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Aug 5, 2015 3:04 PM

Dec 2013

Getting to his feet as well, he stretched his legs and loosened his cramped neck. "Yeah, I guess. I'm hungry. Maybe we should head back to your place...or do you want to see if we can get something to eat in this forest...your choice." He said, scratching his cheek.
Aug 5, 2015 3:14 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex before looking away once more, starting to walk back "The house....I'll treat you to one dinner, as thanks" She mumbled, walking past him, making sure Key went along as well (Believe she was still hanging around xD)
Aug 5, 2015 3:16 PM

Dec 2013

Seeing the girl look at him and then away, and seeming more conserved than usual, he jogged to her side. "What's up? You seem kind of out of it? Have a bad dream or something?" His slanted eye brows painted a dash of worry on his face.
Aug 5, 2015 3:19 PM

May 2014

She shook her head a bit "I can't believe I fell asleep in a place like that....s, as thanks for staying next to me and keeping watch, I'll treat you, but just this once" She said as she kept walking towards the house. She looked at him for a moment and frowned "Don't look at me like that" She mumbled "I'd rather see that perverted face then have you worrying about me"
Aug 5, 2015 3:29 PM

Dec 2013

"Well, you did have to save me several times. I can't blame you for being exhausted!" He said. Just then, the thought of her serving him dinner came into his mind. His fantasy: A nice country-fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy! His mouth just watered at the thought. Add in some green-bean casserole, and that was a winning-combo!

"Thank you, Saki, my dear!" His inherent haughtiness coming through. "I'm sure whatever you make will taste better than anything the Gods could make!" Of course, he had never tasted her cooking. How could he know its quality? Still, a man could dream.

When told to put on his perverted face, he, of course, had no choice but to comply.

What would really make my meal come true, he thought, apron...ah...the best thing after sweaters...

The face was back. His worry about her melted. Mostly. A part of him did still worry, but the last thing he wanted was for her to notice...and for him to miss out on such a dream becoming a reality.

Without anything else to say, he followed her home.
Aug 7, 2015 2:04 PM

Dec 2013


He arrived at Hope Woods, looking back to see Saki following behind. "Alright, so I guess the same plan as last time? You in the front and me in the back? I have to catch up to you before we can go further, after all."

I hope I'm not slowing her down.

Before she had time to respond, he saw a Centaur over in the distance. With a swing of his staff, he cast an Absolute Judgement beam on it.


Dammit...didn't kill it.

The Centaur began to make its way toward the two of them.
Aug 7, 2015 2:10 PM

May 2014

She nodded "That'd probably be for the better, I can dodge easier after all" She said, then quickly dashed forward, bringing her knife into the Centaur before it could respond, dealing 180 damage. She looked at how it fell to the ground, then thought for a moment "If it's like this, tearing through them shouldnt be too hard" She mumbled "They can easily be defeated after all..... Alright, Alex, We're taking on 3 of em at once this time!"
Aug 7, 2015 2:18 PM

Dec 2013

The Centaur was wiped out in a flash, but in its place were the three more she aggroed. "Silly Saki," He said out loud, looking at her with a "what am I going to do with you" face. He then noticed that the first of the Centaurs was making its way toward them. Stepping a bit away so that it'd be going toward Saki like she planned, he came up behind it, timing his blow so that it'd be just outside her striking distance, allowing her time to react just in case he missed.

[180 + 25 - 130 = 75]

He then rolled to the side after landing his blow. "Finish it off, Saki, and don't get hit!" He cried.
Aug 7, 2015 2:24 PM

May 2014

She stayed still as the Centaur came dashing towards her, a grin appearing on her face "You think youre so fast because youre half horse? Let me show you what real speed is" She said, leaves suddenly starting to jump up "Leaf step!" She let out, increasing her speed by half as she suddenly shot forward, her dagger tearing through the side of the Centaur, coming to a quick stop right behind it as it fell down "Heh, that it?"
Aug 7, 2015 2:28 PM

Dec 2013

Her display of speed was indeed skillful and there was a kind of primal beauty to it, but he quickly snapped out of his daydream with he saw another one of the Centaur making a charge for her. He quickly dashed behind her, choked up on his staff and swung it, making contact with the beast's weapon. "You ain't touching her, buddy!" He then stepped back, letting the Centaur fall forward. Alex then swung his staff again, making contact with the creature's back.

[180 + 25 - 130 = 75]

"Another one coming your way!" He cried.
Aug 7, 2015 2:37 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex and grinned Not bad before the leaves jumped up again while she dashed forward once more, this time suddenly going onto her back, sliding underneath the Centaur, stabbing up into it and quickly pushing it sideways to not get crushed. She stood up, the leaves vanishing again as he skill de-activated "One more to go"
Aug 7, 2015 2:46 PM

Dec 2013

"Nice work," he yelled as he saw the final one spin its weapon over its head, running toward them. "These guys are so predictable. They just charge and stuff." Again, Alex got ready to block the blow, but this time, the Centaur stopped short and swung its weapon. The sudden change of tactics threw him of guard and the increased leverage of the strike broken through his guard. "Oh, shi-" He was knocked away and onto the ground.

[5300 + 22 - 800 = 4522]

From the ground, he saw the thing approaching her. "Hey, that one broke through! Get ready!"
Aug 7, 2015 2:54 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex, then at the Centaur. For whatever reason, she was pissed. She clenched her daggers, then with something resembling a battle cry she charged forward, activating her flash dance as she cut into the Centaur 4 times, dealing 243 damage. She stood there for a moment, then looked at Alex "You oka-GHACK" Before she could finish her question, one of the wild Centaurs had been aggro'd by their actions, having made her way behind her and slammed its hooves into her back, driving her forward and into a tree, dealing a total of 1600 damage to her hp as she slowly slid down, laying unconscious
Aug 7, 2015 3:02 PM

Dec 2013

Seeing the scene unfold before him, his eyes widened. "Saki!" He looked at the Centaur with rage in his eyes. "You pile of manure! I'm coming for you! You're DEAD!" He rolled to his feet and took off running with all his might. The Centaur had backed up, getting ready to crash into Saki again. From distance away, he leapt up and pointed the staff at the head of the Centaur. "Burn in hell! Absolute Judgement!"

He fired off his beam, the dark attack consuming the top half of the centaur. The damage resulted in a critical, killing the creature instantly. As he landed to his feet, he then rushed over to Saki. "No, no!" He cried, as if he was deny the truth. She wasn't dead, but she was unconscious. At her side, he held her in his trembling arms, his hand around her head to support it. "Saki! Speak to me!" He cried, shaking her lightly as if to stir her from slumber.
Aug 7, 2015 3:08 PM

May 2014

She remained silent and laying still at first, no movement coming from her, until her face frowned ever so slightly for a small moment, followed by a groan. She had a headache, she already knew that much, yet, at the moment she felt warm. even though her head hurt, for some reason she had a warm feeling at the moment, her eyes closed, seeing something that she could resemble to a galaxy. She softly moved a little bit in his arms, then stayed still again, laying there, frowning a bit more before slowly starting to open her eyes. See was a bit dazed as she looked at Alex, not even noticing the fact that he was holding her "Ah....the centaur?"
Aug 7, 2015 3:13 PM

Dec 2013

Seeing her eyes open, he reacted. "Oh, thank goodness!" He said. "I thought you'd suffer brain damage or something from that blow!" He then heard her ask about the creature. "That thing's been annihilated. Nothing to worry about." He just looked at her eyes, which looked a bit dazed. "You wanna go back home? You know, recooperate for a bit?" A look of genuine worry was on his face. He didn't think he'd lost her, but he had been frightened nonetheless.

So this is what it means to have someone precious, huh? He thought.
Aug 7, 2015 3:20 PM

May 2014

She looked at his reaction and was genuinely surprised by it. She heard what he said, letting out another groan as she held her head for a moment, only then noticing she was in his arms. She slowly got up, standing straight and took a few deep breaths, shaking her head for a moment "No, it's fine, let's keep going for a bit more" She said, picking up her daggers again
Aug 7, 2015 3:27 PM

Dec 2013

He stood up with her and remained at her side. "Well, fine, but the moment you feel like its too much, let me know." He then walked a little in front of her, scanning the area. In the distance, a Centaur watched them, waiting for them to move closer. He kept one eye on it, and the other on her.
Aug 7, 2015 3:33 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex, then slightly shook her head, grinning a bit "Ofcourse, I'll let you know. but I'm fine, really" She said, standing behind him. She saw the Centaur as well, holding her daggers. Showing a weak side wasnt really what she wanted, and the thing this morning, as well as what happened just now were definitely weak moments. In all honesty, she wasnt feeling all that great, but she didnt want to admit it either "Alright, you go charge him, then I'll shoot Abso-" She paused for a moment, then shook her head "You shoot you absolute judgement, then when he charges, I'll finish him off, ready?" She said "Go!"
Aug 7, 2015 3:43 PM

Dec 2013

"Alright, if you say so." He then chuckled as she reversed the order of actions, giving herself his move. "Haha, whatever. Sadly, I'm still in cool down. But I can do this!" He stepped in front of her. "Hey, idiot-horse! Come get some!"

The Centaur roared and made a charge. It seemed to be extremely pissed off. As it approached, he turned to her and flashed a smile. "This should work too, huh?" He then turned back around and charged toward it. He then strafed to the side, swinging the staff so it made contact with its leg, causing it to trip. "So now! Fire Absolute Judgement!" He teased.

[180 + 25 - 130 = 75]
Aug 7, 2015 3:50 PM

May 2014

She looked at him as he smiled at her, then saw how he charged at the Centaur, seeing him hit his leg and causing him to trip. She heard what he said, then dashed forward towards the Centaur, bringing her knife forward to stab it into it's neck. Her hand was trembling like crazy as she flew forward, and thus, when her dagger and the monster connected, the dagger didnt pierce it's skin, but was forced out of her hand. Her eyes widened for a moment, but in a quick reflex she brought her left arm with the dagger downwards, being planted into the creatures throat. She stood there for a moment, looking at the Centaur
Aug 7, 2015 4:04 PM

Dec 2013

He saw her fumble a little with the creature. It looked like the creature was about to die, but just to be sure, he decided to be extra safe. "I got this!" He ran over as the Centaur was dying slowly. He then whacked it in the head, taking off the last of its HP. As the creature fell, he looked at her, his brows raised in worry, but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to insult her pride. He just smiled and looked down at the beast. "Welp," He kicked it once. "it's dead..."
Aug 7, 2015 4:08 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex as she saw how he finished it off. For a moment she could see how his eyebrows were raised, slightly seeing his smile as well. The one dagger she had still been holding in her hand dropped to the ground as she felt how her mind went fuzzy this is bad....this is very bad..... She slowly stumbled forward a bit, towards Alex, and a few inches away from him her mind went black as she once again fell forward, having pushed herself too hard right after having been knocked out
Aug 7, 2015 4:14 PM

Dec 2013

"W-wait!" He cried, catching her with a look of surprise and horror. "Damn it." He brought her down to the ground, holding her as she was fading out. "Hey, no falling asleep, now. Come on, stay with me." He slapped her face lightly, looking into her closing eyes.

I'm gotta take her home...He thought. He decided to wait for a moment, waiting to see if she was actually down for the count before making his move.
Aug 7, 2015 4:21 PM

May 2014

Unlike last time, she didnt actually start to wake up. The sleep didnt give a response from her as she just remained motionless in his arms, her daggers on the ground, her eyes closed and her arms hanging limp, only a soft breath coming from her lips
Aug 7, 2015 5:26 PM

Dec 2013

He saw her unconscious, her soft breath escaping her mouth. In the forest light, she looked almost peaceful, but he didn't see it that way. Right now, she was his girl and she needed him.

Gently, he placed his arm beneath her legs and then stood, holding her Princess-style. He then made his way slowly to the Hope Wood's entrance. "Hang on, Saki. Almost home."

He left the Woods, her daggers in his robe pocket, his staff in the crook of her arm and his girl in his arms.
Aug 10, 2015 4:09 PM

Dec 2013


Arriving at Hope Woods, she took a moment to take in the sights, standing right next to her friend. "What kind of stuff can we expect from here?" She said with a child-like excitement.
Aug 10, 2015 4:16 PM

Nov 2013
(Sorry if I was a bit late here. Had some stuff to take care of.)


He took a quick look of his surroundings. "It sure is beautiful here." Trying to find something to fight he noticed a wolf just walking around aimlessly. "Seems like we are going to fight wolves again."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 10, 2015 4:25 PM

Dec 2013
Wolf lvl 4: 400 attack, 15 defence 123 hp
Stag lvl 5 : 600 attack 20 defence 157 hp
Centaur lvl 6: 800 attack 25 defence 180 hp

Atk: 30
Defence: 65
Vit: 75
Speed: 70
Health regen: 10 (+75)

"Alright! Let's rock!" She cried, speeding over to the wolf without waiting for him to come up with a battle plan. With her broom, she jabbed at the wolf, attempting to hit it in its flank. The wolf had noticed her earlier, but it hadn't expected her to actually charge toward it.

[123 + 15 - 30 = 108]

Tossing her head back, she looked at him. "What are you waiting for! Come on!"
Aug 10, 2015 4:32 PM

Nov 2013

He watched her charge at the wolf and jabbing it in its side. Seeing her do basically no damage, he took out his scythe, charging towards the wolf. He hit it, aiming at its side. Dealing 185 damage, he killed the wolf.

"You shouldnt just charge in. It might end bad."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 10, 2015 4:39 PM

Dec 2013

"Well, you gotta keep moving. Over there!" She saw a large deer thing, a Stag just munching on some grass. "Go kill it!" She demanded, hungry for some XP. Marisa tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for him to aggro it first. Behind the first Stag was a second one, but she hadn't noticed it.
Aug 10, 2015 4:54 PM

Nov 2013

Hearing what she said he had no other choice. He ran towards the Stag, aiming at its back. He swung his weapon hitting it where he wanted to hit it. His attack dealt 180 damage killing it.

After killing the first one he noticed another stag behind the first one. Unprepared, the Stag charged at him throwing him down and dealing 540 damage.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 10, 2015 5:01 PM

Dec 2013

"Hey, now! Don't go dying on me!" She cried from afar, she raised her staff. "Bulky Heal!" Now, Yasuri would recover 8% of his vitality and experience an enhanced defense, which was now 5% higher.

"Go get 'em!" She cheered.
Aug 10, 2015 5:07 PM

Nov 2013

Feeling the heal, he jumped back to his feet prepared for another attack of the stag. The stag charged at him once again. Jumping to the side he swung his scythe, trying to decapitate the creature. But with the stag being pretty fast he only hit it in its back. He dealt 180 damage, enough to kill it.

"Those are a bit stronger the the ones at the garden. Gotta be more careful around here."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 10, 2015 5:14 PM

Dec 2013

"Yeah. I guess." She said, cleaning out her ear with a pinky before flicking it off into the grass. Over on the side, there were two more Stags, watching them patiently. They hadn't been aggroed but they were aware of the two players' presence.

Pointing to the Stag, she yawned. "Gonna get those?" She asked.
Aug 10, 2015 5:26 PM

Nov 2013

Noticing her yawn, he smiled. "Getting bored already? Lets get those two as well then." He charged at the pair of stags. Preparing to swing his scythe, he aimed at the neck trying to decapitate the creature. Not expecting the stag to do something, he was surprised seeing it charge back at him. The stag managed to hit him for 535 damage, but he was also able to swing the blade of his weapon in its back, killing it instantly.

Looking at the other stag he saw it attack. But instead of attacking it he decided to block the attack. "I will keep it occupied. So go ahead and attack it. Otherwise you might fall asleep." He said while still trying to dodge the attacks.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 10, 2015 5:33 PM

Dec 2013

"Huh, you noticed. The job of a healer is a boring one, I'll tell you that!" Without another word, she made her way across the grassy land and right beside the creature. Swiftly bring the broom down on the back of the creature's head, she exhaled, letting out her inner frustration at her uselessness.

[157 + 20 - 30 = 147]

"Fricking pitiful." She sighed, backing off to give Yasuri more space to move.
Aug 11, 2015 9:39 AM

Nov 2013

Seeing her attack the Stag, he also noticed that it changed its focus on Marisa for a brief moment. Without hesitation he used this change of interest and attack it, hitting it in the back, dealing 180 damage and killing it.

"Well at least you wont get bored if we continue like this. You may not do much damage but besides healing you can also act as a distraction if worst comes to worst." He looked around the area, seeing some more creatures around. "So, which ones next? You can decide that."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 12:44 PM

Dec 2013

Turning to look in the direction he was referring to. As she looked around, she saw variety of wildlife that wasn't much different than their real-world counterparts. Then, from the brush, a mythical creature, a centaur emerged. She'd read about it in English class. "Huh. Well, let's try that big guy." Moving forward a little, she waved her hand forward. "Lead the way." She cried.
Aug 11, 2015 1:03 PM

Nov 2013

Looking where she waved, he saw the creature. It was nothing like the creatures he saw in his life. His interest was caught be he quickly dismissed it, as he knew that he would not be able to ask it anything.

"Alright. Lets bring that beast down." He was confident about his abilities and rushed at it. Only to realize that the Centaur decide to turn his way while he was charging at it.

(Not sure what weapon it has so I assume its a spear of sorts)
As it saw him charge towards it, it raised its weapon for defense. A spear was pointed in his direction. Not being able to stop fast enough the spear pierced his left shoulder,dealing 740 damage to him. His own weapon just barely leaving a scratch on the Creature. Ignoring the pain he broke the handle of the spear. Fortunate for him the handle of the spear was made out of wood. Leaving the Centaur with a broken weapon he jumped back, holding his shoulder in pain. Biting his teeth together he pulled out the other end of the spear. "That could have been better. This will probably leave a scar."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 1:09 PM

Dec 2013

Her heal not quite off cool down, she stood by and watched as she saw Yasuri charge right into the spear. "That wasn't smart," she sighed to herself, shaking her head. However, he had been able to crush the creature's weapon, which was a start. "Alright! Keep it up! The heal's almost up, so get ready!"
Aug 11, 2015 1:16 PM

Nov 2013

Hearing her he prepared for another attack. Cringing a bit because of the pain in his shoulder. "Im ready when you are." Watching the Centaur, he waited for her heal, hoping the creature didnt decide to attack him in the time he was waiting.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 1:22 PM

Dec 2013

Seeing the pause in his actions, he took this as the opportunity to heal him. "Bulky Heal!" She chanted, throwing her broom up and releasing the spell. A green aura enveloped Yasuri once again, restoring 8% of his health and amplifying his defense to 105%. "Okay, you should be decently okay now. Good luck."

She wished she could do more. Quietly, she moved a little closer, just in case she had to run over and bail him out.
Aug 11, 2015 1:35 PM

Nov 2013

Receiving the heal, he immediately charged back at the Centaur. This time he was prepared for a counter attack. Charging at it he aimed for its head.

As he got closer to the creature, he noticed it charging a strike with what was left of its weapon. Sliding underneath its swing, he swung his scythe at its head. It hit its target, dealing critical damage and killing the creature. Sliding past the now dead creature, he got back up to his feet, turning to Marisa.

"That creature was strong. Its good to have you around. Dont know what I would have done without your heal."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 1:56 PM

Dec 2013

Atk: 55
Defence: 115
Vit: 75
Speed: 95
Health regen: 10 (+75)


"Heh, you give me too much credit. It was all your skill, you know?" She smirked, looking around at the other creatures. "What next?" She asked, spinning her broom like a bo staff around her body just to pass the time. Yet another thing she had learned from Kung-fu movies.
Aug 11, 2015 2:06 PM

Nov 2013

"Your heal still helps out a lot, you know." He looked at the other centaur. He suddely smiled and looked back at Marisa. "I have a plan. Lets give you the opportunity to finish of the enemy." He walked up closer to her, so he could explain what he had planned.

"I want you to get his attention. Im not sure if it will attack you directly or wait for your move, but I will attack it nonetheless. I will try to hit it so it wont die instantly. After I have done that it will switch its focus to me, and thats when you come in. While its focused at me you will attack it with your broom dealing the final blow." After explain the plan he looked at her still smiling. "So what about it?"
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 2:12 PM

Dec 2013

Looking at him with a puzzled look, she furrowed her brows, not quiet understanding the point of it all. "Well, okay. We'll do it that way..."

She trailed away from Yasuri and strafed around the other Centaur. The Centaur turned around, noticing the little healer all alone and it proved to be simply too irresistible. Whipping out its dual-sided sword, it roared and spun it over its head before charging. Marisa waited until the right moment to bound to the side, her broom swinging. Using the moment of her moment, she spun around, bringing the broom into contact with the back of one of the knees of the creature.

Centaur lvl 6: 800 attack 25 defence 180 hp

[180 + 25 - 55 = 150]

With the blow applied, the Centaur struggled to keep its balance, its leg debilitated from the blow and the ensuing pain. "Now, Yasuri!"
Aug 11, 2015 2:29 PM

Nov 2013

He watched the situation from a far, prepared to strike an attack on the Centaur. Seeing what was happening, he rushed towards the creature. Taking out his weapon he jumped aiming for its back. But instead of attacking with full force he tried to bring the Centaur down to minimal health, so his plan could work out just as he wanted it. Just to make sure it worked he used the handle instead of the blade for his attack.

He hit the creature, but unfortunately still dealt 175 damage, killing the creature. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, he walked over to Marisa. "Well that didnt work out as planned. I couldnt bring its health down enough for you to kill it with your attack. If I managed it you could have taken at least a taken part in the fight." He looked around a bit looking for other creatures to kill. "So what next?"
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 11, 2015 2:35 PM

Dec 2013

She shrugged. "Well, I mean, you wanna keep going, sit and chat, what?" Looking at him with her big eyes, she wanted to know. Honestly, she was getting a bit tired of killing things. Today's thrill had worn off. "Wanna head back to the house?"
Aug 11, 2015 2:42 PM

Nov 2013

"Seems like a good idea." He wanted to keep going for a while, but still accepted to take a break from this. "Lets get back to the House again then." He started walking towards the Houses not waiting for her response.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
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