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Aug 5, 2012 7:01 AM

Feb 2012
Yeah, thing is sometimes the shoujo sort of art style can annoy me depending how its done and in some cases has put me off of certain animes so around 60% or more of the romance animes I watch have atleast a bit of ecchi in it at some point or another.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 11:29 AM

May 2010
Yeah, Well there are some animes with adorable kind of ecchi though. Allthough there are lots of those who ruin the genre..

My very first ecchi anime _ Love Love? (Horrible can't even begin to describe it..) Reminded me about an ecchi version of schooldays..
an example with an anime with kawaii ecchi would be He is my master!

It was so adorable, I really loved the perverted alligator <3
Well, Don't ask.. you'll know upon watching the first episode xD

Pochie <3

He was so adorable, I want a pochie <3 (:
Aug 5, 2012 11:37 AM

Feb 2012
I know, I watched the anime about a year and a half ago, although I am not sure if I finished it thanks to school, god damn it school stopped me from finishing far too many animes.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 12:06 PM

May 2010
Argh, I hate school.. Its only a matter of two weeks remaining for me to go back to high school. My last year when it comes to learning this year, followed by the next two years working in a business.. Oh well, In the least you get payed for that..
Can't wait to get this year overwith..

I miss my childhood days.. Can't believe there actually was a time when we enjoyed going to school. Waking up early, doing homeworks.. what was there to enjoy?..
Aug 5, 2012 1:19 PM

Feb 2012
Well, I have just hated all my time in middle school except the last year, I always looked like a nerd and to be honest, I was and still am, and so after some kids tried to start shit and ones of the kids trying to start shit got sent to hospital for a nearly broken arm, most people just stayed away from me for the entire time in middle school, in high school I hope for a clean slate and thanks to the fact its an only boys school, I don't have to deal with girls being bitches (No offense solarias, its just over here in my case 96 % of the girls I have met are complete douchebags, I don't mean it against girls as a general)

So yeah, I hope to try and enjoy highschool, somehow.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 1:29 PM

Dec 2011
Watched he is my master already
GOD i hated that crocodile SO MUCH
it was the reason i dropped the anime at the 6th episode
but then i made up my mind to watch it until the end
Aug 5, 2012 2:10 PM

Feb 2012
Lol, I think I ended up dropping it around episode 5, definitely gonna watch it again.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 2:16 PM

May 2010
Seriously, How could you hate Pochie? He was just so adorable..
Oh Well, Its probably my girly side acting up.. What girl wouldn't want to
have a cute alligator ripping her clothes of her everytime she enters the room?..
Lol, just kidding..
Well, I loved his Heartly gaze..
Wanted to buy a pochi cosplay once, But once I saw the price I decided to wait..
A long time.. Very long...

What? Oh yeah, non taken.. And yeah I am pretty sure that is for all girls in general with a couple of exceptions. It is the same way up here.. Fake eyelashes, Tons of makeup, Short skirt, High heels and bitchyness.. Basically, all of the things that I NEVER want to become..
Asian girls are hopefully an exception as I plan on moving there..
Same for boys here.. They are either idiots, perverts, nerds or just plain scary..
Yep, Gotta love the asians.. I've given up on norwegians in the least..
Aug 5, 2012 2:32 PM

Feb 2012
There is always a few exceptions but it just seems to be something every where, gotta say though, don't keep your hopes to high, despite how godly they may seem, asians are still humans, so people may still be like that.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 2:46 PM

May 2010
Yeah, I know.. But I won't give up hope.. Trust me, I have seen enough anime and dramas to know that there are a couple of bad apples there too.. But that will be nomatter where you go.
Might aswell be in Japan <3 :D

I know, Its always been a weakness of mine.. i trust people too much..
gotten burned a few times, Yet I won't give up hope..
Aug 5, 2012 3:44 PM

Feb 2012
Well I am careful around everyone, that's why I studied to black belt in karate, I don't trust people and I need to be ready when I need to kill someone...

my mind is a very dark place.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 5, 2012 4:26 PM

May 2010
Kawaii <3 :D Well, I may not seem like it, But I know how to defend myself in RL too ^^,

I used to be bullied a couple of years back, From I was 9 to I was about 13. As a result I have extremely bad temper.. I didn't want to put them through what they did to me even though some of it was so bad that we had to take it to the police.. Seriously, I was ruined that period..
Back then I didn't know much how to defend myself though, So I just let it slip by.. Today, I trust people very easily however I have a extremely hard time actually telling people much of myself before some time has gone by.. So, Kudos to you guys ^^
Well, Now I've changed, And I pretty much want to rip out the throat of the people who did that to me.

Yeah, It will be interesting meeting you in the future..
However you do seem more open online though.. Is it because you basically know everybody in RA, Or is it because you let yourself go more free online?
Same when we're skyping.. You don't seem especially shy or laidback much..

I wanted to take proper karate once.. After I moved the 7th time though I just never took it up much.. Was to much of a distance.. My interests transfered more into video-making and animewatching.. Oh, And videogame playing ofcourse..
MonjaElisaAug 5, 2012 4:50 PM
Aug 6, 2012 2:16 AM

Feb 2012
Makes sense, I have been bullied before I just kind or sent a kid to hospital and people no longer wanted to try there luck, a usual young kid sort of thing.

Well its good to keep things private, you never know when someone might use something against you, yeah I know the feeling about wanting to kill them, but, making them beg for mercy was fun to, yep, my mind is a very dark place.

Well I started off being open because I was naive, a few years back I didn't consider the danger of sharing info, now, I am not as open with most people but seeing as I know and trust all of you guys I can confirm it's safe to share about me round here, except for sdl, I don't trust him, he must die xD

Well to be honest karate is not very effective anyway, all they teach you is to block and a few punches and kicks, and alot of the attacks are extremely flawed, in highschool I am going to be studying kendo and judo, so I can hurt people more xD
AnimeManReturnsAug 6, 2012 2:21 AM

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 6, 2012 4:11 AM

Dec 2011
MonjaElisa said:
What girl wouldn't want to
have a cute alligator ripping her clothes of her everytime she enters the room?..

Well if you put it like that sure i'd love to have an crocodile that rips girl's clothes off, and take him with me to school ^^

MonjaElisa said:

However you do seem more open online though

Nah, that's because online you can beat them using WORDS
When you piss someone off in reality he starts hitting you, well on the internet is another thing because you don't care about that
And if he really wants to beat me i suggest him to try to do that in a game
He's got no chance

Yes i must die muhahahaha
With me around you can't do anything
Aug 6, 2012 4:16 AM

Feb 2012
Crocodile that rips girls clothes off, I bet that is some kind of kinky sexual fetish but with real crocodiles.

No one beats me in a game, any game, need for speed, call of duty, battlefield, starcraft, league of legends, you have no chance.

I am superior in all ways when it comes to gaming, oops, being too competitive again.

But I can outsmart people, win in a physical fight, or crush them in video games, its useful to be able to beat them either way.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 6, 2012 4:38 PM

May 2010
Yeah, You wouldn't have beaten me in my Zelda-tracks anyways An-Chan xD
twoplayer, guaranteed in a non zelda game.. however not tloz.. I grew up on that...
noone has ever beaten me at that.. I completed the game at the early age of 5 before my parents.. And I didn't know english at that point xD

Haha, I love need for speed.. Have underground.. Never get to play it though as no one around me really likes it.. Is it that sick for a girl to like videogames?.. I'll never be able to like the judgemental side of reality..

Yeah, I sure hope not.. The day lots of alligators are running around everywhere trying to strip girls of their clothes I'll never leave my room again >.>
Pochie was adorable, But the real deal are just plain scary.. Wonder where to buy a pochie.. Gotta keep looking xD

Its nice to have a safe world to escape to now and then at some points.. Well, Sunny won't tell any of your secrets or thoughts.. Its just not mine to share.. It takes alot of effort opening up to confide in somebody, Going around leaking secrets and personal thoughts are just plain mean..

I think you too would be pretty surprised to enter my thoughts for a day.. Lots of darkness, Lots of hate.. I understand the wish wanting to kill somebody allright.. Its just not for me to do.. Its not worth the penality..

Haha, Please don't kill sdl ^^

Yeah, That's disturbing.. adorable though xD
If you ever find one of those, Just make sure that it will be somewhere where I am miles away from you..
Don't bring it with you to japan.. Wrong first impression much...

you: Hello Sun-chan
me: Konnichiwa Dani-San..
Pochie: *rips*
me: KYAA!!
you: bad pochie xD

My imagination is tragically free..

Sdl, Don't anger an-chan.. ^^,
Gosh, I feel like a mother.. xP
Aug 7, 2012 12:00 AM

Dec 2011
Funny how of all people here, you went straight to me about killing

I like the way you put it xD
But who said i'm gonna name him pochie

Imagination is the only thing free
if this had also copy rights i'd really make a bio virus...and get william to help me
i'm sure he'd want to kill the earth too
Aug 7, 2012 6:52 AM

Feb 2012
@Solarias Hey I ain't bad at zelda, although I have to admit I wouldn't have been able to beat you because I wouldn't be 3 years old yet. Not to mention you were still in Norway.

I hate how everyone is so judgemental, god damn humans. Good thing I am not one of them.

Well solarias, if that ever did happen, might be a wise decision to stay in your room, all the girls will be trying to stay inside, all the boys will be trying to stay outside, yep, my imagination is also weird, I am now imagining the police are formally going round to every house around the world and issueing offical crossdressing outfits xD, strange strange mind I have.

Well solarias, with the darkness filling my own mind, I probably wouldn't see anything more sinister than I get from my own thoughts.

:( Why can't I kill SDL, its so fun.

Well solarias, not entirely sure why I was judged as the one who would have a crocodile that rips clothing off xD

Definitely might be arkward to meet in real life, not entirely sure how that would go to start with, gotta say though, if we do meet up in real life, its in japan and all of us speak japanese rather than english or our home countries language.

@SDL Well SDL, why would I not kill you?

Yep, I think all of us are a bit crazy in the head, oh well, we can be crazy together!!!

If they do put a limitation on imagination, you know where to contact me :)

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 7, 2012 8:34 AM

Dec 2011
Because if you kill me the fun is over

And..the one with the crocodile was me

...I got the "dont kill sdl" the wrong way
i read is as "don't kill, sdl"
Aug 7, 2012 9:45 AM

Feb 2012
K, what about if I kill you and bring you back as a zombie :)

Oh, you are right, didn't realise, its funny how our conversation has gone to discussing a rapist crocodile.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 7, 2012 12:29 PM

May 2010
I really want a Pochie now :

KAWAII <333333333

I am actually pretty sure william would help out eagerly.. Just do me a favor, When you guys decide to go out and destroy the world, Take everything.. Except Japan.. Oh, And if you are feeling like really making this sun happy at that point, Exclude Taiwan, China and Korea too.. I'd probably have gone suicidal If I had to drop my animedramas..

Oh, Sure.. What do you name him then? ----

Well, if you killed sdl how would we ever manage to meet up in japan all of us?..
I wonder if King would show up... Or maybe Nero?
Wakaranai.. (don't know..)
Make some exceptions when you decide to ruin the world please..
I can't live without my anime and dramas.. And without Japan for that sake, There wouldn't be any reasons to live atall.. Gosh, i sould pretty depressing right now..
There is always Zelda left.. but you know, When you've beaten a game over a 100 times it can definately get a bit old if you do it without some waiting between the times you do it.. Don't want to get tired of Zelda.. Never..

Love that, Only problem however is that Pochie might have gone crazy and stripped males to looking for the ones crossdressing.. I guess that would've worked both ways..

Ii Janai? Pochie ni aitai watashi :D
What's wrong with that?.. I want a pochie <3<3
I feel its wierd for me wanting to get a perverted alligator who strips you everytime you enter the room.. But he is so adorable.. Can you blame me?:
Aug 7, 2012 1:04 PM

Feb 2012
Okay this is just awesome, this entire conversation is awesome, don't worry, we will leave out asia :)

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 7, 2012 1:08 PM

May 2010
Yatta <3 Sun-chan wa Ureshii :D
Sunny is really happy :D

Yeah Well, Who wouldn't want to have a pochie anyways right?...
Aug 7, 2012 1:43 PM

Feb 2012

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 8, 2012 5:38 AM

Dec 2011
Oh sure i want a pochie
that way i can see all the girls naked, and it wouldn't even be my fault
And you say you can't live without your animes and dramas...what if everyone/everything was dead?

And it got awesome why? Because we're talking about killing the world or because of pochie?
Aug 8, 2012 6:30 AM

Feb 2012

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 8, 2012 1:56 PM

May 2010
<:( Sun-chan, Kanashii..
I wouldn't live without asians and asian drama.. anime..
Gosh if you want to kill of asia, Then you might aswell take me along with it.. :\
Aug 8, 2012 11:52 PM

Dec 2011
by everyone i meant everyone, including you me and animeman, nero and tumoshimo
your mom your dad your sisters your friends my friends animeman my mom kings devils king
and animeman
Aug 9, 2012 6:59 AM

Feb 2012
Im not quite.... IM PLOTTING...

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 20, 2012 1:07 AM

Feb 2012
So, I have been working all night on a art thing I have been doing, I decided I wanted to attempt to draw something in photoshop, so I decided to go and look on tumo's deviant art, for something to go off of, I found a picture he had drawn of himself and made some adjustments and redrew it in photoshop, the face is a bit iffy, but I am happy with everything else.

It was very much an experimental project, to see what I could do without any real life equipment, and except for the face, I think it was a success, I might consider doing a few more in the future.

It was originally far better than this, I had been working for 6 hours, it was nearly finished to perfection, then the entire south of england has a power cut, and everything goes off, and I didn't save xD
AnimeManReturnsAug 20, 2012 2:29 AM

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 20, 2012 4:19 PM

May 2010
Professionalism at its best an-chan ^^
That is a great job.. And I've been there.. After having worked on something for hours, All of a sudden the power goes off and makes you loose all progress..
I make that mistake all of the time when I make amv's.. or in the least I know I used to do.. >.> ^^,
Aug 21, 2012 6:36 AM

Feb 2012

Well, it ain't happening again, for sure, I am saving every 10 minutes from now on, you see my computer has never once shut of itself, or had any problems at all for that matter, so I never considered it a possible problem, I never factored in a power cut though as the last one in england was 4 years ago, and it was only as small as half a village in the countryside xD

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 22, 2012 11:18 AM

May 2010
Yeah, That does indeed make sense. If it never happened to you before, It really won't seem like it ever will towards the future either.. But when it actually happens and you catch up with reality, It tends to come back like a powerful blow.. Usually when you haven't had the time to save stuff you are working on and so..

I guess my fave would be the time I was working on my KWMS AMV - Untainted Lily..
I worked hard on this one with constant saving.. I has worked for hours, Not saving anything..
Then suddenly the computer lost its battery and so all the progress I had made until then..

I was so depressed.. I am satisfied with the result though. Better now than it was.. In the least I hope so..
Aug 22, 2012 12:04 PM

Feb 2012
Well, we just gotta get along with it and stop complaining, by the way, I love the new site layout, good job : )

Okay I am back with another, and far better picture to show you guys, I present to you a original picture, no previous inspiration, no real life tools, just my mouse and Photoshop, here it is.

This is no doubt my best work to date, and my first full coloured one, I can't help but be happy with this, I would like some constructive critiscism, but I can't help but look at this and say, that 8 and a half hours of work was worth it, anyway, hope you enjoy, its going up on my deviant art in 2 weeks, but for now, only you guys get to see.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 22, 2012 12:14 PM

May 2010
Sugoooi, An-chan wa sugoi desu~ ^^
Shouldn't you just go getting started drawing and coloring mangas already..?
that was great.. Kudos for being able to master Photoshop that well.. ^^

Thanks, But the image is only a temporary one.. Can't seem to find one that fits..
Still not to late to submit your suggestions though ^^,
Aug 22, 2012 12:22 PM

Feb 2012
Thank you, that really means alot, its actually practice for a visual novel I want to work on, I am going to hire professional work, but if I want a professional to give me an amazing image, I need to give the professional an amazing description, and how better to do that than give them a drawing of what I want, and then get them to perfect it to its fullest, and who knows, maybe one day with enough practice, I can do more than help the artist, one day maybe I could be the artist :)

I really have nothing to suggest, I have been away from this community so long, I can't even start thinking, although if you could give me list of characters, and a dimension of how big the pick should be, I could give you something.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 22, 2012 12:36 PM

May 2010
Yeah, Just something like the size of the one we already have.. Same width.. You decide the height basically.. xD
its kinda free.. Not expecting much..
If we can't find a working picture, I think well keep images they used to be before with another border to the links under..
Just seems more clean that way.. ^^
Aug 22, 2012 1:28 PM

Feb 2012
I agree, I really would like to make something though, if I can get suggestions for 5 anime characters to put in, I can have 9 possibilities done in 3 hours.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Aug 22, 2012 1:37 PM

May 2010
hmm.. Nanami Haruka from Utapri
Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki
Amano Ichigo from Yumeiro Patissiere
Lucy from Elfen Lied
Amano Yukiteru from Mirai Nikki ^^

Just added a new feature to the main club page..
The club now holds a gif presenting the anime of the month with photo, logo and description ^^,
Aug 22, 2012 2:24 PM

Feb 2012
I see, it hasn't appeared for me yet, I will get working.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Sep 3, 2012 11:37 AM

May 2010
So I tried to Email Jun getting him to come back to ra..
It seems like he has either blocked my user or deleted his Yahoo account..
Gomene Minna, It seems like I may not be able to reach him after all <.<
Sep 3, 2012 12:35 PM

Feb 2012
Thats sad, you know I found him on myanimelist, there is another club called revolution anime, he went to that one, not realising this one was here and now he hasn't logged on since november last year. sad, we will miss you nero, goodbye.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Sep 3, 2012 12:41 PM

May 2010
I know, SDL made the same mistake.. I quickly contacted him about it though..
We'll just have to wait until he signs back on again eventually and enters this club.
He is invited so the first thing he see as he pops on will be the invite..
Patience I guess... We shouldn't give up regardless.
Sep 3, 2012 12:45 PM

Feb 2012
Agreed, maybe one day, our dear dear precious nero will come back to us xD I will try asking death if he still has contact with any of us, he might be able to give me nero's email, I was told they talked regularly over msn, so it might be do able.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Sep 3, 2012 1:18 PM

May 2010
Yeah, That'd be great.. Please do so ^^
Too bad he deleted his yahoo.. Or I hope he did in the least..
Maybe he just didn't want to talk to me?

arienai.. muri...
he deleted it xD
Sep 3, 2012 2:09 PM

Feb 2012

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Sep 10, 2012 5:11 AM

Dec 2011
oh, maybe that's why i didn't see him online even on messenger, mail aside

Same mistake eh...still remember it, that was weird
Sep 10, 2012 9:09 AM

Feb 2012
this topic had a failed attempt at a revive from SDL, so, lets play some magic and bring this thing back from the grave.

What do you think human flesh would taste like? xD

Hey, its technically a topic of discussion.

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
Sep 10, 2012 11:10 AM

May 2010
I'd pretty much say he succeded since you posted an-chan ^^
Yeah, Hearing that makes me feel sooo much better..
I thought Jun had come to hate me xD

Human flesh, Let's see.. for us: Salty with a burnt rice taste.. for a caniball, Probably like ketchup ^^
Omg, You've gotta love ketchup <3 :D
Sep 11, 2012 10:33 AM

Feb 2012
Ketchup is the shit xD

"A man who never made a mistake, never made anything at all" - Albert einstein
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