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Aug 16, 2015 12:32 PM

Dec 2013
The center of the Agent's operations. It's a large two story building with an even bigger basement, with sizable rooms for each of the Servants, although they don't really need to sleep. There are trap doors galore and the area is surrounded in trees, it being on the outskirts of town and all. Detection magic envelopes it so that all except an Assassin using its Conceal Presence ability will be detected if they're within a mile of it.


At the beginning of the game, the other team doesn't know where it is at all. They must first investiage the other areas first.
LilGreasyKidAug 16, 2015 1:11 PM
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Aug 16, 2015 7:03 PM

Jul 2015

"I need more rose's. Someone go fetch me some." I say with an evil grin. "And anyone over the age of 15 go and look for the other part of the chalice!" I say authoratively. I then get up and sit down on a fluffy pillow.
Aug 16, 2015 7:21 PM

Mar 2014
Hearing her mistress' order she immediately went out to look for the chalice, minutes later coming back and presenting Rosline with a simple cup, a serious look on her face as she was convinced she had found what she was told to look for "Chalice..."

Aug 16, 2015 7:24 PM

Jul 2015

"That is not the chalice, it has gems on it and is made of gold." I say. "This is why adults are annoying, since you can't find the chalice go get me some roses then I will give you food." I say. adults are annoying and fake, at least she is too stupid to be fake.
Aug 16, 2015 7:35 PM

Mar 2014
she looked at the cup for a while, as if in deep throught "not chalice?..." she threw it away, hearing her next command and nodding. She went outside to collect said 'roses' and came back after a while. She handed her beloved mistress a couple tree branches, only one rose among them "roses" her look was even more serious now. She was convinced she had given her mistress a bouquet of roses

Aug 16, 2015 7:40 PM

Jul 2015
(Eats hat...)


"Huh, who knew roses grew on branches..." Grabbing the Rose out of the branches I point at it. "See this flower, bring me more of them atleast 8 and then I'll give you more food." I say handing her a piece of bread. I would give her meat if she actually did what I asked. she is so stupid she isn't even worth having except in a fight
Aug 16, 2015 8:05 PM

Mar 2014
she looked at the rose for a while, as if studying exactly what was shown to her at that moment "yes, princess" she nodded and made her way outside again whilst eating the bread that was given to her, after a while finally returning with the roses. She handed them over to her mistress, a hint of being worried shown on her face as she had failed her twice already.

Aug 16, 2015 8:38 PM

Jul 2015

"Good job, have some meat." I say happily. I then handed over a piece of raw meat to her. "I hope you enjoy it." I say cheerfully. "You can do whatever you want now, I have private matters to take care of." I said as I went through the room placing roses in a David's star. Leaveing the extra ones in a vase. I then began to chant, calling upon some magical creature. A glow began then it abruptly stopped not letting what is what ment to do. "Grr the damn adults will live anouther day..." I say frustrated
Aug 16, 2015 8:43 PM

Mar 2014
She happily ate the meat that was given to her, a cheery smile on her face from her reward as she devoured it. She was told to do what she pleased, so she simply watched her mistress. After she was done she heard her comment and wondered "mistress..." she said first " what is 'adult'?" she asked, her head tilted to the side a bit

Aug 16, 2015 8:50 PM

Jul 2015

"An adult is a evil person who is older then 15..." I say. I sighed as I watched the glow go away. "Hmm what is wrong. I did everything like the book said too." I say to my self before making my second David's star then created a circle using the previous roses, "maybe this will change it?" I say as I move into position and began to chant and the formation glows a brighter red then ever before. As it reached the brightest point a huge flash of crimson happens and a two foot tall rose appeared, there was nothing special about it except it was two foot tall." What the hell?!" I shout stomping my foot like a princess throwing a tantrum.
Aug 16, 2015 9:00 PM

Mar 2014
"rose pretty..." she said as her mistress summoned it, then wondered about her previous statement " to count how old?" she asked, wanting to know as she wanted to try counting her age. The mistress always treated her badly, maybe age was the reason "is old years?"

Aug 16, 2015 9:05 PM

Jul 2015

"Age is how many years you are. I am 12." I say using my fingers to count count it at as a demestration. Then I picked up the giant rose... "Can you get me 100 roses like the ones I used?" I asked her. "I will give you more food if you get them." I say as a bribe. if I use 6 of these big ones it might work...
Aug 16, 2015 9:10 PM

Mar 2014
she listened to Rosline and started counting with her fingers, but having skipped some without knowing she had counted only to 15 "I 15" she said with an honest tone. Rosline always thought of her as older and she was, but now Ata herself thought she was 15 and her honesty mixed with her not being smart at all, anyone would believe her "100?" she gave a slow nod, yet didn't immediately go get them, instead she looked at the big rose in awe for a while

Aug 16, 2015 9:14 PM

Jul 2015

"Your 15... But you look like your 18..." I say in a moment of shock... "Please go get those roses now ok?" I say, I treated her so badly yet she was only a kid... Am I fake? I then held up a piece of cooked meat. "Bring me the roses and this is yours. If you bring me 110 roses I'll even give you a big rose of your own.
Aug 16, 2015 9:23 PM

Mar 2014
"Yes, I 15" she said with an honest smile and nodded at the next comment "yes princess" she looked at the meat, for the first time seeing it was actually cooked, followed by her saying she'd even get a rose herself. She quickly went outside, but took a lot of time to come back inside, this was because she had repeatedly recounted all the roses, making sure she had all 110 of them. She then delivered them to her mistress, a sad face as she had realized the amount of time she took to complete the task "I sorry...I took long time..." She looked at her mistress, all she could do was hope that the continuous counting was at least right

Aug 16, 2015 9:35 PM

Jul 2015
(... What if Atlanta brought 109 flowers...)
"Good job, here is your meat." I say handing the meat over I then began the process making giant flowers. I finally made all the giant flowers realizing I made three extra... I handed one gaint one to Atlanta. I didn't put two and two together yet... Using 10 giant roses I repeated the process to make the 2 ft tall roses. "Baus fir erty iudf loess fesil." I say causing a flash of pink and perple. A huge a flower appeared in the middle of where the smaller ones were. The flower was a 12 ft tall flower... "What in the fucking hell?! Do adults really need to be that lucky?!" I shout angrily picking up the giant flower that was hard to carry. I went out side holding it as an umbrella then sat down... (Time for a flower beat stick!)
Aug 16, 2015 9:45 PM

Mar 2014
she received the meat and before she knew it she was happily comping on it while laying on the ground. As she happily devoured her meat she saw her mistress chant and summon, yet for once successful. Mistress was unhappy, so she worried a bit and followed her, carefully poking her masters arm to get her attention "Master okay?" she asked in a silent tone, wondering if something she didn't understand had happened to her Master

Aug 16, 2015 9:55 PM

Jul 2015

"I am fine, my plan has just failed." I say. I was silently seatheing on the inside but no one needed to know that. "I just want the adults gone is that too hard to ask?!" I say, nearly breaking out into tears in one of my classic princess fits. I always wore my emotions on my sleeve so everyone could easily read me...
Aug 17, 2015 12:14 AM

May 2014

She looked around a bit, standing on her board as she slowly rode around, speeding up a bit and making a slight drift as she reached a wall, then sat down, lettibg out another slight sigh as she crossed her legs while going on for another slight bit, then eventually resting with her board in the snow, looking around the cathedral
Aug 17, 2015 2:05 AM

Aug 2013
The doors of the cathedral open as Fae walks in, dragging the maniac-like aura with her, she has this strange grin on her face.

She is wearing a trench coat with hood that has white skull on it, black sweatpants and combat boots. She has this huge scythe on her back, clearly giving a picture of her being an lancer or something, instead of assassin
Aug 17, 2015 2:29 AM

Mar 2014
without thinking much, she wrapped her arms around her princess, hoping she would stop crying "Ata kill adults" she said and gave a smile "for princess happiness" all she wanted right now was to see her princess smile

Aug 17, 2015 3:21 AM
Aug 17, 2015 3:24 AM

Aug 2013
(So braindead but so cute :P)
Aug 17, 2015 3:32 AM

Mar 2014
(hehehe~ <3)

Aug 17, 2015 8:40 AM

Jul 2015
(How the fuck don't you smile after that?!)

"Thank you Atlanta, that makes me very happy." I say hugging her back. "Even if your dumb as a log your amazing." I say, I was wrong... Maybe.... she sat there under her giant flower for a while unsure what to do next
Aug 17, 2015 8:53 AM

Mar 2014
she felt her mistress return her hug. For the first time, she was receiving affection. "Ata...happy too" she said with a smile before looking at her mistress "Ata..." she tried finding the word love as she did not know it, so she pointed at her chest and made the sound she thought a heart made "Ata Badum-Badum princess..." she said, convinced she had found the right word

Aug 17, 2015 9:08 AM

Jul 2015


"Wha..." I say at a lost for words. Did she mean she wants to shove her boobs on me?! Or was it something else? "I guess I should get up and go make sure everyone is alright(referring to those under 15)," I said getting up. Then I have ata one more hug before carrying my 12 foot tall flower into the building with me.
Aug 17, 2015 10:12 AM

Aug 2013
Fae looks Rosline leave with her ridiculously tall flower
what's her problem she wonders before going to explore around the area
Aug 17, 2015 10:47 AM
Nov 2013
White Death [Agent Assassin 2]
Looking at the amusing situation between his master and a fellow servent unfold as he ran a cleaning device down the barrel of his rifle, he tilted his head down and sighed. While he in one sense found it cute to watch, he held a small thought in his head looks like atlanta could be problematic he thought to himself. He had known how the Nazi's had brainwashed children to be soldiers from a young age in his own time, and saw a similarity between her and them. Seeing his master walk past, he reset his thoughts. If she hates adults, I guess I should work on my own for now, if the child has a use for my marksmanship, I trust our commander will let me know.
Rising from the spot he was cleaning his gun, he leaves to scout his future hunting grounds to find suitable positions to unleash his rifle.
Aug 17, 2015 12:34 PM

May 2014

She had been bored long enough, and instead decided to do something different, starting to go over the full length of the cathedral at high speed, then brought it up to the wall, starting to climb up and wallriding as she started to go around the Cathedral walls, not even knowing which place she was at, already having reached one of the highest points she could, without going upside down
Aug 17, 2015 3:53 PM
Aug 2014
*Siegfried watches the situation unfold before walking by with his great sword sheathed on his back*"It appears that we are all getting along quite well maybe we should introduce each other"*He says to anyone that would listen*
Aug 17, 2015 3:59 PM

Mar 2014
she had received a hug from her mistress before being left outside, the mistress having gone inside. Not receiving any orders she stayed where she was, dangling her legs as she thought about who her next weapon might be, thinking of all the ways to kill them

He had just returned and heard Siegfried speak. He walked up to him with a smile, but shook his head "I apologize, but I'll skip introductions...I have no intention on giving out my identity to anyone"

Aug 17, 2015 4:03 PM
Aug 2014
*He looks to Arthur*"then we can introduce each other based on out code name or skills since we are on a team it would be good to know who we will be working with"*He says with a smile on his face*
Aug 17, 2015 4:07 PM

Mar 2014
"very well then" he reached his hand out to Siegfried and smiled "I'm Lancer 1, what about yourself?" he figured he might aswell know that much about his allies

Aug 17, 2015 4:10 PM

Dec 2013
Magic Detection System

One non-Agent Servant detected in the Cemetery nearby.
Aug 17, 2015 4:19 PM

Jul 2015

"Who is in my cementary?! Everyone go kill their ass!" I say. I hate people being where they arnt supposed to be. I walked out of the building and head over to the cementary after making sure ata was coming.
Aug 17, 2015 4:21 PM
Aug 2014
*Siegfried grips Arthurs hand and smiles*"Im Saber 1 but looks like we better head to the cemetery and see whats going on there we can talk more when we return"*Heads off to the cemetery*
Aug 17, 2015 4:25 PM

May 2014

She let out a sigh as she heard Rosline. Well, atleast she got to go outside.... She turned her board around and almost flew out the door with the snow particles flowing around her as she headed for the cemetery, performing a flip as she jumped off the stairs
Aug 17, 2015 4:25 PM

Mar 2014
She followed her mistress,staying close to her to make sure she would not be attacked

"Well then, Saber, let us see who came to visit" he said with a smirk before following Siegfried to the cemetary

Aug 17, 2015 6:05 PM

Jul 2015

"Hmph, that ruler dude needs to die but if I kill him
Then I'll be in trouble..." I say out loud. I sat down on my fluffy pillow still holding ata's hand. that bastard is going to die... I sat there lost in thought not relizeing anyone else came in. If anyone wanted my attention they would have to bug me about it.
Aug 17, 2015 6:09 PM

May 2014

She bursted through the Cathedral doors in a spray of snow, starting to use the halls as a halfpipe, grinding over ledges and flipping around the place, releasing some steam and energy as she kept doing so, the snow jumping around making it look quite amazing
Aug 17, 2015 6:22 PM

Mar 2014
she had nowhere to sit, so she simply stood next to her mistress while holding her hand, not wanting her to let go "princess..." she called out to her to get her attention "ata sorry...could no pretect princess from adult..." her teary eyes were still there. She fought of herself as useless at the moment "princess should punish Ata...Ata no good" the images still flashing in her head, she had a deep hatred for Ruler, but the love for her mistress was her greatest emotion

Aug 17, 2015 6:31 PM

Jul 2015

"Why would I punish you? You're just a child it's the mean adults that need to punishing." I say this with a concerned look, I would do anything for the kids who followed me. Even if I disdain adults my servants are the few I won't turn on anyways. I'd have to hard a time killing them. Other master on the other hand, I could kill without batting an eye.
Aug 17, 2015 6:37 PM

Mar 2014
she listened to the words her mistress spoke and started shivering. She wouldn't be punished even though she couldn't protect her mistress. She didn't understand, but that wasn't what caused her to shiver. What did was the urge to cry. She covered her eyes with her free arm while her other hand was held by Ros as Ata stood beside her and she started crying again "Ata...Ata no want to lose princess...Ata love princess..." she said, having remembered the word love

Aug 17, 2015 6:44 PM

Jul 2015
(Jesus, I have feels even though this isn't that feels based...)


"Atlanta my child do not cry." I say, sitting her on my lap even though she was bigger. Hearing the word love being used so innocently by someone such as ata caused a weird pain in my chest, like someone had stabbed me. what is this feeling? "I love you my child." I say. I was sounding more like a mother then I would like but for some reason it just felt right.
Aug 17, 2015 6:58 PM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
After returning from his scouting trip turn casual walk, Assassin 2 used his shoulder to barge the door open. Undressing from a white winter suit to a green camo-combat suit underneath, he walked orderly towards Rosline, his young master. Considering how best to approach the subject he intended, he thought it best to be frank in his opinion. If he tried to dress it up with pretty forewording, he envisioned a painful death when it came to reaching his point. looking at the scene of the his master coddling Atlanta like a child brought pains as he was the going to be the one to break their little moment. Still wearing his trademark white mask, he spoke,
"Master, I wish to speak my opinion. Will you allow an adult such as myself the pleasure of talking for a bit?"
Aug 17, 2015 7:00 PM

Mar 2014
(she's just so innocent <3)
being sat on her mistress' lap she immediately hugged her, burrying her face in Ros' shoulder as she cried. Hearing her mistress say she loved her helped her calm down. The tears stopped falling and were replaced by a warm feeling. She didn't know what to do or to say, so she simply stayed on the lap of the person she would do anything for. Ata looked Ros in the eyes, her own eyes still a bit moist as she gave an innocent smile "princess make Ata happy" she said. This moment of resting on her mistress' lap, she'd never forget it

Aug 17, 2015 7:04 PM

Jul 2015

"As much as I want to say no, I have no reason not to. Be swift about it though as you already know I have quite the disdain for adults. And ruler already made that worse today." I say. he is my servant and as his master it is my duty to listen to what he says even if I want him dead. I patted alanta on the leg gently before standing up and causing her to land on my fluffy pillow. "As your master I would like you to be honest with me, if you lie ore try and be secretive I will have no mercy." I said just to emphasize my point I pulled out my whip. of course I wasn't going to kill him, I probally wouldn't even hurt him but the treat is the worse then the punishment.
Aug 17, 2015 7:35 PM
Nov 2013
Agent Assassin 2
"We-well" He began, stuttering as she released her whip, before sharpening his tounge to voice himself
"It's somewhat related to that. No disrespect but you are too direct in how you engage yourself with those who are adult. I believe in confrontation, you are the type to wear your heart on your sleeve and the type to voice their opinions truthfully, good or bad. Adults don't fight like that, and while it's an honest and noble way to do buisness on the battlefield, I've never in my life seen a commander who wins with such an attitude." He removed his mask, showing a disfigured face from when he was a soldier.
"The most powerful commander is one who manipulates every piece on the board with threads of barbed wire at every opportunity, her own, the enemy's as well as Ruler himself. I understand you hate adults such as myself so i also imagine hearing this from one is nothing short of blasphemy, but I think you should consider how you could use the adults you despise, instead of rejecting them, accept them into your own plans, use them until their aged bones grow weak, and reject them only after you have no use for them."
He wondered if he said too much for her to understand in one go. He was never the tutoring type, so it came out in a mess of metaphorical rambling. he waited to see if she would respond with a swift lash from the whip in her hand, or a worse fate altogether.
Aug 17, 2015 7:58 PM

Jul 2015

"Using adults? Manipulating, lying? Those are what adults do, those are why I hate adults. I will not just use someone like they are trash, I give my loyalty and I except it back not because I throw them away and not because I honest but because if I wear to do what adults did I would be no better. You say no commander can win a war with honesty and without manipulation, I say you are wrong. A war isn't won by the actions in the shadows and the strings pulled causing mistrust but a war is won by having trust in one and another. And though I disdain adults with every fiber of my being I will not let one of my servants sit by and think I'm going to use them even if they are an adult. If I ever here that come from you again I will make sure you can't be used. And to continue I believe that we already have tooken the first steps to winning. We already know the that ruler is easy to taunt and gets angry quick. I appreciate that honesty you have showed me, so I shall reward you a rose. After three I will grant you any one wish you desire as long as I can fufil it." I say, I was shaking in anger. But I was happy because of the honesty I recieved. Pulling out a blood red rose I tossed it at him. "If you have anything else to say spirit out before I change my mind." I said giving him a chance to speak.
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