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As It Falls to Pieces (a medieval-ish/fantasy RP) -full-

Feb 29, 2008 8:29 PM

Jul 2007

because not greeting people is rude
Hello and welcome to "As It Falls to Pieces" a medieval-ish/fantasy
role-play. I hope we can all have fun together. So scroll down for
more information and join in!

-Contact Info-
because there's always someone who's confused
Please ask me (Airy-chan) over PM if you have any questions,
comments, suggestions, or complaints.

Airy-chanApr 14, 2008 8:36 AM
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Feb 29, 2008 8:29 PM

Jul 2007

because something needs to happen
The world could be falling to pieces as you eat your evening meal,
as you tend your garden or wait for customers at your shop.

Rumors of a powerful country to the North have been spreading
like wildfire. A country that has plans to conquer. A country that
is advanced in technology (though lacking entirely in magical skills)
and has amassed a huge well-trained army.

Or, at least, that's what the rumors say.

But they're only rumors and no one believes those these days;
they're never true. So the people go about their business, ignoring
the impending destruction that may be looming just out of sight...

because voids of nothing are boring
The time period is "messed-up-medieval" which means the setting
is medieval at first glance; though a closer inspection might reveal
conditions, clothing, technology, and other things that don't quite
belong in a medieval period.

The story begins in a bustling and diverse seaside city, filled to the
brim with sailors and merchants going about their business. People
from all over the world flock to this town to make fortunes, lose
fortunes, see the sights, or maybe just sample the unique cuisine.
It's a sunny afternoon in late summer, the sweltering heat made
bearable by the cool breeze wafting off of the ocean.

Airy-chanMar 1, 2008 9:56 AM
Feb 29, 2008 8:29 PM

Jul 2007

because rules are a sad fact of life

  • No God-modding

  • Keep things PG-13

  • No Mary-Sues or the like

  • Use proper grammar and spelling

  • Don't talk OoC unless necessary

  • The Golden Rule... just think about it

  • Avoid one-liners like the plague

  • Don't just post once and quit

  • Try to be active

  • Have fun!

This isn't a rule, so much as it is a suggestion. If the role-play
becomes boring for you don't just leave or complain, do something.
Seriously, setting the building that the characters are in on fire
works every time.

Airy-chanMar 1, 2008 10:20 AM
Feb 29, 2008 8:32 PM

Jul 2007

-Profile Skeleton-
because they get dusty in the closet

(pictures welcome)
Your Username:

Airy-chanMar 10, 2008 12:12 PM
Mar 8, 2008 12:06 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Grace
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Goals: To just make sure her friends and little family she has left stay safe.
Strengths: Agile, quick-thinking, smart
Weaknesses: Not very physically strong, hates being alone
Personality: Loves animals and her older brother. Can be quiet at times, but will also speak her mind on issues; has an opinion on nearly everything. Hates giving up and being alone.
Past: Parents killed in village fire. She lives with her older brother.
Appearance: Blue outfit, jeans, green eyes, brown waist-length hair, light skin.
Other: Nothing else to really mention. :P
Your Username: MedliSage

Mar 8, 2008 4:46 PM

Jul 2007
Done for now~ Hope it's not too long ^^

Name: Aria Mentini Iacuaniello

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Goals: Aria does not have many goals in life, most of the ones she does have are rather common, personal fortune, long life, among other things. However, Aria also strives to help people, wishing others to realize and achieve their own goals in a sense.

Strengths/Skills: Though not a warrior by trade, Aria is a very skilled archer, as well as skilled in unarmed combat. Also a natural orator, she is able to talk her way through many problems and gain great bussiness deals either for herself or for others. This is also supplemented by her strong sense in precision and math, making it very easy for her to do many things. Other notes to her are her beauty and rather graceful demeanor, she's not extravagant but rather a plain beauty, though she does not wish to bolster it, she is also rather strong for her smaller frame, though this may be due to her precision and dexterity enabling her to find the best way to hold or strike something.

Weaknesses/Inabilities: Despite her many positive traits, Aria has some very large downfalls, though they may not be as obvious or as influencing to her or others as her strengths. A lighter inability of hers is her lack of the capability to make jokes, she's absolutely terrible at it and avoids it at all costs. Another, much more serious weakness is her fear of fire, any fire larger than a torch and a fireplace absolutely terrifies her to the point where she is unable to do anything. Despite being self-dependant and autonomous she is afraid of being completely 100% alone in the world, where she'll do anything within her power to try and make connections. Other fears are her fear that her abilities will never be anough to achieve anything of worth, and loss of people she's already established a close relationship to.

Personality: Generally, Aria is a straight-laced and "to-the-point" kind of person, keeping conversations short and ignoring any and all small-talk. Initially, upon first talking to her, Aria seems to be rather cold or blunt, tending not to sugar coat any of her words or attempt to make things any bit softer to the ears. However, after talking to her for a while she becomes a rather friendly person, though still maintaining a blunt and straight-laced personality. Though, Aria has the potential for some moments of being flustered, like any person like her (Read: Tsundere), and would try her best to recover only to fail and get even more flustered.

Past: The daughter of a single-mother in a rather downtrodden part of town, Aria didn't get to spend too much time with her mother, and all the other children around her tended to stray to the darker sides of society. So with this, Aria had made herself very self-sufficient and composed. Not all too much of her past is known though, her mother had died along with their house when a hostile army had sacked their town, burning everything in sight and killing all but a few people who had managed to hide properly, one of which being the young Aria, roughly 10 at the time. From this point not much else about her is known until she resurfaced a few years later at the age of 17, a skilled merchant with fighting knowhow and having a very little amount of friends.

Hair: Long, hip length brown hair. Aria's hair is very plain and straight, kept neat so that it doesn't get in the way of her movement. Most of the time, her hair is tied up into a ponytail or occasionally in twin tails.
Eyes: Aria has deep crimson, near blood red colored eyes, they're rather dark, and have a somewhat serious look held within them most of the time. It seems, though, that the shade of her eyes varies from the distance you look at them from. From very far, they look almost black, a bit far, they look brown, closer up they're crimson, sometimes scarlet, and as close as possible, they're a dark blood like color.
Skin: Always rather pale, Aria's skin isn't pale as in sallow or maybe ghostly, but more pale than the average Caucasian "cream" toned skin. It's rather hard to explain, but it seems that when cast in the moonlight, it takes on a very "divine" like glow to it.
Clothing: Aria prefers loose fitting, comfortable and most of all, maneuverable clothing. This in mind she wears a simple dark blue robe like dress, the top portion has no design, the sleevs extending to the middle of her forearm. The bottom part of her dress is similarly plain, the color fading to a lighter blue in a gradient like way to the bottom. holding the dress in place (as it's really more of a robe) is a cloth belt, about 3 inches in width and black in color. Aria wears a black string wrapped around her neck with a cross attatched to it, the Cross itself is made of silver and has an engraving of a feather in the middle, on every end there's a different word, the very top saying "Salvation" the bottom with "Damnation", the left says "Life" and the right says "Death." Aria wears three identical thin golden anklets, two on her right leg and one on her left. She wears black sandals made of a somwhat glossy leather.

Others: None for now =P

Your Username: SirensGrace

Mar 9, 2008 6:57 PM

Jan 2008
Name: David

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Goals: He travels to the seaside city in order to find a job and hopefully support himself. He is eager to get a place so he won't have to keep sleeping in the woods. He wants to make new friends while he's here and maybe try something new.

Strengths: Fast reflexes, patience, smart, and trained in hand-to-hand and sword combat.

Weaknesses: Has difficulty making friends and isn't the strongest person, but makes up for it in speed and reaction times. Sometimes he can be insecure and a bit gullible.

Personality: Shy, soft spoken, but won't give up on his opinion. He's very friendly but sometimes finds it hard to let people be close to him and open up to them. Sometimes his shyness gets in the way of making friends as well. Likes being outside and hates bothering other people.

Past: Lived with his parents in a small village, having a content life with little worries. He had a small amount of friends until an attack by bandits killed most of the village. Only a few escaped, but his parents were not among them. He was 12 years old and away visiting his uncle, learning how to use a sword well and fight hand-to-hand. Earlier this year his uncle died of a rare sickness, leaving his house to David's aunt, who forced him to leave. He left the area, sick of the memories and wishing to find something new.


Other: Nothing at the moment.

Your Username: Link4all

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Mar 22, 2008 10:18 AM

Jul 2007
Name: Noel

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Goals: Noel wants nothing more than to become famous and put her mark on history. She wants stories to be told of her a hundred years after she's dead.

Strengths: She's a fast and willing learner. Also, she's healthy, brave, and tends to get lucky often. She's ambidextrous, though her right hand is more dominate.

Weaknesses: She's too small to really be good at physical combat. Also, because she never stays in one place for very long she doesn't have time to master any of her skills. So, although she knows how to do a lot, most of her skills are only half-learned.

Personality: She doesn’t want to just accept the status-quo. She refuses to go with the flow or try to blend in. These dramatic goals make her very determined and resilient to hardships. She’s stubborn and doesn’t want anyone telling her how she is; she’ll prove you wrong if you make false assumptions about her. She's not afraid to give it her all and get stuff done. It doesn’t matter if she succeeds or fails, trying is what’s most important to her. She’s bold, opinionated and not afraid to express herself. She doesn’t want to run away from anything. She doesn’t do anything apologetically and doesn’t regret much. She’s afraid of being forgotten, unwanted, or unneeded.

Past: Raised in the slums with nothing parents who were always either fighting or not around at all, she didn’t have a real easy time growing up. She was often told things like “that is impossible for you” or “you will never do anything worthwhile.” Sick of her situation and determined to prove her family wrong she ran away from home. Now she travels around to different countries doing odd (really odd) jobs and trying to make her mark on the world.

Appearance: Noel's hair is short, boyish, and sandy-blonde. Her eyes are honey-brown. She's small for her age, though her thick-soled shoes add at least three inches to her short stature. She commonly wears black shorts with thigh-high black stockings and a black sleeveless shirt. (I might add a picture later)

Other: None at the moment.

Your Username: Airy-chan
Mar 26, 2008 6:58 PM

Jul 2007
The large seaside town was bustling with activity as sailors hurried to load ships or unload ships or hoist the mainstay or whatever it was that sailors did... Noel watched the busy afternoon from the roof of some sort of shop. She really hadn't paid attention to the sign out front when she was scrambling onto the roof via some garbage and boxes out back. "Well, I guess I should get going, then..." she muttered, jumping off of the roof and into an alleyway. Where it was she should be going, she really didn't know. Certainly she would be able to find something interesting to do in such an active city.
Mar 27, 2008 3:15 PM

Jan 2008
"Excuse me! Sorry!" Grace says, running down the street with a package in her hands. She turns quickly into the alleyway shortcut she knew well, crashing directly into the young woman who was also in the alley. She lets out a short yelp, falling onto the ground.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, ma'am! I-I didn't see you there..." she says, grabbing her package off the ground.

Mar 27, 2008 4:12 PM

Jul 2007
And here it was: something interesting; crashing right into her and knocking her clean off her feet. Noel sometimes wondered if she was a sort of magnet for stuff like this. Or maybe she was just more aware of what could be interesting than the average person. Whichever, she never passed up a chance. She jumped to her feet, looking the other girl over for a moment.

"Don't apologize! Just tell me something: Whatcha got in there?" Noel asked suddenly, poking at Grace's package with her index finger. She hoped it wouldn't be something stupid and boring, but knowing how most girls were these days she wasn't going to really get her hopes up too high.
Mar 27, 2008 5:37 PM

Jan 2008
"Meh...once again..." David comments to himself as he walks out of a small store. He looks down at the ground, kicking a small pebble just for the heck of it. He watches the pebble fly a few inches before looking up at the sky and the white clouds moving across it. "Always too young, I have to find some way...Things can't keep going like this or I'll be out of a place to live."

He places a hand on his chin, lost in thought, until he hears the crash from the alleyway and turns in that direction. "...Hmm?" His curiosity persuades him to walk over there, seeing Noel and Grace.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Mar 28, 2008 6:01 PM

Jan 2008
Grace blinks and looks down at the package. "Eh? This? Ah, well, my brother... he knows how to make medicine, so, if someone wants any but he doesn't have any one else to go deliver it for him, I usually do it."

Mar 29, 2008 10:56 PM

Jul 2007
((Ahh~ sorry for being late folks, and sorry if this will be confusing for anyone XD... Just sleepy))

The light and moist seaside breeze billows through the crowded streets and stalls of the port city, people walk about minding their own buissiness: merchants, patrons, politicians, farmers, mothers, everyone doing something of their own. By perchance a certain female walks out of a rather large store, a small pouch in her hands, which, upon leaving the complex she opens and shakes a bit, the sound of coins jingling within. "Another quick buissness deal... I suppose this should work out for a while." the woman thinks aloud as she slides a hand underneath her robe, securing the pouch in one of the many hidden pockets in the inside.

Satisfied with herself, she walks in a random direction, ignoring shouting vendors advertising their products and dodging various people of different shapes and sizes. Today was a slow day for her, Aria, she had just finished a business deal which would most likely be the highlight of the day for her, or so it seemed. . . Despite not really having anywhere to go or wanting anything to do in life, Aria couldn't help but think she was missing something, like she had some form of greater purpose, not some great vision of grandeur or splendor but just.. a purpose. But, these were thoughts she only found herself indulging in on days such as this, otherwise she would ignore such things completely and stay with her straightforward and settled life.

Boring things aside, Aria found herself entwined in some kind of fated situation, for she ended up turning into the same alley as Grace and Noel, soon to be David as well. Either way, it wasn't something that entirely piqued her interest, but she had decided to watch from a small distance, enough not to be noticed or thought of as snooping, as things unfolded.

Apr 2, 2008 7:25 AM

Mar 2008
((Ummm...Excuse me but, is it too late to join in? Sorry to be a bother.>///<; I love roleplaying...^-^))
Apr 2, 2008 10:04 AM

Jul 2007
OoC: No, not too late at all.
Apr 2, 2008 10:08 AM

Jul 2007
"Medicine?" Noel replied, her head tilted to the side slightly. "He knows how to make it? Do you think he could teach me. I tend to get jobs and request lessons instead of payment. I know quite a lot, but I'm poor as dirt," she added happily, as if admitting to being poor was something to be happy about. "I could do just about anything that needs doing. Like sweeping or making deliveries or whatever."
Apr 2, 2008 1:30 PM

Jan 2008
Grace blinks, then stands up, dusting herself off. She looks at Noel and nods. "He'd be more than willing, I bet. We're shorthanded, and things can get kinda dull there anyway. It'd be nice to have a new face around." She smiles. "Yeah, we tend not to charge a lot, so we really don't have a ton of money either. But anyway, of course you can come, check it out, see if you like it. I'm absolutely sure you'd be able to work and learn from him. He's cool about stuff like that."

Apr 2, 2008 7:43 PM

Mar 2008
((Thank you very much!!))
Apr 3, 2008 12:34 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Shadow- just Shadow.
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Goals: Nothing in particular at the moment. Just to get his job done so he can earn the money he needs to survive another night.
Strengths: Skilled in hand to hand combat. While he prefers to use his bare hands, he keeps a short sword on his back and daggers close to his heart. Growing up on the streets in a military dominated country, he learned several styles of street fighting and melded them all together into his own unique style.
Weaknesses: No matter how much it may get him into trouble or hurt him, he can never turn down someone in need. Even if he was just fighting that person himself a few minutes ago. He adores cats, and is prone to spend his last bit of money he has on milk for some starving stray.
Personality: He’s a loner by choice, but he doesn’t mind spending time with other people, if they come up to him first. He’s strong, intelligent, and possesses a strong sense of justice.
Past: Shadow was born in the Northern country as Mikhail Ne’al. His father joined the military before he knew his wife was pregnant, and his mother died in child birth. Having no other family, he was tossed from orphanage to orphanage until he ran away at the age of 11. At that time, he joined a local street gang, where he earned his new name- Shadow. Being quick to learn, and a stubborn fighter, he quickly rose through the ranks of his gang until at the age of 16, he became the leader himself. And then destiny stepped in. A year after becoming the leader of his gang, he was arrested in a street fight and forced to enlist in the military. Noticing his aptitude and skills, the authorities sent him to further training as an assassin. Now Shadow has become the best at what he does, and has been sent to the Southern country for a top secret mission.
Appearance: Shadow stands at 5’10. He’s fit and muscular, but not so much that he stands out in a crowd. He has jet black hair that hangs in his eyes, while the back is spiked up because it never stays down. His eyes are a bright violet, like the color of the sky shortly after the sun has set. He has several piercings on both ears, all filled with odds and ends he’s picked up around the place, and one in the middle of his bottom lip. He has giant dragon wings tattooed on his back, and a cross tattooed on his left wrist. He wears a black bandanna tied around his right arm. He is always found wearing dark clothing. He prefers a plain black t-shirt, with baggy black cargo pants, and his military issue combat boots. He never leaves home with out his black cloak. (Picture the one off of Fullmetal Alchemist, except black and without the design on the back.)
Other: His favorite place to be is in a town or city market. There, he can just fade into the crowd and watch all the other people file around him, because no one else pays him any mind. When he’s got nothing else to do, he can be found wandering around some vendor’s stall that has something shiny and silver he can stick in his ear. His favorite color is silver.
Your Username: XtransylvanianX
Apr 8, 2008 7:03 PM

Nov 2007
Name: Casper Galatea
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Goals: At the present time Casper wishes to support an adopted family member through a job which he has recently accepted to more prosperous than normal.
Strengths: Adept with the saber. Although he prefers to avoid fighting as much as possible, when he is in danger of losing his life, he can think rationally and make the proper choices to get out of that situation.
Weaknesses: He cares about life. You know that he avoids fighting, but that is mainly because he loathes killing people. But a strange currently he is in a strange situation where he would be willing to murder for a certain goal that I have not mentioned...
Personality: The main phrase to use is blissfully ignorant with a bit of sarcasm. He is happy, the type who tries to be optimistic. Secondly, he tends to ignore many of the current events and seems to think deeply upon an unknown subject. Of course, when he is paying attention, he tends to remark upon the small brains of humans.
Past: Casper has had a relatively normal life. However that is if we exclude the abnormal parts, which you will have to learn on your own. Casper was born in a small town located a large number of miles from the northern border. He has one younger biological sister who still lives in that town. When he was of age, or around fifteen years of age, he entered the military and rose through the ranks to become known as a merciless bloody killer. After two years passed however, he disappeared and only until recently has he been seen wandering the lands...
Appearance: Casper has dirty blond hair and mahogany colored eyes. He has slightly tanned skin and wears a brown cloak, a ivory collared not tucked into his black pants. His saber's sheath (sp?) is a jet back color and black cords are wrapped around his right arm.
Other: At this point... no.
Your Username: cherrychi3
Apr 8, 2008 7:07 PM

Jan 2008
David listens to the conversation and then speaks up, "Um...I wasn't trying to eavesdrop or anything, I just kinda was over here... But um...I heard you were shorthanded right?" He turns his head slightly at Grace, "I kinda need a job so I can support myself with a place to live and everything so...Yeah. But if you don't need anyone else then that's really okay too."

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 8, 2008 7:15 PM

Nov 2007
ooc: gomen, first time I have been able to get on for a while. ^.^;; bic: The darkness of the small tavern was almost sickening. There were two windows with seats by them, and although it didn't help much with the overall scene of the tavern, they had good scenes of the outside. Who really cared about all of that stuff though? Well, Casper didn't. His mahogany eyes watched the people who were walking outside in a daze. Why was he here? Why not? It had been so long since he had last seen this town, during his days in the military. He watched a small gathering of people come together, and thought about how strange they were. That one coincidence that brought them all together, the first girl running into another one, and then others getting interested about what was going on. A strand of his dirty blonde hair fell in front of his eyes. He swept it away, getting up to get another night at this filthy inn. After all, he didn't have to care about what happened out there until it involved him. However, the chances of that happening were so slim, that it really shouldn't even pique his intrest. The only thing he should be thinking about right now, Casper reminded himself, was Selene, who was still in that person's grip.
Apr 10, 2008 2:05 PM

Jul 2007
Noel looked a David for a moment, then back at Grace. "Well then, if it's okay with you and your medicine-making brother, lead the way!" she exclaimed, beginning to walk out of the alleyway as though she knew the exact direction they should be going. Needless to say, Noel ended up lost a lot.
Apr 10, 2008 6:57 PM

Jan 2008
"Of course it's fine with me," Grace says, looking at both of them. "The house I need to get this to is nearby. Then I'll head home. It's fairly close to here. A relatively small place." She begins to walk down the alley.

Apr 10, 2008 9:52 PM

Jul 2007
((Yaaayy activity =x))

Aria gave a small sigh and sat down a box, letting Grace and the others pass her by. Why she was taking such an indirect approach to finding a small medicine store or simply talking to people was completely unknown to her, especially since it completely conflicted with her straight-to-the-point personality. Either way, as soon as Grace and the others were far enough, Aria would follow. Maybe the Medicine Store will have some good quality medicine for her to buy and trade later on, if it was to her liking then both parties would benefit from the deal.

Apr 11, 2008 8:52 AM

Jul 2007
Noel stopped, deciding to follow Grace instead of just heading in some random direction like she had first been planning. Strange though, how she had the odd feeling of being watched. Not that she really minded, in fact, drawing attention to herself was what she seemed to be best at.
Apr 11, 2008 12:48 PM

Jan 2008
David smiles, "Yay! Really, really thank you. I've been trying to get a job for a while now since I just moved here recently... I don't know much about making medicine but I hope I can learn." He follows Grace down the alleyway, occasionally looking down so he doesn't trip over anything or step in anything. He hated walking and suddenly stepping in a puddle without any warning.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 13, 2008 2:52 PM

Mar 2008
((Sorry I'm so behind. I was extremely sick and haven't been on the site at ALL in days...T^T...))

Shadow wandered alone through the market. He stopped randomly, picking through things that caught his interest. After completely filling his small bag, and completely running out of money, he left the market, wandering aimlessly through the streets for awhile. He sighed, shifting the weight of his bag to his other shoulder. He really shouldn't have bought all those things. He didn't really need them, but they were pretty and if they became too much of a hassel, he could just give them away to some random person he happened to run into on the streets. Shadow reached up with a hand to his ear and ran a finger over one of his bettter finds today. It was a silver dragon, that looped through the hole in his ear. When he first saw it, the thing seemed to call to him, and before he knew it, he was walking away with it in his hand and the vendor's thanks. While wandering aimlessly, he walked past a group of people talking excitedly. Two girls and a boy. He smiled at them and continued to walk on.
XtransylvanianXApr 14, 2008 2:33 PM
Apr 15, 2008 1:47 PM

Jan 2008
Grace continued heading down the dark alley, glancing at the little group of people following her now. Jeez, I didn't expect this to happen... oh well, with this, I can probably go to the marketplace or something afterwards to get extra food...

Apr 16, 2008 10:45 AM

Jul 2007
Noel looked up at the sky as she walked, watching the clouds floating lazily overhead. Today was the perfect day for a long nap, she supposed, but sleeping during the day had always seemed like a waste of time to her; unless, of course, you planned to stay up all night afterward.

As the group headed out of the alleyway and back onto a main street Noel noticed some commotion nearby. It seemed that one group of angry people was yelling at another group of angry people. Nothing too unusual about that, she supposed, because yelling was how most people attempted to solve problems.

Unable to curb her curiosity, though, she strayed away from the small party Grace was leading to investigate further. As fascinating as medicine was to her, this seemed like it could be a bit more interesting.
Apr 16, 2008 3:16 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow was so busy looking at the small group of people in the alley, that he accidently ran into someone, causing them to drop everthing they had in their arms.
"I'm so sorry!" He said, helping the older man pick up his packages. "Watch where you are going, you little brat!!" The man yelled. "These packages are worth more than your life. If anything in them is damaged, so help me I'll....." The man continued. "I'm really sorry sir. I'll pay for anything that is broken." Shadow apologized again, handing him the last package. "Yeah. I really doubt a punk kid like you could pay for any of this." The man grumbled. It was then that Shadow noticed out of the corner of his eye a girl walking toward them.
Apr 16, 2008 3:45 PM

Jan 2008
"So after I deliver this, I'll show you guy to our --" She stops after turning around mid-sentence to look at the group, and notices Noel gone. "Eh? Noel?"

Apr 17, 2008 10:49 AM

Jul 2007
Noel stopped when she was about a yard away from the disruption, tilting her head to the side slightly, as if that would help her understand the situation better.

"'Scuse me, but what's going on?" she asked after a moment of silently observing, taking another step toward the two people.
Apr 17, 2008 2:13 PM

Mar 2008
The man who was arguing with Shadow, turned at the sound of the girl's voice and rolled his eyes, readjusting the packages in his arms. "Great. More brats to make my life miserable." He grumbled under his breath. "This is none of your buisness, girl. Mind your own. Take a lesson from this brat here and be more respectful towards your elders." The man replied, his face turning from red to purple.
Shadow spread his hands evenly infront of him. "I really don't know what's going on here, ma'm. I apologized to this man, but he doesn't seem to want to accept that." he lifted a hand to ruffle the back of his hair, a habit he does often when frustrated.
"Yer darn right, I'm not going to accept that." The man said, raising his voice again. "You kids need to learn more respect!!" He stormed off, shoving into Shadow on his way.

Shadow looked at the girl, his face red. "I'm really sorry he yelled at you. It's my fault for getting him so worked up." He offered a hand towrds the girl. "Hi. I'm Shadow. May I ask who I have had the pleasure of getting into trouble today?" He said with a soft smile.
Apr 17, 2008 5:15 PM

Jan 2008
Grace hears Noel's voice, and walks over to where she thinks she heard it. She sees Shadow with her, and looks between the two people, blinking. "E-eh? Um... ah... Noel, is this your friend or something?"

Apr 17, 2008 6:15 PM

Jan 2008
David follows Grace over, blinking at the scene. "That guy was pretty loud...What'd you do to get him upset? I doubt you did anything that bad." He looks over to Noel, curious at what her answer will be.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 18, 2008 9:14 AM

Jul 2007
"I'm Noel," she replied with a grin, taking Shadow's hand and shaking it. She then turned toward Grace and David, attempting to reply to their sudden flood of questions, "Ah, I actually just met this person, so I don't really know if we're friends or not yet. And I didn't do anything to get that old geezer mad... It was Shadow here, although I don't think he really did anything wrong either." She paused to take a breath, turning back toward Shadow, "These are some other people I met today, Grace and David."
Apr 18, 2008 2:59 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow smiled at the newcomers, nodding his head at both of them. "It's nice to meet the both of you." He said quietly. He took a moment to fully look at the both of them, noting their facial and physical chacteristics. He had done the same with Noel moments before. "No. I don't really think I did anything wrong, either. And I did apologize." He said, and embarrassed look on his face.
Apr 18, 2008 9:21 PM

Jul 2007
"Well, if you didn't do anything wrong then you shouldn't apologize. In fact, you should probably apologize for apologizing, but I guess that wouldn't make any sense," Noel said with a frown, becoming confused by her own statement.
"Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter that much, no harm really done," she added. "By the way, Shadow, do you need any medicine? I seem to be going into that career soon, so I figured I should advertise a bit."
Apr 19, 2008 6:49 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow frowned and ruffled his hair at Noel's first statement, and then smiled at her last. "Well in my line of work.........You tend to need medicine alot. Do you have any now? I could trade you some of these for some?" he said, slinging his bag off his shoulder and opening it, revealing a bag full of silver trinkets of all shapes and sizes. He blushed and said, " I tend to spend all my money on things that are shiny......"
Apr 21, 2008 9:12 AM

Jul 2007
Noel was about to interrupt and ask what line of work Shadow was actually in, but then he opened the bag and her short-lived curiosity was all but forgotten.

"Uwah!" she exclaimed upon seeing all the silver. She immediately began rummaging through the bag, pulling out various baubles and looking them over carefully.

"These are great! Ummm... oh... but I don't know if we have any medicine with us except for what Grace is carrying, which I think we're taking to someone who ordered it in advance... But I dunno..." she said, reluctantly putting the object she was holding back into the bag.
Apr 21, 2008 1:30 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow's face turned a deeper red as she began digging through his bag with such enthusiasm. "Ahahaha....Yeah....I just kinda seem to come across these things, and then my money dissapears..." He blushed again, and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh..Uhh..That's okay. You can give me the medicine any time you want, just as long as I do get it." He said, responding to Noel's last comment, and laughing a little. "I wouldn't want to take away someone else's medicine, so I think I can wait." he continued. He slung his bag back on his shoulder and smiled at Noel and Grace. "I can come to your shop to pick some up in a few days, if you can tell me where it is?" He said, turning to Grace.
XtransylvanianXApr 21, 2008 4:49 PM
Apr 21, 2008 7:17 PM

Nov 2007
The light was almost blinding, due to the long time Casper had spent in the tavern. He didn't really know what he was doing, but his memories reminded him of the town's streets, and his destination. Casper had decided to meet an old acquaintance of his, although, when he had last seen the lad Casper was sixteen. Casper had asked him what he planned to do, since he apparently wasn't going to join the army and the boy said that he was going to help people, with medicine, specifically making medicine. Casper showed contempt for the boy at that time, but now he felt as though he might be able to understand the lad. Digging throught the old files of his memories, he tried to figure out what family the boy had, and all he could think of was one small sister. Casper looked toward the cobblestone streets and allowed for his old instincts to take over, leading him past a few alley-ways, and headed towards his new destination.
Apr 21, 2008 7:27 PM

Jan 2008
Grace looks up at him. "Oh, yeah! Um, ah..." she says, holding onto the package with her mouth, while shuffling her hands through her pockets. She pulls out a small notepad and pencil, and writes something down. She tears the paper off of the pad, puts the pencil and pad back into her pocket, and hands the piece of paper to Shadow. "There's the address. It's in the village next to this one."

Apr 22, 2008 7:41 AM

Jul 2007
"We're going there right after we make this other delivery. Do you want to just come with us?" Noel asked, leaning closer to Shadow and attempting to read the address written on the paper. She didn't really need to know what the address was, Grace was going to lead her there, but she was always curious when things were written down. Well, actually, she was pretty much always curious about everything.
Apr 22, 2008 2:26 PM

Mar 2008
((Medli...I'm gonna kill you for your avvie...))

Shadow took the piece of paper in his hand, and glanced at it before slipping it into one of many pockets. "Well, if it's not too much of a hassel for any of you, I guess I could tag along. If that's okay." He said, addressing both Noel and Grace at once. "Can I meet you guys back here in a couple of minutes? I'd like to drop at my inn room, and it's just right down the street from here." Looked from Grace to Noel, waiting for the answer, a sheepish expresssion on his face.
Apr 22, 2008 2:36 PM

Jan 2008
David tilts his head at Shadow, wondering what kind of work he did. He thinks for a bit before smiling. "Looks like you need someone to take care of your money when you don't need it. Impulsive buying kinda sucks sometimes, eh?" David grimaces a bit at the thought of some of his impulse buying.

Thanks Medli for the sig!
Apr 22, 2008 3:34 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow shifted his gaze to David. "Hahaha, yeah. I need to get a bank account....But I don't like being around all those money-greedy people." He said, ruffling the back of his hair again. He scuffed the dirt with one of his boots. "I'm just not a responsible person, I guess."
Apr 22, 2008 9:28 PM

Jul 2007
"Well, that's okay. 'Responsible' seems to be synonymous with 'boring'. After all, if you're really responsible you usually end up doing the same stuff at the same time, day after day..." Noel mused out loud, blurting out her own opinions as if they were fact; of course, that was nothing unusual for her.
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