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Dec 12, 2007 6:20 PM

Oct 2007
Iriya said:
Tsalro said:
Short people.. run faster! Lol.

They do not! *speaks from experience* D:

They do too! -speaks from experience as well- :P

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 12, 2007 6:22 PM

Sep 2007
Tsalro said:
Iriya said:
Tsalro said:
Short people.. run faster! Lol.

They do not! *speaks from experience* D:

They do too! -speaks from experience as well- :P

Dang. Well, then I guess that means you're shpeshal.
Dec 12, 2007 6:25 PM

Oct 2007
Iriya said:
Tsalro said:
Iriya said:
Tsalro said:
Short people.. run faster! Lol.

They do not! *speaks from experience* D:

They do too! -speaks from experience as well- :P

Dang. Well, then I guess that means you're shpeshal.

I'm speshul and about all the short/average-height people I know too. It's usually the taller ones I know that have more trouble running, what with a higher center of gravity and all that physics.

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 12, 2007 6:30 PM

Nov 2007
some of the fastest people in my school are short
Dec 12, 2007 6:54 PM

Sep 2007
Tsalro said:
@Iriya: Lol well I guess in your part of the world it's more common to have really tall people, but here it's not so common at all, people average around my height. We're the one cracking height jokes and ribbing them about how they can't get through doors without banging their heads. XD You'd fit in well here. O:

Sugoi! I should just move there. Though I'm not really sure where 'there' is. Did I miss that in your profile again?
Dec 12, 2007 7:05 PM

Oct 2007
Nope you didn't miss it in my profile 'cause I didn't put it down there. I live in Singapore, a small tiny minute tropical island south of Peninsula Malaysia, near the equator. Yeaah the average height's pretty low 'cause most of us have AZN SHORT GENES. Lol

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 12, 2007 7:13 PM

Aug 2007
... It's not that it's 'uncool', but most shorter guys, you for example, act all weird around taller girls and in turn, that makes them feel uncomfortable, so it's just easier to have a guy that is taller than you than one that acts all weird mainly because of how tall they are in comparison to me. =/
Dec 12, 2007 7:17 PM

Oct 2007
I'm starting to get used to it, not that weird anymore but almost all the girls I know have their ideal boyfriends along the lines of "He must be smart and nice and have common things with me! And of course he must be taller than me. :D"

- -"""" Lol

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 12, 2007 8:05 PM

Aug 2007
Yep, because most of my boyfriends have been shorter than me. lol.
Dec 12, 2007 10:13 PM

Nov 2007
Err this is a bit late but uh: Sweet! Fellow 5'3"-ers xD
Dec 12, 2007 10:47 PM

Aug 2007
Awww, hehe.
Dec 12, 2007 11:09 PM

Sep 2007
-AtaraxiA- said:
Err this is a bit late but uh: Sweet! Fellow 5'3"-ers xD

Do I sense a new club (that for once, won't have jello in it)? XDD I kid, I kid. <3 jello :P
Dec 13, 2007 3:46 PM

Dec 2007
Berryful said:
Nothing wrong with short, in fact the majority of my friends aren't above 5'7''. Odd how that works out.

Are you seriously saying that 5'7'' is short people? -.-
I am 6' myself,but at least i am shorter than my bf xD
Dec 13, 2007 4:41 PM

Oct 2007
haan.wat is this boring talk about heights.huh talk about something else.for something i like,i like to eat...................a lot.and yeah 5"7 is very short if u r a guy and pretty good if u r a girl atleast in my geographical region.

Dec 13, 2007 4:59 PM

Aug 2007
If it is boring, why respond to it?

Annnnd, I am extremely fast and it totally helps to have long legs. lol. It really depends on the person. Some of the shorter people I knew were fast, but none were faster than me except one guy that WAS my height, so he was semi-short for a guy, but fast as hell! Lol.
Dec 13, 2007 6:59 PM
Oct 2007
Something about me....well, i don't know if you REALLY want to know too much, so I'll just tell you a little.
I LOVE TO WRITE!!! I have 5 poetry books published, and workin on my sixth! ^_^ YAY!!! But hey, you be the judge. Here's a little something I just made up an hour ago:


One year has now passed since then I noticed you. At first here I learned to live this life, but as times passed, it felt I was only tolerating the existence of what I occupied. For so long I have waited for you, I have searched for you, and now to see you again it fills me with such joy. Walking over it is as if you move in a dream. Am I dreaming? Are you real? I will not know for certain, until my arms swathe around your waist, my hand fondling your bellybutton. You draw near to me…

The first year has now passed and we are now our eyes seeing each other here the first. I wonder what it has been like for you. Twelve months, fifty-two weeks, three-hundred-sixty-five days, the math has made me confused. All I know is that time has passed and for all this eternity of a seemed instance, you’ve never wrote me. There were no calls, no attempts of visits. Was our love so missed?

He sees me. I notice his anxious care of my coming forthright. I know he is aware of my hesitation, my desire to be distant. But I feel it is best to allow his mind a freedom of worry. To let him continue with the passion of hope is of ill-love for me. It is not right. If only time were to stand still, and give us the pleasure we once shared that one fateful night…if only we could go back:

“Is it normal to love some one as deep as this and yet to only meet them in a split of diminutive time? Is this a love so real that my very core is shaken off its very root? Do I love you…do you love me?” – with a deepened quiver you address me, your voice a hoarse male whisper.
“Normal, I do not know if that is what I would call this emotion, this total embodiment sensation. But I do know that of which I feel from your stroke, is nothing farther than natural.” – I reply, my cheeks damp from fluid.

A lonely beach cradled our bodies as if we were born new. I felt that way the moment my eyes began to melt inside your soul. I knew you were for me and me for you, even as one knows the feeling of gender. Meeting the way we did that summer day in the park was on the beginning. I was walking to get away and you there with your lonely pet…how could we have known? Now, here from the park and only days it has been, we find each other again cradled by the beach. This love we have matured was never intended to be…not as this. And here you wipe the tears from my face.

“Do you want, we should love? Do you want to continue and establish this, our only…?” – deeply your masculine voice raises me to the desire I want so badly from you, however...
“Not here. Let’s wait until we have the time ready to devote entirely without a moment of possible interruption.” – I reply against the break of the ocean. We part with a breathy kiss, until later we meet.

Before you remove and your plane separates us, you visit me upon my home tucked away from society. Our passion of kisses is dwindled by the fervor desires of lust growing in our pit of want. We clumsily make our way up to the area of my slumber, ripping the clothes as best as they could come off. Soon we know that the nature of our beings will become one. This is the action of no thought, no wonder, no guessing. This is the action of life, the simplicity of love between equals.

The divan of embrace we use allows our passion to mature and grow with each motion impact. As with the speed and movement in the split of time, our bodies become one. There is no dividing of where my tip ends and your love-clinch began. It is as if we have been transformed into one being, we have become the other’s clone of eternal passion. You drive me to a finish, uttering shouts and lusts of inaudible language. I do not understand, but the writhe of your body, the thrusting of your hair back against my thigh allows me the puncture of pleasure we were both buying to invest in.

We finish finally lucid in the cuddle of the other arms. This one time it is I am tired. I feel fulfilled and satisfied to the degree that my passion will not be needed for the split of several months. I can’t move, and note you cannot as well. We are broken, and yet mended. We are two separates, but we have become one. We are in love with the core of our equals.

“I will miss you, for I know we will never meet again.” – it’s hard to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. This is indeed strange, for I have never cried. Men just don’t, right?
“We will. Time will pass, but our nature for the other will not dwindle. We will set our attention on each other again. Once this time happens it will be one of eternity. I will never part from you ever again.” – your voice causes me to recount my desires as well. I cry.

Reluctantly turning, I make for the departure lane. Before I embark on my journey homeward, I turn one last time and note that you look so lonely. You wave your hand with a feeble attempt to look ok. I know you are not. I know you are saddened to see me leave. I know you must return to your life, your home, your emptiness. I pity you….for now it will be worst. I have wrecked your life and maybe it was best we never met. Now a year has passed…

As I know I shouldn’t, but I do…I begin to walk over to you. You are happy. You smile like that of a child with his first accomplished bike ride. Your skin is aglow, and I notice you don’t look your age. You look younger, as if love has finally touched your life. I feel so horrid, I know what I have done and I cannot undo it. I have hurt you in a way that is not forgivable.

You stutter in your wake toward me. I began to wonder what it is that has slowed you in approaching me. But quickly you shift in your gait. He comes up behind you. His stance is one of possession. I know in an instant that you are not alone. You are owned. You have deceived me. Inside I ache with pain and tears, but with much fighting and losing the battle…the tears surface. He quickly passes over from you to the drinks, but you continue your way toward me.

I stop there at your face, looking up at your five-eleven height. You look down to me, your tears soaking my décolletage. I don’t know what to say to ease the pain to wash the tears, to soothe your emotions. Your face shows your anger, your pain, your utter embarrassment. You stare me, saying:

“Why? Did you not love me? Was what I thought really a dream?” – the tears are overwhelming.

I do not readily reply for next the time there is a differ male who approaches us. He sportily taps me on the rear, releases the remark of the great time he had last night. Walking away, my eyes lower, I can not even look your way. I do not want to let you know of the real of my lifestyle. For I fear your respect of me will depart. My fears are well-grounded and too late to be discovered…

“I would have taken you at any cost. You should have told me. Even now I will love you with deepest respect a man should give a woman. Let me remove you from this…let me show you real love and care…” – you utter with heart-trending, voice-quivering sensation. However, I look you one last time in your truest of blue-Asian eyes…
“I am but a shadow of that which you love. I cannot give you what you search and desire.” – My gait is thus thwarted from you into the arms of yet another man. I forever leave you alone and lonely, never to know that I tossed away eternal love and sempiternity bliss…

Let me know what you think by either commenting to me, messaging me or visiting: Leave me a review and let me know what you think of it.
THANKS!! ^_^

Dec 13, 2007 10:20 PM

Aug 2007
Oooooh. awesome!!!

I love writing, too, thanks for sharing.
Dec 14, 2007 2:43 AM

Dec 2007
Eclipse said:
haan.wat is this boring talk about heights.huh talk about something else.for something i like,i like to eat...................a lot.and yeah 5"7 is very short if u r a guy and pretty good if u r a girl atleast in my geographical region.

You are right that its ok for girl and short for guys...but why is it boring? -_-
Dec 14, 2007 9:59 AM

Sep 2007
Nothing's boring so long as there's bonding! :D
Dec 14, 2007 11:38 AM

Aug 2007
I concur, nothing is boring as long as people are interested in it and gives them a sense of.. not-boring? lol. I don't really want to say EXCITING.


Dec 14, 2007 6:45 PM

Oct 2007
..Stimulating. -laughs- You really have a way with words.

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 14, 2007 7:04 PM

Oct 2007
And as long as we're on the topic of height (or lack thereof)!

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 14, 2007 7:12 PM

Sep 2007
lol It definitely doesn't XD

Although if I recall correctly, he was 152 cm and she was 172. o.O
Dec 14, 2007 7:59 PM

Oct 2007
Yeah.. I think they couldn't get an actor that short without resorting to using Teletubbies? LOL.

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 14, 2007 8:06 PM

Sep 2007
TELETUBBIES!! I hated babysitting these two kids because they would always want to watch it. But then they moved on to Spongebob so that was okay.
Dec 14, 2007 8:12 PM

Oct 2007
I don't get why some people disliked it so much, lol. I heard rumours about the guy playing Tinky Winky being gay though. O:

I.. am not a fan of Spongebob. His squeaky voice made me want to twist him and break him. >_>"
TsalroDec 14, 2007 8:39 PM

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 14, 2007 8:37 PM

Nov 2007
I'm most definitely suspicious of teletubbies. Very, very suspicious. =3
But D: I loved Spongebob. I watch it to this day with my little brother and sister. xD
Dec 14, 2007 8:58 PM

Sep 2007
I didn't grow up with TV so I can't say much about Spongebob or even Teletubbies for that matter. It's only when I babysit do I get a chance to see shows people my age saw years ago.
Dec 14, 2007 9:55 PM
Nov 2007
Sponges don't break, but they do tear. And if I ever hear those TV belly'd things say "Again Again" again I will hurt something.
Dec 14, 2007 10:03 PM

Oct 2007
LOL the last time I heard them suck on their 'Tubby Custard' was probably a little over a decade ago. XD

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 14, 2007 10:56 PM
Nov 2007
Oh God, don't make me remember it! NOOOOOO Noo-Noo teh vacuum! why??????????????
Dec 14, 2007 10:59 PM

Sep 2007
Broken people aren't very fun to look at D:
Dec 14, 2007 11:09 PM
Nov 2007
Tifa seems to like them in her animes ;)
Dec 15, 2007 12:43 AM

Aug 2007
Dec 15, 2007 12:56 AM

Oct 2007
Because she's morbid like that. O:

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 15, 2007 10:41 AM

Aug 2007
That I am!
Dec 15, 2007 7:55 PM
Nov 2007
That girl in shuffle was scery!
George47Dec 15, 2007 9:01 PM
Dec 15, 2007 8:36 PM

Aug 2007
I can list so many scary girls!!! They are my favorites, hehehehehehe. <3
Dec 15, 2007 9:52 PM

Oct 2007
Like Haruko. Good God, she has got to be the single most insane girl EVER. If I were the kid (can't remember his name lol) I'd probably be hella scared of her - but at the same time strangely fascinated.
TsalroDec 15, 2007 10:03 PM

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 15, 2007 10:01 PM

Sep 2007
Ahem, it'd be cool if we said what show they were from 'cause there are tons of Harukas out there in the anime world...
Dec 15, 2007 10:02 PM

Oct 2007
Oh yeah my apologies. I meant Haruko from FLCL.

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 15, 2007 10:12 PM

Sep 2007
lol Right, Haruko. She was pretty crazy. And the kid's name was Naota and I'd have pretty much the same reaction as he did when he first met her :P
Dec 16, 2007 12:44 PM
Nov 2007
I still needs to watch this D:
Dec 18, 2007 5:01 AM

Oct 2007
With respect to the topic.. I don't usually enjoy going out. -lacks a real social life- D:

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
Dec 19, 2007 5:19 PM

Aug 2007
Me either! All my friends want to go out and party and I am not into that, so yeah. >.> Bars, clubs, getting drunk and partying. I'm a mommy, I can't do that. =p
Dec 19, 2007 6:13 PM

Sep 2007
I don't party or anything either. And no drinking or smoking. I'm basically your goody-two-shoes but whatever. With my friends, I don't need to be drunk to have a good time. Just being our random selves is good enough :D
Dec 19, 2007 6:23 PM

Aug 2007
I am not a goody-two-shoes, but I am an ex-alcoholic... well, there is no such thing as an ex-, but yeah.. so I really don't want to drink now or be around too much drinking because when I do drink, I can't stop. >.> Which is why I haven't drank in over a year and a half. =D

It's good, don't do drugs and things! Being able to be yourselves is the best, I remember those days, haha. But now they want to go to clubs and bars and party and make out with each other. lol. Nearly all of my friends that are girls are bi-sexual, so yeah. I'm not, though. Might be surprising since I like so many anime girls, but I just love looking at them like beautiful, stunning art.. not attracted to them. =D
Dec 21, 2007 7:49 AM

Nov 2007
I don't go out alot, non-smoker apart from the odd cigar if I have an excuse (VICTORY DANCE!), but I do drink, and when I go out I do tend to come back wobbling alot... Usually drink Gin, Brandy or just a beer!

I wasn't too bad as a kid, got drunk a fair bit, but nothing obscene, never was too interested in smoking, tried it and didn't really 'get it'. Apart from the short lived "project mayhem" phase (<3 fight club) with a few friends (bags of flour over a train = funny, or so we thought), and the typical stuff kids do, like turning cheap lemonade into a wet firework... ^_^
Dec 21, 2007 8:00 AM

Aug 2007
Haha, when I was a little girl, my two best friends were boys and then when I was older, I had a girl best friend, but I hung out mostly with guys, so I know all about their insane habits and things, but.. that's dangerous, wtf. I remember when my psycho-ex thought it was funny to pretend he got hit by a train. He left his bike in front of it and let his bike get hit and made me think he got hit, too, but he jumped out of the way on time... unfortunately, hahahahaha.

I didn't really drink or do drugs when I was a young teenager, I moved my senior year of high school because of that same psycho-ex because my parents didn't want me around him anymore and went to a new school and when I met the people there, I befriended the drug addicts and alcoholics and fell in with them, but that was when I was 17. Then I did that for a while, didn't really smoke then, though, just drank for the most part and tried an occasional other drug, unfortunately, which were mostly all bad events, haha, especially since I really didn't know anyone, or where I was, but yes... I stopped when I was like 19, then started drinking again after I had Azalea for a period of time after I moved back home from the shelter I lived in, and then stopped again, lol.
Dec 21, 2007 6:05 PM

Oct 2007
I have no interesting tales of my wayward days to tell, for I never strayed from the path of goodness. :(

"I'll be waiting in the future." - Chiaki Mamiya
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