"Itami huh? well Im Benkei, Call me Ben and this next to me is Charlotte" Benkei looked back with a small smile to Itami, sure those black eyes scared him but he tried not to show it.
"And I'm Melody. It's nice to meet you." She said trying to be friendly. She turned back around. Coming to an intersection she looked in the directions. "Which way did we come from again?"
He raised an eyebrow under his mask, though they wouldn't be able to see it. He wondered if he should be trusting these people to lead him to Miwa Academy.
She looked at Melody and Ben for a moment, then at the intersection they were at. Wothin a second she pointed to the left "That way" She said, slightky trembling still, but being a bit less scared for now
Itami watched Benkei hold the scared girl's hand, was that a normal thing to do. He had seen it before, but he didn't know why or who were meant to use it. He wondered why Benkei didn't hold Melody's hand instead, was he just comforting the scared one? He followed silently behind, even though he was with people he still felt alone.
She heard how the two said theyd go left, then felt Ben's hand grabbing hers. She calmed down a bit more, though was still visibly scared. Nonetheless, she swallowed a bit for a moment, then turned her head around to look at Itami, mustering her strength to be able to speak to him in a nice way "Why dont you walk some closer?" She said. Ofcourse she was scared, but she hadnt been quite nice either, right?
He slightly shakes his head, he didn't know what to think of these people yet. He had grown up believing that trust was non-existent, he wouldn't so quickly change.
Itami looks at the bags in Benkei's hands, it would be more efficient to split the load, they would otherwise go at a slow pace. Itami puts out his hand as if offering to take some of the bags.