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Sep 11, 2013 11:39 AM

Apr 2013

The start of our story. You enter this station with the intention of boarding the "Heaven's Express". A super-de-luxe train said to be able to bring you to any destination. A few days ago, you received a ticket for this legendary train, and now you're here ready for a new start. When you take a look around, you see only very few people; in the end, only the twelve ready to board the same train as you. Having nothing else to do, you might as well get to know them.
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Sep 12, 2013 9:42 AM

Dec 2012
Hironori looks around studying every one looking for easy marks.
Shiura_AoiSep 13, 2013 12:44 AM
..... :'(
Sep 12, 2013 10:46 AM

Dec 2011
Ryu walked around, he wasn't really aiming to find someone or do something. He looked at the people who was going to board the train with him, without much interest left, he just went to the wall and leaned against it whilst sitting down.
Sep 12, 2013 10:52 AM

Dec 2012
Hironori sits down and looks up. Odd..only so few..none are to rich... What is this a trap? Could be
Shiura_AoiSep 13, 2013 12:45 AM
..... :'(
Sep 12, 2013 3:52 PM

Feb 2012
Azami once again fakes a smile and tries to look happy she walks around looking at the people boarding the same train as her, was there anyone that looked like they were easy to get along with?
thank you takiboob

Sep 12, 2013 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi walks up to the station with his sunglasses on and on his bluetooth with someone, "Yes I know. Yes can you, prepare the case files I prepared? Thank you some much Yuri." He turns of the bluetooth and takes off his sunglasses glancing around at the people here. Sighing, he takes a look at his watch and sits down on a nearby bench.
Sep 12, 2013 7:02 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi looks around the train station and examined the other people. She then looked down at herself. She was holding the special train ticket that the stranger on the street had given her and then mysteriously disappeared. She didn't know what it was all about but she figured it wouldn't hurt to explore it. She'd stolen some clothes to look less conspicuous, she'd tucker her long pink hair into a black hoodie, and pulled up the hood. She also had a pair of dark blue jeans on, along with a pair of grey Converse, that didn't improve her already stunted height any, bringing her up to maybe four and a half feet tall. She examined all the people, the very formal man on the bench, the bubbly looking girl near the train, the boy watching everyone, and the one leaning against the wall. She decided that the formal man would be the least troublesome to approach, since her past experience with businessmen made them out to focus only on work and not the people around them, so she walked towards the bench and sat on the ground near it, as not to disturb him.
WildBerriSep 12, 2013 7:13 PM
Sep 12, 2013 7:49 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi glances down at Izumi and gives her a smile and a wave before grabbing his blackberry out of his pocket and using it.
Sep 12, 2013 9:17 PM

Nov 2010
Casually walking up to the sation, Hisui had her hands shoved in her pockets and wore a red headphone that's connected to her iPhone playing J-rock. She looked quite the tomboy delinquent she is, so much tht the fancy train ticket in her hand did't fit in the image at all.

She was in her "fancy apartment" having her usual nap when someone unsually knocked her door, it was unusual because if it was one of her gangster friends they would have simply just charged in and made themselvs home. When she opened the door, Hisui found the ticket in an envelope on the floor, and there was nobody insight. Her curiosity beat her and she ended up coming to the train station.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 12, 2013 9:29 PM

Dec 2012
It's still odd I got one... I never enter a contest or really use my real name yet it had my name, Hironori thought
Shiura_AoiSep 13, 2013 12:49 AM
..... :'(
Sep 13, 2013 12:43 AM

Apr 2013
(Fro-san, please read the rules. No ** And your name is not Kia. For now, I'll make the sentences for you, but please do it right next time)
Sep 13, 2013 12:56 AM

Apr 2013
With her suitcase rolling behind her, Lucy entered the train station. To make sure she wouldn't lose it, she was pressing her ticket against her chest with all her might. It was the only thing that could bring her to her destination, after all. She looked around to see what kidn of people would be boarding the same train she was. There was a scary man, a boy sitting to the wall, a nice-and-bubbly looking girl, a businessman, a girl with a hoodie and pink hair, and a tomboy girl. She walked over the station, never really stopping somwhere, and ending up at the other side, at the walls. She leaned against the wall, but made sure to keep her distance from the boy, to not disturb him.
Sep 13, 2013 1:01 AM

Dec 2012
Hironori walks up to Lucy and does a small bow. "Hello miss. Need some help? Also do you know how we got these?" He said while holding up his ticket.
..... :'(
Sep 13, 2013 1:04 AM

Apr 2013
Lucy looked up to the stranger suddenly standing in front of her. It was the man she had dubbed "scary". She got a little nervous, and looked to the ground, which wasn't too difficult from her position, looking at his feet.
"N-no, I don't know that. I'm sorry sir."
Sep 13, 2013 1:11 AM

Dec 2012
Hironori smiles and nodes"well miss can i help u with ur bags?"

(sorry about the ** it just alot of pepole i rp with if i dount put that the think i said that even if i put they think they still think i said it ill do my best not to put them here)
..... :'(
Sep 13, 2013 2:06 AM

Feb 2012
Azami walks over to the girl standing by the wall with the man, they seemed like interesting people. "Hello~ I'm Kanata Azami, nice to meet you!" Azami fakes a smile (it looks real though)
thank you takiboob

Sep 13, 2013 2:24 AM
Jul 2018
Slowly walks near the pier with his backpack hanging on his back, slowly eyes the people gathered and lets out a rather silent sigh as he leans backwards at a column with a dull look on his face as he awaits for the train.
Sep 13, 2013 6:42 AM

Dec 2011
Ryu looks at the now gathered group of people. He sighed a little and looked up. "These loudmouths.", Ryu stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants, "Am I going to be boarding with these people..?", he said in a small voice, "Nobody here is even worth thinking about..".
Sep 13, 2013 7:58 AM

Apr 2013
"No, I'm fine. I've got only one suitcase, and it has wheels, so it's really easy to carry," she said with a smile. Then, a girl walked up to them, and introduced herself on a happy tone. Lucy knew she had to say something back, or they would think she was weird, or that she didn't like them.
"I'm Amagi Lucy," she said while standing up.
Sep 13, 2013 10:10 AM

Dec 2012
HIRONORI "hi my name is HISAO HIRONORI . it is a plaser to meet you both." he gave them both a charming smile.
..... :'(
Sep 13, 2013 10:51 AM
Jul 2018
Slowly slides down on his back against the column and sits down. He covers his head with his hands as the trio to his right is pretty talkative. He'd still have that emotionless deep look on his face.
Sep 13, 2013 2:00 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi looked up at the man. She was a little startled when he'd so kindly smiled at her and waved, she raised her hand and wiggled her fingers back, quickly putting them back down. When he began playing with his phone she looked down into her own lap. What curious people this train has gathered, She thought.
Sep 13, 2013 3:57 PM

Feb 2012
"It is a pleasure to meet you too. I hope we get along, since we're boarding the same train and all"
thank you takiboob

Sep 13, 2013 11:10 PM

Apr 2013
"I hope so too," Lucy said with a smile. Everything was going well so far.
Sep 14, 2013 12:30 AM

Dec 2012
Hironori "as do I as do any of you find it odd so few pepole are here?"
..... :'(
Sep 14, 2013 1:42 AM

Apr 2013
"Maybe we're too early," Lucy said, hoping she wouldn't have to consider another possibility. Like the train not existing at all.
Sep 14, 2013 3:57 AM
Jul 2018
Turns his gaze slowly towards the trio to his left. He wonders quietly as he eyes them up and down... "Why do they have the ticket? They already seem happy enough... Im sure there are people who needed it more than them."
Sep 14, 2013 4:03 AM

Nov 2010
Hisui suddenly appeared before Souji, her straight face was right infront of his "Have you woken up today remembering what to believe in?" She asked. It was hard to grasp the meaning behind her question, is it just more of her random bizarre words? Or did it actually have a meaning?
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 14, 2013 4:05 AM
Jul 2018
Souji slowly turns his emotionless face towards Hisui. He gives her a rather confused look before sighing and turning his face away from her eyes. Than with a low tone "Don't you have something better to do?" he says.
Sep 14, 2013 4:30 AM

Nov 2010
"Something better to do? To do, to do, to do to do to do to do to dooooo~ to do to do~" instead of replying properly, she mimicked pink panther's theme and straightened herself to tab the ground as well.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 14, 2013 4:34 AM
Jul 2018
Souji haves an even more confused look on his face this time.Not sure of the girls intentions, he starts to get nervous. "I-Is this really a good time to be singing like that? W-What the heck are you talking about anyways?!"
Sep 14, 2013 10:10 AM

Nov 2010
Hisui remained silent and motionless for a moment then smiled, finally showing a different face expression "Name?" She asked for his name while pointing at him with her index finger.
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Sep 14, 2013 3:25 PM
Jul 2018
He becames pretty suprised when the finger points at him. He just can't make any sense that someone is actualy somewhat being nice to him. He scratches the back of his head as his face regains the emotionless look. "S-Souji... Why did you ask?"
Sep 14, 2013 4:36 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi looked down at the ground and around the train station as all the people talking. Everyone was getting to know each other, which seemed like a good idea since they were all going to be on the same train. She turned her gaze back on the man. She thought it would be logical to talk like the others were, but a part of her battled that with her hatred of adults. We're going to be on the same train, I'll have to talk to one of them sooner or later. May as well suck it up. She thought, and tugged on the man's pant leg, "Uhm, w-where are you going to?" She asked, in her sweetest voice.
Sep 14, 2013 4:43 PM

Feb 2012
"Yeah....I think so too. We could just be early but then again.... Anyway, where are you two headed to?"
thank you takiboob

Sep 14, 2013 5:48 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi looks down at Izumi and smiles as he pats her head gently, "I don't know yet, somewhere though...somewhere important probably."
Sep 14, 2013 6:06 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi eyed the man warily as he patted her head, she flinched, slightly, almost sure he was going to hit her. When he didn't though she just stared. That's an odd scenario... She thought. "Oh, important? Do you have important things to do?" She asked.
Sep 14, 2013 6:13 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi laughed as he leans down to talk to Izumi at her height, "Well I'm a very important man kiddo. I save people you could say. I hope you don't mind me talking to you at this level. When I was a kid I didn't like being talked down to so I wouldn't dare do that to a child."
Sep 14, 2013 6:16 PM

Jun 2013
Childishly, Izumi felt her face grow red. No one had ever asked her opinion on anything before, "Oh, no, it's fine. I-It's nice to have a face to face conversation. You save people? Like a superhero?" She asked, she'd always wanted to know a superhero growing up, if only to save her from her parents.
Sep 14, 2013 6:19 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi rubs his stubble a bit before laughing, "Yeah I guess you could call me a superhero, i save people and put bad guys away! I shouldn't let it get to my head though!" he laughs as he makes a comical pose for Izumi.
Sep 14, 2013 6:22 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi giggled at the man, "That's so cool!" She said, excitedly, completely forgetting she was talking to an adult, the group of people she'd sworn to always hate. "What kind of powers do you have?" She asked, "Like super strength? Or, this one time, I saw this lady on a comic book who had a lasso that made people always tell the truth!"
Sep 14, 2013 6:25 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi laughs as he pats her head again, "Oh you mean Wonder Woman? Well I got to say...I'm not as cool as her, but my super power has to be making others tell the truth and making the truth come out! I am the TRUTH SEEKER!" He sees a sheet of something next to the bench that looks like a tarp or blanket and picks it up putting it around his shoulders as a cape and holding the funny pose.
Sep 14, 2013 6:30 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi bursts out in a fit of giggles, putting her hands to her mouth and laughing hard. "Truth Seeker! Truth Seeker! That's a cool superhero name." She settles herself and looks at him, smiling, "I wish I was a superhero."
Sep 14, 2013 6:32 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi smiles sadly at Izumi and snaps his fingers. He takes his curtain cape and puts it around Izumi, "There you go! I hereby dub you....Wonder Gal!"
Sep 14, 2013 6:37 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi jumps up and puts her arms out, "I can be your sidekick! Doo doo doot doo!" She jumps up and down a few times and then puts her hand to her chin, "But I need some super powers too, to be a good sidekick."
Sep 14, 2013 6:42 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi laughs as he thinks about it for a second. He gets an idea and snaps his fingers, "I got it! Your cuteness can subdue my foes and leave them defenseless!"
Sep 14, 2013 6:46 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi stood stunned for half a second and then began jumping again, "Er, yea! Yea!" She said, adults didn't compliment her in her life, so she wasn't used to it. "It can be a tag team, I'll jump in and then you makes them tell their truths!" She said, punching and kicking invisible foes around the train station.
Sep 14, 2013 6:51 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi smiles sadly as he sees Izumi jump up and down, "Yeah sure can. We'll defeat all the bad guys. All of them."
Sep 14, 2013 6:54 PM

Jun 2013
Izumi, giggles some more and returned to her place in front of him, "What about after we defeat them? Do we take them to jail?" She asked, thinking about all the criminals she'd like to fight.
Sep 14, 2013 6:58 PM
Jul 2018
Hiroshi playfully pushes her cheek with his fist, "Yeah we can kiddo...yeah we can. We'll put away all the evildoers that dare to harm this world's peace." He thinks to himself, "She's so full of energy...It must be nice to be young..."
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