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May 29, 2023 6:18 AM
May 2023

I genuinely don't understand how people can condemn human Griffith for anything he did.

With regards to the sacrifice in the Eclipse, I'm going to be using the concept of INFORMED CONSENT to explain why Griffith did nothing wrong.

The sacrifice in the Eclipse was an agreement to a CONTRACT, and not everybody can give informed consent to those kinds of bargains. In law today, MENTALLY ILL people are unable to consent to contracts and cannot be made accountable for their consequences (I'm using legal arguments as examples of my MORAL beliefs in PRACTICE so please don't start talking about how legality =/= morality, as I'm sure you'd all agree that this law is good in that it protects vulnerable accepting parties from exploitation). This is because mentally ill people lack the capacity to fully comprehend their actions and the consequences of forming a contract.

To be more specific, not every mental illness can or should qualify as a defense. Personality disorders such as BPD and psychopathy do not qualify, because they still possess all of their faculties and are able to understand their actions and show clear intent. Mental illnesses that impede on a person's ability to perceive reality and give informed consent/intent however can ABSOLUTELY be used as a defense to absolve accountability.

This applies SOUNDLY to Griffith. 

This is a man who had just endured an entire year of ceaseless mental and physical torture in the Wyndham dungeon, being deprived of basic human necessities like sunlight or sufficient food and water. He was branded, flailed, whipped, boiled, jabbed with sharp needles, had his tendons severed, his tongue cut out etc etc.

The result left him mentally broken. He showcased erratic violent behavior in his confused and emaciated state (tried to strangle Guts), experienced frequent hallucinations (often conjured by the God Hand) during which he had NO AWARENESS OF HIS EXTERNAL SURROUNDINGS, and most damning of all, he attempted to commit SUICIDE about 10 minutes before being coerced into signing the contract. 

Even the way the Behelit only activates at the owner's most mentally unstable point indicates that the contract for the ascension to a God Hand/Apostle member is inherently coercive BY DESIGN.

These symptoms clearly prove that Griffith was not in the necessary mental state to be able to give INFORMED CONSENT to any contract. He is LEGALLY and MORALLY blameless. 

But that's not all. 

Minors are also unable to give informed consent to any contract, because they are not developed enough to truly understand its conditions or the consequences of agreeing to them. You might say that Griffith wasn't a child and so he knew what he was doing and the consequences of his actions, but that is ignoring the OTHER aspect of being a minor that means that you're unable to give consent.

Most important is the UNEQUAL POWER DYNAMIC between parties. There is such a power imbalance of understanding and trust between a knowing adult and an unknowing minor that any mutual agreement between them of this nature HAS to be considered invalid. Now, I would argue (quite controversially) that the power dynamic between a suicidal emaciated man in a hallucinogenic state being faced with a situation beyond his comprehension and SEEMINGLY OMNISCIENT ELDRITCH BEINGS who can literally READ MINDS and act on the will of God is a MUCH more severe power dynamic between an adult and a minor, and is FAR too coercive to be considered non-coercive and valid.

It's with this unequal power dynamic of knowledge and understanding that the God Hand LIED about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed. After framing themselves as being pure objective truth tellers and emissaries of God's will, Slan says this:

"Behold, the gifts that await you, at the summit of your bloody quest. Your comrades, each a feather in your wing, have carried you to your great cause. They will surely forgive you, for they have always loved you. Entrust your wounded soul and tattered body to them and you will have life EVERLASTING."

Slan is lying about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed as informed by the fact that she can read their minds. Griffith acted on the PERCEIVED consent of his men as MANUFACTURED by the God Hand. Her words usher up an image of an afterlife after death, where the Hawks will realize his intentions and celebrate in his successes, which is a far cry from the eternal vortex of souls with endless suffering that the God Hand NEVER told Griffith about.

It's clear from this that the only ones who we can level responsibility towards is the God Hand for taking advantage of him in a vulnerable state of mind, regardless of whether he is at fault for getting himself into that state of mind in the first place (which is much too indirect to draw a line of direct responsibility between Griffith being tortured and being manipulated by angelic beings no one knew existed beforehand). Human Griffith did nothing wrong in this context.

If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life.

(Please don't bring up Femto's rape of Casca in the replies as I am writing a follow-up post about that. Keep it about the SACRIFICE. Griffith's personality was artificially altered by the transformation so HUMAN Griffith isn't accountable for Femto raping Casca).

I also have a post explaining why Griffith was empathetic and not selfish coming.
SichlittMay 29, 2023 6:30 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
May 29, 2023 6:27 AM

Sep 2021
ain't reading all that just to deny you
May 29, 2023 6:27 AM
Feb 2021
brooo let him cook
May 29, 2023 6:32 AM
Jul 2022
First of all, I am not reading all that.
Secondly, You're wrong.
Lastly, Shut up.
May 29, 2023 6:34 AM
Nov 2022
anime fans have the same 3 jokes
May 29, 2023 6:35 AM
May 2023
rorokelly1 said:
First of all, I am not reading all that.
Secondly, You're wrong.
Lastly, Shut up.
Average Guts stan got no arguments.
May 29, 2023 6:36 AM
Mar 2022
Yeah, but Griffith isn't the main villain of the story during the Golden Age Arc. He becomes the villain after he transforms into Femto. Before that, he was just as grey of a character as literally any Band of the Hawk member.

Nobody is blaming Griffith before the transformation. All the hate for him comes from things he did after he became Femto. You're trying to argue against people that don't exist.

You aren't even saying anything controversial, but the phrasing of the title is just asking for people to troll you. I'd recommend changing it at the very least. Maybe try making it about Griffith's transformation into a villain.

In general, most people won't read all that before trolling you in the comments.
May 29, 2023 6:36 AM
Feb 2022
Berserk fanbase in a nutshell
May 29, 2023 6:38 AM
May 2023
RandomPerson9348 said:
Yeah, but Griffith isn't the main villain of the story during the Golden Age Arc. He becomes the villain after he transforms into Femto. Before that, he was just as grey of a character as literally any Band of the Hawk member.

Nobody is blaming Griffith before the transformation. All the hate for him comes from things he did after he became Femto. You're trying to argue against people that don't exist.

You aren't even saying anything controversial, but the phrasing of the title is just asking for people to troll you.
Are you living under a rock? Last I checked people were pretty mad at Griffith for sacrificing the Hawks AS A HUMAN, alongside all of the "narcissist" discourse.
May 29, 2023 6:38 AM
Oct 2022
do people unironically still believe in this whole thing 😭
May 29, 2023 6:42 AM

Mar 2013
KanataX said:
do people unironically still believe in this whole thing 😭
I hate to say it, but this guy seems legit.

Schlitt's Youtube Channel

One of his videos

I admit, I was kind of harsh to report this as a troll between this hot take and the recent MAL creation. I do not agree with you, but at least you appear to be serious, or at least putting effort into your trolling. That deserves some commendation, I suppose.

This unhinged, vitrolic hate frothing at the mouth for Griffith keeps them from appreciating how well-written Berserk is
Spoken like a true 19 year old. I feel embarassed, but the general consensus is that Griffith did not fundamentally "change" in the manner you are describing him as he transformed into Femto. There was no biological neurological changes here to his personality. This was him throwing away the last bit of humanity by his own accord, changing his worldview to suit his actions and past actions.

Raping Casca was not only excessive, but a choice done by Griffith. He and Femto are clearly the same person, and this interpretation is the only one that really works for his character arc; in a way, it is not different from Brightburn and Homelander. 

The major issue with Brightburn is that hitting puberty turned Brandon into a sociopath overnight, whereas Homelander became who he was by both his circumstances and just what he desired. Griffith is very much the latter. That is kind of the point, as it is with every apostle. They may be manipulated, but their choices are still wholly of their own agency. Berserk is a novel that explores determinism as well as human indecency. 
PeripheralVisionMay 29, 2023 6:50 AM
May 29, 2023 6:44 AM
Mar 2022
Sichlitt said:
RandomPerson9348 said:
Yeah, but Griffith isn't the main villain of the story during the Golden Age Arc. He becomes the villain after he transforms into Femto. Before that, he was just as grey of a character as literally any Band of the Hawk member.

Nobody is blaming Griffith before the transformation. All the hate for him comes from things he did after he became Femto. You're trying to argue against people that don't exist.

You aren't even saying anything controversial, but the phrasing of the title is just asking for people to troll you.
Are you living under a rock? Last I checked people were pretty mad at Griffith for sacrificing the Hawks AS A HUMAN, alongside all of the "narcissist" discourse.

Yes, it's a very nice rock, thank you. The internet is bad sometimes, but I manage.

I don't understand why you're being so aggressive when I'm not even trying to criticize you. I'm just saying that your title and the length of the post is just going to attract more people who are just going to
get angry at you.

Someone getting angry at Griffith for sacrificing the band makes no sense to me. It wouldn't make sense to me even if Griffith was in full control of himself. It's true to his character at that time, and not even the worst thing we have seen by that point.
May 29, 2023 6:45 AM
May 2023
Koomlo said:
Nobody will read all that but you must have no life to write all that just to troll.
I just copied and pasted it from my youtube video script.
May 29, 2023 6:46 AM
May 2023
RandomPerson9348 said:
Sichlitt said:
Are you living under a rock? Last I checked people were pretty mad at Griffith for sacrificing the Hawks AS A HUMAN, alongside all of the "narcissist" discourse.

Yes, it's a very nice rock, thank you. The internet is bad sometimes, but I manage.

I don't understand why you're being so aggressive when I'm not even trying to criticize you. I'm just saying that your title and the length of the post is just going to attract more people who are just going to get angry at you.

Someone getting angry at Griffith for sacrificing the band makes no sense to me. It wouldn't make sense to me even if Griffith was in full control of himself. It's true to his character at that time, and not even the worst thing we have seen by that point.
Didn't mean to come across as aggressive, sorry about that.
May 29, 2023 6:46 AM
May 2023
Koomlo said:
This reminds me there are people who unironically believe Hitler did nothing wrong.
They're not even remotely similar. I defend Griffith cos I care about the value of consent and empathy.
May 29, 2023 6:55 AM
Mar 2022
Making a new post because you already replied to the other one.

Here is some criticism that I WOULD say - I personally wouldn't read a high fantasy story and apply the laws and rules of our world to it. Just like our medieval times, morality and laws are very different in such a world.

Killing someone in a self-sanctioned "duel" is illegal right now, but I'm pretty sure that killing someone in a "duel" would be 100% legal in the Berserk world. The same can go for slavery. It's illegal here, but it would probably be legal there.

Defences of mental illness are probably invalid in the Berserk world, and characters react based on these rules.

I'm guessing that you're trying to apply our rules to it because you're commenting on our mentality and not the story itself? If so, then I would PERSONALLY not accept it because I don't believe that even mental illness should be a valid defense to not throw someone in jail for murder.
May 29, 2023 7:06 AM
Dec 2022
Sichlitt said:

I genuinely don't understand how people can condemn human Griffith for anything he did.

With regards to the sacrifice in the Eclipse, I'm going to be using the concept of INFORMED CONSENT to explain why Griffith did nothing wrong.

The sacrifice in the Eclipse was an agreement to a CONTRACT, and not everybody can give informed consent to those kinds of bargains. In law today, MENTALLY ILL people are unable to consent to contracts and cannot be made accountable for their consequences (I'm using legal arguments as examples of my MORAL beliefs in PRACTICE so please don't start talking about how legality =/= morality, as I'm sure you'd all agree that this law is good in that it protects vulnerable accepting parties from exploitation). This is because mentally ill people lack the capacity to fully comprehend their actions and the consequences of forming a contract.

To be more specific, not every mental illness can or should qualify as a defense. Personality disorders such as BPD and psychopathy do not qualify, because they still possess all of their faculties and are able to understand their actions and show clear intent. Mental illnesses that impede on a person's ability to perceive reality and give informed consent/intent however can ABSOLUTELY be used as a defense to absolve accountability.

This applies SOUNDLY to Griffith. 

This is a man who had just endured an entire year of ceaseless mental and physical torture in the Wyndham dungeon, being deprived of basic human necessities like sunlight or sufficient food and water. He was branded, flailed, whipped, boiled, jabbed with sharp needles, had his tendons severed, his tongue cut out etc etc.

The result left him mentally broken. He showcased erratic violent behavior in his confused and emaciated state (tried to strangle Guts), experienced frequent hallucinations (often conjured by the God Hand) during which he had NO AWARENESS OF HIS EXTERNAL SURROUNDINGS, and most damning of all, he attempted to commit SUICIDE about 10 minutes before being coerced into signing the contract. 

Even the way the Behelit only activates at the owner's most mentally unstable point indicates that the contract for the ascension to a God Hand/Apostle member is inherently coercive BY DESIGN.

These symptoms clearly prove that Griffith was not in the necessary mental state to be able to give INFORMED CONSENT to any contract. He is LEGALLY and MORALLY blameless. 

But that's not all. 

Minors are also unable to give informed consent to any contract, because they are not developed enough to truly understand its conditions or the consequences of agreeing to them. You might say that Griffith wasn't a child and so he knew what he was doing and the consequences of his actions, but that is ignoring the OTHER aspect of being a minor that means that you're unable to give consent.

Most important is the UNEQUAL POWER DYNAMIC between parties. There is such a power imbalance of understanding and trust between a knowing adult and an unknowing minor that any mutual agreement between them of this nature HAS to be considered invalid. Now, I would argue (quite controversially) that the power dynamic between a suicidal emaciated man in a hallucinogenic state being faced with a situation beyond his comprehension and SEEMINGLY OMNISCIENT ELDRITCH BEINGS who can literally READ MINDS and act on the will of God is a MUCH more severe power dynamic between an adult and a minor, and is FAR too coercive to be considered non-coercive and valid.

It's with this unequal power dynamic of knowledge and understanding that the God Hand LIED about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed. After framing themselves as being pure objective truth tellers and emissaries of God's will, Slan says this:

"Behold, the gifts that await you, at the summit of your bloody quest. Your comrades, each a feather in your wing, have carried you to your great cause. They will surely forgive you, for they have always loved you. Entrust your wounded soul and tattered body to them and you will have life EVERLASTING."

Slan is lying about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed as informed by the fact that she can read their minds. Griffith acted on the PERCEIVED consent of his men as MANUFACTURED by the God Hand. Her words usher up an image of an afterlife after death, where the Hawks will realize his intentions and celebrate in his successes, which is a far cry from the eternal vortex of souls with endless suffering that the God Hand NEVER told Griffith about.

It's clear from this that the only ones who we can level responsibility towards is the God Hand for taking advantage of him in a vulnerable state of mind, regardless of whether he is at fault for getting himself into that state of mind in the first place (which is much too indirect to draw a line of direct responsibility between Griffith being tortured and being manipulated by angelic beings no one knew existed beforehand). Human Griffith did nothing wrong in this context.

If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life.

(Please don't bring up Femto's rape of Casca in the replies as I am writing a follow-up post about that. Keep it about the SACRIFICE. Griffith's personality was artificially altered by the transformation so HUMAN Griffith isn't accountable for Femto raping Casca).

I also have a post explaining why Griffith was empathetic and not selfish coming.

it's probably what he did after taking the God hand powers that triggers people because as seen by everyone the eclipse isn't caused by Griffith, I mean he's bruised and battered in the least
he is a broken man, it's after that upsets everyone and well casca ofc
May 29, 2023 7:08 AM
May 2023
RandomPerson9348 said:
Making a new post because you already replied to the other one.

Here is some criticism that I WOULD say - I personally wouldn't read a high fantasy story and apply the laws and rules of our world to it. Just like our medieval times, morality and laws are very different in such a world.

Killing someone in a self-sanctioned "duel" is illegal right now, but I'm pretty sure that killing someone in a "duel" would be 100% legal in the Berserk world. The same can go for slavery. It's illegal here, but it would probably be legal there.

Defences of mental illness are probably invalid in the Berserk world, and characters react based on these rules.

I'm guessing that you're trying to apply our rules to it because you're commenting on our mentality and not the story itself? If so, then I would PERSONALLY not accept it because I don't believe that even mental illness should be a valid defense to not throw someone in jail for murder.
You seem to have missed the part of the post where I explained that I did not appeal to legality in and of itself. I used my own MORAL arguments and gave legal examples to show those beliefs in practice.
Mental illness is of course a valid defense to murder, because to make someone accountable for a crime they must show the necessary mens rea of intent. You can't condemn a person for being taken advantage of when they literally don't even know where they are and can't think properly. If you do then you're supporting exploitation and manipulation.
May 29, 2023 7:09 AM
Dec 2020
You are a fool. Pls stop being a fool
OrphoosMay 29, 2023 7:21 AM
May 29, 2023 7:11 AM

Dec 2021
I kinda just skimmed what you said, but this is what I gotta say

he killed his whole squad (except for guts and casca) just to become a God hand because he was close to dying. That's pretty unethical

he was a terrible person since day one and shoulda died
"Tits don't make the woman. It's the ass." - Darx
May 29, 2023 7:20 AM
Dec 2020
Wait actly now I think abt it ur argument is that he is mentally ill so he shld be forgiven

Does it mean that Chris Chan is absolved of all sin? If a guy is mentally ill doesn’t mean that nth he does is wrong bro. If that is ur argument maybe this post is satire.
May 29, 2023 7:29 AM
May 2023
mason_black said:
I kinda just skimmed what you said, but this is what I gotta say

he killed his whole squad (except for guts and casca) just to become a God hand because he was close to dying. That's pretty unethical

he was a terrible person since day one and shoulda died
So you didn't even skim it.
May 29, 2023 7:30 AM
May 2023
Orphoos said:
Wait actly now I think abt it ur argument is that he is mentally ill so he shld be forgiven

Does it mean that Chris Chan is absolved of all sin? If a guy is mentally ill doesn’t mean that nth he does is wrong bro. If that is ur argument maybe this post is satire.
You must've missed the part of my post where I explained that personality disorders can't be used as an excuse because they still possess the ability to discern right from wrong and have full possession of their faculties. This applies to Chris Chan's autism.
May 29, 2023 7:34 AM
Feb 2021
bruh what he did to casca is just unforgivable, theres no amount of "well technically☝️🤓" that can prove the opposite
May 29, 2023 7:35 AM
May 2023
Koomlo said:
"If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life."

The best part of this deep and analytically intellectual post.
And they have the gall to condemn Femto smh
May 29, 2023 7:45 AM
May 2023
PeripheralVision said:
KanataX said:
do people unironically still believe in this whole thing 😭
I hate to say it, but this guy seems legit.

Schlitt's Youtube Channel

One of his videos

I admit, I was kind of harsh to report this as a troll between this hot take and the recent MAL creation. I do not agree with you, but at least you appear to be serious, or at least putting effort into your trolling. That deserves some commendation, I suppose.

This unhinged, vitrolic hate frothing at the mouth for Griffith keeps them from appreciating how well-written Berserk is
Spoken like a true 19 year old. I feel embarassed, but the general consensus is that Griffith did not fundamentally "change" in the manner you are describing him as he transformed into Femto. There was no biological neurological changes here to his personality. This was him throwing away the last bit of humanity by his own accord, changing his worldview to suit his actions and past actions.

Raping Casca was not only excessive, but a choice done by Griffith. He and Femto are clearly the same person, and this interpretation is the only one that really works for his character arc; in a way, it is not different from Brightburn and Homelander. 

The major issue with Brightburn is that hitting puberty turned Brandon into a sociopath overnight, whereas Homelander became who he was by both his circumstances and just what he desired. Griffith is very much the latter. That is kind of the point, as it is with every apostle. They may be manipulated, but their choices are still wholly of their own agency. Berserk is a novel that explores determinism as well as human indecency. 
Wrong. The idea of evil explains to Griffith that his human compassion and affective empathy has been artificially stripped from him by the transformation:

"All their deaths are piercing through me! How STRANGE, I can't feel anything! What's this?"
"The last tear you will ever shed."

Griffith's heart is "frozen" and he is SURPRISED because the God Hand never told him of this aspect of the transformation and he did NOT consent to lose his humanity in this way. Griffith can't be accountable for this loss of empathy.

The God Hand DO explain to the Count that the transformation will "shed any last remnants of his humanity" indicating that the strength of the transformation and its psyche-altering effects are magnified by a compounding number of sacrifices. The more the bodies, the stronger the effect will be.

Griffith goes to the hill of swords to see if he really didn't feel anything towards the deaths of his men, and when it's confirmed that he doesn't, he proclaims that he's "FINALLY free", indicating that he's lost empathy that was once there.

THIS is how it is thematically relevant to his character arc. He finally embodies his persona of apathy that he had tried and failed to project during the Golden Age arc, and nothing is left except the spite he feels towards Guts. He always saw his empathy as his fatal flaw, and Femto raping Casca shows the consequences of the pursuit of such a toxically masculine ideal for the people around you.
May 29, 2023 7:47 AM
May 2023
treejuice69 said:
bruh what he did to casca is just unforgivable,  theres no amount of "well technically☝️🤓" that can prove the opposite
That was Femto, not Griffith.
May 29, 2023 8:05 AM
Apr 2018
i dont need to read all that to know youre wrong and delusional.
May 29, 2023 8:09 AM

Feb 2022
May 29, 2023 8:14 AM
Mar 2022
Sichlitt said:
RandomPerson9348 said:
Making a new post because you already replied to the other one.

Here is some criticism that I WOULD say - I personally wouldn't read a high fantasy story and apply the laws and rules of our world to it. Just like our medieval times, morality and laws are very different in such a world.

Killing someone in a self-sanctioned "duel" is illegal right now, but I'm pretty sure that killing someone in a "duel" would be 100% legal in the Berserk world. The same can go for slavery. It's illegal here, but it would probably be legal there.

Defences of mental illness are probably invalid in the Berserk world, and characters react based on these rules.

I'm guessing that you're trying to apply our rules to it because you're commenting on our mentality and not the story itself? If so, then I would PERSONALLY not accept it because I don't believe that even mental illness should be a valid defense to not throw someone in jail for murder.
You seem to have missed the part of the post where I explained that I did not appeal to legality in and of itself. I used my own MORAL arguments and gave legal examples to show those beliefs in practice.
Mental illness is of course a valid defense to murder, because to make someone accountable for a crime they must show the necessary mens rea of intent. You can't condemn a person for being taken advantage of when they literally don't even know where they are and can't think properly. If you do then you're supporting exploitation and manipulation.

"If you do then you're supporting exploitation and manipulation."

"If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life."



I would look up the definition of manipulation before calling someone out. Because saying that someone is inherently bad and supports bad things because they disagree with you is a peak example of it.

There's one or two people in this thread who are genuinely willing to have a conversation with you, but you would rather call names and tell them that they are bad people because they aren't licking your boots.

Maybe if you tried to be a little less self-absorbed and narcissistic, you would stop trying to protect a character who was written to be the definition of evil. If the writer himself believed that Griffith deserved anything less than the worst fate possible, then the story would be a whole lot different.
May 29, 2023 8:33 AM

Mar 2013
Sichlitt said:
PeripheralVision said:
I hate to say it, but this guy seems legit.

Schlitt's Youtube Channel

One of his videos

I admit, I was kind of harsh to report this as a troll between this hot take and the recent MAL creation. I do not agree with you, but at least you appear to be serious, or at least putting effort into your trolling. That deserves some commendation, I suppose.

Spoken like a true 19 year old. I feel embarassed, but the general consensus is that Griffith did not fundamentally "change" in the manner you are describing him as he transformed into Femto. There was no biological neurological changes here to his personality. This was him throwing away the last bit of humanity by his own accord, changing his worldview to suit his actions and past actions.

Raping Casca was not only excessive, but a choice done by Griffith. He and Femto are clearly the same person, and this interpretation is the only one that really works for his character arc; in a way, it is not different from Brightburn and Homelander. 

The major issue with Brightburn is that hitting puberty turned Brandon into a sociopath overnight, whereas Homelander became who he was by both his circumstances and just what he desired. Griffith is very much the latter. That is kind of the point, as it is with every apostle. They may be manipulated, but their choices are still wholly of their own agency. Berserk is a novel that explores determinism as well as human indecency. 
Wrong. The idea of evil explains to Griffith that his human compassion and affective empathy has been artificially stripped from him by the transformation:

"All their deaths are piercing through me! How STRANGE, I can't feel anything! What's this?"
"The last tear you will ever shed."

Griffith's heart is "frozen" and he is SURPRISED because the God Hand never told him of this aspect of the transformation and he did NOT consent to lose his humanity in this way. Griffith can't be accountable for this loss of empathy.

The God Hand DO explain to the Count that the transformation will "shed any last remnants of his humanity" indicating that the strength of the transformation and its psyche-altering effects are magnified by a compounding number of sacrifices. The more the bodies, the stronger the effect will be.

Griffith goes to the hill of swords to see if he really didn't feel anything towards the deaths of his men, and when it's confirmed that he doesn't, he proclaims that he's "FINALLY free", indicating that he's lost empathy that was once there.

THIS is how it is thematically relevant to his character arc. He finally embodies his persona of apathy that he had tried and failed to project during the Golden Age arc, and nothing is left except the spite he feels towards Guts. He always saw his empathy as his fatal flaw, and Femto raping Casca shows the consequences of the pursuit of such a toxically masculine ideal for the people around you.
Except that removing the human intent render his malevolence as not only less than human, but makes him less of a character with any sort of agency. To me, saying that Griffith was essentially "mind-controlled" and void of any and all culpability, or however you want to put it as makes him a fumdanetal non-character. To me, this makes his character and the journey he took far less engaging than it otherwise would be.

There is a reason I bring up Brightburn in a comparison with Homelander from The Boys. Brandon is less engaging as a character once you remove any semblance of agency that Homelander does. So it of course depends on your interpretation, but any interpretation that voids both Griffith and Femto of any wrongdoing by issue of these fundamentally changes is fundamentally erroneous, if I understand your point. Maybe I do not. 

It could be that you are saying we should hate Femto instead then? To me, that position actually has some semblance of sense; however, if Griffith willingly gave up his humanity in the way that you describe, than that still makes him culpable for what Femto did, especially if you consider his feelings towards Guts to be something he never handled in a healthy manner. Which well...we see how that turned out. This is essentially Griffith putting himself under the influence of a supernatural drug. You could perhaps argue a drunk driver never intended to get into an accident, but it was reckless all the same. Griffith should by your interpretation be reckless and selfish.

Though to bring it back to the Eclipse and the killing themselves, I would not say consent is what you think it is. First and foremost, Griffith hearing that his men consent from people other than his men is complete rubbish. Consent is something that you have to hear out of the horse's mouth. I would also argue that the Band of Hawks loyalty to "die" for Griffith should not be taken to be applicable in every circumstance. There is a big difference between dying in battle and being torn apart by demons, something that Griffith was definitely aware of. You could argue that Griffith did not see the difference, and to be fair both are not pleasant ways to go. However, his men certainly did, and most anyone would understand that there is some difference in opinion here, just as there is a difference between a battle and a massacre. This is made all the more potent by their culture at the time regarding conflict and death.

Necessity is not considered a defense towards murder, and this goes back to the case of R v Dudley and Stephens, which seems to be more relevant here than whatever mentall illness you want to ascribe towards Griffith. I say this for a number of reasons.

1. Griffith was given foreknowledge of his life if he did not make the Eclipse. He was alive. 
2. Because of number #1, we could then determine that the choice was between becoming a member of the Godhand and not a member, rather than whatever lack of consent you want to ascribe to Griffith.
3. Because of #1 Griffith was therefore not threatened by the Godhand, but tempted and manipulated.

I do not know about you, but if someone has to kill hundreds of people to be restored to their former health, then that makes them a murderer. At least with Dudley and Stephens, they were faced with the prospect of literally starving to death, which I consider of far greater imminence than what Griffith was going through. You could argue that temptation and manipulation would have made Griffith not complicit in the Eclipse, but the important part was that he made that choice. Simply being told things from otherwordly beings did not fully eclipse Griffith culpability, especially if a driving force was also his need to spite Guts for his "betrayal". Are we also going to ignore the fact that Griffith attempted to rape Casca pre-eclipse after being rescued?

It is a pitiable choice, but still something considered wrong. To me, Griffith engaging in this is him reasserting his power over others, something that has been a discussion on the cultural value of sex for quite awhile. To which I want to address you. There is a reason why I quoted this line of yours from that video.

This unhinged, vitrolic hate frothing at the mouth for Griffith keeps them from appreciating how well-written Berserk is
Many people dislike and hate Griffith for what he has done while still thinking he is one of the most well-written characters in fiction. I say this because at your age, I was a know-it-all too who had difficulty understanding the opinions of others, and honestly? Maybe we will always disagree on this topic, and that much is fine. However, I do urge you to at least be cognizant of how condescending you and I could be. A good point to keep in mind is to discredit the position, but minimize any and all assumptions about the people who hold them, at least the negative ones.

I think Griffith is a well-written character, and I hate him. Those two are not mutually incompatible. To give you advice, i would say that instead of saying "appreciating how well-written Berserk is", appreciating the more nuance parts of Griffiths' arc might be better. The former implies that you, a 19 year old is somehow alone in "understanding" Berserk. Please understand how you are coming across to others.

I also want to address this portion.

Sichlitt said:
If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life.

Do you not understand what you are implying here when you make a statement like this? Am I a rapist for disagreeing over you over the culpability of a fictional character in a work as complex as Berserk?

Sichlitt said:
You can't condemn a person for being taken advantage of when they literally don't even know where they are and can't think properly. If you do then you're supporting exploitation and manipulation.

Mental illness is a pretty broad category of mental health issues. Not everyone who has depression is completely broken from reality that some people with paranoid schizophrenia are, just like borderline personality disorders. I say this because this part and your video on legality touch on two very, very complex areas that I am certainly no expert in myself. The law and mental health. I am sorry if it appears that I am condescending to you, but I speak from experience as both a former 19 year old and a still self-centered 27 year old who makes these mistakes all the time. I think you possibly meant "psychotic disorder", which is what you seem to be referring to in the original post here.

If you are curious, I do have a response for that by the way on what Griffith was experiencing was not the same as a psychotic disorder.

It is very difficult to know what we do not know. I do not know how little I know about the law because I am not in the legal profession, and I doubt you are as well.

I am also worried that you included a video on a Jordan Peterson AI, though I have to even begin watching it.
PeripheralVisionMay 29, 2023 8:52 AM
May 29, 2023 8:42 AM
Jun 2022
Sichlitt said:

I genuinely don't understand how people can condemn human Griffith for anything he did.

With regards to the sacrifice in the Eclipse, I'm going to be using the concept of INFORMED CONSENT to explain why Griffith did nothing wrong.

The sacrifice in the Eclipse was an agreement to a CONTRACT, and not everybody can give informed consent to those kinds of bargains. In law today, MENTALLY ILL people are unable to consent to contracts and cannot be made accountable for their consequences (I'm using legal arguments as examples of my MORAL beliefs in PRACTICE so please don't start talking about how legality =/= morality, as I'm sure you'd all agree that this law is good in that it protects vulnerable accepting parties from exploitation). This is because mentally ill people lack the capacity to fully comprehend their actions and the consequences of forming a contract.

To be more specific, not every mental illness can or should qualify as a defense. Personality disorders such as BPD and psychopathy do not qualify, because they still possess all of their faculties and are able to understand their actions and show clear intent. Mental illnesses that impede on a person's ability to perceive reality and give informed consent/intent however can ABSOLUTELY be used as a defense to absolve accountability.

This applies SOUNDLY to Griffith. 

This is a man who had just endured an entire year of ceaseless mental and physical torture in the Wyndham dungeon, being deprived of basic human necessities like sunlight or sufficient food and water. He was branded, flailed, whipped, boiled, jabbed with sharp needles, had his tendons severed, his tongue cut out etc etc.

The result left him mentally broken. He showcased erratic violent behavior in his confused and emaciated state (tried to strangle Guts), experienced frequent hallucinations (often conjured by the God Hand) during which he had NO AWARENESS OF HIS EXTERNAL SURROUNDINGS, and most damning of all, he attempted to commit SUICIDE about 10 minutes before being coerced into signing the contract. 

Even the way the Behelit only activates at the owner's most mentally unstable point indicates that the contract for the ascension to a God Hand/Apostle member is inherently coercive BY DESIGN.

These symptoms clearly prove that Griffith was not in the necessary mental state to be able to give INFORMED CONSENT to any contract. He is LEGALLY and MORALLY blameless. 

But that's not all. 

Minors are also unable to give informed consent to any contract, because they are not developed enough to truly understand its conditions or the consequences of agreeing to them. You might say that Griffith wasn't a child and so he knew what he was doing and the consequences of his actions, but that is ignoring the OTHER aspect of being a minor that means that you're unable to give consent.

Most important is the UNEQUAL POWER DYNAMIC between parties. There is such a power imbalance of understanding and trust between a knowing adult and an unknowing minor that any mutual agreement between them of this nature HAS to be considered invalid. Now, I would argue (quite controversially) that the power dynamic between a suicidal emaciated man in a hallucinogenic state being faced with a situation beyond his comprehension and SEEMINGLY OMNISCIENT ELDRITCH BEINGS who can literally READ MINDS and act on the will of God is a MUCH more severe power dynamic between an adult and a minor, and is FAR too coercive to be considered non-coercive and valid.

It's with this unequal power dynamic of knowledge and understanding that the God Hand LIED about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed. After framing themselves as being pure objective truth tellers and emissaries of God's will, Slan says this:

"Behold, the gifts that await you, at the summit of your bloody quest. Your comrades, each a feather in your wing, have carried you to your great cause. They will surely forgive you, for they have always loved you. Entrust your wounded soul and tattered body to them and you will have life EVERLASTING."

Slan is lying about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed as informed by the fact that she can read their minds. Griffith acted on the PERCEIVED consent of his men as MANUFACTURED by the God Hand. Her words usher up an image of an afterlife after death, where the Hawks will realize his intentions and celebrate in his successes, which is a far cry from the eternal vortex of souls with endless suffering that the God Hand NEVER told Griffith about.

It's clear from this that the only ones who we can level responsibility towards is the God Hand for taking advantage of him in a vulnerable state of mind, regardless of whether he is at fault for getting himself into that state of mind in the first place (which is much too indirect to draw a line of direct responsibility between Griffith being tortured and being manipulated by angelic beings no one knew existed beforehand). Human Griffith did nothing wrong in this context.

If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life.

(Please don't bring up Femto's rape of Casca in the replies as I am writing a follow-up post about that. Keep it about the SACRIFICE. Griffith's personality was artificially altered by the transformation so HUMAN Griffith isn't accountable for Femto raping Casca).

I also have a post explaining why Griffith was empathetic and not selfish coming.

So you talked about how he was tortured - mentally, physically - and was deprived of all the necessary elements needed to survive. But you also have to understand that those were the consequences of his own actions he took while being "sane" - for example: Whoring himself for the funds (or his band indirectly) was also his own decision - actions that can be labeled as selfish yes.

(Also, the elaboration of the torturing methods was really unnecessary, I don't know if you did that intentionally thinking that your points will be more justified if you do so, everyone in the thread came knowning what type of world setting berserk had so someone would rarely sympathize with him)

About "Informed Consent" I think that my above point explains as to why the reason he became so miserable was his own actions (being all depressed about guts leaving him and making rash decisions is a part of it). But if you don't understand how his own thinking method or thought process while being "Sane" was the one that carved the path for him and femto to come together, then i sure am concerned about the women in your life.

You also used the "MY OWN MORALITY" part almost everywhere, well yea i know that morality is subjective at times. You seem to have your own beliefs, which you claim to be "moral" while you deny the reasoning of the pre-existing ones which you substituted or replaced with your own. Congratulations, you might also call people like yourself blind-selfishly-righteous (Don't say righteousness has nothing to do with this post because considering the words you used, yes it does)

And specific reply to your point about disagreeing with the post (also the most premature sentence of the whole post): yes, I do completely disagree with you. Though it was actually really funny to read the elaborated version of the line:
"Griffith got tortured and was mentally ill, so he made rash decisions unintentionally and hence it's not his fault."
it's like saying: "He signed documents of his own share of the company while he was high (totally drunk) due to his relationship stress."

The only ethically right thing you said was, "Femto harassed casca and not griffith." while people (me included) are informed about the fact that it was indeed not griffith (atleast not the consciousness), the hate is directed towards to the one in whose body he was in, the vessel to be said correctly, so hate towards griffith is pretty justified.
May 29, 2023 8:48 AM

Jul 2021
I'm just happy that people like this exists, just for us to laugh at
Check out SNAFU
May 29, 2023 9:35 AM

Dec 2021
Sichlitt said:
mason_black said:
I kinda just skimmed what you said, but this is what I gotta say

he killed his whole squad (except for guts and casca) just to become a God hand because he was close to dying. That's pretty unethical

he was a terrible person since day one and shoulda died
So you didn't even skim it.

I did. I only read up to the part where you were talking about mental illness and decided to skim it from there
"Tits don't make the woman. It's the ass." - Darx
May 29, 2023 9:41 AM

Aug 2014
Oh yes, "Griffith did nothing wrong".
May 29, 2023 10:29 AM
Jul 2018
Sichlitt said:

I genuinely don't understand how people can condemn human Griffith for anything he did.

With regards to the sacrifice in the Eclipse, I'm going to be using the concept of INFORMED CONSENT to explain why Griffith did nothing wrong.

The sacrifice in the Eclipse was an agreement to a CONTRACT, and not everybody can give informed consent to those kinds of bargains. In law today, MENTALLY ILL people are unable to consent to contracts and cannot be made accountable for their consequences (I'm using legal arguments as examples of my MORAL beliefs in PRACTICE so please don't start talking about how legality =/= morality, as I'm sure you'd all agree that this law is good in that it protects vulnerable accepting parties from exploitation). This is because mentally ill people lack the capacity to fully comprehend their actions and the consequences of forming a contract.

To be more specific, not every mental illness can or should qualify as a defense. Personality disorders such as BPD and psychopathy do not qualify, because they still possess all of their faculties and are able to understand their actions and show clear intent. Mental illnesses that impede on a person's ability to perceive reality and give informed consent/intent however can ABSOLUTELY be used as a defense to absolve accountability.

This applies SOUNDLY to Griffith. 

This is a man who had just endured an entire year of ceaseless mental and physical torture in the Wyndham dungeon, being deprived of basic human necessities like sunlight or sufficient food and water. He was branded, flailed, whipped, boiled, jabbed with sharp needles, had his tendons severed, his tongue cut out etc etc.

The result left him mentally broken. He showcased erratic violent behavior in his confused and emaciated state (tried to strangle Guts), experienced frequent hallucinations (often conjured by the God Hand) during which he had NO AWARENESS OF HIS EXTERNAL SURROUNDINGS, and most damning of all, he attempted to commit SUICIDE about 10 minutes before being coerced into signing the contract. 

Even the way the Behelit only activates at the owner's most mentally unstable point indicates that the contract for the ascension to a God Hand/Apostle member is inherently coercive BY DESIGN.

These symptoms clearly prove that Griffith was not in the necessary mental state to be able to give INFORMED CONSENT to any contract. He is LEGALLY and MORALLY blameless. 

But that's not all. 

Minors are also unable to give informed consent to any contract, because they are not developed enough to truly understand its conditions or the consequences of agreeing to them. You might say that Griffith wasn't a child and so he knew what he was doing and the consequences of his actions, but that is ignoring the OTHER aspect of being a minor that means that you're unable to give consent.

Most important is the UNEQUAL POWER DYNAMIC between parties. There is such a power imbalance of understanding and trust between a knowing adult and an unknowing minor that any mutual agreement between them of this nature HAS to be considered invalid. Now, I would argue (quite controversially) that the power dynamic between a suicidal emaciated man in a hallucinogenic state being faced with a situation beyond his comprehension and SEEMINGLY OMNISCIENT ELDRITCH BEINGS who can literally READ MINDS and act on the will of God is a MUCH more severe power dynamic between an adult and a minor, and is FAR too coercive to be considered non-coercive and valid.

It's with this unequal power dynamic of knowledge and understanding that the God Hand LIED about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed. After framing themselves as being pure objective truth tellers and emissaries of God's will, Slan says this:

"Behold, the gifts that await you, at the summit of your bloody quest. Your comrades, each a feather in your wing, have carried you to your great cause. They will surely forgive you, for they have always loved you. Entrust your wounded soul and tattered body to them and you will have life EVERLASTING."

Slan is lying about the Hawks consenting to be sacrificed as informed by the fact that she can read their minds. Griffith acted on the PERCEIVED consent of his men as MANUFACTURED by the God Hand. Her words usher up an image of an afterlife after death, where the Hawks will realize his intentions and celebrate in his successes, which is a far cry from the eternal vortex of souls with endless suffering that the God Hand NEVER told Griffith about.

It's clear from this that the only ones who we can level responsibility towards is the God Hand for taking advantage of him in a vulnerable state of mind, regardless of whether he is at fault for getting himself into that state of mind in the first place (which is much too indirect to draw a line of direct responsibility between Griffith being tortured and being manipulated by angelic beings no one knew existed beforehand). Human Griffith did nothing wrong in this context.

If you disagree with this post then you don't understand how consent works and I'm concerned for the women in your life.

(Please don't bring up Femto's rape of Casca in the replies as I am writing a follow-up post about that. Keep it about the SACRIFICE. Griffith's personality was artificially altered by the transformation so HUMAN Griffith isn't accountable for Femto raping Casca).

I also have a post explaining why Griffith was empathetic and not selfish coming.

If you want to make a point about morality, it’s necessary to define how “karma” in Berserk works. I’m still reading it so it’s no complaint just a general observation.
May 29, 2023 10:39 AM
May 2020
KanataX said:
do people unironically still believe in this whole thing 😭

apparently they do 😔
May 29, 2023 10:41 AM
Nov 2021
That’s a lot of words to say that Griffith is special in the head 💀
May 29, 2023 12:02 PM
Nov 2010
I'm sorry but this is absurd for two reasons.

1. Of course it was wrong to sacrifice his friends. You can say he was mentally incapable of understanding what he was doing, but that doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. To put it into more mundane terms of consent, if a drunk person assaults someone else, has the drunk person done something wrong? I would say obviously yes. What you're discussing is whether or not he can be held responsible, which is a different question.

2. Griffith's ultimate sin and his greatest flaw is his ambition. I would say that this is one of the main themes of the series. He reflects several times (while of sound mind) on how his desire to have his own kingdom requires the deaths of many people, friends and enemies alike. He is sacrificing people in every battle. And for what? His own dream. He knows and understands this and continues to do it, and when Guts leaves him he throws a fit and ends up making the Hawks outlaws. The series is nuanced, of course, but it's well-supported in the text that he's constantly doing things that are wrong. The eclipse is merely the culmination of a path he started down when he decided he was willing to sacrifice human beings to his own ambition.
May 29, 2023 12:04 PM
Aug 2022
I don’t like human Griffith because up until the eclipse, he is a manipulative, selfish and controlling person. Firstly he showcases many times he doesn’t value the lives of the band members that much, he only cares about the strong ones, and he doesn’t actually care about “them” he cares about what he can use them for.

He treats them like property, evident by his reaction to Guts trying to leave, as well as when Guts entered the band. That’s controlling, and possessive.
He ordered Casca around knowing she would follow because she had feelings for him. That’s manipulative.
When Guts did leave, he was so upset that one of his “pawns” for whatever reasoning, had slipped from his grasp, so he lashed out at someone he had complete control over, the princess who was head over heels for him. (Mind you he planned to make her fall in love with him solely for the purpose of using her to gain political strength.)
So he exercises his “control” over her by showing up and getting her to sleep with him.
I can’t see an argument where anything he does pre incarceration could be viewed as empathetic.

To lightly touch on it… the things Griffith does post incarceration and as Femto are still condemnable actions. Regardless of his legal accountability for them, so people who have any grasp of right or wrong can still not like someone for doing a terrible thing, even if the argument says they aren’t to blame.

Lastly, regardless of believing that every single member of his band was willing to be sacrificed for him, and regardless of his comprehension of his surroundings, he still chose to have them all killed, which shows consistency with the negative things mentioned earlier. Femto assaulting Casca is also the same, he’s acting possessive and controlling of her, while trying to hurt Guts by violating someone very close to him. (Griffiths reaction to Guts and Cascas relationship post prison is not a positive one.)

Griffith is very smart, very strong, and is an amazing leader, and I think the negative things mentioned earlier are actually one of the only reasons he’s as good of a leader as he is. But that doesn’t make them right. And the events of the prison and the eclipse do not absolve him of his actions.

Yes the deal by the Godhand is coercive and deceptive by nature. That I won’t disagree on, but that is common place for any deal made with an “evil” force, they trick you. I hate Griffith, because he doesn’t view other human beings as people with value. I hate Femto because it’s an amplified version of all of Griffiths negative traits, and he does Evil things to people. I hate the reborn Griffith because he’s still willing to subject everyone else to horror and death so he can feel fulfilled.

Taking the legal ramifications of the prison->eclipse as a way to say people shouldn’t hate Griffith because he couldn’t consent, and then saying if anyone disagrees they don’t understand consent is close minded. There are legitimate reasons to hate Griffith or Femto for their actions as a singular person, or even if you view them as different people entirely.
May 29, 2023 12:32 PM
Aug 2021
I actually read it. You clickbated everyone, now nobody takes you seriously. You gave a long winded argument about why Griffith was in no state to give informed consent to the Godhand, therefore he cannot be held morally accountable. But, Griffith absolutely did something wrong. Your wording of the title, which will be the only thing most people read, further reduces the number of people willing to engage with you, let alone agree. If you’d titled it “Why Griffith is not morally accountable, though his actions were unforgivable,” these people would have taken you seriously, as, in spite of what metaphors may have taught you, people absolutely judge books by their covers.
May 29, 2023 12:33 PM

Mar 2013
To follow up my final post, the big issue with your point is likening Griffith's state pre-eclipse as akin to something like paranoid schizophrenia, but here is the thing. Paranoid Schizophrenia for most individuals is not simply hallucinations, but affects how your mind actually works. This is a staggeringly common misconception about the disease. Some have gestured thing such as "well, if you see a blue gumby in the background, surely any reasonable person would be able to identify that as being a hallucination, right?"

Except this is not how it works, severe cases of schizophrenia not only mess with your perception with reality, what you see and experience, but how you can inteperet those things. To put it a list format.

  1. Seeing and hearing things that are not there.
  2. Being unable to properly rationalize due to said hallucinations.

Number 2 is very important. It is difficult to explain, but it more akin to involuntary inebriation or being forcefully put under the influence.

This is not what Griffith experienced.
Sichlitt said:
The result left him mentally broken. He showcased erratic violent behavior in his confused and emaciated state (tried to strangle Guts), experienced frequent hallucinations (often conjured by the God Hand) during which he had NO AWARENESS OF HIS EXTERNAL SURROUNDINGS, and most damning of all, he attempted to commit SUICIDE about 10 minutes before being coerced into signing the contract. 

Griffith more or less kept his ability to rationalize. He may have been subjected to views and hallucinations, but he is fully able to comprehend that yes, these are hallucinations for the most part. He is not psychotic, he is not experiencing a break from reality that a schizophrenic does. He might not comprehend what he is seeing, but he is still capable of distinguishing them from reality

Otherwise, you might gesture that Kakashi from Naruto did not intend to kill Itachi simply because what he attempted to stab was a hallucination. You could argue that people who hit on Kirito from Sword Art Online, who at the time looked like a very feminine looking boy were not responsible or had any control from their actions. Like Griffith, they were subjected to a reality that was misleading, but all had the competency to actually realize when they have been duped or that what they were experiencing was very different from what actually is.

Your other attempts just make Griffith pitiable, but not innocent. If someone had a shitty and painful childhood, that does not give them any special right to hurt others. Replace shitty childhood with a year in a torture dungeon, and you have Griffith again. The fact you think Griffith's empathy overrode his ambition is laughably insane. He was desperate because of the position he was in, and ultimately I imagine it would take a will of steel many of us, including myself, do not possess in order to not be swayed by the God Hand's offer.

However, he still was capable of saying no. He was not on some psychotic break, and in a world where magic exists, one could argue that magical hallucinations are just normal. Again, trying to say Griffith had no agency in his transformation to Femto completely undermines the tragedy of his arc. How unsatisfying is it to claim that Griffith was mind-controlled, or that he is a robot with no ill-will carrying out preprogrammed instructions? It is insane.
May 29, 2023 12:52 PM
Aug 2021
Let me say this too, if you’re still reading the comments. I think your argument is compelling in the sense that it brings into question the necessity of punishment, which is a relevant problem today. Having said that, even jurisprudence majors struggle to grapple with everyday cases of murder and rape. What made you think a community of teenage weeaboos could competently engage with with a case as bizarre as this one, with its omniscient eldritch beings and God himself at one point in a now non canonical chapter.

Also, I wanted to send you a friend request cause I found your comment entertaining, but you’re obviously posting from a burner account :(
May 29, 2023 1:32 PM
Jul 2021
I'am too lazy to read all that, but I already know that you're right. Imo did Griffith also nothing wrong. He did something horrible, yes, but he did it for the right reason.
May 29, 2023 1:35 PM
Mar 2021
Why a guy who raped a girl did nothing wrong Part 1
May 29, 2023 1:40 PM
Mar 2021
I’ll actually read and respond later, just wanted to comment that
May 29, 2023 1:47 PM
Nov 2010
LimeMakotoBell said:
I'am too lazy to read all that, but I already know that you're right. Imo did Griffith also nothing wrong. He did something horrible, yes, but he did it for the right reason.

we're already dealing with one extremely dense take here, go start your own thread please
May 29, 2023 2:11 PM
Jul 2021
Garnavis said:
LimeMakotoBell said:
I'am too lazy to read all that, but I already know that you're right. Imo did Griffith also nothing wrong. He did something horrible, yes, but he did it for the right reason.

we're already dealing with one extremely dense take here, go start your own thread please

Did you read the mange till the latest chapter?
May 29, 2023 4:41 PM
Apr 2022
Putting aside the possibility of this being absolutely bait, it is completely false and we as also humans should condone and shame Griffith for his actions. How tf can you betray your friends who are basically family to selfishly grant yourself everything you wanted. You’re throwing away lives to benefit solely you for your own fucked actions. He made his bed and he should’ve slept in it. Instead he ruined everyone’s lives who cared about him. Griffith is everything that’s wrong with humanity.
May 30, 2023 12:41 AM
Dec 2020
Sichlitt said:
Orphoos said:
Wait actly now I think abt it ur argument is that he is mentally ill so he shld be forgiven

Does it mean that Chris Chan is absolved of all sin? If a guy is mentally ill doesn’t mean that nth he does is wrong bro. If that is ur argument maybe this post is satire.
You must've missed the part of my post where I explained that personality disorders can't be used as an excuse because they still possess the ability to discern right from wrong and have full possession of their faculties. This applies to Chris Chan's autism.

Ok yeah so in ur world Chris Chan is innocent

This fact is also a concerning matter bro doesn’t make it btr
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