"you mean when you got kidnaped i never qoiute looking for you and should we have cody and yuki under protection to from the demons their might be others after you three as well?"
"Ailce are you sear you dont feel diffenrt? becouse my father told me onec a male and female yokai mate they becoume one and can sens eatch other see thou eatch others eyes and feel when the others in pain i have a idea"
kiba then pinchs himself h gritts his teeth in mild pain
opeans the door "weres yuki bring her her now pless shes in danger a demon want her dead and weres codey go find him pless we are toghter she just thought i gave up on her"
" i will tell you agin a demon took her over i fought the demon drove it out weakned it and killed it brogiht alice back here i kissed her and it went farther then we did it"
" after i focred it out i pored holy water weakend it and placed cross stakes in it plus i curesed it its my clans llast deffience agist demons and why do you have lower respct for me for saveing alice !? like i said she did not refuse the sex!"
and kiba you were taking advantage of the fact that she owed you for rescuing her how could she say no you are not a man, you have no honor or respect,
orion thinks
great well the demon should still be in the forest,
kiba don't be so full of your self, I can tell you that the demon is not dead with out a doubt it is alive, and alice I hope you realize what kiba truly is, good luck to you alice,
orion turns around and starts walking back to his apartment to yuki,
"groawls " alice i am truly low? and i know i killed the demon i lernd the curse from my clan and they said it will die thairs no cure plus i am aexsiet what dose he know?" kiba
then shounts and locks the door
"alice is orin wrong i have honer and i am a good mate i have never cheated on you we need to get yuki to were this cross i will be back stay in this room pless can you teiport me to Yuki aprenemt?"