Forum Settings
Jun 11, 7:19 AM

Feb 2011
FinalEpisode said:
The king of MAL thread could have been successful but you didn't try hard enough

Okay, fine. I don't like to leave things unfinished.

If you guys manage to fill all the slots, I'll do it. You can nominate as many users as you want up until limit, including yourself.

1. Longnines
2. Shizuna
3. OofMastre9000
4. JuiceOfGoose
5. viraat_pirate
6. -Fantastical-
7. 3miL
8. 4630_Yen_Chan
9. Absurdo_N
10. AdamBirch
11. AkeZZZ
12. Alriven
13. ame
14. anime
15. Animeistaken
16. asschewer
17. AverageRiceFan
18. BitChilly
19. camay1997
20. CeciliaAda
21. Chronon
22. cody
23. D_D_DJ
24. Daconator
25. daddymahitowo
26. DanzFcc
27. DetachedPersona
28. Deyuko
29. DigiCat
30. Dostojevskij
31. dreamingneon
32. DropOfLove
33. effy
34. emptymeadow
35. fausifahrial
36. FinalEpisode
37. Fleeting_Dream
38. Frebby
39. Fukamin
40. Gun
41. H-A-M-M-Y
42. HanamiDango
43. HeroKenzan_
44. I_shoot_kids_fr
45. iftsistrnn
46. iHateAnimeBro
47. IpreferEcchi
48. izuma
49. Joesaka
50. JusticeBastard
51. Kamijou
52. karemi_
53. katsukidayou
54. khoisharky
55. KingOfPneumos
56. Kioshi
57. Kyonman
58. Laniakea-
59. Lavi_Kun
60. Loyal_Sheepling
61. Luchipher-Zen
62. LunarMoonBow
63. ManWild
64. MarissaRob
65. MeanMrMusician
66. Megumin
67. MinakoBestGirl
68. MitsukiHimeka
69. mokkocchi
70. MonkeeDan
71. Mr_Libra
72. MUFFlN
73. NextUniverse
74. nishant0
75. NorthmostIsle
76. Nyarly-Kanamin
77. OniMage
78. Oshieteoshiete4
79. pillowofwinds
80. Pinoffin
81. playfulcloud88
82. PreachElectrick
83. Precedex
84. Protoself
85. R-unknown
86. ria
87. Ricchan
88. Rinrinka
89. Saeryen
90. Sanksimilian
91. sekai-
92. Serafos
93. Seth
94. Sir-C
95. SongOfCreation
96. StyxParadise
97. Thereisnoonehere
98. Thinkpad
99. Timeline_man
100. tinshard
101. tired
102. tsukareru
103. Uruururoroa
104. VivaceRex
105. Waffles_
106. Wendy
107. YungStairwell
108. Zedlin
109. Zetsu_95
110. zzz
111. 0bdurate
112. Dinoe
Shizuna9 hours ago

Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 11, 7:21 AM

Jul 2021
Jun 11, 7:21 AM

Jan 2022
1. NextUniverse
Jun 11, 7:26 AM
Jul 2018
Thanks daddymahitowo ๐Ÿ˜˜

I nominate I shoot kids fr
Jun 11, 7:28 AM

Dec 2011
@IpreferEcchi for nomination
โœงห–°The blade dancesโœงห–°

Jun 11, 7:29 AM

Jun 2016
Serafos is already the king.

๐“๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ

Jun 11, 7:55 AM

Feb 2020
me being at 3 shows how rigged this shit is... anyways I vote my beloved dosto
Jun 11, 1:17 PM

Feb 2011
Looks like it's a flop, I forfeit.

Jun 11, 1:20 PM

Nov 2023
whaaa nooo

Add camay and onimage
Jun 11, 1:42 PM

Jun 2020
Shizuna said:
Looks like it's a flop, I forfeit

Well it was bound to be a flop with recommendations like these

May the thread Perish โ˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
JusticeBastardJun 11, 5:37 PM
Jun 11, 1:43 PM

Dec 2011
Nuuuu it seemed like a cool tournament ;-;
โœงห–°The blade dancesโœงห–°

Jun 11, 1:44 PM

Jun 2020
It did??

Anyways I'll recommend @daddymahitowo then


vv can you really recommend multiple people?? If so then I'll aslo recommend my pimp @waffles_

Tho i wouldn't mind if the thread perishes

JusticeBastardJun 11, 5:37 PM
Jun 11, 1:46 PM

Nov 2023
Even tho she’s the queen I wanna see Wendoka up there too
Jun 11, 1:52 PM

May 2024
I nominate Kyonman, Wendoka, Serafos and Snipestrike as well as Playfulcloud88
Jun 11, 2:46 PM

Jun 2023
I'll nominate 4630_Yen_Chan
Jun 12, 2:35 AM
Jul 2018
recommend myself 20 times
Jun 12, 2:37 AM

Jun 2020
Loving the new avatar @_--UwU--_
Jun 12, 2:39 AM
Jul 2018
thanks man, appreciate it
I took so long to find T_T
Jul 2, 12:15 PM

Jun 2024
Jul 2, 1:48 PM

Oct 2011
the last user popularity contest i remember was also a flop. never been a fan of them or user popularity contests in disguise (best/worst taste in X).

now anime character tournaments! แ•™(•ฬ€โ€ธ•ฬโ€ถ)แ•— someone bring back the waifu wars
Jul 9, 6:09 AM

Jan 2024
This died hard

It's okay if you forget me

Jul 9, 6:11 AM

Nov 2009
Wonder why *giggle
"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"

- HP1 forever fave quote

//This was quoted in the year of 2009
Jul 9, 6:12 AM

Jan 2024
Dostojevskij said:
Wonder why *giggle

Nvm, you da king of Olympics anyways

It's okay if you forget me

Jul 9, 6:14 AM

Feb 2020
I nominate my glorious king dosto (โ ใฃโ ห˜โ ะทโ (โ ห˜โ โŒฃโ ห˜โ  โ )
Jul 9, 6:15 AM

Nov 2023
Dosto is already king of fg ๐Ÿ‘‘
Jul 9, 6:19 AM

Jul 2016
playfulcloud88 said:
Dosto is already king of fg ๐Ÿ‘‘

No I am

Look at all the games I made as of 2019

1726787 (Options in 1st post) Which School Days character is the user above?
1741381 (RULES IN 1ST POST) Guess the above user's Enneagram!
1699438 (WHAT COMBINATION) of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride is the user above?
1685738 1-10, how safeguarded is the above user's virginity?
1606019 10 anime characters like ?
1728784 10 anime characters with ?
1736337 Act more degenerate than the person above you
1723530 Angels vs. Demons
1737854 Are You Ever!?
1723829 Are they a Demon, Ghost, Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, or Zombie?
1740844 Are you ready for _____?
1715140 Are your favorite characters sexier or the user's above you?
1678783 Ask the user below an Anime First.
1696085 Based on avatar/signature/profile, rate 1-10 how degenerate the above user is.
1736186 Biggest bitch or asshole in the above user's favorite characters? XD
1717295 Biggest sadist and biggest masochist in the above user's favorite characters
1589460 Booty Game
1708118 Break down one of the above user's favorite characters into fetishes
1766411 Can you believe it?
1695137 Challenge! Write a story (one word at a time) where each word starts with the last letter.
1758490 Could you beat me in a contest of _____?
1724472 DO you have the fetish above?
1589186 Defeat the loli above with another loli.
1595521 Defeat the oppai above with other oppai.
1757839 Describe the anime above in a lewd way
1724895 Describe the anime character above in two words.
1717649 Do you want the avatar above you in a hentai?
1763684 Does the above user's current avatar suit their personality?
1718462 Does the avatar above spit or swallow?
1715141 Does the thing above make sense to you?
1732208 Does the user above have shit taste?
1738635 Does the user above have too much free time?
1598650 Dominate the avatar above with your avatar.
1714415 Everyone is a girl. What type of pantsu does the person above wear?
1700831 Fans of (that anime) are _____.
1731797 Finish the sentence to make it not sexual
1727412 Force two characters to fuck each other from the user above!
1740639 Give permission for the user below to shit talk something about you
1584964 Give shoutouts to friends for something!
1592610 GOOD Idea or BAD Idea Game
1760104 Guess how the user above would have finished their sentence
1676014 Guess if the avatar above you is gay or straight
1698887 Guess the above user's political ideology.
1747669 Harshly criticize the anime above!
1682996 Harshly judge the above user for one of their Completed or Watching anime.
1670187 Highly praise the person above you based on their favorite characters.
1692169 Harshly judge the person above you based on their friends list
1753934 How likely do you think _____?
1738246 How many brain cells do you lose watching the anime above?
1711750 How many fetishes does the person above you have?
1728758 How many partners has the avatar above slept with?
1726154 How many sins does the user above need to repent for?
1741623 How to tame the avatar above?
1729472 Hurt 1 of the 3 fetishes above!
1716611 Hurt 1 of the 5 anime above!
1717809 Hurt 1 of the 5 characters above!
1731233 Hurt 1 of the anime things above!
1645860 I look at MAL, and I see... (finish the thought)
1763495 I would date you if
1691632 I would send you a friend request, but... (finish the thought)
1599180 I'm so horny, I would... (continue that sentence!)
1717264 If I see another _____, I'll _____. (fill in the blanks)
1591139 If the user above threw a party IRL, what would happen?
1735517 If the user above was a pet, what would their temperament be?
1730391 If the user above was a serial killer, what would their trademark be?
1737473 If you met the above poster in a Dark Alley: How would you feel?
1717037 If you were anime characters, would you be in a hentai with the user above you?
1709351 If you were forced to swap forum sets with the above user, would you be happy or not?
1738679 If you're God, why is the user above forbidden in the Heavens?
1734498 Is it a wise way to spend your time?
1730544 Is it gay or not?
1757274 Is it something to be proud of?
1768128 Is the avatar above a boy, girl, or some other gender?!
1714168 Is the avatar above a ho or not?
1721221 Is the avatar above a virgin or not?
1725234 Is the avatar above legal or not?
1726632 Is the thing above degenerate?
1745858 Is the user above Atheist, Monotheist, Polytheist, Spiritualist, Agnostic, or God themself?
1718988 Is the user above a Thot or Not?
1718393 Is the user above a Waterbender, Earthbender, Firebender, or Airbender?
1736713 Is the user above a cult leader, cult follower, or neither?
1693054 Is the user above a good match for you?
1725896 Is the user above a lolicon, shotacon, both, or FBI?
1731940 Is the user above a sick fuck?
1731063 Is the user above more or less lewd than you?
1733757 Is the user above the right or wrong gender?
1726598 Is there sexual tension between the two avatars above?
1598872 Let's make an erotic fanfic three words at a time.
1703038 Let's think of every mistake the anime fandom made
1715829 Look at the friends list of the user above and tag one you think has a weird or scary picture
1591387 Make a conspiracy theory about the above user.
1737114 Most disturbing thing in above user's Favorites
1690502 My face when... (with anime GIFs!)
1734899 Name an anime or character you never heard of from the above user's Favorites
1592423 Name every anime that has sexy characters/moments.
1606636 Name the darkest places on the internet.
1588439 On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you fuck the avatar/sig above?
1721696 On a scale of 1-10, how annoying is the user above to you?
1694260 On a scale of 1-10, how big an attention whore is the user above?
1712012 On a scale of 1-10, how bitchy is the avatar above?
1724966 On a scale of 1-10, how cancerous is the user above?
1752691 On a scale of 1-10, how cuddly do you think the user above is?
1708575 On a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to trigger the user above you?
1738495 On a scale of 1-10, how greedy is the user above?
1677644 On a scale of 1-10, how horny is the user above today?
1706796 On a scale of 1-10, how likely does the avatar above have STDs?
1687458 On a scale of 1-10, how promiscuous is the avatar above?
1736360 On a scale of 1-10, how stinky are the above avatar's farts?
1591930 One character is a bully and one is bullied by them. Who do you love?
1712301 Pick 1 character to dominate and 1 character to submit to from the above user's favorites.
1733009 Pick a good waifu and a shit waifu from the above user's favorites
1735702 Pick the TWO most degenerate anime in the above user's favorites
1696764 Post a GIF from an anime the above user plans to watch.
1664291 Post a funny/weird gif of one of the above user's favorite CHARACTERS
1688272 Post a random GIF from any anime the user above completed.
1686931 Post a song that sounds good from one of the above user's favorite anime.
1744219 Post an opinion you think the user above has
1735531 Post fan fiction of one of the above user's favorites!
1590255 Post pictures of your favorite anime at their absolute best.
1595887 Post random trivia about something.
1692809 Post the weirdest show(s) from the above user's PTW.
1590942 Post your ULTIMATE PURPOSE on MAL.
1584407 Promote a topic you or someone else has made!
1589762 Prove with a pic that one of the above user's anime is serious business.
1666969 Rate (1-10) the lewd anime/manga art above! No nudity.
1758947 Rate 1-10 how _____ I am!
1736708 Rate 1-10 how classy the user above is
1692092 Rate from 1-10 how blunt the user is above you
1690046 Rate from 1-10 how narcissistic the user above is
1634315 Rate the anime above based on its MAL picture alone.
1705584 Rate the curviness of the above user.
1740219 Rate the hobby above!
1765768 Rate the law proposed by the user above!
1749211 Rate the pun (anime or otherwise) above!
1715652 Rate the trashiness of the user above you
1733736 Rate the user above 1-10 based on a random attribute
1678817 Rate the weeb levels coming from the poster above.
1665603 Reasons to fuck or not to fuck favorite characters of theirs!
1713352 Replace a word in an anime title with any anime character or part of another title!
1714193 Reply with desu at the end desu
1752980 Say something about one of my (anime score)
1697359 Say something gay to the user above you.
1725586 Say something to the next user mixing English and Japanese words
1730735 Seduce the user above/below with an anime GIF~
1704608 Ship the user above with any anime character!
1733195 Ship the user above with one of their own favorite characters
1721402 Shit non-weebs say.
1594763 Spoil an anime but substitute nouns from another
1698235 Tag someone you AGREE with about SOMETHING.
1685440 Tag someone you disagree with about something.
1702142 Take credit for things users did
1727269 Tell the user above that they're a bad boy/bad girl
1591431 Tell why any of the above user's fav. characters are bad in your opinion.
1686413 The gayest/most lesbian character in the above user's favs?
1731869 The user above is your boss. What do they want you to do?
1710465 The user above kissu you. Chuu~
1725679 The user above left buried treasure. What is it?
1696998 The year is the above user's post count. If you were living in that year, how would it be?
1708649 Thing You Don't Have In Common With The Person Above (OR tag someone)
1696398 Thing for whatever
1688339 Things that objectively indicate good anime taste or shit taste!
1693135 Things that were a mistake
1712049 Things you shouldn't do as a weeb in Japan
1729533 Things you're proud of?
1722579 Tits vs Ass
1702155 Was the anime above a mistake?
1705785 Was the character above a mistake?
1733935 What COMPULSION does the user above have?
1731943 What EMOTION is the avatar above feeling?
1690548 What can you tell about the above user by looking at their profile?
1761439 What does an ideal date look like for the user above?
1740840 What is the above user's Final Form?
1736929 What kind of Pokemon Trainer would the user above be?
1695084 What lewd activity would you let the avatar/sig above do to you?
1723520 What movie villain is the user above?
1738034 What mythological being is the user above?
1605777 What part of the body does the user above love?
1769717 What teachings does the user above live by?
1764148 What time period does the user above want to live in?
1749700 What type of enemy spawn from a game is the user above?
1670084 What would the avatar above do to you?
1707398 What's the best feature of the above user's signature?
1727915 What's the cure for _____?
1764155 What's the makeup of the above user's computer files?
1612531 What's the most obscure anime on the above user's list?
1686153 What's the user above doing right now?
1723134 What's your MBTI? (Forum Games edition.)
1667452 What's your stripper name? Anime edition.
1731253 Where is the above AVATAR's erogenous zone?
1607673 Where is the above user's erogenous zone?
1592111 Where would you fuck?
1589124 Which anime character(s)...
1747105 Which anime girl is the user above?
1673371 Which anime is THE WORST in the above user's PTW?
1731747 Which character is the dumbest in the above user's favorites?
1715931 Which favorite character above is most likely to cheat, and which is most likely to kill?
1690451 Which favorite character from the above user would you fuck the most?
1735140 Which favorite character from the user above is the most IMMATURE?
1721479 Which favorite character is the trashiest in the user's favorites above?
1682699 Which favorite character of the user above is the biggest slut or fuckboy?
1714568 Which of the two users above you is a bigger thot?
1595950 Who is in the above user's signature?
1723738 Would You Ever!?
1728074 Would you let the avatar above dominate you?
1713630 Would you pay the avatar above for sex if they were a prostitute?
1734413 You know there's no hope for you when
1724732 You know you're _____ when...
1730522 You must let the avatar above Verbally Abuse, Beat, Fart On, Lick, Pet, Strip, or Tie you up!
1714621 Your favorite characters and the favorite characters of the person above try to seduce each other. Whose get fucked?
1591459 [UPDATED] What's your weeaboo nickname? (CHARTS INSIDE.)
Yesterday, 8:03 AM

Feb 2011
FinalEpisode said:
The king of MAL thread could have been successful but you didn't try hard enough

Okay, fine. I don't like to leave things unfinished.

If you guys manage to fill all the slots, I'll do it. You can nominate as many users as you want up until limit, including yourself.

Yesterday, 8:05 AM

Jun 2024
Fill 128 slots?

Yesterday, 8:09 AM

Feb 2011
Yep. We'll do a large tournament.

Yesterday, 8:13 AM

Feb 2011
I suppose I could shamelessly steal the list from @Frebby , but nominating is part of the fun after all.

Yesterday, 8:16 AM

Jun 2024
Do we have 128 unique people on FG ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Yesterday, 8:29 AM

Jun 2024
I nominate Longnines
Yesterday, 10:47 AM

Aug 2021
I nominate Shizuna
Yesterday, 10:48 AM

May 2022
I nominate OofMastre9000
"It's just one of those days when you don't want to wake up, everything is fudged, everybody sucks, you don't really know why but you want to justify ripping someone's head off."
-John Cena, Romanian Philosopher and former politician

Yesterday, 10:59 AM

Feb 2011
I nominate JuiceOfGoose, viraat_pirate and -Fantastical-.

Yesterday, 1:32 PM

Jun 2024
I nominate everyone that was in frebby hunger games

Yesterday, 1:34 PM

Jun 2024
why need to all this, everybody knows that i am the queen
Yesterday, 1:35 PM

Jun 2024

Yesterday, 7:10 PM

Jan 2024
We have 128 users?!

It's okay if you forget me

Yesterday, 7:12 PM

Aug 2017
mal fg been in competitive vibes lately, but also kinda dead ๐Ÿ˜”

ใ€€ ใ€€ ใ€€I wield the sword to vanquish my enemies,
. . nothing more. ใ€€ ใ€€ ใ€€ ใ€€๏‹œ ใ€€ ใ€€

Yesterday, 7:13 PM

Jun 2024
not competitive, just a buch of random events, trying to replicate...
Yesterday, 7:15 PM

Jan 2024
It's been so dead lately...
I feel like the same users are replying in the same thread...
Where'd the others go?
Did they just randomly get a long vacation or smth?

It's okay if you forget me

Yesterday, 7:22 PM

May 2022
I nominate @0bdurate
"It's just one of those days when you don't want to wake up, everything is fudged, everybody sucks, you don't really know why but you want to justify ripping someone's head off."
-John Cena, Romanian Philosopher and former politician

Yesterday, 7:28 PM

Oct 2011
^^ welcome to fg where users get replaced every couple of months

i nominate Dinoe
11 hours ago

Feb 2020
^ idk man I've been here for 3 yrs now and I've never seen forums this dead before เฒ โ ๏ธตโ เฒ 
11 hours ago

Jun 2024
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
^ idk man I've been here for 3 yrs now and I've never seen forums this dead before เฒ โ ๏ธตโ เฒ 

10 hours ago

Oct 2011
it's been in different states of dead since 2018ish ¯\_ (ใƒ„)_/¯
it had a short resurgence during the first years of covid and then dead again
it's all pale in comparison to when we would consistently 10k a chat thread in 3 weeks
10 hours ago
cinnamon girl โ™ก

Apr 2021
how am i a king? DON'T MISGENDER ME !!!

i do not worship gods, i am god
10 hours ago

Feb 2020
the thread title says king, I'm sorry mam ๐Ÿ˜” if you somehow managed to win this tournament you gotta change your gender or give up on your position ๐Ÿ˜ž
8 hours ago
cinnamon girl โ™ก

Apr 2021
I_shoot_kids_fr said:
give up on your position


i do not worship gods, i am god
Pages (2) [1] 2 »

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