Kahmu Walks outside the palace walls shirtless as he often liked to work and guard his tattoos showing, his light armor plated legs being the only thing covered by armor, as these would break when he turned.
i followed my brother scent and the neko people said he stole food, and ate it and he did not have any manners at all. he almost died" he he just acting like a wolf." "they said he was a slob and the neko people some dont like war at all." "he explained the rest to him of what happen"
also, im scared im sorry that im not strong at all i know my father wants me to take over one day.
"It's fine, next time ill go with" he replies "Well if need be i'll pay for the stolen food, it's my job to make sure you are safe as well as this kingdom"
like kills someone, if she does then it will be on my hands as well. and i will consider her a traitor and myself *he walked to the doors* *and looked very sad*
"alright, let me grab some money" he replues as he walks to a room and gets some money and tucks it away on his belt. He was still shirtless his tattoos showing.
"ive always been this way when i turn to my werewolf form it breaks armor ir rips shirts so this tattoo besides being a war prize is basically my shirt" he replies as he walks toward the front gate
lupas looks sad then turn back into his wolf form his neck still showing a wound and he sneaks out of the castle slowly and walks back to the neko kingdom.
"my name is Ryu i am from the dragonkindom and head knight to the roley family and duke to the reyu house" he then shows his fmaily crest and the roley crest of the gurad
"i know and i know the princess your brother broke in her catle kitcehn and stole food from her very rudely thats why i choked him sorry about that i dont like rude pelope they drive me nuts"
folowed "my king wants to make anilce with you kindom and is waiting for your father invetion for tradeing and will you and you brother join me and help me master ki and princess yuki bring peace to our kindoms to all 6 i wnat to unite the land and brgin peace i hate war and whats wrong with your brother? sorry if i am begin g rude" reyu then pins sellfe with his fiungers
um its up to my farther i have no right what my kingdom does. and also where wolfs and we like to howl and eatting very oklay he walked toawrds the neko place
"ok but trufly me trying to bring peace with every kindom my king dose not know about it so do you forgive me? and i cant hurt you or you brother wile i am here oreders of my king and you never answered my question about your brother?"