Forum Settings
Dec 7, 2009 10:22 AM

Dec 2008
Past Category: Smokers [Week #1 - From Nov 26 'til 7 december: the first week's time will be longer cuz starting this week from today 26th, it's already almost finished^^"]

Suggested Smokers of the Week


Do NOT post in this topic. This is just to keep an archive of the past weeks categories.

EtnaEracleaDec 7, 2009 10:55 AM

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Dec 14, 2009 12:55 PM

Dec 2008
Currently Category: VideoGame [Week #2 - From 7th 'til 14th december.

VideoGame Characters Claim Format:

Character: FULL NAME (otherwise staff can reject your claim)
Videogame: Title of the videogame which chara is from + Link to its web-page (gamespot/wikipedia better)
Category: VideoGame Characters
Banner: Please make it for me / i'll make it
Proof Pic: You have to provide a proof pic only if you claim a chara from an anime became videogame Later. Of course the image must be from the videogame. And you must use the same proof image for your own banner
viceversa: if the character came from a videogame (that is turned into an anime LATER), and if you ask for a banner to be made, then u can also provide a fanart image^__^

Example of Characters from Anime became videogame later (b'cuz their popularity):
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 - WII)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach: Blade Battlers 2nd - PS2)

Note: this week there wont be the 'category suggestion of the week', but we suggest you a website really full of info about videogames.

Note 2: Remember the Pic rule or the claim will be rejected.

Dec 21, 2009 7:58 AM

Dec 2008
Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Smartest Characters [Week #3 - From 14 'til 21 december]

Smartest Claim Format:
Character: FULL NAME + link to his mal page
Category: Smartest
Proof: remember that a mal wiki quote (and the link) would be the better, if u really cant find it, then we ask you a DETAILED description of what it makes ur claimed chara really smart.
Banner: i'll make it/please make it for me!
Picture: if you request a banner to be made, you have to provide the pic!

Suggested Smartest of the week:

Dec 28, 2009 10:04 AM

Dec 2008
Fourth week is started..
~Christmas Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Christmas Characters [Week #4 - From 21 'til 28 december]

Christmas Claim Format:
Character: FULL NAME
Category: Christmas
Banner: i'll make it/please make it for me!
Proof Picture: remember a christmas related pic, or the claim wont count! even if u make ur banner, post the proof pic, or the claim will be rejected!
EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:29 PM

Jan 4, 2010 9:29 AM

Dec 2008
Fifth week is started..
~Elegant Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Elegant Characters [Week #5 - From December 28 'til 4 January]

Elegant Claim Format
Category: Elegant
Banner: i'll make it/please make it for me!
Proof Pic: remember an elegant pic! [read rules for more details] no pic = no claim! even if u make ur banner u need an elegant pic as proof!

This week there wont' be a suggested list of charas, b'cuz any chara is allowed BUT you have to use and post an elegant dressed pic of him/her!
EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:29 PM

Jan 11, 2010 3:14 PM

Dec 2008
Sixth week is started..
~Children Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Children Characters [Week #6 - From 4 'til 11 January]

Children Claim Format
Character: FULL name + MAL PAGE <- don't forget the page of the character!!!
Category: Children
Banner: i'll make it/please make it for me!
Guarantee: MAL/Wiki QUOTE + link to the source! (u can let empty this pace but then it will be a decision from staff if accept or not ur claim!) / also, if ur chara is "not human" specify this here!!
Proof Pic: remember a pic WHERE THE CHAR IS CHILDREN (and use the same pic for ur banner)! ~ no pic = no claim! even if u make ur banner u need an elegant pic as proof!


Note: the "Approximately" does worth ONLY for flashback/not human chara which are clearly shown as children!

Here there are a little list of some suggestion list of children in anime!
Important note: ofc, you can claim also chara that aren't in this list, but they must follow the rules, anycase the chara u will choose must be with an image of when he's a child.
Probably this week there was no need of a suggestion list, cuz almost any chara that got a childhood flashback is allowed, but oh well.. i did the list so XD it would be a waste don't using it :P Enjoy~

EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:35 PM

Jan 18, 2010 11:02 AM

Dec 2008
Seventh week is started..
~Headgeared Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Headgeared Characters [Week #7 - From 11 'til 18 January]

Headgeared Claim Format: (Every field is obligatory FOR EVERYONE!)
Category: Headgeared
Guarantee: state how much often he wear the headgear = always/almost always/very often <- based on every ep of the anime/chapter of the manga where is shown the claimed character
Headgear: hat/hairband/ribbon/helm/hairclip...etc
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Proof pics: remember to put FIVE (5) different pics where shown that the chara wear the headgear!
Banner pic: even for ppl that make their own banner, here the 6th different pic which u'll use/want for the banner <- NO MAL/SMALL PIC!

Suggested Headgeared of the week:
Remember any kind of headgear which is worn on the HEAD is allowed. BUT the characters must wear it always or almost! Check Rules for more details..
Don't forget to provide the proofs-pics and the banner pic or even if you make ur own banner the claim will be rejected!

Note 1: the guarantee of always/almost always/very often is meant per every episode where the claimed character is been shown.
Note 2: if the chara is a support-character = appears rarely in the anime, it have to wear ALWAYS the headgear.

few *example of not allowed characters*
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) = he wear his bandana only FEW time in the whole show, only when he seriously fight someone.
Pilotes from Gundam series (and similar) = they wear a protective 'helm-suite' only during battle ^^" it's not enough.

I hope you will like this claim ;3
EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:30 PM

Jan 24, 2010 4:07 AM

Dec 2008
Eighth week is started..
~Female Badass Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Female Badass Characters [Week #8 - From 18 'til 25 January]

Here the link of the MAL fanclub of Female Badass!
Remember that if u'll claim any other character that's not on their list, ur claim will be rejected.

Female Badass Claim Format:
Category: Female Badass
Proof: link to her club page relation [her mal page -> clubs relation]
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: you must provide a picture (use spoiler!) - REMEMBER: NO MAL/SMALL PICS ALLOWED, otherwise = claim rejected

Suggested list of the week? pretty simple: go to check the characters relations of the Female Badass Club! All (and only) the chara from their list is allowed.

Have fun :3
EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:32 PM

Feb 1, 2010 11:43 AM

Dec 2008
Nineth week is started..
~Classics Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Classics Characters [Week #9 - From from 25th January until 1st February]

Classics Claim Format:
Character: FULL NAME + Link to HIS MAL PAGE
Anime/Manga: only from anime/manga finished airing/pubblishing WITHIN the year 1999
Category: Classics
Finished Airing: copy + paste the date (you can find it in the anime MAL page)
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: read rules to know which pics u can use and which not <- that's really important

Hi guys, this time to make it easier we'll suggest you directly the anime.. thought that any chara from old anime is allowed :P
so don't think that the list is small :P just think that every anime has got a LOT of charas in there XD!!
Also yea, you can claim also chara that aren't from the anime in this list, that's ofc. Remember that the anime must be finished airing within the year 1999!!
Enjoy and have fun, here the list:
EtnaEracleaOct 18, 2010 2:33 PM

Feb 7, 2010 9:51 AM

Dec 2008
Tenth week is started..
~Blushed Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Blushed Characters [Week #10 is from 1st February until 7th February]

Blushed Claim Format
Character: FULL NAME
Category: Blushed
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Proof pic: YOU MUST ADD THE SAME PIC U'LL USE FOR THE BANNER, and also: no pic = rejected claim

This week there won't be a Suggested List, b'cuz basicly every chara is allowed BUT you have to use and post a blushed pic of them!!!
And follow the claim format or ur claim will be rejected!! >.<
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:57 AM

Feb 15, 2010 2:18 AM

Dec 2008
11th week is started..
~Enamoured Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Enamoured Characters [Week #11 is from 8th until 15th February]

Enamoured Claim Format = FILL EVERY FIELD!
Category: Enamoured
Who they love: FULL name
Proof: a quote which CLEARLY say that the chara is fallen in love!
Source: link of the page where u quoted the proof!
Banner: yes onegai!
Picture: NO MAL/SMALL PICS ACCEPTED (pics must be bigger than 400x400 pixels!)


Ok guys, here the suggested list of the week~
Remember that is YOUR responsability find a mal/wiki quote (and give the link of the source) which proof that the chara loves someone!
Fill the whole claim format, don't forget MAL pages of charas too! otherwise claim will be rejected.
So, yea, those are just suggested characters of the week, it's up to you write WHO they love!

Keep in mind that family/friend feeling aren't considered Love as a couple which 2 persons feels for eachother!
Also any 'affection' or 'not clearly shown' love won't be accepted as a real love, and the chara will be rejected.

Only real clearly shown love feelings are accepted!!!

EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:58 AM

Feb 21, 2010 4:00 AM

Dec 2008
12th week is started..
~Carnival Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Carnival Characters [Week #12 is from 15th until 22nd February]

Remember that a couple of accessories (like a couple of wings, and ears and a tail) AREN'T ENOUGH!
The costume MUST be full-body dressing!

Carnival Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + Link to his MAL Page
Category: Carnival
Costume Type: Animal Bunny Type/Animal Tiger Type/Cowboy/Ninja/Cosplay (if it's a cosplay STATE WHO'S THE COSPLAY IS!)
Special Name: say if you want/will write on ur banner a special name (keep the claimed chara FIRST name in it!)
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Proof Pic: even ppl must provide the proof pic which show the chara wearing a SPECIAL COSTUME!

Crossdress could be allowed only if is a cosplay of another anime/manga chara!
Also do not forget that a chara can't be dressed by what he actually is!

This week there won't be a suggested list, cuz any chara wearing a Special Costume is allowed. Read rules for more details about the allowed costumes!

~ Happy Carnival! ~
EtnaEracleaMay 16, 2010 2:26 AM

Feb 28, 2010 1:54 PM

Dec 2008
13th week is started..
~Gunsligers Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Gunslingers Characters [Week #13 is from 22nd February until 1st March]

a couple of Examples of NOT allowed "Magical-not really-guns":
1. Hayato Gokudera doens't use a gun. His Flame Arrow is a weapon that's more of an archery crossbow type. It's more like a magical gun than what you see from normal guns.
2. Also another example could be Minato Arisato, he doesnt use the gun to fight he uses it only on himself AND the gun doesnt have real bullets.
so both above listed characters are NOT allowed.

Gunslingers Claim Format: [you must fill EVERY field]
Character: FULL NAME
MAL Page: mal page of the character!
Category: Gunslingers
Story: write down a couple of sentences to explain why and where they use their guns
Type of Gun: state if it's a gun/double gun/miter/bazooka ..etc
Proof pics: 3 proof pics! [screen/scans]
Banner: i'll make it/Please make it for me
Banner pic: even if u make ur banner u have to provide it!

Remember: NO MAL PIC, no as proof nor banner pic! NO MAL/SMALL PICS accepted at all!

Suggested list of the week
Remember that if a chara is in this list doesn't mean that u have not to provide the proof >_>
this is ONLY a suggestion list, YOU have to find and provide the proofs by ur own, is YOUR responsability!
Also remember to fill the WHOLE claim format in EVERY single field! or the claim will be rejected.

Hope u like this category!^^
Enjoy and have fun~
EtnaEracleaMay 16, 2010 2:27 AM

Mar 9, 2010 5:52 AM

Dec 2008
14th week is started..
~Cheerful Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Cheerful Characters [Week #14 is from 1st March until 8th March~]

Here the link: [MAL] Cheerful Characters Club <- remember that only Characters from this list are allowed!

Cheerful Claim Format
Character: FULL NAME + MAL Page
Category: Cheerful
Proof: link of mal page-> clubs relation [NO AT THE CLUB LINK OR MAL PAGE ONLY! ANY CLAIM WITH THAT WONT COUNT]
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Banner pic: with a very smile/happy expression only! [even who makes their banner must post the banner pic]

a Suggested list of the week? Of course. Check the club's characters relation!

Have fun and enjoy this category minna-san^^
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:52 AM

Mar 14, 2010 1:29 AM

Dec 2008
15th week is started..
~Beloved Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Beloved Characters [Week #15 is from 8th March until 15th March~]

Remember that just *affection* is not enough! affection is a feeling felt even for friends and family!

Beloved Claim Format
Character: Full name + MAL PAGE
Category: Beloved
Who loves them: FULL name of the person that loves ur claimed chara in the anime story
Proof: Mal/wiki quote ONLY - a quote which say that ur claimed chara is beloved
Source: the link of mal/wiki page which say the previous sentence!
Banner: i'll make it! / please make it for me!!
Picture: NO mal/small/low quality pic [not accepted either fight pics or such. try to be coerent with the category!]

here the suggested list of the week! [Beloved]
Remember that is YOUR responsability find the PROOF! No proof = no claim
also, DON'T forget the MAL PAGE of ur claimed chara! otherwise ur claim wont be accepted!

EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:53 AM

Mar 20, 2010 9:18 AM

Dec 2008
16th week is started..
~Winter Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Winter Characters [Week #16 is from 15th March until 22nd March~]

Remember that the pic must show CLEARLY the winter theme, especially ON the claimed character. Otherwise it wont be accepted.
[ex: you cant claim naruto if in his pic EVERYONE but him wear winter closes and he is the only one not wearing them. got it? the CLAIMED chara must PARTICOULARY winter theme related.]

Winter Claim Format:
Character: FULL NAME
Category: Winter
Option: state if you'll use an opt A or B or both, however it has to CLEARLY show the winter theme ON ur chara
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Who is the chara in the pic: whenever u provide a pic where there's more than one chara, fill this field
Proof pic: no at small pics, EVERYONE must post the proof pic. remember: CLEARLY winter themed.

This week there wont be a suggested list, b'cuz any character is claimable if it follow the rules.
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:53 AM

Mar 29, 2010 1:24 PM

Dec 2008
17th week is started..
~Glasses Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Glasses Characters [Week #17 is from 22nd March until 29th March~]

Note: for the proof type B you have to name the episodes OR chapters.
Pages from chapters allowed only from: and

Glasses Claim Format
Chatacter: Full Name + MAL Page
Category: Glasses
Type: A / B
Proof Type A: both types have to fill this field
Proof Type B: only Type B has to fill this field either
Episodes: "Always" if it's type A - or list at least 3 ep if it's Type B
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Banner pic: chara must WEAR glasses [provide it even if u make ur banner]

Suggested list of the week: Glasses
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:54 AM

Apr 4, 2010 1:56 AM

Dec 2008
18th week is started..
~Glutton Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Glutton Characters [Week #18 is from 29th March until 5th April~]

Note: It should be obvious but anyway, DRINKS are not allowed.
Only charas gluttons of FOOD are allowed.

Do not forget that the addon-rule Bonus Glutton is absolutly NOT applied on MAIN charas from not old anime [this means that u'll have to provide the 3 screens/manga pages for them]
- Remember that chara must be a glutton/always hungry one! Any not followed chara wont be accepted!
- Also remember that if a chara only "likes" a food/have a favourite food doesnt mean that he's a glutton! You must find better quotes.
- It's not necessary fill BOTH guarantees, u can even fill only one of them, but it's necessary that you fill A or B.
- To use the "Glutton Bonus" read the addon-rules properly, and do not forget to write at top of the claim format which bonus are you using.

Glutton Claim Format
Glutton Bonus: only for the person that use it, have to fill this field and specify which bonus they do use
Character: FULL name + Mal page
Category: Glutton
Addicted to: the food they love to eat
Guarantee Type A: do not forget the source link! [it must be a clear quote. no "fave food" allowed and such]
Guarantee Type B: name 3 episodes where the chara is shown eating
Proof pics: 3 screens / manga scans [read the addon rules for more info]
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Banner pic: the chara must be eating / holding food [show this pic even if u make ur banner]

Do not forget that the glutton bonus is especially extended for the suggested chara of this followed list, but you have anyway to fill one guarantee and the proof pics as well. [Read addon-rules for more details]
here's the suggested list of the week: Gluttons
But remember that is your OWN responsability find the pic proofs AND remember what they are glutton for!!!
Note: fill properly the part of what they are addicted for, cuz if you claim a glutton of apples and u state that is glutton of "everything" the claim is considered wrong.

Now: Eat :P and Enjoy ♥
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:55 AM

Apr 11, 2010 8:56 AM

Dec 2008
19th week is started..
~Tied Hair Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Tied Hair Characters [Week #19 is from 5th April until 12th April~]

Tied Hair Claim Format
Hairstyle: state if it's Ponytail / Twin Tails / Braid
Frequence: Always / Occasionally
Episodes/Chapters: every / list 5 episodes/chapters if the chara is occasional type
Proof Type A: Both type of chara has to fill this field
Proof Type B: Only occasional chara has to fill here too
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Banner pic: show it in anycase.

Suggested Tied Hair Characters of the week:

Have fun and enjoy ^^
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:55 AM

Apr 17, 2010 6:54 AM

Dec 2008
20th week is started..
~Pet Owners Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Pet Owners Characters [Week #20 is from 12th April until 19th April~]

Example of Recognize a Pet:
Allen Walker (DGM) could be associated to Timcampy BUT it's a golem [and in DGM's world, their golem are like "our" robots], so unless you find a Very Good wiki quote which state about its own will/personality/soul, Allen cant be claimed associated with Tim.
Which means, that to claim him u'll have to find a clear good quote [and provide the link of it].
Example of Recognizing a Pet Owner:
Katekyo Hitman Reborn's Owl cant be in any way considered Mukuro's, cuz the owl actually IS mukuro sometime. And anyway the two of them didnt ever spend sometime together. The owl can be considered mostly as Chrome's own!
Got it? Recognize the right pet owner!
Read all the rules!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pet Owners Claim Format
Character: Full name + MAL page
Category: Pet Owners
Associated Pet: its Name
Pet's Mal Page: fill this field only if it has one
Pet Type: state if it's a dog/cat/youkai..etc
Story: State why u can say that the chara owns the pet (ex: he found it on the street and brough it home)
Proof: a wiki/mal quote + Source link - or - 2 screens where they spend time together [if u provide screens we may ask you more proofs]
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Banner pic: claimed chara must be with his pet! [show it always]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

and here the suggested list of the week, but you have to associate the RIGHT pet to the chara u claim otherwise the claim cant count.
And yea, as previously said we wont give you the full list with pet owner and relative pet, you'll have to fill the pet missing part by urself!
Be sure to associate the owner to the right pet!

Have fun and cuddle ur pets ^^~
EtnaEracleaMay 21, 2011 3:29 AM

Apr 22, 2010 1:48 AM

Dec 2008
21st week is now started...
Albinos Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Albinos Characters [Week #21 is from 19th April until 26th April~]

So summary:
- chara with white/silver hair in both anime and manga, proof = their MAL gallery
- chara with a mal gallery that has only 3 or less pics = addon proof: their minitokyo gallery
- chara with white/silver hair HIGHLY confondible / not shown in the gallery, addon proof = 3 screens / colored manga scan
- chara with white/silver hair ONLY in one adaptation (Anime/Manga) proof = 3 anime screens / 3 colored manga cover

Suggested Albinos of the week

Albinos Claim Format
Character: Full Name
Category: Albinos
Proof: his mal gallery
Adaptation: state if both, or anime or manga only
Addon Proof: minitokyo gallery/3 screens
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Banner pic: remember it cant be alterated!

Have fun~
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:56 AM

May 1, 2010 1:31 AM

Dec 2008
22nd week is now started...
Perverts Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Perverts Characters [Week #22 is from 26th April until 3rd May~]

Perverts Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Category: Perverts
Bad Habit: state what he actually does to being a pervert
Pervert Type: if the chara fits more than one type, list any type that he fits
Proof: a mal/wiki/wikia quote
Visive Proof: 3 scenes [only if you cant find quote]
Source link: the url of the wiki page where you took the sentence of your proof quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: no mal pics

Here the suggested list of perverts~

EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 10:57 AM

May 15, 2010 12:57 AM

Dec 2008
23rd week is now started...
Parents Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Parents Characters [Week #23 is from 2nd/3rd May until 10th May~]

Parents Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: write the WHOLE title, do not put the short version.
Category: Parents
Parent's MAL Page: link
Progeny: state the name of his Son/Grandson [at least one]
Children: state how many and if daughter or son
Proof: a MAL/Wiki quote allowed only
Source: link of the page where you took the proof
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: No small / MAL / low quality pics

Suggested Parents of the week~

    Have fun!
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:04 AM

May 15, 2010 1:51 AM

Dec 2008
24th week is now started...
Bookworms Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Bookworms Characters [Week #24 is from 10th May until 17th May~]

Note: of course, it should be obvious that charas that always hold a book but it's clearly shown that the book is not "for reading" but for another much different use (like, example Natsume Takashi) are not allowed

Bookworms Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: write the WHOLE title of the anime
Category: Bookworms
Addicted to: Manga/Fantasy/Books/Newspaper...
Proof: a MAL/Wiki quote
Source: link of the page where you took the proof sentence from
Use: for what they do read books (for exams/own interests/improving battle techniques..etc)
Visive Proof: to fill ONLY if you cannot find the good quote for the normal proof
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: even if you make your banner show it (read rules for details of it)

aaaand, here the suggested bookworms of the week~

EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:04 AM

May 20, 2010 1:01 PM

Dec 2008
25th week is started..
~One Eyed Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: One Eyed Characters [Week #25 is from 17th May until 24th May~]

Note: if you didnt understand the point of *special eye always activated* just look those few examples:
Lag Seeing doesnt have always the eye activated BUT his eye is made by Spirit Amber so he OBVIOUSLY cant see with it = allowed
Lelouch Lamperouge activate the power into his eye only sometime and anyway he can see with BOTH eyes = not allowed
and so on~

One Eyed Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: write the FULL title of it [not the short version!]
Category: One Eyed
One Eyed Type: Special Eye/Lost Eye/Always wear the Eyepatch
Proof: the quote which clearly speaks about the missing eye
Source: Wiki/Mal page link from where you took the previous proof quote
Visive Proof: read rules to know if you have to provide this or can skip the visive proof
Banner: i'll make it/please make it for me!
Banner Pic: pic must clearly show the *one eyed* status of the claimed chara

Suggested One Eyed of the Week

Have fun! And remember to appreciate one-eyed charas ♥ they need our love.
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:04 AM

Jun 1, 2010 4:03 AM

Dec 2008
26th week is started..
~Army Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Army Characters [Week #26 is from 24th May until 31st May~]

Army Claim Format
Character: FULL name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: full title of it (NOT short version, ex: FMA)
Category: Army
Assigned Division: Navy / Air Forces / Earth Military...
Level: normal subordinate / commander / colonel ..etc
Job: Samurai / Knight / Pilote / Sniper / Soldier...
Proof: a good wiki or MAL quote
Source: link of the previous proof-quote
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Chara needs to wear his uniform.

~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~

Here the Suggested Army Character of the week~

Enjoy ♥ and appreciate our "Heart of the Nation!"
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:05 AM

Jun 1, 2010 4:40 AM

Dec 2008
27th week is started..
~Quiet Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Quiet Characters [Week #27 is from 31st May until 7th June~]

Note: only cuz a chara doesnt like to talk and being in company doesnt mean that is a proof of his calmness. Ex: Hibari Kyoya (he also get easily angry) = not allowed.
Visive Proof Important Note: preferible manga scenes cuz we can actually read and see if the character is actually a quiet type. [Ex: it would be a bit harder to see that from screenshots.]

Quiet Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + Mal Page
Anime/Manga: Full title of it
Category: Quiet
Proof: a MAL/Wiki quote
Source: link to the previous proof-quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picutre: with a calm expression

Here the Suggested Quiet Characters of the week ~ List:

Have fun..and be quiet :P
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:05 AM

Jun 21, 2010 4:24 AM

Dec 2008
28th week is started..
~Teenager Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Teenager Characters [Week #28 is from 7th June until 14th June~]

Teenager Claim Format
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: Full title of it, not short version (ex: FMA = not accepted)
Category: Teenager
Age: state the age of the character
School: fit this only if you cant find the age (ex. High School - 1st Year) not accepted from middle school if you cant find the age
Proof: a quote which clearly affirm the previous stated age
Source: link of wiki/mal page which said the proof-quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: remember to use an image of his teenage

Suggested Teenagers-List of the Week
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:06 AM

Jun 21, 2010 4:25 AM

Dec 2008
29th week is started..
~Supernatural Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Supernatural Characters [Week #29 is from 14th June until 21st June~]

Note: as for contractors is always meant a contractor which actually has some kind of Power. [Meaning that you cannot claim Oz Vessalius, he's a simple human, but you can claim Alice..]
Remember: if you'll claim any "Transforming Human Type" don't forget that you have to use an image of their supernatural form [ex: Sailormoon must be Sailormoon, Kyo Sohma must be in cat form for ur banner.. and so on]
Same thing worth for any other Supernatural Type: meaning that if you'll claim Moka as vampire, u have to claim her in the transformed version. Using a banner pic WITH the transformed version of herself. Got it?

Supernatural Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title of it (not ex. FMA = not accepted)
Category: Supernatural
Little story: two words about them and what they have of supernatural
Supernatural Type: ONLY from the ones of the list
Proof: a wiki/MAL quote
Source: link of the previous proof-quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: chara must be in his supernatural form

Suggested Supernatural Chara of the week ~ List:
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:06 AM

Jun 22, 2010 2:19 PM

Dec 2008
30th week is started..
~Tattooed Category is now Opened~

Check Always the already claimed list

Currently Category: Tattooed Characters [Week #30 is from 21st June until 28th June~]

Note: so definitively =
Yes: permanent tattoos, birthmark, slavemark, cursemarks
No: mole, scars, temporarily tattoos, cursemarks..
Mole doesnt mean birthmark! if you dont know the meaning of one of those words search on google images D:

Tattooed Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title of it (No Short Versions)
Category: Tattooed
Design: ex. the tattoo is a heart/moon/tribal..etc
Bodypart: Where the tag is (ex. face/shoulder/arm..)
Type: Tattoo/Cursemark/Birthmark/Slave Mark
Proof: the image which proofs about the tattoo
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: the tattoo has to be very visible!

Suggested Tattooed of the week~

    Have fun..and do not make a tattoo without ur parents know it! :P
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:06 AM

Jun 28, 2010 1:08 PM

Dec 2008
31st week is started..
~Hot Headed Category is now Opened~

Note: once again, characters must be hot headed on regular basis, meaning that have to be very very often angry at someone.
[meaning that you cant claim a random main character of a shonen manga that get angry b'cuz an enemy killed his friend, that would be pretty normal for anyone °__°]

Hot Headed Claim Format
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: FULL Title of it
Category: Hot Headed
Proof: a good quote
Source: link of the previous quote
Visive Proof: to fill only if you cannot find the quote [3 scenes]
Banner: i'll make it/Please make it for me
Picture: no "kawaii/innocent" pics please.

Here the Suggested Hot-Headed of the week~

Have fun and don't throw anything to ppl like shizuchan does!
EtnaEracleaJul 4, 2010 11:07 AM

Jul 12, 2010 2:45 AM

Dec 2008
32nd week is started..
~Big Brothers Category is now Opened~

Big Brothers Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + Mal page
Anime/Manga: FULL title of it [no short versions ex. FMA]
Category: Big Brothers
Siblings: state how many sisters and brothers
Lil Bro/Sis: Younger sibling's full name
Proof: MAL/Wiki quote which affirm the claimed chara's being a big brother
Source: link of tha page with the previous quote
Banner: Please make it for me / i'll make it
Picture: provide a good quality pic if you ask us for a banner to be made

Suggested Big Brothers of the week:

    Don't forget to love your big bro!
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 9:56 AM

Jul 17, 2010 11:08 AM

Dec 2008
33rd week is started..
~Tomboy Category is now Opened~

Well well, after a category dedicated only to boys... this week is girls' time! ♥

Currently Category: Tomboy [Week #33 is from 12th until 19th July~]

Remember there's a big difference from ONLY having a manly job and BEING a Tomboy:
Example: Riza Hawkeye, always keep tied hair, is a soldier and such, but is totally the hopposite from being a tomboy. She's rather an attractive woman and good-manner.
A Tomboy is a girl which is impulsive, masculine, with an immature personality..and so on!
Example: Alice (Pandora Hearts), is rude, had a masculine "style" spocke, immature and aggressive like a man can be. So yea, she's allowed.
That's the big difference, Also ONLY being "sporty" doesnt mean that the chara is authomatically a tomboy!
Example: Sawako Kuronuma do play football in some episodes of the anime, but she's totally NOT a tomboy
Instead, Chizuru Yoshida doesnt play ONLY football, she also has a pretty manly acting like.. So yea she can be considered tomboy
So you have to claim real tomboy charas, who does act as a man on their regular basis! Got it?

Tomboy Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL title [no short versions ex: FMA]
Category: Tomboy
Story: explain why she's a tomboy (ex. grown up by his manly father)
Tomboy's side: state what she has of masculine (ex: she likes playing football and usually dress like a man)
Proof a/b/c: [select the letter you are prooving] Read rules to know which proof you have to provide
Source Link: the link where you took proof for "A" or "B"
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: provide it if you want a banner to be made [no elegant and feminine pics allowed!]

Here the Suggested Tomboy of the week - list
but remember: this is just a suggestion, it's up to YOU finding the good proof.

Enjoy and enbrace your male side a bit :P
EtnaEracleaDec 6, 2010 7:21 AM

Jul 24, 2010 2:32 PM

Dec 2008
34th week is started..
~Swordsmen Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Swordsmen Characters [Week #34 is from 19th July until 26th July]

Once again: chara must be skilled with the sword!
This means that if a chara is only shown "holding" a sword and never using it/using it but just to "cut" and never shown with real skilled attacks can't be counted.
Anyone can take a sword and cut something but this doesnt make of him a real swordsman.
Example: Trafalgar Law (One Piece) is shown carrying a long sword, but he actual uses it only as "addon" to use his devil's fruit power, and until now he wasn't ever shown using the sword with good attacks.

Note: if the claimed character will be a doubtable one, staff will ask you for an addon proof demonstrating that he's actually good and skilled with his sword.

Swordsmen Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title of it
Category: Swordsmen
Story: explain why the chara is skilled with the sword
Sword Type: Sword / Katana / Ninjato / Foil / Long Sword...etc
How many: state how many swords he does use
Sword's name: state it, if it's said in the story
Proof: quote + source link
Visive Proof: to fill only if you cannot find the quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Banner picture: anycase the chara must hold his sword, obviously.

Suggested Swordsmen of the week~

Enjoy and do cut something :P
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 9:58 AM

Aug 2, 2010 3:39 AM

Dec 2008
35th week is started..
~Ageless Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Ageless Characters [Week #35 is from July 26th until August 2nd]

One Again! Ageless isnt a chara which "travels" in the time, but it can be someone that lived through the time!
However, anycase, chara must does not age.

Ageless Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title of it (No short version like FMA)
Category: Ageless
Ageless Type: Immortal / God / Vampire / Ghost...
Proof: A quote from wiki/MAL
Guarantee: Not obligatory, quote from MAL/Wiki [read rules for specified details]
Source Link: of the previous proof (and guarantee if provided)
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Banner pic: no small/mal/low quality pics accepted

Suggested Ageless of the Week~

EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:01 AM

Aug 4, 2010 2:56 AM

Dec 2008
36th week is started..
~Summer Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Summer Characters [Week #36 is from 2nd until 9th August]

Note: if the character is male and wears also a shirt, his swimsuit must be colorful and clearly shown as swimsuit [Meaning that if the character example: do play volleyball it's not really "clear" if his one is a swimsuit or normal shorts.. but if the chara is going to the sea, it's clearly enough a swimsuit..and so on!]

Summer Claim Format
Character: FULL Name
Anime/Manga: FULL title of it [no short version ex. FMA]
Category: Summer
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Proof pic: no proof pic = rejected claim [read rules for details]

This week there wont be any suggested list, since any character is claimable until he fits the requested rules
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:03 AM

Aug 9, 2010 12:13 PM

Dec 2008
37th week is started..
~Little Brother Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Little Brother Characters [Week #37 is from 9th until 16th August]

Note: Should be obvious, but anyway, brother = male chara, so exactly, only male charas are claimable.

Little Brother Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title of it
Category: Little Brother
Siblings: State how many and if bro or sis
Big Bro/Sis: State their names
Proof: Mal or Wiki quote which affirm that he's a little brother
Source: Link of the previous sentence quote
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: No mal/small/low quality pics accepted

Suggested Lil' Brother of the Week:

† To my beloved lil' brother: Rest in Peace Didi.. †
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:03 AM

Aug 17, 2010 6:26 AM

Dec 2008
38th week is started..
~Memory Loss Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Memory Loss Characters [Week #38 is from 16th until 23rd August]

So, for chara with "double face/identity", if for example you'll claim a character like Daisuke Niwa, you'll have to explain what exactly he doesnt remember and also, for the banner be sure to use an image of Daisuke and absolutly not of Dark Mousy.
Rule 5, first point - details: charas that lose their memory for a too few time aren't allowed. At least a memory loss which last a minimum of 3 (for short anime)/5 (for medium-long anime) episodes.

Memory Loss - Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Memory Loss
Memory Loss: if he doesnt remember all his life / name / a particoular event
Reason: Explain How and Why the chara lost his memory with ur words
Proof: a good quote which state about his loss
Source: link to the page which said the previous sentence
Banner: I'll make it / please make it fo rme
Picture: no MAL/small/low quality pic accepted!

Suggested Memory Loss Character of the Week~

Enjoy and don't forget anything~
EtnaEracleaJan 19, 2011 10:26 AM

Aug 23, 2010 6:07 AM

Dec 2008
39th week is started..
~Elements Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Element Characters [Week #39 is from 23rd until 30th August]

Note: only if a chara is assigned to one of the element and don't use any element-skill with that, doesnt mean that he's allowed.
Ex: Squalo Superbi, he has rain ring but he never made water skills...
Gokudera Hayato has storm ring, but he never made any stormy/wind attack. So if you'll claim him associated to wind, the claim will be rejected. However, this particoular chara do use the flame to attack with his "gun look like" so if you claim him for fire he could be accepted.
But pay attention, the character MUST USE the element that you claim him for! Like Yamamoto Takeshi, he actually do makes rain attacks, or Tsunayoshi Sawada he actually does use fire attacks.. Got it?
You can't even claim characters that only "manipulate" an element if they don't really have it, example: Edward Elric he does manipulate metal, earth, but he isnt really an *elemental character* and those aren't his elements, so you can't claim him.
And Once again: it's not about POWERS but about ELEMENTS, so if a chara do have "powers" but doesnt use any element with them, cant be claimed at all..
Oh and, Lightning doesnt mean LIGHT! Light is not an element nor a sub-one. Lightning is like Thunder, and do include electricity, but Light is totally not included.

The proof asks for screens/manga pages ONLY, any other different type of pic (even if is original by the author but from magazine or such) aren't accepted at all = consider ur claim rejected

Elements Claim Format:
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title of it
Category: Elements
Use: Passive / Active
Element: Fire / Water / Earth / Wind, etc.. list ALL the elements that he is able to use
Sub-Element: Sand / Magma / Electricity.. [fill this field only if he uses this]
Skill Name: Say the name of an elemental Attack/Defense
Guarantee: a quote from MAL/Wiki which affirm the chara using the element
Source: the link of the previous guarantee quote
Visive Proof: obligatory [3 screens/chapter pages where the chara uses it]
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: anyone must show it -- the chara must be together his element

We give you a Suggested list of the week, but you can consider it just as "half", the other half will have to be completed by yourself.
Meaning that we give you names but you'll have to remind which element they do use.
So, whenever you'll claim a character BUT with wrong element associated to him, the claim will be considered invalid, meaning that another person after you may claim the same chara and have the right to do it, if he actually complete perfectly the element and the claim format.

Suggested List of the Week [Elements]

Enjoy and don't burn up ur home~
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:05 AM

Sep 1, 2010 4:13 AM

Dec 2008
40th week is started..
~Piercings Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Piercings Characters [Week #40 is from August 30th until 6th September]

Piercings Claim Format
Character: FULL Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: FULL Title
Category: Piercings
Type: State if the chara is type A or B
Detail: Piercings / Earrings
Proof: Direct link of chara's MAL Pictures
Gallery: (not obligatory, read rules to know if u must add this) 3 images of the chara wearing it [or 2 if is supporting]
Banner: I'll Make it
Picture: chara must shown clearly wearing the piercing/earring!

Suggested Piercings Characters of the Week#

Enjoy, and appreciate piercings ♥
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:06 AM

Sep 10, 2010 1:50 AM

Dec 2008
41th week is started..
~Nicknamed Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Nicknamed Characters [Week #41 is from September 6th to 13th]

Nicknamed Claim Format
Character: Full Name + Link to his MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title of it
Category: Nicknamed
Nick's Story: how he earned it and who gave it to him
Proof: Paste here all his nicks from his mal page
Choosen nick: The one you want in the banner
Type: State if his nick is a type A or B
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: anyone must show his pic (if it's a type A, the pic must show the nick's theme)

Because basicly 70% of all the chara from any anime got at least a nickname, there wont be a suggested list of the week this time.
This category is particoularily large so...
Go and search for your favourites!
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:06 AM

Sep 13, 2010 4:03 PM

Dec 2008
42nd week is started..
~Tanned Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Tanned Characters [Week #42 is from September 13th to 20th]

Note: even if the chara has a few tan, but on a regular basis, is ok - any chara which is basicly showable via comparation that is really tanned can be claimed

Tanned Claim Format
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Tanned
Comparation: 2 screens + 1 official art of the chara together other charas [unless your chara fit the tanned bonus]
Proof: DIRECT Link of the chara's MAL Gallery
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: the img must clearly show his tanned status [no alterated pics by night or other effects!]

Tanned Suggested List of the Week

Have fun and do appreciated tan skin ♥ ~
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:09 AM

Sep 21, 2010 3:07 AM

Dec 2008
43rd week is started..
~Vices Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Vices Characters [Week #43 is from September 20th to 27th]

Note: Yeah, category dedicated to the 4 main vices of the human beings: smoking, drinking, gambling & coffee.
Memo: Proof screens obligatory only if you cant find the quote :3

Vices Claim Format
Character: Full name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: full title
Category: vices
Vice Type: Smoking/Gambling/Drinking/coffee, state ALL the vices he has
Proof: Quote + Source link
Visive Proof: only if you cant find the quote [3 anime/manga scenes]
Claiming for: the vice that will be included in the banner pic
Banner: i'll make it / make it for me
Banner pic: he must be together his vice, remember to provide the badge if u want the banner by us!

Suggested Vices Characters of the week~

Have fun and free ur vice...just a bit~
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:12 AM

Sep 27, 2010 3:40 PM

Dec 2008
44th week is started..
~Festival Category is now Opened~

Currently Category: Festival Characters [Week #44 is from September 27th to 4th October]

Note: for anyone that makes his own banner, remember to not cut the chara too much, show him at least until his chest! Show his elegant kimono and the festival theme!

Festival Claim Format
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Festival
Options: A / B ...etc [specify what the option is, ex: A = typical festival fan]
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me!
Proof pic: post it even if you make your own banner!

Suggested List of the week? This time there wont be any, since all charas are allowed until they fit the rules!
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:13 AM

Oct 4, 2010 3:03 PM

Dec 2008
45th week is started..
~Sadistic Category is now Opened...~

Currently Category: Sadistic Characters [Week #45 is from 4th to 11th October]

Note #1: pay attention guys, is not that all villains/enemies are sadist. So only b'cuz a chara play the bad guy part doesnt mean authomatically that he's a sadist. But, anyway, is true that a lot of the most famous sadist charas are antagonists in the story, despite this not all of them do share the sadist attitude.
Note #2: Pure Cruelty doesnt mean just someone that only "likes to fight" like Hibari Kyoya or characters that pretend to be bad as Lelouch Lamperouge or just "act" cruel but they aren't at all as can be Clair Stanfield, which killed many people just 'cuz of his own "way to think" to the justice, cuz at the end even if they pretend to be bad they are actually good.
All of the above examples aren't considered sadists neither of Cruel type. Pure Cruelty is more considered as someone like Light Yagami, which pretended to be good but was definitely evil.
Psycho doesnt always mean sadist too

Sadistic Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full Title
Category: Sadistic
Sadistic Type: Phisical / Crazy / Sexual..etc
Proof: a good quote
Source: Link to the source page of the above quote
Visive Proof: To fill only if you cant find the quote
Guarantee: Suggestion Bonus [To write only if you use it]
Banner: I'll make it / please make it for me
Picture: no small pics / no *innocent* look either

Suggested Sadistic Characters of the Week~

Enjoy and don't be too sadist D:
EtnaEracleaOct 5, 2010 10:13 AM

Oct 12, 2010 3:35 PM

Dec 2008
46th week is started..
~Athlete Category is now Opened...~

Currently Category: Athlete Characters [Week #46 is from 11th to 18th October]

Note: as you can read from the intro at the top in the layout, Athlete is considered who plays any type of sports which requests a physical effort.
[Meaning that we cant count as "Athlete" whoever plays sports such as Formula 1, Moto GP, motorized things..etc, doesnt make any physical effort = not allowed!]

Athlete Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/manga: Full Title
Category: Athlete
Type: A/B/C
Sport: state the sport he's good at
Role: Captain, striker, forward, etc..
Team: Team/Duo or School's name
Proof: the banner
Banner: I'll make it~
Picture: he must be wearing his sport suit/holding a sport instrument - pic must be shown by anyone!

Suggested Athletes of the Week

Enjoy and go to play some sport!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:36 AM

Oct 18, 2010 1:14 AM

Dec 2008
47th week is started..
~Birthday Category is now Opened...~

Currently Category: Birthday Characters [Week #47 is from 17th to 25th October]

Note: When it's clear that the chara doesn't have a birthday (like may happens with some orphan or such) and wikia/mal itself do say that the bday is unknown but it is been celebrated on X day, can't be accepted :/ [ex: Allen Walker, his bday is unknown and he only celebrates it on a certain day]

Birthday Claim Format
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title of it
Category: Birthday
Birth Date: Write it here [Format: Day + Month]
Source: link of the page from where you took the birthday
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me!
Picture: Provide it if you want a banner to be made by us

Suggested Birthday Characters of the week:
This week there won't be any list. Since almost 80% of all charas do have a birthday the choice in them is pretty huge. So have fun to find your fave ones!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:36 AM

Oct 26, 2010 2:00 PM

Dec 2008
48th week is started..
~Halloween Category is now Opened...~

Currently Category: Halloween Characters [Week #48 is from 25th October to 1st November]

Note: Must be a scary costume! like ghost, vampire, witch, zombie, warewolf...etc..
Any maid, cowboy, or any other of not-scary costume wont be accepted as Halloween!
Also: must be a full-wearing costume! Not just a couple of ears, or a tail somewhere, got it?! Chara has to be fully dressed!

Halloween Claim Format
Character: Full Name
Anime/Manga: Full Title of it
Category: Halloween
Costume: State if the chara is dressed as Vampire/Zombie....
Banner: I'll make it / Please make it for me, Thanks!
Proof Pic: Must be the same pic that you'll use for your banner

Suggested List of the week? There won't be any, 'cuz any chara is claimable until he fits the rules!

Enjoy and celebrate halloween!~
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:49 AM

Nov 2, 2010 5:44 AM

Dec 2008
49th week is started..
~Scarred Category is now Opened...~

Currently Category: Scarred Characters [Week #49 is from 1st to 8th November]

Note: of course burning slave marks [ex: Boa Hancock] are counted as burning scares = allowed!
Remember that Tattoos and Curse Marks aren't counted.

Scarred Claim Format
Category: Scarred
Story: how they earned the scar
Bodypart: say where he has got it
How many: tell if it's just one or more
Guarantee: a quote from mal or wiki + source
Proof: screen or manga page original by the author
Banner: i'll make it / Please make it for me
Picture: see detailed rules

Suggested Scarred of the Week~
i almost forgot the list this time, i've been too busy T_T thanks to chiyo which helped me with the list a lot
Warning: this list may contain spoilers, it's up to you to read it or no

Enjoy and do appreciate scars ;3
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:50 AM

Nov 8, 2010 1:07 PM

Dec 2008
50th week is now started...
Fang-Tan Category is now opened~

Currently Category: Fang-Tan Characters [Week #50 is from November 8th to 15th]

For any Doubtable chara: will be requested more addon screens as proof
And any not real Fang-tan chara: will be rejected. [Not Real = meaning that he doesnt truly have any evident fangs. or showing them just once doesnt make of him a fang-tan]
We already enlarged the category by allowing even sharp teeth charas (meaning all the ones that have ALL their teeth pointed and very evident), so please claim a real fang tan.

Fang-Tan Claim Format:
Character: Full Name + MAL Page
Anime/Manga: Full title
Category: Fang-tan
Proof: direct link of their Mal Gallery
Addon: read rules if you need to fill this
Banner: i'll make it / please make it for me!
Picture: must be shown by anyone, even who makes his banner, must be focused on the fangs.

Suggested Fang-tan of the week~
[Thanks to Senoj8 which helped me a lot this week with the list]

Pretty particoular this week's category, i hope u will like it!
EtnaEracleaMay 5, 2012 9:50 AM

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