"Yeah." Fabritzio agreed already observing the waitresses of the inn with lustful eyes.
"At least face her." Aoi mumbled to his boss hitting him on the stomach to recover his attention.
"She is right," Fabritzio said with a blue face, "wanna join us for a meal as a sign of gratitude," he breathed and recovered his usual ego. "or maybe you want your portrait done by the famous painter Leonardo DiCapritzio, bambina!" He laughed.
"Well, as my assistant said you were a real life saver." Fabritzio offered his hand to say good bye finally showing a natural and gentle smile to Yuki.
"Well my beauties this genious artist has work to do." He said nervously and began to walk out of there before Ray notice his presence so he began to walkaway slowly to the bar.
"Bye, Yuki-chan!!" Luna said outloud to Yuki attracting Ray's attention. "By the way, why is Fab...?" Luna began carelessly.
Aoi stopped Luna to talk noticing Ray observing them. "Yeah! Bye Yuki-chan!" Aoi said nervously hopping Ray just hadn't noticed anything important so far.
"Aa... ssoo... ee..." Aoi tried to think faster and finally got an idea. "That gentelman seems to be looking for you." She said turning to see Ray walking toward them hoping that decoy would let them and her boss scape even if she didn't know the reason to do that. She just knew that if those two met it won't be good... for her.
Looks at Ray and looks really annoyed "not that idiot again he's gonna keep calling me fake princess" she started walking away getting farther away from Ray
Ray*takes it and slap her back*"So what. i dont care. you said they dont think of you as there owen so that why i call you that! and if you hit me one more time i will not hold back!"
"And you" Fabritzio began to reply Ray, "If you don't have time, you can leave." He said hoping Ray agreed to do that... It would be bad to destroy another town.