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May 24, 2017 3:32 PM

Jan 2010
Grapefruit21 said:
logic340 said:
Fair enough, I will give you some time to catch up.

And completely gives up on the premise of his test!!! It was supposed to work without context or seeing how others reacted to it. That's the whole point of a reaction test...
It was for me and me alone. You take what you want from it. You tried to destroy the premise by pestering me after I answered you piggyback questions since you couldn't form you own?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 24, 2017 3:35 PM

Jan 2010
@Grapefruit21 My vote is there what are you even going on about?
When I flip town who is scum if it isn't you? Also how many times have you read me scum for the reasons you are now? In those games now may was in scum?
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 24, 2017 3:43 PM

Dec 2014
logic340 said:
CorruptedPurity said:

I just woke up and caught up. Ill give a detailed post about my thoughts at specific times in hopes that you would understand what I'm saying without mindless aggression cause you didn't like the way I played the game. Expect it in about 2 hours, I got to get some shit done first then I'm gonna have to pen down everything. I find most of your rage towards the four of us and most specifically me to be undeserved and unrelated to scumhunting, you're literally voting is cause we tried to gamesolve using flavors. I'm sad that aa is being replaced after having to deal with your barrage of questions and assaults against me at such ungodly hours. @aa-dono thank you for your contributions, you won't be forgotten when we win this.
Maye you should think about being more upfront and open then? Why must you try to make this personal please don't piss me off today Purity you won't like me after the day I have had. Do you know I am the reason aa replaced out? because it sounds like you have inside scum information?

How is this making it personal? How is this pissing you off? I just said I'll make a detailed post about my thought process so hopefully you can see through me eyes. Cause I don't think we're on the same wavelength here and if I'm lynching you, I wanna make sure your scum instead of just some miscommunication, cause I think the reasons you're voting me just doesn't make sense.

Maybe I'm a little offensive calling you mindlessly aggressive and I'm sorry but it just felt that way, you're stubbornly refusing to listen to aa or me, and I honestly don't think I can get through. If you feel pissed off, please know that's not my intention, I hate emotionally hurting others over a game, emotionally appealing to them is part of my MO sometimes but never would I ever try to purposely enrage someone, even less so when I'm town cause there's no reason to cause discord.

Just wait for my explanation post.
May 24, 2017 3:51 PM

Jan 2010
CorruptedPurity said:
logic340 said:
Maye you should think about being more upfront and open then? Why must you try to make this personal please don't piss me off today Purity you won't like me after the day I have had. Do you know I am the reason aa replaced out? because it sounds like you have inside scum information?

How is this making it personal? How is this pissing you off? I just said I'll make a detailed post about my thought process so hopefully you can see through me eyes. Cause I don't think we're on the same wavelength here and if I'm lynching you, I wanna make sure your scum instead of just some miscommunication, cause I think the reasons you're voting me just doesn't make sense.

Maybe I'm a little offensive calling you mindlessly aggressive and I'm sorry but it just felt that way, you're stubbornly refusing to listen to aa or me, and I honestly don't think I can get through. If you feel pissed off, please know that's not my intention, I hate emotionally hurting others over a game, emotionally appealing to them is part of my MO sometimes but never would I ever try to purposely enrage someone, even less so when I'm town cause there's no reason to cause discord.

Just wait for my explanation post.
we could be if you'd explain yourself? From the beginning you've been on me. I'm a little more feisty this game because I need to be but I'm not nearly as aggressive as you ave Grapefruit have been painting me. It's paying me off because I didn't have the best day and rather than think critically you guys just want to slap a scum label on everything. I'm tired of town losing just kicked their ass in another game (but got myself killed doing dumb shit) ave I'm seeing shade of it again here. Grapefruit reads me asking for the same reasons that he always reads me as when I'm town it's baffling that the man has not reconsidered what he thinks about me after playing nearly 10 games with me? And you I find you in a similar boat I've played like 6 games with you yet I'm still scum read for the same shit you always scum read me for when I'm town I'd think you'd learn? So now I have to wonder why and what it means for your alignment? Maybe ask suzi, wyndz, wen, Rui about my most recent game and how I pocketed them all? I'd really like to see Town working together instead of everybody doing their solo thing.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 24, 2017 3:53 PM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
@Grapefruit21 My vote is there what are you even going on about?
When I flip town who is scum if it isn't you? Also how many times have you read me scum for the reasons you are now? In those games now may was in scum?

I don't know what the latter part even means, but for the former nothing, because I'm very confident that my towniness will shine through to anyone reading my posts.

Logic you have accused me multiple times of voting Rinto against my philosophy of never voting a claimed person so I'll refer you to this post:

Grapefruit21 said:
Everyone except Rinto needs to stop claiming. Would be swell if you all complied with that. I think we now have a very strong dichotomy between Wyndz and Lamby vs Rinto. I know Penta could be trying to punish us for poor setup play and trying to solve that way but this feels like we're onto something.

@CorruptedPurity if we're seeing the same thing, which I'm very confident we are, I don't think Penta can clarify anything. I'm fairly sure Rinto is scum at this point but want to give them one night since they did claim Doc. If I'm wrong scum has to act on it still.

On other topics @Fo feels like a slight town read. And I appreciate the lengths he went to not say he's town reading me because I'm a worse player than Suzu when that seemed like the crux of the argument. I disagree with his Suzu read but I can see the progression behind it.

Griffin and Togs both feel town, but not confident in going 100% with it.

And I'm very confident Purity is town.

Need to reread Lamby. Parts of it made sense to me, but the claim was very peculiar. I think it's a greater than random chance of being scum, but not ready to go there yet.

I talk about my uneasiness in voting for a claimed doc and in the very next post vote for someone else.

Have you read page one since yesterday? I went back and reread it just now. I think that a reread of my actual reaction would be helpful. You're getting caught up on your highhorse about discussion generated by your vote while ignoring the majority of that discussion came from talking about how it wasn't a proper RVS.

You are pushing literally everyone (well except Togs) who caught the Rinto slip/breadcrumb/whatever it really is. Take a step back and think about that. Who is most likely to jump on a slip/bait like that while trying to keep it secret and gauge reactions. Walk me through what you'd expect from both scum and town POVs.
May 24, 2017 3:54 PM

Jan 2010
On that note taking a break to watch anime
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 24, 2017 4:00 PM

May 2012
I'm here, catching up.
May 24, 2017 4:01 PM

Dec 2016
logic340 said:
Grapefruit21 said:
Alright my defense:
On the lack of scum hunting: we're 87ish posts in, hold your horses. Half the game hasn't posted yet.
On the appearance of looking busy: RVS is fun, I like mixing it up and involving myself with people to try to get a feel for them. Plus I love to tunnel in on theory talk (like the importance of actually placing and RVS vote).
On AbuHumaid vs Astros: That's a matter of opinion, but I'd like to hear your stance on why Abu looks worse. I think Astros does because he said he doesn't want to ask questions which shows a lack of interest in solving the game.
On the reaction test: if you're trying to persuade people based on your trap you need to explain what it was, what you'd expect town to do when caught by it, and give textual examples of where I differed from that.
On me continuing to pester you on it: You spoiled your own test by spelling out a reasoning the first time someone asked you about it removing the need for anyone else to react to it. If I hadn't pestered you on your answer the only reaction you would have had was Suzu's.
On making a big deal out of everything: All I've done is ask questions and pressure people who aren't voting. I asked grrr a question that I thought was relevant and got annoyed when people dismissed my digging there and overreacted.

3. Astros gave us something to talk about with that statement though. He also explained his stance on why he isn't voting. While Abu has checked in lurked for the first page saying nothing before telling togs goodnight.

6. I got annoyed by you digging at grrr because you know this is shit grrr does. The last time you were scum trying to get us to lynch our Doc so your stance on grrr is very questionable to me in all honesty. As mafia you took the path of least resistance please don't let me catch you doing that again here.

I want to go back and reply to theses two points in particular.

On @Astros you say he gave a reason which is more than Abu. His reason was he didn't want to ask questions. I don't care how much that gives us to talk about that is a lack of game solving intent and a scum+ stance to have. It might be due to the real life reasons Abu referred to of there not being enough time, but Abu gave a plausible reason why they weren't responding that had nothing to do with the game (it's late I'm tired) and you find that scummy. I'm very confused by that stance.

I pressed grrr on his claim because pressuring him and bugging him about it and keeping his claim in the front in center backfired horribly for me as scum the previous game. So knowing that it worked out great for town making sure his gambit was focused on last game I wanted to repeat that effort and see what his angle was this time.
May 24, 2017 4:06 PM

Dec 2016
CorruptedPurity said:
@Laby-Gaga Ima give you the benefit of doubt right now and believe that your Yuki claim was bait. Based on the reactions we had, who are your top 3 suspects? Don't complain about grape ending the bait early, I also wanted it to last longer too but we have to deal with what we have.

@aa-dono and @Grapefruit21
Your top 3 too please. You guys form my circle of trust and I respect and value your opinions the most.

At this stage my top suspect by a large margin is logic, then I have a muddle where I need to sort out the rest, on reflection I think I like Laby and Wyndz reactions for the moment and I don't know what to think of Rinto at this second. I think the most suspicious for me after logic are Astros, Abu, and then Rinto.
May 24, 2017 4:09 PM

Dec 2016
WyNdZ said:
Grapefruit21 said:

@logic340 I still have strong suspicions on Astros and to a lesser extent Abu, I just think that we caught scum through flavor and moved my vote accordingly.

Curious what are your reasons for suspecting them.

Sure so Astros had a weak entrance to the game, and showed no investment what so ever. Could be real life commitments, but even then I'd expect more engagement from the few posts we got. And pretty much the same for Abu, but on a lesser scale since they at least offered the real life excuse.
May 24, 2017 4:15 PM

Jun 2009
Okay I'm back at my computer a better catch up is now coming for the rest of the pages I could not get to earlier on my phone.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:21 PM

Jun 2009
CorruptedPurity said:
Suzune-chan said:
I'm going to catch up through breaks in my day, it will be some of they fabulous phone posting so look for lunch instead of lynch and all my other usuals.

I feel your pain, mobile interface makes me tilted before the game even starts.

Once you're done catching up, I want your opinion on Lamb, Rinto and to a certain extent, Wyndz. I find all 3 strong candidates, Rinto for something he said which I prefer not to reveal, but I think you should be able to catch on if you're town. Lamb for his claim and lastly Wyndz for being reasons mentioned by Fo; "Posts are very detached despite interesting things going on at the moment"
Honestly whether or not they are detached or not is not something I am good at telling only if the tone of them is off from one to another. Tonally they all feel the same so I do not have an opinion really on Wy they did nothing to really stand out to me as interesting.

Lamb I am getting a scum feeling from. I commented on it earlier I believe, but very early in the game I picked up on it and when I finally catch up will be my vote.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:22 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
I'm looking for way more than that.
I'm sorry. Don't know what you're expecting. What exactly is it you're looking for and for what purpose?
Ruu said:
Have your reads change since then?
They have not as I haven't been reading the thread only checking when pinged.
Ruu said:
Do you believe any of the claims atm?
Rather doubtful. Cop and Doc outing themselves from the get go? If PRs are a thing they may be vig/vet unless those aren't in most basic setups.
Ruu said:
How do you feel about me?
Neutral. You haven't done much which I find ironic since you're asking more of me. You're playing passively like I've seen you do in past games.
Ruu said:
You have been completely mia during rvs.
Seems you weren't interested in the few posts I made and more so their quantity. I was asleep. By the time I woke it was already past RVS and people were accusing others of being mafia.
Ruu said:
I'm okay with you no voting but you haven't interact with anyone so far.
I'm mostly watching interaction. If I start joining in then it disrupts what may have been planned or already taking place. Also we have multiple claims and town split on who is more worthy of pressure/votes. I could give my two cents but what would that do? It wouldn't get town to organize and very well may start a new tangent.

@Grapefruit21 Are you still wasting time on that misunderstanding?

Edit 1: Addressed Second Question : "They have not as I haven't been reading the thread only checking when pinged." Moved earlier response to Question 1: What exactly is it you're looking for and for what purpose?
AstrosMay 24, 2017 4:27 PM
May 24, 2017 4:27 PM

Jun 2009
logic340 said:
Ruu said:
Logic is on fire! What's up with that? His posts sound agressive in general not just against grape. Calm down my friend!
@CorruptedPurity don't assume alignments so early! Just because they go after each other doesn't mean they can't be buddies. If you come to that conclusion this early in the game you will regret it later imo.
IDK about you?? When I was calm as scum you nailed me D1 so I feel like you dancing around a read on me is something that would come from scum Ruu. You know my scum game Sailor Moon mafia are you seeing it here?
Am I seeing your scum game. Not yet. It would be easier with more time and more posts. Your scum game I am starting to notice has a certain look to it and it has a certain flavour of how you look at the game. I am beginning to see how it works. Time will tell.

Oh, forgot Rinto in that post from Corrupted @CorruptedPurity who has ever heard of a one shot self doc...that is blows my mind. Why wouldn't the host just say you can target yourself once. It's a claim that is so bizarre it wants your attention which probably means it's fake.

CorruptedPurity said:
Grapefruit21 said:
Actually I take everything back. The scum read is based on Rinto not knowing Zombies are the town. Then their flavor claim and Laby's form a dichotomy. Please read this and don't try to guess and out your role.

Realized that's exactly all this secretive business is doing and getting dono, Fo, CPurity, and kind of Togs is enough of a town block from picking up on it.

OMFG SHHHH... I wanna see how many people are unaware of this fact. Only non-town would be aware of this. I've been keeping silent on this all this while, why did you ruin it? I needed to get Abu and Suzu's reaction out of it...
Well good news for you, I think I answered it before I got to this point, when my phone was having a mind of it's own earlier and I noticed someone else's odd post.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:28 PM

Dec 2016
Astros said:

@Grapefruit21 Are you still wasting time on that misunderstanding?

Edit 1: Addressed Second Question : "They have not as I haven't been reading the thread only checking when pinged." Moved earlier response to Question 1: What exactly is it you're looking for and for what purpose?

Yes, because if it was cleared up I missed it. Can you point me to where it was clarified please.
May 24, 2017 4:40 PM

Jun 2009
CorruptedPurity said:
After we break open this game, I demand to be nicknamed "The flavor-hunter" or something cool. Inb4 someone gives me a shitty nickname for being an arrogant prick...
Sounds like a terrible thing to be known for, as flavour is a quarter of the game.

I kind of think that Grapefruit overtips their hand a lot. I mean, grapefruit has spoiled a couple of good gambits this game and seems to drop information like it is on fire. At what point do you say, "stop please." let's just tell the mafia everything, not that there is not a lot of information going about but, goodness, the need to clarify everything and hit everyone over the head with it is kind of distressing it ruins the normal aspect of the game and makes it less likely that people are going to slip over themselves with so many townies being "helpful"

[quote-ruu]Claiming so early makes no sense. I understand why grrr would do it, but Rinto? I[/quote]
@Ruu at this point I think there must be a shred of truth behind the claims that are out in the open. There would be no reason if there was not something anchoring them because then town would risk someone making a counterclaim and it could hurt our chances of winning if power roles are out early.

At this point, Corrupted posts read like they think they are right...the only thing I fear is that they will be difficult to talk to later. Honestly, they sound to over-eager to be scum. S

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:45 PM

Jun 2009
logic340 said:
Grapefruit21 said:
Anyway almost lock town pending flavor flipping as expected: CPurity, aa-dono, Fo, and Togs.

Additionally behaviorally town: Gruffin and kind of grrr and maybe suzu.

Looking scummy from flavor pending more sorting: Logic, Wyndz, Rinto, and Laby.
looking scummy for reaing to much into flavor early Grapefruit21
Alas I am also of this opinion. I think that Grapefruit looks scummy out of the gate, but mostly because they seem to be spoiling so much and that grates at me. Makes it impossible to fish, if grape continues pulling up the lines...

AbuHumaid said:
Togs said:

This sounds very legitimately town to me.. I guess it is early but I’d be pretty impressed if this mindset was faked in the very first post. My first and only read atm is that CP is leaning town.

Outside of that.. there’s not really anything else I can think of rn to comment on. Guess we gotta wait for more to show up

What makes you think that's townish? it can be easily faked imo
I have to second this opinion. Since what Corrupted says is based on truth it should be treated as a null because it is information that we can all readily obtain. Therefore, since it is 100% grounded in fact that means that it is just information really not scum or town.

AbuHumaid said:
yo can someone explain what does a "flavor claim" mean?
It is when you claim what you are like your character but not the actual ability. For example when you subbed into my mafia game you got a character name, their in universe abiltiy, and a actual mafia ability. Claiming the in universe ability or the character name would be a flavour claim.

Getting long, will cut this one here~

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:48 PM

Dec 2016
Suzune-chan said:
logic340 said:
looking scummy for reaing to much into flavor early Grapefruit21
Alas I am also of this opinion. I think that Grapefruit looks scummy out of the gate, but mostly because they seem to be spoiling so much and that grates at me. Makes it impossible to fish, if grape continues pulling up the lines...

But you explicitly say you aren't of the opinion. I mean you both think I'm scummy, but for completely opposite reasons.
May 24, 2017 4:50 PM

May 2015
Astros said:
Ruu said:
I'm looking for way more than that.
I'm sorry. Don't know what you're expecting. What exactly is it you're looking for and for what purpose?
Ruu said:
Have your reads change since then?
They have not as I haven't been reading the thread only checking when pinged.
Ruu said:
Do you believe any of the claims atm?
Rather doubtful. Cop and Doc outing themselves from the get go? If PRs are a thing they may be vig/vet unless those aren't in most basic setups.
Ruu said:
How do you feel about me?
Neutral. You haven't done much which I find ironic since you're asking more of me. You're playing passively like I've seen you do in past games.
Ruu said:
You have been completely mia during rvs.
Seems you weren't interested in the few posts I made and more so their quantity. I was asleep. By the time I woke it was already past RVS and people were accusing others of being mafia.
Ruu said:
I'm okay with you no voting but you haven't interact with anyone so far.
I'm mostly watching interaction. If I start joining in then it disrupts what may have been planned or already taking place. Also we have multiple claims and town split on who is more worthy of pressure/votes. I could give my two cents but what would that do? It wouldn't get town to organize and very well may start a new tangent.

@Grapefruit21 Are you still wasting time on that misunderstanding?

Edit 1: Addressed Second Question : "They have not as I haven't been reading the thread only checking when pinged." Moved earlier response to Question 1: What exactly is it you're looking for and for what purpose?

so.. I counted the amount of posts you made before I voted for you: FOUR. How do you expect me not to ask more from you when only 1 of them was long enough to be relevant? So you are a lurker.... ms doesn't like lurkers because they are not helpful. Saying that you want to be just an observer is an easy way to avoid interacting and making mistakes when scum.

Are you reading the thread atm? Can you give me a read on the relevant players? ( I think I have been more active than you on that aspect also).

#1 Q: We need to talk to each other to get to determine alignments, that's the purpose of my request.

I think we only got a cop/doc. I doubt we have any other killing roles since tpr is a serial killer.

I want your two cents, please give them to me or I won't be able to sort you out.
May 24, 2017 4:53 PM

Dec 2013
Grapefruit21 said:
Yes, because if it was cleared up I missed it. Can you point me to where it was clarified please.
#316 I mentioned the misunderstanding to hopefully grab your attention.
#240 I quoted your previous post the next day and explain I went to sleep. Guess you overlooked it in the notifications which is understandable. The wording of my post then was intentional. I left it ambiguous to see what attention it'd grab. But if you notice it was still quite clear.

RVS isn't all that useful without questioning and I don't plan to anytime soon.

You initially asked me why I wasn't voting. I didn't want to as simply voting alone wouldn't be helpful without questions or other input on my part. Hence the use of useful. I then went on to say I wouldn't be asking question anytime soon, not never. I could see how you'd get the former though from my absence and overall inactivity. It's partially due to that and you backing off why I didn't bother pressing for clarification until now.
May 24, 2017 4:53 PM

Jun 2009
logic said:
My tone???
@Logic340 Your tone comes off as more and more annoyed as the pages go on.

logic340 said:
FoS on
aa-dono. Grapefruit1, CorruptedPurity, and Lam-B
I doubt that all of you are scum. I doubt that two of you are. So I will ask you 4 to find a better line of play moving forward because I am not liking this flavor play BS you guys tried to pull. It's an attempt to break the game early and isn't even fun. Try some BA @CorruptedPurity.

If this continues I will replace out because you all are not making this game fun trying to break it open in the first day. Again I have faith in penta to make a game that cannot be broken in this way so if you guys mislynch town for it I will be highly upset and the fire and venom that comes of my keyboard will not be taken back. I'll risk being banned because town needs to get their shit together. For real!
I think they only assume they can because they either have an idea about how it can be set up, the anime might have obvious sides or it was not specified in the rules that it matters. When I build a game I can spin anything to sound like it fits the character, however, I know nothing of how this host works or the anime itself. As long as we don't lynch for flavour alone, I don't care if they try to figure it out.

logic said:
Taken a few but the way town wants to go about playing this game says we are probably going to lose. Town needs to play like town to win idk what is so hard for town to understand about that?
1. What does this have to do with anything?
2. Why say this so nonchalantly like if he is wrong he didn't just take town on a ride and lynch one of our own for a bogus reason?
3. I am very annoyed but not because I am scum and he got it right. IDK since I am town here. Its' annoying because this is a game of behavioral analysis and before he gave that a try he went to the safest place for mafia to hide, mechanics and flavor. @Logic340

Okay, it is hard for town to play townie because what it means to play town is different for person to person. This is why we can say things like too scummy to be scum and a game too polished to be town. What you think looks scummy and what I think is different.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:54 PM

May 2015
Suzune-chan said:
CorruptedPurity said:
After we break open this game, I demand to be nicknamed "The flavor-hunter" or something cool. Inb4 someone gives me a shitty nickname for being an arrogant prick...
Sounds like a terrible thing to be known for, as flavour is a quarter of the game.

I kind of think that Grapefruit overtips their hand a lot. I mean, grapefruit has spoiled a couple of good gambits this game and seems to drop information like it is on fire. At what point do you say, "stop please." let's just tell the mafia everything, not that there is not a lot of information going about but, goodness, the need to clarify everything and hit everyone over the head with it is kind of distressing it ruins the normal aspect of the game and makes it less likely that people are going to slip over themselves with so many townies being "helpful"

[quote-ruu]Claiming so early makes no sense. I understand why grrr would do it, but Rinto? I

@Ruu at this point I think there must be a shred of truth behind the claims that are out in the open. There would be no reason if there was not something anchoring them because then town would risk someone making a counterclaim and it could hurt our chances of winning if power roles are out early.

At this point, Corrupted posts read like they think they are right...the only thing I fear is that they will be difficult to talk to later. Honestly, they sound to over-eager to be scum. S[/quote]

Grape's attitude makes you town read him? Since you are talking about "helpful"town.
Do you think people would really cc? And if you think one of them might be true, which one do you think it is? Grrr or Rinto's?
May 24, 2017 4:55 PM

May 2012
/Caught up to page 5, still making my way through the rest slowly. x_x

Purity is pretty much lock town for me now. I don't agree with his methods, but the way he's gone about this flavor hunting reminds me of when he asked everyone to guess the setup in Sailor Moon (which I was also against, lol). I get the sense that he feels like this is the way to go if he wants to solve the game like last time anyway. I really like post 201 in particular because the confusion over Lamby and Rinto reads as geniune.

(Also I just want to put it out there that this new townblock feels similar to the formation of the Denja flavor cult in TGT :P)

Grrr and Rinto have both claimed PRs, so they should be pretty self-resolving imo. Rinto is ehh because of the flavor stuff, but still, I think on the off chance that he is what he says he is, we shouldn't help the scum by lynching him.

I thiiiink I'll believe Lamby for now about his plan, because he hints at it in 185 before flavor claiming. So with that I find 248 to match up with his previous posts.

logic340 said:
Grapefruit21 said:
@logic340 Sorry, I'm naturally argumentative and stubborn as a mule. I'll do better.
I think we share both these traits in common and could both learn to "do better". I honestly don't mind our back and forth we just need to do a better job of not letting them ruin the game environment as I think there is a lot to be gained from how openly forward we are with one another. So Today I would like for us to try and work together rather than against one another in an attempt to keep the game state healthy.

May 24, 2017 4:55 PM

Jun 2009
Grapefruit21 said:
Suzune-chan said:
Alas I am also of this opinion. I think that Grapefruit looks scummy out of the gate, but mostly because they seem to be spoiling so much and that grates at me. Makes it impossible to fish, if grape continues pulling up the lines...

But you explicitly say you aren't of the opinion. I mean you both think I'm scummy, but for completely opposite reasons.
The more I read, the less good I feel about you, as I work through the game that seems to happen for some reason. That posts says I am off the opinion not that I doubt it.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:57 PM

May 2015
Astros said:
Grapefruit21 said:
Yes, because if it was cleared up I missed it. Can you point me to where it was clarified please.
#316 I mentioned the misunderstanding to hopefully grab your attention.
#240 I quoted your previous post the next day and explain I went to sleep. Guess you overlooked it in the notifications which is understandable. The wording of my post then was intentional. I left it ambiguous to see what attention it'd grab. But if you notice it was still quite clear.

RVS isn't all that useful without questioning and I don't plan to anytime soon.

You initially asked me why I wasn't voting. I didn't want to as simply voting alone wouldn't be helpful without questions or other input on my part. Hence the use of useful. I then went on to say I wouldn't be asking question anytime soon, not never. I could see how you'd get the former though from my absence and overall inactivity. It's partially due to that and you backing off why I didn't bother pressing for clarification until now.

This explanation is useful because I thought you were talking about voting and not asking questions (the part of "I don't plan to anytime soon")
May 24, 2017 4:59 PM

Jun 2009
Ruu said:
Suzune-chan said:
Sounds like a terrible thing to be known for, as flavour is a quarter of the game.

I kind of think that Grapefruit overtips their hand a lot. I mean, grapefruit has spoiled a couple of good gambits this game and seems to drop information like it is on fire. At what point do you say, "stop please." let's just tell the mafia everything, not that there is not a lot of information going about but, goodness, the need to clarify everything and hit everyone over the head with it is kind of distressing it ruins the normal aspect of the game and makes it less likely that people are going to slip over themselves with so many townies being "helpful"

[quote-ruu]Claiming so early makes no sense. I understand why grrr would do it, but Rinto? I

@Ruu at this point I think there must be a shred of truth behind the claims that are out in the open. There would be no reason if there was not something anchoring them because then town would risk someone making a counterclaim and it could hurt our chances of winning if power roles are out early.

At this point, Corrupted posts read like they think they are right...the only thing I fear is that they will be difficult to talk to later. Honestly, they sound to over-eager to be scum. S

ruu said:
Grape's attitude makes you town read him? Since you are talking about "helpful"town.
Do you think people would really cc? And if you think one of them might be true, which one do you think it is? Grrr or Rinto's?
No, I guess we are not reading this the same way I think it needs to be read. It is bad to overtip your hand that means that things are falling out. Everyone also seems eager to look for things that are flavour related making gambits that have been played early a waste because they are blown by the setup or what has already been said, people are being "helpful" by pointing things out thus not letting things appear naturally. It was not a positve comment it was a negative comment.

I think both roles need to be at least kind of grounded in reality. It is what part of them is true and what part is a lie.

Sorry had to fix the quote it was hard to figure out though so it looks terrible.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 4:59 PM

May 2015
Gruffin said:
logic340 said:
I think we share both these traits in common and could both learn to "do better". I honestly don't mind our back and forth we just need to do a better job of not letting them ruin the game environment as I think there is a lot to be gained from how openly forward we are with one another. So Today I would like for us to try and work together rather than against one another in an attempt to keep the game state healthy.


lmao this made my day
May 24, 2017 5:01 PM

Dec 2014
Ok... For logic, my thought process this game:
May 24, 2017 5:04 PM

Feb 2014
9 pages huh : )
May 24, 2017 5:05 PM

Dec 2014
Grapefruit21 said:
CorruptedPurity said:
@Laby-Gaga Ima give you the benefit of doubt right now and believe that your Yuki claim was bait. Based on the reactions we had, who are your top 3 suspects? Don't complain about grape ending the bait early, I also wanted it to last longer too but we have to deal with what we have.

@aa-dono and @Grapefruit21
Your top 3 too please. You guys form my circle of trust and I respect and value your opinions the most.

At this stage my top suspect by a large margin is logic, then I have a muddle where I need to sort out the rest, on reflection I think I like Laby and Wyndz reactions for the moment and I don't know what to think of Rinto at this second. I think the most suspicious for me after logic are Astros, Abu, and then Rinto.

What about Astros and Abu are speaking out to you? I agree with you about logic, the only town vibe I am getting from him is the deep emotions in his posts, that's usually a sign of town!Logic, but everything else from the way he responded to Rinto to the way he accused you me and aa screams scum to me.
May 24, 2017 5:05 PM

May 2015
@Suzune-chan oh I see, I see. If I understand correctly you are saying that grape's post are ruining people's plans/traps right? so not helping town. (sorry if I'm asking for even more clarification but I'm starting to realise I'm having trouble understanding people's wording this game x_x)

May 24, 2017 5:05 PM

Jun 2009
Okay, I am going to go with this for now Vote: Laby-Gaga

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 5:06 PM

May 2015
grrr said:
9 pages huh : )

a wild grrr just appeared ! :O
May 24, 2017 5:06 PM

Dec 2014
grrr said:
9 pages huh : )

There there... It's ok...The most interesting part is about page 4-7, the rest is the after effect
May 24, 2017 5:08 PM

Dec 2014
Suzune-chan said:
Okay, I am going to go with this for now Vote: Laby-Gaga

Hmm interesting, what is the basis for this vote? I had strong suspicions of him and even though they died down by alot, there is still the gut feeling devil's advocate deep down telling me to be wary of him.
May 24, 2017 5:08 PM

Jun 2009
Ruu said:
@Suzune-chan oh I see, I see. If I understand correctly you are saying that grape's post are ruining people's plans/traps right? so not helping town. (sorry if I'm asking for even more clarification but I'm starting to realise I'm having trouble understanding people's wording this game x_x)

Nah, ask all you want. I want to be clear too. Yes, I am saying that grape is providing too much information and that is revealing a lot of the scum which makes it not helpful. It forces all the traps and potential trip ups to be lost to the wayside. We are risking pushing information overload this game and that will cause more problems because it will be web of sorting out who said what and who started what late game when we have to look back. Sometimes you have to keep your hand tipped up a little if you want to win.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 5:12 PM

Dec 2016
@CorruptedPurity talk to me about the quoted Fo post? What makes you think they didn't get it? Because it made me think they got it.
May 24, 2017 5:13 PM

Jan 2010
Gruffin said:
/Caught up to page 5, still making my way through the rest slowly. x_x

Purity is pretty much lock town for me now. I don't agree with his methods, but the way he's gone about this flavor hunting reminds me of when he asked everyone to guess the setup in Sailor Moon (which I was also against, lol). I get the sense that he feels like this is the way to go if he wants to solve the game like last time anyway. I really like post 201 in particular because the confusion over Lamby and Rinto reads as geniune.

(Also I just want to put it out there that this new townblock feels similar to the formation of the Denja flavor cult in TGT :P)

Grrr and Rinto have both claimed PRs, so they should be pretty self-resolving imo. Rinto is ehh because of the flavor stuff, but still, I think on the off chance that he is what he says he is, we shouldn't help the scum by lynching him.

I thiiiink I'll believe Lamby for now about his plan, because he hints at it in 185 before flavor claiming. So with that I find 248 to match up with his previous posts.

logic340 said:
I think we share both these traits in common and could both learn to "do better". I honestly don't mind our back and forth we just need to do a better job of not letting them ruin the game environment as I think there is a lot to be gained from how openly forward we are with one another. So Today I would like for us to try and work together rather than against one another in an attempt to keep the game state healthy.

it hasn't worked so far..thanks for the reminder +1
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 24, 2017 5:15 PM

Dec 2016
Suzune-chan said:
Ruu said:
@Suzune-chan oh I see, I see. If I understand correctly you are saying that grape's post are ruining people's plans/traps right? so not helping town. (sorry if I'm asking for even more clarification but I'm starting to realise I'm having trouble understanding people's wording this game x_x)

Nah, ask all you want. I want to be clear too. Yes, I am saying that grape is providing too much information and that is revealing a lot of the scum which makes it not helpful. It forces all the traps and potential trip ups to be lost to the wayside. We are risking pushing information overload this game and that will cause more problems because it will be web of sorting out who said what and who started what late game when we have to look back. Sometimes you have to keep your hand tipped up a little if you want to win.

So you didn't see a large risk to PRs accidentally outing themselves if I hadn't stepped in?

@CorruptedPurity turns out I was barking at shadows with Astros. I completely misunderstood one of his posts and missed another. He's not in the town block, but not in the heat of suspicion. With Abu it's the lack of impact and lack of voting in RVS.

And reading how neatly you laid the case out I'm back on suspecting Rinto!Slot. I think, but not as strongly as logic.
May 24, 2017 5:18 PM

May 2015
okay if CP ends up being mafia I will congratulate him for pocketing me so hard but man that analysis was great! I went through the same thing when Rinto and Lamb claimed!

Also I think Rinto was hinting that he things logic is town when he says "zombified" OR that he thought logic was tpr ANIME SPOILERS:

I never thought of the possibility of Yuki being tpr. She is the main character of the anime so I thought she would be the leader of the mafia.
May 24, 2017 5:18 PM

Dec 2014

The quote in question:
Fo said:
@CorruptedPurity - Just to be clear you aren't hard CCing rinto?

Laby-Gaga said:
Hmmmm.... wasn't expecting to be greeted by anything but confidence from CP.
Also not sure there would be need for explanations.
Why did you claim? And why do you think CP specifically would derive something from it?

He asked if I'm hard cc'ing rinto. The point of me asking the claim was not because he claimed doc but because he said zombified like it's a bad thing. He already seems to have the wrong impression on why I am questioning Rinto, meaning he does not understand what Rinto specifically did wrong. Secondly, he wasn't shocked by Lamb's claim like I was, he treated it like any other claim. So he did not see what was wrong with Rinto and Lamb's post. That's why I bumped him onto my suspicion list.
May 24, 2017 5:21 PM

Jun 2009
CorruptedPurity said:
Suzune-chan said:
Okay, I am going to go with this for now Vote: Laby-Gaga

Hmm interesting, what is the basis for this vote? I had strong suspicions of him and even though they died down by alot, there is still the gut feeling devil's advocate deep down telling me to be wary of him.
I posted it several posts back actually. I learned recently that I need to trust my intuition a little bit more because I make more mistakes if I cast it off for logic alone and that i rely more heavily on it them i realized. I first noticed Lamb in the entrance with a lighter comment. As the game moved on though I noticed this something is wrong moving through the posts by post 200 I was sure I was in the right place.

Um, let me build you a half case. One that is based a lot bit on gut and a little on facts. Tonally post 157 was the first one to catch my attention. The tone seemed unreasonably critical seeing what it was going towards, is is what made me pay a little more attention. Then this post really peaked my interest 203 because this seemed strange to question information so early and to draw attention to the fact that something was going on.

To be honest though, it was a super light and fluffy post that caught my attention. I noticed at work and I though, "Interesting thing to say, almost strained joking. Feels scummy..." that was where I first noticed it.

Edit: I remember now it was the having a baby during phase change post. Weird thing to tip me off, but something about it set the wheels in gear.
Suzune-chanMay 24, 2017 5:25 PM

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 5:21 PM

May 2015
@Suzune-chan good good. Then if you think that why did you vote for lamb?

You are going for a gut feeling over your case on grape? :/

Edit: I just saw Suzu's last post.
May 24, 2017 5:22 PM

Dec 2013
Ruu said:
so.. I counted the amount of posts you made before I voted for you: FOUR. How do you expect me not to ask more from you when only 1 of them was long enough to be relevant?
So you're asking for more posts regardless of content? I could get that if you were looking for a read but why not ask a question instead of vaguely demanding more posts?

Ruu said:
So you are a lurker.... ms doesn't like lurkers because they are not helpful.
So automatically any and all contributions I've made are null?

Ruu said:
Saying that you want to be just an observer is an easy way to avoid interacting and making mistakes when scum.
Did I say I wanted to strictly be an observer for the entire game?

Ruu said:
Are you reading the thread atm? Can you give me a read on the relevant players? ( I think I have been more active than you on that aspect also).
I spent my entire morning catching up from Page 1. What do you mean by relevant? Those that claimed? The current arguments between Logic and Grape? The disagreements between CP & AA-dono and Logic over Rinto's Zombie comment? The replacement of AA-dono and Rinto?

If so can you prove it?

Ruu said:
#1 Q: We need to talk to each other to get to determine alignments, that's the purpose of my request.
To me it seemed like you just wanted more out of me. I mentioned I would respond to any @mentions.

Ruu said:
I think we only got a cop/doc. I doubt we have any other killing roles since tpr is a serial killer.
Time will tell.

Ruu said:
I want your two cents, please give them to me or I won't be able to sort you out.
I'll get back to this. In the meantime why not share your own two cents? You were suspicious of the PR claims and then turned to me. Is it because you're still town reading too many?
May 24, 2017 5:22 PM

Jun 2009
Grapefruit21 said:
Suzune-chan said:
Nah, ask all you want. I want to be clear too. Yes, I am saying that grape is providing too much information and that is revealing a lot of the scum which makes it not helpful. It forces all the traps and potential trip ups to be lost to the wayside. We are risking pushing information overload this game and that will cause more problems because it will be web of sorting out who said what and who started what late game when we have to look back. Sometimes you have to keep your hand tipped up a little if you want to win.

So you didn't see a large risk to PRs accidentally outing themselves if I hadn't stepped in?

@CorruptedPurity turns out I was barking at shadows with Astros. I completely misunderstood one of his posts and missed another. He's not in the town block, but not in the heat of suspicion. With Abu it's the lack of impact and lack of voting in RVS.

And reading how neatly you laid the case out I'm back on suspecting Rinto!Slot. I think, but not as strongly as logic.
Nope, I like to believe that our power roles are smarter then needed. Plus given what they were talking about and the direction it was going, the mafia was unlikely to draw out power roles instead, it would be curious to see what way people responded to things. Everything is not always worst case senerio. Instead, I feel like you spoiled things...

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
May 24, 2017 5:30 PM

Dec 2016
CorruptedPurity said:

The quote in question:
Fo said:
@CorruptedPurity - Just to be clear you aren't hard CCing rinto?

Why did you claim? And why do you think CP specifically would derive something from it?

He asked if I'm hard cc'ing rinto. The point of me asking the claim was not because he claimed doc but because he said zombified like it's a bad thing. He already seems to have the wrong impression on why I am questioning Rinto, meaning he does not understand what Rinto specifically did wrong. Secondly, he wasn't shocked by Lamb's claim like I was, he treated it like any other claim. So he did not see what was wrong with Rinto and Lamb's post. That's why I bumped him onto my suspicion list.

Hmmm I thought given that he had already voted Rinto he was seeing the zombified part. The question was asked in a way that strongly implied they did not think you were counter claiming and after Laby's claim they did move their vote to Wyndz which implies that they were thrown off by it and looking to try to sort out the claim mess. But you are right that the question to Laby throws it somewhat into doubt. Hmmmmm....
May 24, 2017 5:35 PM

May 2015
> if those four posts were useful I would have no problem with them but the lack of posts also means a lack of interest in solving the game.
> You hadn't made any real contribution at that point.
> Maybe my wording wasn't clear: I was talking about wanted to be an observer for the time being.
> Relevant: players that have been on the spotlight, have contribute the most to the game. Examples: logic, grape, CP, Rinto, etc.
> If you will only respond to @ I don't know what to do. For example, I mentioned you and ask you for reads, all I got so far are questions asking me to be more specific. You don't seem interested in reading the thread at all and scum hunt...
> Haven't I share what I think? Let me then: I'm townreading a lot of people which is a problem atm so I'm trying to change my approach. Still I can tell you my strongest townread atm is CP. Logic looks too angry to get a good read on him (at least for me) because angry logic is usuallt town!logic but I think this is more irl issues than a tell. I will make a more detailed post with some scum reads.
May 24, 2017 5:37 PM

Dec 2013
@Ruu Forget what I said. Just noticed what time it was. I need to shower and get ready to sleep soon. Right now I just think town needs to square away the claims so they aren't a distraction mafia can use later on. Apart from that my reads still lay with my previous ones. Tomorrow I should hopefully have more to decide with.
May 24, 2017 5:46 PM

Dec 2013
I'll respond to these quickly since there's time.

Ruu said:
@Astros > if those four posts were useful I would have no problem with them but the lack of posts also means a lack of interest in solving the game.
You're shifting your problem between the posts themselves and the amount. That or you're just not good at getting your point across.
Ruu said:
> You hadn't made any real contribution at that point.
There are more to contributions than simply posts.
Ruu said:
> Maybe my wording wasn't clear: I was talking about wanted to be an observer for the time being.
It wasn't, it was a generalization of what I said which is why I responded in kind to get clarification.
Ruu said:
> Relevant: players that have been on the spotlight, have contribute the most to the game. Examples: logic, grape, CP, Rinto, etc.
I'll touch on them the next time I'm on.
Ruu said:
> If you will only respond to @ I don't know what to do. For example, I mentioned you and ask you for reads, all I got so far are questions asking me to be more specific. You don't seem interested in reading the thread at all and scum hunt...
Did I say I would only respond to @? I mentioned @ as that was the best way to get my attention or to ask me for my opinion while I was busy and away from the thread. Because your questions are vague and aren't simply asking for reads. I spent four hours reading the threat this morning, if you consider that not interested so be it. I can see how you can't trust my word.
Ruu said:
> Haven't I share what I think? Let me then: I'm townreading a lot of people which is a problem atm so I'm trying to change my approach. Still I can tell you my strongest townread atm is CP. Logic looks too angry to get a good read on him (at least for me) because angry logic is usuallt town!logic but I think this is more irl issues than a tell. I will make a more detailed post with some scum reads.
I'll be sure to read it in the morning. Is your new approach to target the lurkers?
May 24, 2017 5:50 PM

May 2012
/Caught up to page 7. This is suffering.

Ruu said:
@Gruffin I joined the game at 1 am so I just wanted to read what was going on, I didn't want to be MIA for so many hours. I still don't get what was the point of asking togs. Did it worked?
The point of asking Togs was to both get him thinking about my mindset and your mindset at the same time and give an opinion on it. This is great because that:
1. Gets Togs to read me
2. Gets Togs to read you
3. Gives me more insight into Togs' alignment
4. Gives me a second opinion on you
So that's 4 things from one question! So yes, it worked swimmingly.
Ruu said:
Town: CP, Grape, Togs.

Scum:logic, Rinto

The rest is still neutral to me.

vote change: Rinto

I think logic can still be useful so I'm going after Rinto first. Nobody would claim doc D1 and after rereading his last comments I'm not convinced of his towniness

Ruu said:
I'm having the opposite problem, I'm townreading too many people and that is a big problem for me atm.

Nice to see Suzu. Abu and a few more are back. Time to read the last page and make some notes! I really want us to nailed scum on D1! We have a great list of players so we should be able to.
Can you walk me through on your progression here? There's too many blanks between these two posts for me to follow your thoughts.
logic340 said:
If this continues I will replace out because you all are not making this game fun trying to break it open in the first day. Again I have faith in penta to make a game that cannot be broken in this way so if you guys mislynch town for it I will be highly upset and the fire and venom that comes of my keyboard will not be taken back. I'll risk being banned because town needs to get their shit together. For real!
logic340 said:
3. I am very annoyed but not because I am scum and he got it right. IDK since I am town here. Its' annoying because this is a game of behavioral analysis and before he gave that a try he went to the safest place for mafia to hide, mechanics and flavor.
Yeahhh threads getting into long mechnical and flavor discussion is pretty annoying, but even though that's the main topic of discussion, we can still work on reading/questioning people behaviorally while they're focused on that. I personally try to ask behaviorally-oriented questions to others who seem to be floating around doing nothing, and that usually helps me stay invested. If not, then there will be more games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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