifus, their husbandos with all their hearts and we are rooting for them.)
All gacha games players

13. Please nominate The King / Queen of forum games (*inactive users can be nominated in case they still have an active account)
None. The last time i remember someone proclaiming to be the king of a forum category, they started to spam about witchcraft hehe

14. Life achievement Award (*inactive users can be nominated if they still have an active account)
Too vague. I guess NextUniverse.

15. Please nominate the most intriguing user. (Everyone wants to talk to them but only a few get a chance. They are mystical creatures attracting everyone like magnets.)
I guess Gun. Man of few words. But i like them that way too.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jul 2, 3:05 AM

Feb 2020
nah check out the spoiler comment from Final episode in my profile bro don't deserve it... give the best newcomer to goose or animeistaken
Jul 2, 3:13 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
nah check out the spoiler comment from Final episode in my profile bro don't deserve it... give the best newcomer to goose or animeistaken

TF did I read. That's just ummm...

Jul 2, 3:17 AM

Jul 2022
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
aftter I'm done with the chicken boobies stored in my freezer I'm goona chomp some livers... but something tells me I'm never going to try liver again after eating it once 😕

nah, you are gonna be ok. just see for yourself. it´s not that bad.

tsukareru said:
So i am gonna answer with multiple users for same question. I like all of them, these are all users on my fr list.

please, choose one per category. the votes are counted. this is hell to count.
so many broken children living in grown bodies mimicking adult lives

Jul 2, 3:20 AM

Feb 2018
I have selected one at end of every answer. Just answering with many users
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jul 2, 4:19 AM

Jun 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
nah check out the spoiler comment from Final episode in my profile bro don't deserve it... give the best newcomer to goose or animeistaken

why did you hand it over to the opps like that 😭😭😭
Jul 2, 7:09 AM

Jun 2024
@I_shoot_kids_fr you leaked our private conversation!? 😱
I can't believe that 😔

Pika Pika
Jul 2, 7:51 AM

Mar 2023
@viraat_pirate please PM me the categories. Thank you in advance!


𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚛 💫

Jul 2, 9:05 AM

Aug 2021
^done! sent you the message with the categories

Jul 2, 9:12 PM

Aug 2021
4 days left until the form closes, get your votes in now! (if you aren't comfortable with forms, tag me and i'll send the categories through pm)

Jul 2, 9:13 PM

Jun 2024
I'm not comfortable
Pls send me a pm

Pika Pika
Jul 2, 9:14 PM

Feb 2020
I'm not pm
pls send me the comfortable
Yesterday, 3:36 AM

Jan 2024
Did you try chicken liver?

Yesterday, 3:37 AM

Feb 2020
no, as I said I have shit ton of chicken boobies piled up in my freezer rn first I gotta finish those 😔
Yesterday, 3:38 AM

Feb 2020
psssss hey I wnat to ask you something animeistaken
Yesterday, 3:39 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
no, as I said I have shit ton of chicken boobies piled up in my freezer rn first I gotta finish those

RIP, I wanted to know your opinion


Yesterday, 3:40 AM

Feb 2020
*in mysterious voice* wanna join the stair cult 🫥🫥🫥🫥
Yesterday, 3:41 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
wanna join the stair cult

No, no. I've found it futile to fight anymore. Does a number going up or down show my love for a door? I do not think so. It's meaningless. I'd rather watch people through a transparent door. No offense to the stair cult

Yesterday, 3:44 AM

Jan 2021
@I_shoot_kids_fr stay away from @Animeistaken you evil stair cultist.
Yesterday, 3:44 AM

Feb 2020
Yesterday, 3:45 AM

Jan 2024
^^Thanks Libra :>

Yesterday, 3:47 AM

Feb 2020
door cult is empty, barren and shallow where as we have people here in stair cult... people who will acknowledge you for your efforts, we are a team, not just a team at this point we are a family \⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠/

join us!!!!
Yesterday, 3:48 AM

Jan 2021
@Animeistaken we are not a cult, cults are evil, we are a religion.
Yesterday, 3:50 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
door cult is empty, barren and shallow where as we have people here in stair cult... people who will acknowledge you for your efforts, we are a team, not just a team at this point we are a family

Who needs acceptance when you can have the door life!!!
I walk on plains to exercise!

Yesterday, 3:50 AM

Feb 2020
come on bro stair side is fun and you know it you said it yourself 😑
Yesterday, 3:50 AM

Jan 2024
Mr_Libra said:
we are not a cult, cults are evil, we are a religion

I'm sorry I got mixed up, I tell you...

Yesterday, 3:51 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
come on bro stair side is fun and you know it you said it yourself

Nah, I just received insight. I no longer think so :>

Yesterday, 3:52 AM

Feb 2020
every one NEEDS acceptance every one NEEDS acknowledgement these two things are the reason why us humans will never reveal our true self to others BECAUSE WE ARE AFRAID OF BEING REJECTED!!!!
Yesterday, 3:56 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
every one NEEDS acceptance every one NEEDS acknowledgement these two things are the reason why us humans will never reveal our true self to others BECAUSE WE ARE AFRAID OF BEING REJECTED!!!!

Who needs to be accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all do!!!!!
And we just don't get it by accepting doors as a part of our life!!!!!!
We get acceptance by acknowledging the weaknesses and strengths that we have to need to fight the celestial being guarding the last and final door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, 3:59 AM

Feb 2020
one day you'll get what I'm saying... stairs is the way to reach the doors of heaven (yes pun intended)
Yesterday, 4:00 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
one day you'll get what I'm saying... stairs is the way to reach the doors of heaven (yes pun intended)

I'm taking the elevator :O

Yesterday, 4:02 AM

Feb 2020
no one mentioned the elevator in the Bible lil bro you might be reading the temu version of it 😡
Yesterday, 4:04 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
no one mentioned the elevator in the Bible lil bro you might be reading the temu version of it 😡

I'm pretty sure elevators aren't only the machine types

Yesterday, 4:06 AM

Jan 2021
We don't need stairs, we'll all be taken to heaven by Valkyries if we should die honorably fighting the stairs.
Yesterday, 4:07 AM

Jan 2024
Mr_Libra said:
We don't need stairs, we'll all be taken to heaven by Valkyries if we should die honorably fighting the stairs.

No truer words have been said

Yesterday, 4:07 AM

Feb 2020
heresy 🤺🤺🤺🤺
Yesterday, 4:12 AM

Jan 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
heresy 🤺🤺🤺🤺

No , it was @FinalEpisode getting whatever he wanted

Yesterday, 4:54 AM
Jun 2024
Excited to participate! I'll head over to the nomination form. Looking forward to seeing the results and contributing to the fun!
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