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Oct 10, 2008 9:28 AM

Mar 2008
We're going to talk about new episodes here. After you've seen the most recent episode of Gundam 00, come here to discuss it ^^
Those of you who (just like me) can't wait for the subs and watch the raws instead, are welcome here every Sunday :D The rest can join in the discussions later ^^ Talking about 00 never gets boring XD

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Oct 12, 2008 1:35 AM

Mar 2008
Waaah, Setsuna still is a Gundam freak XDDD
What a short episode, felt like a few minutes XD
I like the ED :D
I want subs ;__; One spoiler turned out to be true, Tieria couldn't start the 00 Gundam.
And the 00 Gundam is my GOD XDDD
And lol at kinda displeased Ribbons XDDD There was something he didn't know about after all XD
ArianaOct 12, 2008 1:58 AM

Oct 12, 2008 2:06 AM

Nov 2007
Our Setsuna can't be Setsuna without being a Gundam freak. XD But I loved Tieria's expression to him.

But but.. Regene seems to be a guy with that bod. DD:
Oct 12, 2008 2:12 AM

Apr 2007
Gundam freak Setsuna ftw ~

And yeah, Regene must be a guy since he has no boobs and apparently Sumeragi's boobs shrunk too. *cough*

lmao >,>
Oct 12, 2008 2:18 AM

Mar 2008
Yes, and I thought Regene would be a girl ;__;

And true, Setsuna will always be a Gundam freak, that's what's so cute about him XDDD

T-chan, you've changed so much :D

And yes, I also noticed Sumeragi-san lost her huuuge boobs o_O What happened, can excessive drinking shrink your bewbs? XDDD

Oct 12, 2008 2:38 AM

Apr 2007
Renge's voice doesn't make him any less girly :D

and Graham is less scary with a mask (weird).
...yes, Graham did scare me in the first season with his gundam confessions and all XD
Oct 12, 2008 2:42 AM

Apr 2007
Graham looks awesome now. I can't wait to see some fighting scenes of him. :D
Oct 12, 2008 3:20 AM

Mar 2008
Agreed, I like the mask, looks different than other Gundam masks :D And Graham is as cool as ever :D

Graham never scared me, he always made me smile, laugh or go "Wow!" XDDD His obession with Gundams is just... LOL.

Oct 12, 2008 3:53 AM

Jul 2007
Haha, Graham used to just make me laugh in the first season, can't wait to see more of him in this one :D
For the record, I so want the pink Haro :D Infact... I just want a Haro xD
And OMG, the 00 Gundam *_* how awesome is that thing?!

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 12, 2008 4:02 AM

Mar 2008
Stupid Saji should be happy they gave him a Haro XD

The 00 Gundam is truly amazing, but heck, those Aheads are really good if they can survive Seravee's beamspam O_O T-chan couldn't do anything O_O EDIT: after rewatching, I don't think all of them survived lol.

Aaand, in the ED there's a scene that looks like T-chan together with those Innovators. I really hope he won't do anything stupid in the future.
ArianaOct 12, 2008 4:22 AM

Oct 12, 2008 4:18 AM

Jul 2007
OMG I know right?? If I had a Haro I'd be more than happy lmao :P

Grrr, he better not do anything stupid D: That would be so... well unlike him lulz. T- chan, if you do something you shouldn't do *shakes fist* xD

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 12, 2008 4:28 AM

Mar 2008
Saji will soon decide to join CB :D That's certain :D He will join for the Haros lol.

I'm getting more and more convinced that Saji and Louise will get a happy ending. Especially after that scene in the ED.

And Alle x Soma are like, err, an official pairing now? XD I used to like the Alle x Sumeragi pairing, seemed to have some potential lol. But can't wait for Alle and Soma to meet.

I think the ED makes me wonder more about different stuff then the episode itself lol. But Tieriaaa, I really think something bad will happen to him D:
Gah, gotta be optimistic >_<

But gotta say they did a great job with the ending sequence, just like with the second ED for the first season. Simply beautiful ;__;

Oct 12, 2008 4:33 AM

Nov 2007
Lol reallyyyy? I was actually thinking either one of Saji and Louise will die. D: Not like I'll complain if they both live ofc.

I'll pretend I'm not seeing Alle x -- pairings. XD

Like when Tieria and Regene meet. :DDD The way Paku Romi does Regene's voice reminds me so much of Saiga on Souji for PMK lol.
Oct 12, 2008 4:45 AM

Mar 2008
Most people think so, but I'm still in the minority that thinks they'll live XD Not that I'm all that interested in these two haha.

Yes, Mhia, you can pretend lol, at least till the next episode :D Soon it may get too obvious to try to ignore it XD

Yes, this kind of voice that really makes you think you hear a girl haha. I definitely thought Souji was a girl when I first saw/heard him XDDD

Oct 12, 2008 4:49 AM

Jul 2007
I want Saji and Louise to have a happy ending, I really do 'Cause I'm a softie like that 'cause they make such a cute couple :3 I don't know what I think will happen to them myself, but I just hope they'll live <3

I'm loving the opening and endings and what they've done for them, they're just perfect <3 But then again, I loved last seasons music too so I'm very glad these are living up to expectations too :3

Lmao oh yeah, and I found these on lj :3 You can change what color they are too :3 (I'll stop going on about Haro's now lmao :P)

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 12, 2008 5:42 AM

Mar 2008
Well, they deserve a happy ending. So many bad things happened to them D:

I'm in love with the animations mostly rather than with the songs themselves :D Especially the ED. But the ED theme will definitely grow on me as most Chiaki Ishikawa's songs have :D I already kinda like it.

These are cute haha. Too bad I like my Winamp skin simple.

Lol, since the 00 Gundam didn't want Tieria as its pilot does it mean it loves Set-chan back (coz Set-chan definitely loves his Gundam XD)? Lol, I need subs XDDD I know the first time it's because they don't use Exia's drive, but then there's another scene with Tieria in the cockpit. EDIT: Rewatched again and it seems Tieria just didn't use Trans-Am coz Ian said it would be too dangerous or something. Lol, Setsuna never listens to anyone, so he just talked to his Gundamu a bit, used Trans-Am and WOAH! XDDD

Regene seems like a fun character. He likes teasing Ribbons :D Maybe he will betray him later, who knows.

Also, maybe now Billy will become a drunk hahaha.
ArianaOct 12, 2008 10:56 AM

Oct 12, 2008 11:39 AM

Apr 2007
I wanna see a Nena/Louise battle. rofl

And I always wanted a Haro. T.T
Oct 12, 2008 11:32 PM

Apr 2007
lol why is Lyle wearing Alle's clothes? They have the same shirt, pants, and boots XD

In case anyone was curious, I played the shadow scene in the ending on slow-mo and noticed Halle, Tieria, and Lockon (might be more, but it's hard to tell). It almost makes me think Halle won't be coming back at all, but I refuse to give up x3
Oct 13, 2008 10:07 AM

Jun 2008
The second episode was good!
I just loved the waking stage of Gundam 00 :D

I see you've been discussing Saji and Louise... I too hope they have a happy
ending after all they've been trough,
but it seems that they'll be on the opposite sides in this season :D
Saji will probably join the crew since he found out that they are not responsible
for Louise's injury....
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Oct 13, 2008 10:53 AM

Mar 2008
Lol, I only noticed Tieria in that shadow scene XD It's either because of the glasses or I just have a Tieria radar XDDD But I'm going to rewatch the ED many times, so will notice all of them sooner or later XD

Yes, Saji will join CB and at some point he might stop Louise if she wants to do something crazy. Like in the ED when he grabs her arm while she's holding a gun (again, I love the ED, so beautiful). I still think they will get a happy ending.

Oct 13, 2008 1:55 PM

Aug 2007
I think Saji is set to be the pilot of that plane looking thing in the op (O Seifer) so maybe they will gattai together or something :p. I do hope him and Louise at least reach some sort of understanding before tragedy strikes, cause the very worst thing that could happen is one of them dies without knowing and ends up waiting for the other still ;_;
Oct 13, 2008 3:02 PM

Mar 2008
Yes, Saji will definitely pilot the 0-Riser which pretty much means he will often cooperate with Set-chan XD

I still think both Saji and Louise will survive and be together at the end of the series.

Oct 14, 2008 3:57 AM

Jul 2007
I have a very strong feeling that Saji and Louise will definietly meet each other again at least, I don't know but ever since season 1 where she told him to go I always thought 'they're bond to meet each other again.' If they don't meet again I'd be surprised.

Sagi is definetly going to be a pilot; that much I know for sure. He will play a much more profound role in this season for sure. I think it would be interesting to see him and Set-chan work together :D Can't wait for that ~~

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 19, 2008 1:32 AM

Mar 2008
OMFG What the hell happened to Tieria?! XDDD He's too freaking kind XDDD
And Alle's reaction to the new Lockon was nice XD Soma seems to be getting her memories back.
The scene with Lyle kissing Feldt will actually be in the next episode O_O Wow, so those spoilers are like all true XD
And I think I'm gonna like Lyle :D
And the scene with Ptolemaios 2 diving was just WOOOW! XD

Oct 19, 2008 1:40 AM

Apr 2007
Yay Alle's baccck~ :D
I loved his expression when he saw Lyle too. lol Can't wait to see the Lyle/Fieldt kiss next week.

And did Lyle call Tieria cute before? LOLOL
Oct 19, 2008 1:43 AM

Mar 2008
Atem said:
And did Lyle call Tieria cute before? LOLOL

Lol, that's what I heard too o_O
Oh well, T-chan is cute after all ahahaha.
And Lyle called Haro "Haro-san" :D

And lol, the rainbow! :D

Oct 19, 2008 1:45 AM

Apr 2007
Lyle and Haro scenes were cute. XDD

Lol rainbow...XD
Oct 19, 2008 1:50 AM

Nov 2007
This ep was soo made of <3333. So much stuff going through my mind again. isaufgdshfskg. Alle alle alle~

Lulz Atem. Seems like you'll really be attached to Lyle. :P
Oct 19, 2008 1:55 AM

Apr 2007
Yeah, I definitely will. lmao :P
Oct 19, 2008 1:57 AM

Mar 2008
Alle got such a nice welcome from T-chan :D That was like the cutest scene in 00 ever XD
I wonder if Tieria got hit in the head or something. He's TOO nice XDDD

Oct 19, 2008 2:08 AM

Nov 2007
I'm rewatching that scene over and over. <3

Lmao. Missing his bitchy side, Ariana? XD Maybe give him a couple more eps and he'll be back scolding them from time to time lulz.
Oct 19, 2008 2:10 AM

Apr 2007
Alle's reaction to Lyle was sooo cute <3333
and Tieria acting nice is scary XD
Oct 19, 2008 2:14 AM

Mar 2008
Mhia said:
I'm rewatching that scene over and over. <3

Lmao. Missing his bitchy side, Ariana? XD Maybe give him a couple more eps and he'll be back scolding them from time to time lulz.

I'm still downloading the raw >_<
Well, for now I'm fine ahaha. That scene with Alle was too cute not to like it XD
But I'm sure T-chan won't be so cute forever XD Or at least he'll be bitchy around Lyle lulz.

Oct 19, 2008 2:28 AM

Nov 2007
I want HQ version + Sub. :D

"Nerai utsu ze!"

My question is.. will he get slapped? XD
Oct 19, 2008 2:56 AM

Mar 2008
I want subs too ;__; Shinsen preferably XD
For now gotta rewatch what I have XD

He definitely will get slapped *nods* XDDD

Oct 20, 2008 9:24 AM

Jun 2008
I just watched the third episode and I like it very much :DDDD

I must compliment both Sumeragi-san and Meisters for the plan and it's realization XD
And that scene with Allelujah and Soma-chan was cute XD Can't wait to find out what happened in their past...
Also, that one with Setsuna and Marina it the end---- "I'm crying cause you aren't..."
nice :D

Ariana said:

He definitely will get slapped *nods* XDDD

totally agree on this one :D
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Oct 20, 2008 1:33 PM

Mar 2008
Yes, that was one awesome plan from Sumeragi-san :D
And Ptolemaios 2 is amazing :D Finally a ship that can actually be useful in battle :D

Oct 20, 2008 2:19 PM

Jun 2008
Ariana said:
Yes, that was one awesome plan from Sumeragi-san :D
And Ptolemaios 2 is amazing :D Finally a ship that can actually be useful in battle :D

True :D
It can be a space ship, and it can be a submarine ;)
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Oct 26, 2008 1:32 AM

Apr 2007
"Masked Man ja nai! Mr. Bushido da!!"

rofl. I think he's getting a bit too much into his outfit XD
Oct 26, 2008 1:35 AM

Apr 2007

Setsuna/Graham battle was good. :D

Fieldt x Lyle kiss scene skjdfskflsk;lsdl;;sd';

x.x lol
Oct 26, 2008 1:35 AM

Nov 2007
^ Rofl. Mister Bushido. Makes me laugh. :D

HE GOT SLAPPED LOLOL. <3 It was cute when Lyle was playing with Haro (like a basketball) omgsh.

Alle and Sumeragi together sihdaskdjsdh. I wish, I so wish. But but wow, even more smiling Tieria~
Oct 26, 2008 1:40 AM

Apr 2007
I totally went all "awww" when he was playing with Haro. XDD

I loved the Alle/Sumeragi scenes too and I'm glad she officially decided to come back. I lol'd @ the scene at the end with her blushing and all. :P
Oct 26, 2008 2:15 AM

Nov 2007
& Setsuna and Marina's quick and in-sync reply to deny that they're lovers rofl.

But man, Billy.
Oct 26, 2008 3:15 AM

Mar 2008
Kinda late today lulz.

Not enough Tieria in this episode, but it was still good haha.
I'm starting to think Setsuna and Marina look cute together :D Loved it how they replied simultaneously to Mileina's question XDDD

Oh God, so it was Soma who gave Alle that name?! XDDD How could she! Lulz. Poor guy XD
Btw, Alle was such a sweet looking kid :D

So I was late here because I started to read those translations on LJ and my brain almost melted ahahaha. Sunrise is love ahahaha. [coz by "staff" they mean Sunrise's staff, not that magazine's staff, rite?XD]

And Lyle playing with Haro was awesome :D I'm really liking this guy :D

But the slap scene wasn't as I had expected ;__; Wanted some other CB guys to be there when that happened ;__;

So Alle never crashed his Gundamu, which means there's hope Marina will not sing ahahaha.

And lol, Graham... Mr. Bushido XDDD

Aaand, Sumeragi-san, what kind of uniform they gave her ahahaha.

Edit: How could I forget - Trans-Am! XDDD
ArianaOct 26, 2008 3:22 AM

Oct 27, 2008 3:07 AM

Jun 2008
I loved this episode!

Marina and Setsuna do look cute together lol!
But I wonder what will happen in the next episode...
She will probably leave Ptolomeus.

Ah and we found out a little about Allelujah's and Soma's past.
I only wish that she would stop calling him "Specimen 57" lol...

Hehe, Sumeragi-san's uniform really is good :DDD

And good slap to the new Lockon! He totally earned it :DDD
(even though he said he did it for her)
//“The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.”
Oct 27, 2008 6:22 AM

Jul 2007
Oh yes "Mister Bushido" .. totally.not.Graham. xD Rofl. Bushido's a funny name anyways :3

His battle with Setsuna though was good, short but good xD

And OMG the kiss <3 I lol'd at the part after he got slapped and he was like 'I was doing it for her anyway'. Lmao, he was so cute playing with the Haro too :3 (I still want my own Haro D:) I'm starting to grow on Lyle now, he's pretty cool. I kinda feel bad at how he's compared to his brother at times :[

I don't know why, but I have this feeling there's gunna be more towards Marina and Setsuna O.o Not sure what but ... I've felt that way since I saw UVERworld's opening for the first time. Heck they do look good together, I agree with you guys xD

All in all, another great episode xD

You told me to make you feel [color=#CC6600]like you're in heaven
Oct 27, 2008 6:27 AM

Jul 2008
Nice ep >w<

Alle and Marie's past is sad ;;

I'm not so much Sumeragi x Alle dunno wat will happen :P Alle seems to interested in more Marie XD

Lyle get slapped that wasnt surprising haha XD He acts the bad i think for saving distance with CB.

Marina and Setsuna haha they're such sweet :D Set is attacted by her :D
Oct 27, 2008 10:16 AM

Mar 2008
natsuki-chan-bg said:
But I wonder what will happen in the next episode...
She will probably leave Ptolomeus.

Setsuna will give Marina back to Shirin ahahaha. There was sth about it in the spoilers XD

And totally agree with Kimmie-chan, Lyle isn't in a very nice situation. I guess he really does look too similar to Neil and others can't help but compare him with his brother. Feel kinda bad for him too. And he's a fun character, I'm really liking him so far. Hope he will become a true, dedicated member of CB soon :D

And I want a Haro too ;__;

Oct 28, 2008 12:13 AM

Apr 2007
Graham My.Bushido scares me (again) D:
I just don't like his happy face. A man over 30 years should not have eyes that sparkle when ever he sees a gundam O.o

I'm starting to like Lyle a little bit more than Neil though I was expecting something different from the kiss-slap scene...

Sumeragi was really cute in this episode, especially at the end. It was nice to see her in action again and I'm glad she's starting to open up a bit more :D

Alle's past is the most interesting to me.
It seems that his quantum brain waves connected him to Marie. And I guess that Halle is the cause of the head pains in S1 since Alle didn't feel anything in the flashback and technically a second personality hasn't appeared yet, but that doesn't explain why Soma felt the pain. Maybe Soma is actually Marie's second personality and was able to take control of the body? Alle's comment in the last episode helps to prove this, "As I suspected, you have a different personality." I have thought about most of this before, but now there is more to support it. Gah! I can't wait for all this t be revealed >_<

On a less serious note, It was also cute when the color was added to the flashback :3
However it will probably just get dark again when bad things start to happen :[
Oct 28, 2008 1:31 PM

Nov 2007
Hahaha, like you said, Marina and Setsuna look good togheter... their answer to Milena's question was great XD

Also, I'm starting to like Lyle a bit more... he's an interesting character... :3~

Alle and Marie past was soooo beautiful, yet sad... ;_; loved it. I want to know more about them...

Momo-Hime said:
Alle's past is the most interesting to me.
It seems that his quantum brain waves connected him to Marie. And I guess that Halle is the cause of the head pains in S1 since Alle didn't feel anything in the flashback and technically a second personality hasn't appeared yet, but that doesn't explain why Soma felt the pain. Maybe Soma is actually Marie's second personality and was able to take control of the body? Alle's comment in the last episode helps to prove this, "As I suspected, you have a different personality." I have thought about most of this before, but now there is more to support it. Gah! I can't wait for all this t be revealed >_<
True. It seems like Soma really is another personality of Marie (just like Halle is (I can't accept he's gone D:) Alle's).

Momo-Hime said:
On a less serious note, It was also cute when the color was added to the flashback :3
Indeed. I loved the effect... it gave to the scene the perfect mood, togheter with the whole story about Alle's name. Even if Allelujah is a bit weird name, I loved the story about it and all the meaning it has both for Alle and Marie. Now I really like it :3

And... oh, Mr. Bushido... you never stop to amaze me...
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