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Dec 6, 2016 12:18 PM

Mar 2015
A nice chapter. It seems a bit devoid of conflict, as it worked out truly in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia style with a fight being ultimately meaningless down the line, but a nice work on the chapter nevertheless. There isn't a reason to be particularly worried about the length, I envy your dedication to write as still, you did much better than me in this department.
Dec 6, 2016 12:26 PM
Nov 2013
Fucking over half a village? Nice. Still not quite as good as em's fucking an entire goblin tribe. Three times.
Dec 6, 2016 1:31 PM

Nov 2013
you promised a googleplex, this is only 1000 ;~;

tish's wedding night better make up for this!

good chapter, another new bit of lore too, 'amazoness style'

(before anyone posts this)

my reply
Dec 6, 2016 2:23 PM

Jan 2015
tterreb said:
Fucking over half a village? Nice. Still not quite as good as em's fucking an entire goblin tribe. Three times.

Yeah gotta start with a warming up first before I'll move into that kind of territory :-P
MetallumOperaturDec 6, 2016 5:11 PM
Dec 6, 2016 5:14 PM

May 2013
Okaaaay... the last time we saw a performance like this, Em needed some serious convalescence. Hope your insurance is paid up, Mets. :)
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Dec 6, 2016 5:35 PM

Nov 2013
tygertyger said:
Okaaaay... the last time we saw a performance like this, Em needed some serious convalescence. Hope your insurance is paid up, Mets. :)

....*is leering at metal for getting tyger-senpai's attention*
Dec 7, 2016 3:21 AM

Jan 2015
Chapter 11 – Trooper

Till now I had thought that Tish roughly grasped my intentions, that she mainly reacted to my body language and tone of voice. Since she clearly had been able to communicate with Kayley on a higher level than simple emotions, I had to reconsider my assumption. I started to wonder to what extend Tish understood what I was saying to her.

For once she wasn’t immediately hanging around my neck and I was grateful for that. I had many questions for her and given the situation I preferred to focus on those first. Before we could discuss the wedding and Kayley’s requests, however, there was something else I needed to ask her, however painful it might be. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes as I asked, ”What the hell did you do to Aisly? And what the hell happened to you immediately after? Are you really alright?”

The questions came out a lot faster than I had intended and I could see her face darken in response. She looked sad and wrought with guilt. Whatever she had done, it was clear that she hated it. Given the difficulties she had to speak I had little hope she would actually be able to answer the questions, but the fact that she felt bad about it was good enough for me.

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with emotions. I pulled her in an embrace and buried my face in her long soft hair. ”You scared me Tish. For a second I thought the both of you were dead.” Tish gently embraced me with a tender hug that was clearly intended to comfort me, rather than using one of her usual bear hugs.

”I don’t want to lose you Tish. Even though I barely know you, you’re all I’ve got in this world.” I wasn’t one to easily break mentally, but the whole situation had been putting a lot of strain on me. I closed my eyes and tried to steady myself by taking deep regular breaths. Hugging Tish had a soothing effect; it was almost as if touching her slowly drained all my negative energy and emotions. I did not resist it and just kept hugging her to let it all flow out of me.

”Thanks. I needed that.” I said when I had finally calmed down enough to break the hug. I gave her a peck on the cheek to show my appreciation. It was obvious that she was blushing, even though her pallid complexion hid the colors.

I tried to turn my focus back to the tasks ahead. Awkward as it might be, I had to talk with Tish about the wedding as well as Kayley’s requests. Especially after what had just happened I felt like a dick for what I was about to bring up, but not being honest with Tish would probably be even worse.

”Kayley requested we consummate our marriage in front of the whole village…” I paused a moment and thought about how best to continue. ”Let’s just say, that is not how things work where I come from. To us marriage is not something one decides on a whim after only knowing someone for just a few days, nor is it a public display of fornication. To us marriage is the bond between two people who know and deeply love each other for a long time. Marriages are as much about acknowledging the other’s flaws and accepting them, as they are about the things you like in the other. Don’t get me wrong, I like you and I wouldn’t want to lose you. But, I’m not sure whether I can live up to the bond a marriage stands for. I hope you understand that these changes all go a bit too fast for my liking… Don’t worry I’m not going to ditch you, but please forgive me if I need some time to adapt. For now, I will promise you this: I will fully commit to keep exploring all aspects of our relationship…” I couldn’t change the conflicted way I felt, but at least I should be honest with Tish about my reservations. Her response was a clear nod and a calm moan. It seemed that though a bit sad – and how could I ever blame her for that – she understood and accepted my hesitations.

It was a big relief that she took it so well. It helped me a lot to be able to address the other elephant in the room. Kayley’s second request tore me apart. On the one hand, I was literally offered an evening filled with freebies. But on the other hand, I did feel I owed Tish loyalty. So, I compromised that at the very least she should get a say in it… Preferably without her being pressured by the Amazonesses.

”About Kayley’s requests… I can’t deny that I feel like a kid that is offered an all you can eat coupon for the candy store… But you will be the one that has to share her husband with over a dozen other women on her wedding night. That is why, if we go along with it, I want you to be one making that choice. I’m not going to lie to you, part of me wants nothing more than to try out if this...” – I stared at the vial as I let it roll through my hands – ”…indeed works as claimed. But I don’t want to hurt you over my own carnal desires. I say we either refuse both requests and we leave this place, or we go all in and make sure these horny Amazonesses will still be talking about tonight when they’re old hags!” The grin that appeared on Tish’s face as I said that told me all I needed to know. Guess tonight I’m a very lucky guy. I couldn’t help but be amazed, though, by what a trooper Tish turned out to be.

”I guess there is more we should be discussing… but fuck that. You deserve some foreplay.” I had barely finished the sentence when Tish pounced me.
Dec 7, 2016 4:11 AM

Nov 2013
Keep then comin
Dec 7, 2016 10:05 AM
Nov 2013
I was hoping you'd have both your chapters posted by now... And zombies can blush?
tterrebDec 7, 2016 10:10 AM
Dec 7, 2016 3:00 PM

Jan 2015
Malise said:
A nice chapter. It seems a bit devoid of conflict, as it worked out truly in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia style with a fight being ultimately meaningless down the line,

Well the only reason there was a fight at all was because Aisly was a bit over enthusiastic and then couldn't back out of it anymore.

tterreb said:
And zombies can blush?

I was thinking more like the little facial expressions one makes when blushing. For now she's too pale to have any color on her cheeks.
Dec 8, 2016 9:52 AM
Nov 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
tterreb said:
And zombies can blush?

I was thinking more like the little facial expressions one makes when blushing. For now she's too pale to have any color on her cheeks.

There's a certain facial expression? And blushing is just an increase of blood to the face, so that would imply that her heart is beating. But I don't actually know a lot about zombies, so...
Dec 8, 2016 5:45 PM

Jan 2015
Chapter 12 – Two steps forward one step back…

Tish had been wearing her long robe again, so it was only after she removed it that I noticed something was terribly wrong. The reason she had been undressing was immediately forgotten as I stared in horror at Tish. Though I didn’t fully understand why she seemed to be barely affected by them, I had expected the slashes to her chest and breast. That she was covered in other wounds, however, I had not expected. Those definitely were not inflicted by Aisly during the duel and I had no idea what had caused those wounds.

After the initial shock had passed, I took a closer look at Tish. I noticed that they looked eerily similar to the wounds she had on her when we had just met, but those had been disappearing slowly over these last days. The dozens of new wounds were scattered across her torso, upper arms, and legs. I didn’t need to count them to know there were many more than I had seen her naked for the first time. Her left breast looked noticeably smaller than it had been this morning, and the duel had left her right breast practically trisected. For some inexplicable reason her face, hands, breasts, and nether region had been not been affected by this mysterious outbreak of wounds. And her strange but enticing lady scaping pattern was, surprisingly, still in perfect shape as well.

”Damn Tish… Those wounds… They didn’t come from the duel!” I looked over her shoulder only to find that her back and butt were covered in these strange wounds as well. What had fucked her up so badly?

”How did this happen? They were retreating, but now it is even worse than when we first met!” She only responded with a sad moan. Sadly, this time it was not easy to decipher what she meant by that. If only she could talk.


I suddenly realized that I hadn’t heard her talk since the duel. Our first days together she hadn’t been able to speak either, but yesterday and this morning she had managed to utter some words, albeit with a cracked voice and it being visibly straining for her to do so. This seemed awfully coincidental… Could it be that something had undone the healing process she was going through? That something had shoved her back to an even worse state than before we first met?

”Something reversed the healing process didn’t it? Dammit! We’re going to need some more time to figure this out… I’ll be right back.” A slight nod showed she had understood my intentions and she climbed off me. I hadn’t removed any clothing myself yet, so I simply got up and left the longhouse.

I saw several Amazonesses hauling stuff over to the central clearing. I figured they were preparing our wedding. I also stumbled upon two healthily blushing Amazonesses who apparently were studying the weeds growing around the longhouse. Too bad I had more pressing matters to focus on, else I would have loved to learn a bit about the local flora. I addressed the closest one, ”Please tell the chief there is a… complication. We’re going to need an extra hour.” Without waiting for her reply I turned around and reentered the long house.

I grabbed my measuring tape as well as my note book and moved back over to Tish who was patiently waiting for me wearing nothing but a loving smile. For the second time that day I did the familiar measurements. I inspected her closely. Though the slashes to her breast made measuring her complicated, in the end I was confident that my suspicions about her breasts having shrunk in size were correct. This morning I had written down some notes about one of the few wounds she had still left. I looked for that wound, comparing it to my notes and my memory. I was certain that it had grown both significantly larger and deeper since this morning. In fact everything I found pointed to my initial hunch that for some reason her “healing” process had reverted. Though this was a huge setback, I guess it could have been worse; at least I knew how to “treat” the problem.

Now that I had been over her with my fine-toothed comb, I found that my attention kept being drawn to her maimed breast. As horrendous and gruesome as it was, at the same time it fascinated me. The slash left by Aisly’s spear had split her nipple in two and had cut clean through the soft tissue of her breast till it had struck the ribs underneath. The spearhead barb then had been caught in that same soft tissue and had viciously torn though it, leaving a horrible looking tear. Though the wounds were deep enough that I could clearly see the bone of her ribs, she had barely bled; leaving the cuts exceptionally clean. Looking at it felt rather unreal, almost as if I was simply gazing at a black and white cross section in an anatomy book. I expected Tish to be taken aback by my admittedly morbid fascination, but she didn’t show any sign of annoyance and waited patiently as I examined her mutilated breast up close.

”Damn that looks nasty. Please tell me there is something we can do about this.” I said, when I had finally sated my curiosity. As I heard myself say it, I was struck by a sudden epiphany. Could it be…?

”Ehm… Tish, do these by any chance heal in the same way as we… ehm… “healed” those other wounds?” I asked sheepishly. Tish’s face immediately brightened up as if she finally remembered a word that had been stuck on the tip of her tongue for a long time. I guess that was a yes.

Dec 8, 2016 7:49 PM

Sep 2013
Whew...started to get the tiniest bit worried about the MCs very careful observation of that wound. Thankfully, his mind went into a different gutter than mine (as far as I can tell). Woot.
Dec 9, 2016 8:11 AM
Nov 2013
Mysteriously appearing wounds and shrinking breasts... Interested to see where you go with all of this.
Dec 24, 2016 4:49 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 13 – Eye for an Eye

Just as we had finished the second “healing session” of that afternoon, there was a loud knock on the door telling us that Kayley was back. Her timing was too perfect to be a coincidence and I wondered how long she had been waiting outside. Tish and I got quickly dressed, then I yelled to let Kayley know she could come in.

For the second time that day Kayley didn’t waste time by beating around the bush and she immediately got to the point. ”I assume you had your private “discussion” with Tish. So tell me, what have you decided?”

Although we had decided that we would honor her requests, there were still a few things that didn’t sit well with me. I was not going to agree to anything before those have been addressed.

”To be honest I’m a bit conflicted. It is obvious Aisly has feelings for me... Call me crazy, but I can’t help but feel that I’m being an asshole if I were to agree and she’s the only one left out.” For a split second I thought I saw Kayley raise her eyebrow, but when I looked again she wore the same expression as before. Perhaps I had just imagined it.

”Her overeager behavior has wronged not only you, but also the tribe. For that she must be disciplined. Even if she wasn’t out right now, I still would not have allowed her to join. I know she had the best intentions, but that doesn’t mean I can let her transgression go unpunished.” Kayley paused for a second before she continued. ”I know that won’t take away the emotional part of your hesitation, but you need not worry about Aisly. She’s got a lot of things going for her. Sure, she is not the best fighter of our tribe, but she is a good hunter and an excellent scout. Furthermore, she is young and as you probably already noticed she’s one of the prettiest girls in our tribe. I’m certain that she’ll find herself a good husband sooner than later.”

Pretty was an understatement, I would rather call her drop dead gorgeous. It wasn’t for her looks that I had rejected her unconventional marriage proposal. As I recalled the events of yesterday, I felt a little bit sorry for rejecting her so hard, she hadn’t meant me harm after all.

I turned my attention back to Kayley. For a fraction of a second I felt there was something off about her, but I couldn’t put my finger to what it had been. Perhaps she had smiled differently, I couldn’t really tell. Feeling that for the second time I had just missed an important clue, I cursed my own denseness when it came to observing others.

”If I were to assure you that I will make it crystal clear to Aisly that it was me who denied her and not you… Would that take away your reservations?” Kayley then continued.

I wasn’t too sure that it would change my feelings about it much. Then again, I owed Aisly absolutely nothing. Ever since we met she had only made things more complicated, and worse she had drooled on my coat! Whether I liked it or not, Tish was going to be my wife and soon we would move on, leaving this village behind us… Then why did I still feel this way?

After a brief internal struggle, I managed to cast my feelings for Aisly aside. ”I guess that would help a little bit, yes… Still there is another thing that doesn’t sit well with me. Don’t get me wrong – I am sympathetic to your girls’ cause – I can’t help but feel, though, that Tish and I are the ones making the sacrifices here…”

”I will not argue against that. But, as you can see by the lack of man in our village, my girls don’t have many other options. I could offer you something in return, but if I’m not mistaken you’ve already got something on your mind.” Kayley observed.

There wasn’t too much I could think of that they hadn’t already offered me freely. There was one thing, however it was a rather daring thing to ask of her. On the other hand, it was no more than she was asking of us. I figured that at the worst she would refuse, so I decided to take the gamble and I fished the small vial out of my pocked. As I looked at the vial I began, ”If someone would have told me less than a week ago that the contents of this vial would allow me to perform with over a dozen girls, I would have been… skeptical… With all the things that I have seen lately, however, I’m inclined to believe you. If I remember correctly, you said something about me setting a record if I were to drink this… I can’t help but wonder though, shouldn’t a chief lead by example? Help set an even bigger record?”

It seemed that for the first time I had caught Kayley by surprise. [color=00C080]”So, let me get this straight.”[/color] She said skeptically. [color=00C080]”You want me to fuck you in order to gain your favor to fuck my girls?”[/color]

I guess we were done with the synonyms and euphemisms. ”Exactly. If you want me to fuck your girls, you’re going to have to take one for the team as well. I’m not going to do something for you that you aren’t willing to do yourself.” I replied a little more smug than intended, but it was so satisfying to get a drop on her.

She was silent for a moment, contemplating my offer. Then she let out a hearty and thunderous guffaw. ”Ha! I honestly did not see that one coming. Quite the situation you put me in, especially if you phrase it like that. Well I´m not going to be a cunt and deny my own girls… I accept!”

She then blatantly checked me out, putting in no effort to hide it. I could nearly feel her gaze moving all over me, while she slowly licked her lips. ”I’m starting to like you more and more Erwin, it has been a long time since one surprised like that. I can respect that.”

While checking me out she had been slowly pacing around me as to get a good look at me from every angle. Suddenly I felt her long hair brush against my back as she leaned in and whispered seductively in my ear. ”You have no idea how arousing that was for me, for that I’ll give you my best. I’m really grateful you are willing to do this for my girls. Now, as much as I would love to get to it immediately, there are some final preparations for your wedding I must attend to. The celebrations start at sundown, that should give you two just enough time to get a last round of practice in. Now if you excuse me, I need to change into a dry pair of panties...”


”How is she doing?” Kayley asked as she entered the outer most building of the village. She looked at Frosya who was sitting on the edge of a large bed and was keeping watch over Aisly.

”Lynn thoroughly inspected her and couldn’t find anything other than her being drained just enough to knock her out for a while. I guess we owe the Zombie one for not harming her more than necessary… Don’t think she’ll be waking up before the morrow though. Probably for the better, seeing what you’ve been trying to arrange for tonight. How did that go by the way?” Aisly’s mentor answered.

”How shall I put it… I was surprised by his reaction in more than one way...” Kayley replied with the faintest hint of a smile on her face.

Frosya raised an eyebrow in a mild expression of surprise. ”Well that sounds evasive. Bring it.”

”He was rather hesitant because he felt that he would hurt Aisly’s feelings if he were to agree. He already has more feelings for her than he realizes.” Kayley answered.

A smirk appeared on Frosya’s face as she said, ”Told you he has a weak spot for redheads. From the moment we found him it was obvious he was captivated by her. It’s good to hear that her tactless approach hasn’t pushed him away… Maybe we still have a chance…”

”If we play it right, I’m pretty sure we can hook those two, or should I say three, up. I’ve already got a plan on how to make that happen. We can work out the details with the Elves once they arrive here from Westholm.” Kayley said with a devious grin.
Dec 26, 2016 2:29 AM

Nov 2013
MetallumOperatur said:

It seemed that for the first time I had caught Kayley by surprise. [color=00C080]”So, let me get this straight.”[/color] She said skeptically. [color=00C080]”You want me to fuck you in order to gain your favor to fuck my girls?”[/color]

LOL I was wondering where that was
Dec 26, 2016 3:08 AM

Jan 2015
Clarus_Nox said:
MetallumOperatur said:

It seemed that for the first time I had caught Kayley by surprise. [color=00C080]”So, let me get this straight.”[/color] She said skeptically. [color=00C080]”You want me to fuck you in order to gain your favor to fuck my girls?”[/color]

LOL I was wondering where that was

Yeah, though I decided not to go with the initial approach. That didn't make sense in light of how the she had reacted this far. Besides from the Amazonesses perspective, all he actually asked for was to extend the favor she was asking of him even further.
Dec 27, 2016 9:38 AM
Nov 2013
Read the chapter, liked it, not sure what else to say.
Dec 28, 2016 3:37 PM

Sep 2013
Just make sure you have some ointment ready for after. Even without a broken pubic bone, the chafing is likely to be rather intense =)
Jun 2, 2017 6:35 PM
May 2014
Where is the rest? It was just getting started! Okay I've calmed down a little. Please continue writing. I can't wait to read what develops. I have found some errors and wasn't sure if I should point them out or not. I remember you saying that you also found a few after uploading. Good story, keep going.
Jun 3, 2017 4:55 PM

Jan 2015
FlunentDirty said:
Where is the rest? It was just getting started! Okay I've calmed down a little. Please continue writing. I can't wait to read what develops. I have found some errors and wasn't sure if I should point them out or not. I remember you saying that you also found a few after uploading. Good story, keep going.

Glad you like my story. I assure you I'm still working on it, so a next chapter should come eventually. I'm now working on a conversation that I find especially challenging to write. I've rewritten that bloody conversation already 7 times. Hence the large time gap between the latest chapter and the upcoming one.

As for the errors you might have found: Since English is my second language, I expect there to be quite a few grammatical, comma, and sentence building errors. So feedback is greatly appreciated. If you found consistency or plot errors I'm especially interested. Should you feel uncomfortable posting them in public, you can always PM me.

Lastly I've moved this story over to the MG club as we are in the process of abandoning the vault. So I would appreciate if you were to post further feedback in that thread. That will also be the thread where new chapter will be posted:

Jul 15, 2017 7:59 AM

Jan 2015
I've finally uploaded a new chapter. Since we moved the stories back to the MG club you can read the chapter here:
Sep 8, 2017 7:54 PM
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